Professor, Department of Arabic, Shahidullah Arts Building, 2nd Floor, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
- Education Summary
- M.A (Rajshahi), Ph.D (Rajshahi); Special Arabic Language Course (MU,Rabat,Morocco)
- Research Interest
- Ancient Arabic Poetry, Al-Maqamat, Arabic Short Story & Novel, South Asian Writing in Arabic,Translation Studies, Cultural and Literary Studies, History And Comparative Religion
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (PhD) |
Rajshahi University | 2008 |
Masters (M.A (Thesis)) |
Rajshahi University | 1998 |
Bachelor/Honors (B.A (Honours)) |
Rajshahi University | 1997 |
Higher Secondary (Alim) |
Bangladeh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka | 1994 |
Secondary (Dakhil) |
Bangladeh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka | 1993 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2021-07-01 to | Result not Found | PROFESSOR 2nd Grade |
2017-06-17 to 2021-06-30 | Department of Arabic | PROFESSOR |
2012-02-12 to 2017-06-16 | Department of Arabic | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR |
2007-08-23 to 2012-02-11 | Department of Arabic | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2004-08-23 to 2007-08-22 | Department of Arabic | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2007-07-16 to 2008-10-31 | Rajshahi University | Assistant proctor |
2007-07-03 to 2008-09-20 | Southeast University of Bangladesh, Rajshahi Campus | Part-time teacher |
2006-12-02 to 2007-07-10 | Shahid Habibur Rahman Hall, Rajshahi University | House Tutor |
2006-10-03 to 2007-09-30 | Department of Languages, University of Rajshahi | Part-time teacher, French Language Course |
2006-03-11 to 2008-09-30 | Asian University of Bangladesh, Rajshahi Campus | Part-time teacher |
2003-02-01 to 2004-08-02 | Weekly Arafat, Dhaka | Sub-editor |
1. |
"মহাকবি ইমরুউল কায়স
(Great Poet Imru’l Qais)"
Arabic Academy, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, February 2019, (ISBN 978-984-35-0165-3), Published by Arabic Academy, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: February 2019
2. |
"আরবি সাহিত্যে ইসলামি ভাবধারা
(Islamic Trend of thought in Arabic Literature)"
February 2017, (ISBN 978-984-34-1954-5), Published by Porilekhh, Rajshahi.
Published: February 2017
3. |
"المقامة نشأتها و تطورها عبر العصور
(Origin and Development of Al Maqamah)"
January, 2017, (ISBN 978-984-34-1953-8), Published by Arabic Academy, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: January 2017
4. |
August, 2010 (ISBN 978-984-33-1927-2), Published by Centre For Islamic Research, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
"ناصيف اليازجى حياته وعصره
(Nasif al-Yaziji: His Life & Time)"
Published: August 2010
5. |
"حسان بن ثابت شعره فى الفتوحات الاسلامية
(Hassan Ibn Thabit: His Poetry towards the Islamic Conquests)"
July, 2010 (ISBN 978-984-33-1926-5), Published by Centre For Islamic Education and Research Promotion (CIERP), Kushtia, Bangladesh.
Published: July 2010
1. |
"الشعر و الشعراء فى كتاب العمدة لابن رشيق القيروانى
(Poetics in Kitab al Umdah by Ibn Rashiq)"
Research Journal (ISSN 1813-0402), Special Issue, Vol. 2, International Conference, Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh,
Published: December 2019
2. |
"ابن حجر العسقلانى و عبقريته الشعرية
(Ibn Hajr al Asqalani and his Poetic genius)"
Arabic Research Journal (ISSN 2518-5578), Vol. 6, June, 2019, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: June 2019
3. |
"الإسلاميات فى أدب على أحمد باكثير
(Islamism in the Literature of Ali Ahmad Bakasir)"
Arabic Research Journal (ISSN 2518-5578), Vol. 4 & 5, June, 2018, (PP. 1-10),Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: June 2018
4. |
"আল-আখতালের কবিতা: বিষয়বৈচিত্র্য ও শৈলী
(Poetry of Al-Akhtal : Subject & Style)"
Research Journal (ISSN 1813-0402), Vol. 23, 2017 (PP. 163-170), Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: June 2017
5. |
"মুসলিম চেতনা ও মানস গঠনে মাসিক ‘তর্জুমানুল হাদীছ’ এর ঐতিহাসিক ভূমিকা
(Historical role of Tarjumanul Hadith to build Muslim's)"
Dhaka: Tarjumanul Hadith, 2016.
