Not Available
Department of Arabic, 2nd Floor, Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah Academic Building, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
- Education Summary
- B.A. Honours, M.A (Arabic), Ph.D. (RU)
- Research Interest
- Quality Development of Islamic Education & Research, Curriculum Development, Arabic Language Teaching, Arabic Translation and Interpretation
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (Ph. D Degree) |
Rajshahi University | 2018 |
Masters (M. A.) |
Rajshahi University | 2009 |
Bachelor/Honors (B. A.) |
Rajshahi University | 2009 |
Higher Secondary (Alim) |
Bnagladesh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka | 2004 |
Secondary (Dhakil) |
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka | 2002 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2020-03-03 to | Department of Arabic | Associate Professor |
2016-01-05 to 2020-03-02 | Department of Arabic | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2013-01-05 to 2016-01-04 | Department of Arabic | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Not Available
1. |
Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque
"মাহমূদ দারবীশের কবিতায় ইসরাইলি আগ্রাসন (Israeli Aggression in the Poems of Mahmud Darwish),"
Rajshahi University journal of arts & law, ISSN 2309-0898, University of Rajshahi, Vol. 51 (2023) pp. 71-91
ISSN 2309-0898
Published: July 2023
2. |
Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque
"মাহমূদ দারবীশের কাব্যচর্চা: ধারা ও প্রকৃতি (Poetry of Mahmud Darwish: Trends and Nature),"
Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN: 1813-0402, Vol: 33, Jun-2022
Published: June 2022
3. |
Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque
"বিংশ শতাব্দীতে মিসরে আরবী নাট্যসাহিত্যের বিকাশ: একটি পর্যালোচনা
(Development of Arabic Dramatic Literature in Egypt in the Twentieth Century: An Overview)"
Rajshahi University journal of arts & law, ISSN 2309-0898, University of Rajshahi, Vol. 49 (2021), pp. 113-127
Published: August 2021
4. |
Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque
"জুরজী যায়দানের উপন্যাস আল আব্বাসা: ঐতিহাসিক বিশ্লেষণ
(Jurji Zaydan's Novel Al Abbasa: A Historical Analysis)"
Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN: 1813-0402, Vol: 31, Jun-2021, Page: 171-186
Published: July 2021
5. |
Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque
"আহমদ শাওকীর সাহিত্যকর্ম: পর্যালোচনা ও মূল্যায়ন (Literary Works of Ahmad Shawqi: Review and Appraisal)"
Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN: 1813-0402, Vol: 27, June-2019
Published: June 2019
6. |
Md. Sazidul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic,
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
"أحمد شوقي: رائد الشعـر المسرحي في الأدب العربي
(Ahmed Shawqi: The Pioneer of Poetic Drama in Arabic Literature)"
Arabic Research Journal, Vol: 04-05, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. ISSN: 2518-5578
Published: June 2018
7. |
Md. Sazidul Haque
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
"أبو مسلم الخراساني: البطل العظيم للدعـوة العباسية
(Abū Muslim al-Khurāsāni: The Great Hero of the Abbasid Movement)"
Arabic Research Journal, Vol: 02-03. Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. ISSN: 2518-5578
Published: December 2017
8. |
Md. Sazidul Haque
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
"হাফিজ ইবরবহীমের কবিতায় মিসরের স্বাধীনতা আন্দোলন: একটি সাহিত্য পাঠ
(The Independence Movement of Egypt in the Poetry of Hafiz Ibrahim)"
Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN : 1813-0402
Published: December 2017
1. |
Md. Sazidul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
"الــشعـر المـســرحـي فـي الأدب الــعــربـي: دراســة تـحـلـيـلــيـة
(Dramatic Poetry in Arabic Literature: An Analytical Study)"
International Islamic University Malaysia
Published: October 2018
2. |
Md. Sazidul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic,
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
"পারিবারিক বন্ধন উন্নয়নে নৈতিকতা ও মূল্যবোধের প্রয়োজনীয়তা: পরিপ্রেক্ষিত বাংলাদেশ
(Importance of Morality and Ethics towards Development of Family Relationship: The Bangladesh Perspective)"
Asian University of Bangladesh
Published: October 2018
Not Available
Award & Scholarship
Prime Minister Gold Medal-2010
Agrani Bank Gold Medal-2014
Shahid Samduzzoha Hall Gold Medal-2012
University Grants Commission Scholarship
Member of Researchgate">Sazidul Haque on ResearchGate