Published: December 2016
6. |
"بديع الزمان سعيد النورسى: إسهاماته فى الفكر الاسلامى
(Badiuzzaman Saeed An Nursi: His Contribution to Islamic Thought)"
Islamic Studies Research Journal (ISSN 2074-4420), Vol. 10, 2016-17, (PP.197-214), Department of Islamic Studies, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: November 2016
7. |
"হাফিয ইবরাহীমের কবিতায় কুরআনের প্রভাব
(Influence of al-Quran in the Poems of Hafiz Ibrahim )"
Prekkhan, Dhaka, (ISSN 1816-8132), Special Issue, Vol. 41, Number: 3-4, 2015 (PP.164-173).
Published: December 2015
8. |
"نجيب الكيلانى:مساهمته فى الأدب الإسلامى
(Najib Al-Kilani: His Contribution to Islamic Literature)"
Islamic Studies Research Journal (ISSN 2074-4420), Vol. 08, 2015, (PP.79-90), Department of Islamic Studies, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2015
9. |
"Naseem Hijazi: A Novelist of Historical Pursuit"
Book of Abstracts, 3rd International Conference organized by The Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation ,Dhaka, December 2015.
Published: December 2015
10. |
"চট্রগ্রামে আরবি চর্চার সূচনা ও বিকাশ
(Origin and Development of Cultivation of Arabic in Chittagong )"
Chittagong: History and Heritage (ISBN 978-984-33-9842-0), Vol. 01, November, 2015 (PP.37-48), Bangladesh Historical Association.
Published: November 2015
11. |
"নাজীব কীলানীর উপন্যাসে নারী চরিত্র
(Woman in the Novel's of Najib Al Kilani )"
Rajshahi University Journal of Arts & Law (ISSN 2309-0898), Vol. 43, 2015 (PP.67-73), Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: January 2015
12. |
"মুহাম্মাদ আসাদ: ইসলামী পুনর্জাগরণের বহুমুখী রূপকার
(Muhammad Asad: A Multi Dimensional Maker of Islamic Renaissance)"
Islamic Studies Research Journal (ISSN 2074-4420),Vol.7 June, 2014, (PP.39-50), Department of Islamic Studies, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2014
13. |
"محمد بن إدريس الشافعى : حياته و شاعريته
(Muhammad Ibn Idris Ash- Shafiyee : His Life and Poetic Genius )"
Arabic Research Journal (ISSN 2518-5578), Vol. 1, 2013, (PP.59-66),Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: November 2013
14. |
"আরব-বাংলা সম্পর্কের সূচনাপর্ব (সারাংশ)
(Early Relation between Arabia and Bengl)"
Itihas Anusandhan (ISBN 978-81-910874-3-7), Vol. 27, 2013, (P. 323), Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad, West Bengal, India.
Published: June 2013
15. |
"বিশ শতকে বাংলায় মুসলিম সংস্কার আন্দোলনে আহলে হাদীস আন্দোলন
(20th Century's Muslim Reform Movement in Bengal and Ahl al Hadith Movement)"
Journal of the Itihas Academy (ISSN: 2221-5433), Vol.2; Number-2, March-2013, (PP.187-194) Itihas Academy, Dhaka.
Published: March 2013
16. |
"আদোনিস : জীবন ও কাব্য ভাবনা
(Adonise : His Life and Poetic Genius )"
Research Journal (ISSN 1813-0402),Vol.19, 2013-2014 (PP.295-304), Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: January 2013
17. |
"মাসিক ‘তর্জুমানুল হাদীছ’ এবং বাংগালী মুসলিম সংস্কার চেতনা
(Monthly Tarjumanul Hadith and Perception of Bengali Muslim about Reforms)"
Itihas Probandhamala, (ISSN 1995-1000), Issue-2012, (PP. 370-375), Itihas Academy-Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2012
18. |
"মনীষী আব্দুল্লাহেল কাফীর সংস্কার চিন্তা: একটি পর্যালোচনা
(Abdullahil Kafi and his thought of Reforms: An Overview)"
Itihas Anusandhan (ISBN 978-81-910874-2-0), Vol. 26, 2012, (PP. 804-814), Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad, West Bengal, India.
Published: November 2012
19. |
"আরবী গদ্য সাহিত্য বিকাশে কুরআন ও হাদীসের প্রভাব
(Influence of al-Quran and al-Hadith to Development of Arabic Prose)"
Islamic Studies Research Journal (ISSN 2074-4420), Vol.6 October, 2012, (PP.65-72), Department of Islamic Studies, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: October 2012
20. |
"মাহমূদ দারবীশ: আধুনিক আরবী কাব্যে তাঁর অবদান
(Mahmud Darwish: His Contribution to Modern Arabic Poetry)"
Rajshahi University Journal of Arts & Law (ISSN 2309-0898), Vol. 40, 2012 (PP.37-48), Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2012
21. |
"আল-বূসীরী রচিত কাসীদাহ আল-বুরদাহ ও রাসূল (সা.) প্রশস্তি
[(Qasidah al-Burdah of al-Busiri and Commendation of the Prophet (PBUH)]"
Journal of Dr. Serajul Haque Islamic Research Centre, Vol. 5, January-June, 2012, (PP.157-168), Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published: January 2012
22. |
"বাংলায় আরবী চর্চার সূচনা ও বিকাশ (১৭৫৭খৃ.পর্যন্ত)
(Cultivation of Arabic in Bengal up to 1757A.D)"
Itihas Anusandhan (ISBN 978-81-910874-1-3), Vol. 25, 2011, (PP. 265-270), Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad, West Bengal, India.
Published: December 2011
23. |
"আরবী গদ্যের উদ্ভব ও বিকাশ (আব্বাসী যুগ পর্যন্ত)
(Origin and Development of Arabic Prose up to Abbasid era)"
Journal of the Islamic Foundation (ISSN 207, Vol. 51, Issue:2, October-December, 2011, (PP.27-37), Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh.
Published: December 2011
24. |
"ব্রিটিশ শাসনামলে বাংলায় আরবি চর্চা
(Cultivation of Arabic in Bengal Under the British Period)"
Itihas Probandhamala, (ISSN1995-1000), Issue-2011, (PP.v238-246), Itihas Academy-Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published: November 2011
25. |
"حسان بن ثابت و دوره فى شعر الغزوات
(Hassan Ibn Thabit and his Contribution to Gajwah Poems)"
Islamic Studies Research Journal (ISSN 2074-4420), Vol. 05, August 2011, (PP.58-72), Department of Islamic Studies, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: August 2011
26. |
"আল-ফারাযদাকের কবিতায় ইসলামী চেতনা
(Islamic Spirit in the Poems of Al-Farazdaq)"
Islamic Studies Research Journal (ISSN 2074-4420), Vol. 4, July, 2010, (PP.169-175), Department of Islamic Studies, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: July 2010
27. |
"محمود درويش: حياته و شاعريته
(Mahmud Darwish: His Life and Poetic Genius)"
Islamic Research Journal (ISSN 2072-9162), Vol.5, June, 2010 (PP.10-20), Centre for Islamic Research, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2010
28. |
"মুহাম্মাদ ইবন আলী আশ-শাওকানী : জীবন ও তাফসীর চর্চা (Muhammad Ibn Ali Ash-Shawqani: His Life and Contribution to Tafsir)"
Research Journal (ISSN 1813-0402), Vol.14, 2008-2009 (PP.83-94), Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2009
29. |
"المقامة: نشأتها و تطورها فى الادب العربى
(Al-Maqamah: Its Origin and Development in Arabic Literature)"
Islamic Research Journal (ISSN 2072-9162), Vol. 3, November-2008, (PP.47-61), Centre for Islamic Research, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: November 2008
30. |
"মুস্তফা কামিল: আধুনিক আরবী সাহিত্যে তাঁর অবদান (Mustafa Kamil: His Contribution to Modern Arabic Literature)"
Rajshahi University Journal of Arts & Law (ISSN 1681-0694), Vol.35,2007(PP.363-371), Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2007
31. |
"নাসীফ আল-ইয়াযিজী : মাকামা সাহিত্যে তাঁর অবদান (Nasif al-Yaziji : His Contribution to Maqamah Literature)"
Rajshahi University Studies,Part-A (ISSN 168-0694), Vol. 34, 2006 (PP.239-248), Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2006
32. |
"শরফুদ্দীন আল-বূসীরীর ও তাঁর কাসীদাহ আল-বুরদাহ ঃ পর্যালোচনা ও মূল্যায়ন (Sharfuddin al-Busiri and his Qasidah al-Burdah: An Overview)"
Research Journal (ISSN 1813-0402),Vol. 11, 2005-2006 (PP.47-59), Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2006
33. |
"ইমরুউল কায়স: জীবন ও সাহিত্য (Imru’l Qais: Life and Works)"
Journal of Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 1811-1564), Vol. 3, Number-01, January-2006 (PP.84-97), SSHL, Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Published: January 2006
34. |
"আরবী ভাষা ও সাহিত্যে আল-কোরআন ও আল-হাদীসের প্রভাব
(The influence of Al-Quran & Al-Hadith on Arabic Language & Literature)"
Dhaka: Arafat, 02 December.
Published: December 2002
35. |
"কবি ও কবিতা সম্পর্কে হযরত ওমর (রা) এর দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি
(The Perspective view of Hazrat Omar towards Poets and Poems)"
Chittagong: Monthly At- Tawheed, March 2000 .
Published: March 2000
Arabic NovelB.A (Hon's) 2nd Year, Course No-203
Arabic Rhetoric and ProsodyB.A (Hon's), 3rd Year, Course No-305
Science of Arabic TranslationB.A (Hon's), 4th Year, Course No-406
Classical Arabic PoetryM.A, Course No-503
Arabic Prose (Maqalah)B.A Honours, 2nd year 1st Semester, Course No. 203
Conferences/ Seminars
- Attended in a two-day International Conference on "Arabic Language Processing” organized by The Institute for Studies and Research on Arabization, Rabat, Kingdome of Morocco on May 4-5, 2009.
- Attended in a three-day International Seminar on " Modern Trend in Linguistic and literary Studies” organized by The International Islamic University, Kualalampur, Malaysia on September 28-30, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper on "عبد الرحمن الكاشغرى: حياته و شاعريته"in a Two-day International Conference on " The Arabic and Persian Poetry in India ” organized by The Department of Arabic and Persiaan, University of Calcutta, India on February 24-25, 2014.
- Attended in a Two-day International Seiminar on "Orientalism: Past and Present" organized by The Department of Arabic, Aliah University, Kolkata, India on February 17-18, 2014.
- Presented a paper on "بديع الزمان سعيد نورسى و أفكاره القرآنية"in a Two-day International Conference on " The Concept of Quran in the Risale-I Nur ” Jointly organized by The Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture and Department of Arabic, Aliah University, Kolkata, India held on February 12-13, 2015.
- Attended and presented a paper on "على أحمد باكثير: رائد المسرحية الاسلامية العربية"in a Two-day International Conference on " Arabic Prose in 20th century ” organized by The Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India on February 18-19, 2016.
- Participated in a two-day International Conference on "Islam, Education and Development” organized by The International Islamic University Chittagong held on September 17-18, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ evsjvi ivRbxwZ‡Z Avwjg mgv‡Ri f‚wgKv (1900-1961)Ó in a Three-day Annual Conference organized by The Paschimbaga Itihas Samsad, Kolkata, India on January 24-26, 2013.
- Attended in a three-day International Conference organized by The Indian History Congress held at Gour Banga University, Malda, India on February 11-13, 2011.
- Participated and Presented a paper on "Religious-Cultural Relation between Arabia and Bengal up to Sultani Period" organized by The Indian History Congress held at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India on December 10-13, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ Position of Salafists in the post Arab spring Politics of Middle EastÓ in a three-day International Conference organized by The Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation held at Dhaka on October 22-24, 2014.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ ev½vjx mgvR I ms¯‹…wZ‡Z Aviexi cÖfveÓ in 2nd International Congress of Bengal Studies organized by The International Society of Bengal Studies held at Dhaka University on December 17-20, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ ¯^vaxb nvq`vivev`: GKwU HwZnvwmK ch©v‡jvPbvÓ in a two-day Biannual Conference organized by The Bangladesh History Association at Khulna University on November 22-23, 2012.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ Avie DcØx‡ci mv‡_ evsjvi m¤ú‡K©i m~Pbv: GKwU HwZnvwmK ch©v‡jvPbvÓ in a day long International Conference organized by The Itihas Academy, Dhaka at Asiatic Society of Bangldesh, Dhaka on February, 08 2013.
- Participated and Presented a paper on" Partition of Bengal and Contemporary Muslim Reaction" organized by The Indian History Congress held at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, India on December 28-30, 2013.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ gybkx ingvb Avjx Zvqk I Zvui ZvIqvwi‡L XvKv: GKwU ch©‡eÿYÓ in a Three-day Annual Conference organized by The Paschimbaga Itihas Samsad, Kolkata held at North 24 Pargana, India on January 24-26, 2014.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ gvIjvbv †gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgvb Gmjvgvev`x I Zvui ms¯‹vi †PZbvÓ in a two-day International Conference on " The Regional History and Traditions of Chittagong" organized by Department of History, Chittagong University at Chittagong on November 14-15, 2015.
- Attended in a day long annual Conference organized by The Bangladesh Itihas Parishad at Dhaka University on May 23, 2015.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ Dcgnv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv msMÖvg Ges Avwjg mgvRÓ in a two-day Biannual Conference organized by The Bangladesh History Association at NAEM, Dhaka on May 15-16, 2015.
- Attended in two day International Seminar on "History, Culture and Ethnicity organized by The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh at Dhaka held on November 29-30, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ wkLv cwÎKvq Aviex fvlv-mvwnZ¨ I Bmjvg cÖm½Ó in a day long International Conference organized by The Itihas Academy, Dhaka the National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM), Dhaka on August 28 2015.
- Attended and presented a paper on "Naseem Hijazi: A Novelist of Historical Pursuit" in a three-day International Conference organized by The Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation held at Dhaka on December 10-12, 2015.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ ‡gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgvb Gmjvgvev`xi wkÿv fvebvÓ in a Three-day Annual Conference organized by The Paschimbaga Itihas Samsad, Kolkata held at North 24 Pargana, India on January 24-26, 2016.
- Participated and Presented a paper on "Chach Namah: Text and Context" organized by The Indian History Congress held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India on December 28-30, 2014.
- Participated in a three-day international seminar on "Architectural and Cultural Heritage of India through ages" organized by The Institute of Historical Studies, India held at Lyallpur Khalsa College for Women, Jalandhar, Punjab, India on March 26-29, 2015.
- Attended in a day long Golden Jubilee Conference organized by The The Bangladesh History Association at Dhaka University on December 09, 2016.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ ew`D¾vgvb mvC` b~imxi wPšÍvaviv Ges Zzi‡¯‹i Bmjvgx cybR©vMiYÓ in a two-day Golden Jubilee Conference organized by The Bangladesh Itihas Parishad at Dhaka University on April 30 and May 01, 2016.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ mvZPwjø‡ki †`kfvM: †`Ie›`x Avwjg‡`i f‚wgKvÓ in a day long International Conference organized by The Itihas Academy, Dhaka the National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM), Dhaka on February 19, 2016.
- Participated and Presented a paper on "Influence of British Policy on the Educational System of Bengal" organized by The Indian History Congress held at Mumbai University, Mumbai, India on December 28-30, 2012.
- Attended and presented a paper on Òbmxg wnRvhxi Dcb¨v‡m BwZnv‡mi Dcv`vbÓ in a day long International Conference organized by The Itihas Academy, Dhaka at the National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM), Dhaka on February 14, 2014.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ wek kZ‡Ki Bmjvgx cybR©vMiY Ges gynv¤§v` Avmv`Ó in a two-day Golden Jubilee Conference organized by The Bangladesh Itihas Parishad at Dhaka University on May 20-21, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper on Òevsjvq Aviex PP©v (1757-1947)Ó in a day long International Conference organized by The Itihas Academy, Dhaka at the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka on February 27, 2010.
- Participated and Presented a paper on "Contribution of the Bengali Scholars to Arabic studies in 19th Century" organized by The Indian History Congress held at University of Gour Banga , Malda, India on December 27-29, 2015.
- Participated and Presented a paper on "Fatuhat-e- Firujshahi: Text and Context" organized by The Indian History Congress held at University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India on December 28-30, 2016.
- Attended and presented a paper on Òwek kZ‡K evsjvq gymwjg ms¯‹vi Av‡›`vjb: cÖm½ Avn‡j nv`xm Av‡›`vjbÓ in a day long International Conference organized by The Itihas Academy, Dhaka at the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka on February 17, 2012.
- Attended and presented a paper on ÒgvwmK ZR©ygvbyj nv`xQ Ges ev½vjx gymwjg ms¯‹vi †PZbvÓ in a day long International Conference organized by The Itihas Academy, Dhaka at the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka on February 18, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ ga¨cÖv‡P¨i mv¤úªwZK ivR‰bwZK NUbv cªevn Ges mvjvdxev‡`i DÌvb: GKwU ZvwË¡K ch©v‡jvPbvÓ in a Three-day Annual Conference organized by The Paschimbaga Itihas Samsad held at University of Calcutta, India on January 22-24, 2015.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ Avie-evsjv m¤ú‡K©i m~Pbv ce©Ó in a Three-day Annual Conference organized by The Paschimbaga Itihas Samsad held at Kolkata, India on January 24-26, 2012.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ gbxlx Avãyjøv‡nj Kvdxi ms¯‹vi wPšÍv: GKwU ch©v‡jvPbvÓ in a Three-day Annual Conference organized by The Paschimbaga Itihas Samsad held at at University of Calcutta, India on January 24-26, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper onÒ evsjvq AviexPP©vi m~Pbv I weKvkÓ in a Three-day Annual Conference organized by The Paschimbaga Itihas Samsad held at North Bengal University, India on January 24-26, 2010.
- Attended in a day long 47th Annual International Conference organized by The Bangladesh Itihas Parishad at Dhaka University on April 28, 2017.
- Participated As a Resource Person and presented a paper on "India in the writings of Al Maswoodi" in a Two-day International Conference on organized by The Department of History, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India on March 8-9, 2017.
Session chaired
1. Chaired a session in a Two-day International Conference on " Arabic Prose in 20th century ” organized by The Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India on February 18-19, 2016.
Lectures Delivered
1.Delivered a Special lecture on ”تأثير سياسات الحكم البريطانى على النظام التعليمى فى البنغال“ (Influence of British Policy on the educational System of Bengal) 0n 21 May 2009 organized by the Department of History, University of King Hasan-II, Casablanca, Kingdome of Morocco.
2. Delivered a Special lecture on “ اللغة العربية فى بنغلاديش ماضيها و حاضرها” (Arabic Language in Bangladesh: Past and Present) 0n 9th March 2017 organized by the Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India.
3. Delivered a Special lecture on “ محمود درويش: شاعر الوطن” (Mahmud Darwish: A Nationalist Poet) 0n 28th January 2019 organized by the Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India.
- Attended a day-long Workshop organized by World Assembly of Muslim Youth, Dhaka Office on “Teaching Arabic in Bangladesh” on November, 2009.
- Attended a day-long Workshop organized by Bangladesh Law Research and Legal Aid Centre on “Islamic Law” on February 24, 2011.
- Participated a day-long Workshop organized by Central Library University of Rajshahi on “Eletronic and online Resource: Access and Utilization” on August 30, 2016.
Additional Academic qualifications and other Skills
Name of Examination |
Duration |
Grp./Deptt |
Board/University |
Division/Class |
Arabic Language course (2008-2009) |
1 Year |
Faculty of Education |
Muhammad-V University Souissi, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco |
Successfully Completed |
Arabic Language & Cultural training Course (held in Dhaka in 1997) |
1 Month |
----- |
Islamic University of Madina, K.S.A. |
Excellent Grade |
Special Arabic Language Course (held in Rajshahi in1998) |
1 Month |
----- |
Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation K.S.A. |
Excellent Grade |
Modern Persian Junior Certificate Course |
1 Year |
Languages |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh |
1st Division |
Modern Arabic Certificate Course |
1 Year |
Arabic |
Rajshahi University Bangladesh |
1st Division |
Urdu Certificate Course |
1 Year |
Languages |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh |
1st Division |
French Certificate Course |
1 Year |
Languages |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh |
1st Division |
German Certificate Course |
1 Year |
Languages |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh |
1st Division |
Modern Persian Senior Certificate Course |
1 Year |
Languages |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh |
1st Division |
German Senior Certificate Course |
1 Year |
Languages |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh |
1st Division |
Kamil (Adab) |
2 Years |
Arabic Literature |
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board |
1st Division |
Language Proficiency : Bangla, Arabic, English, French, Urdu, Persian & German.
Computer Skills : Proficiency in word processing and Internet browsing.e &
Membership of Professional Bodies
1. Life
Member, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
2. Life Member, Bangla Academy.
3. Life Member, Universal League of Islamic Literature, Saudi Arabia.
4. Life
Member, Indian History
5. Life Member, Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad (West-Bengal Historical Society).
6. Life
Member, Institute of
Historical Studies, India.
7. Member, International Society of Bengal Studies, India.
8. Life Member, Bangladesh Itihash Samiti (Bangladesh Historical Society).
9. Life Member, Bangladesh Itihash Parisad (Bangladesh Historical Association).
10. Life Member, Bangladesh Itihas Academy-Dhaka.
11. Life Member, Rajshahi University Alumni Association.
12. Life Member, Farrukh Research Foundation.
13. Honorary Member, IBS Alumni Association, Rajshahi University.
14. Member, Roots History and Folklore Research Society.
15. Member, Bangladesh Islamic Center.
16. Member, Bangladesh Islamic Law Research and Legal Aid Center.
17. Member, Center for Islamic Research, Rajshahi.
Awards & Achievements
1. Awarded two Gold Medal for the brilliant result in B.A. (Hons.) & M.A. in Arabic from Agrani Bank.
2. Awarded Gold Medal for the brilliant result in B.A.(Hons.) From Mother Bakhs Hall, Rajshahi University.
3. Winner of the ‘Akbar Hosain Scholarship’ for Securing the Highest Marks in the University at the B.A. (Hons.) Examination of the year 1997 from Rajshahi University.
4. Winner of the ‘Nurjahan Nessa Prize’ for Securing the Highest Marks in the University at the B.A. (Hons.) Examination of the year 1997 from Rajshahi University
5. Awarded ‘Musammat Sajeda Begom stipend’ for standing 1st in 1st Class in B.A. (Hons.) from Rajshahi University.
6. Awarded ‘Salahuddin Ahmad Merit scholarship’ for Securing the Highest Marks in the Faculty of Arts in M.A. Examination of the year 1998 from Rajshahi University.
7. Awarded Scholarship for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Arabic from Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University (1997-1998).
8. Participated in a ‘Basic General Course’ conducted by Bangladesh Fire service & civil defence Department, Rajshahi in 1999.
9. Secured First position in an essay competition organized by the Cultural Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy, Dhaka in 1998.
10. B.N.C.C. Cadet, Rajshahi University ( 1997-1999 ) .
11. Reporter, the Monthly ‘Songskar’, Dhaka (1998 -2004).
12.Attended a five days training programme in Arabic for Non Native Arabic Teachers from 2 to 6 June 2012 organized by Arabic for all Foundation, K.S.A at Dhaka University.
13. Completed Certificate in National Skill Standard Basic course form Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute conducted by Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka in 2011 and secured A+ Grade.
Social and Cultural Activities
1. Member, Central Executive Committee, Tamaddun Majlis Bangladesh.
2. Member, Central Executive Committee, Bangladesh Nodi Bachao Andolon.
3. Executive Director, Centre for Heritage Studies.
4. Executive Director, Arabic Academy Bangladesh.
5. Joint Secretary, Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought, Rajshahi Chapter.
6. Joint Secretary, Allama Iqbal Research forum, Bangladesh.
7. Ex Joint Secretary, Nationalist Teachers Forum, Rajshahi University.
8. Secretary, Tamaddun Majlis Bangladesh, Rajshahi Unit.
9. Secretary, Shato Nagorik, Rajshahi Unit.
10. Secretary, International Farakka Committee, Rajshahi Unit.
11. President, Bangladesh Nodi Bachao Andolon.
12. Asst. Organizing Secretary, Shammilito Peshajibi Parishad, Rajshahi Unit.
13. Ex President, Jamiyat Shubban Ahl al Hadith Bangladesh.