

Department of Arabic, 2nd Floor, Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah Academic Building, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.


Education Summary  
B.A. Honours, M.A (Arabic), Ph.D. (RU)

Research Interest  
Quality Development of Islamic Education & Research, Curriculum Development, Arabic Language Teaching, Arabic Translation and Interpretation
Level Institution Year
(Ph. D Degree)
Rajshahi University 2018
(M. A.)
Rajshahi University 2009
(B. A.)
Rajshahi University 2009
Higher Secondary
Bnagladesh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka 2004
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka 2002

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2020-03-03 to Department of Arabic Associate Professor
2016-01-05 to 2020-03-02 Department of Arabic ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2013-01-05 to 2016-01-04 Department of Arabic LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Not Available


1. Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque "মাহমূদ দারবীশের কবিতায় ইসরাইলি আগ্রাসন (Israeli Aggression in the Poems of Mahmud Darwish)," Rajshahi University journal of arts & law, ISSN 2309-0898, University of Rajshahi, Vol. 51 (2023) pp. 71-91 ISSN 2309-0898

Published: July 2023
2. Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque "মাহমূদ দারবীশের কাব্যচর্চা: ধারা ও প্রকৃতি (Poetry of Mahmud Darwish: Trends and Nature)," Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN: 1813-0402, Vol: 33, Jun-2022

Published: June 2022
3. Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque "বিংশ শতাব্দীতে মিসরে আরবী নাট্যসাহিত্যের বিকাশ: একটি পর্যালোচনা (Development of Arabic Dramatic Literature in Egypt in the Twentieth Century: An Overview)" Rajshahi University journal of arts & law, ISSN 2309-0898, University of Rajshahi, Vol. 49 (2021), pp. 113-127

Published: August 2021
4. Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque "জুরজী যায়দানের উপন্যাস আল আব্বাসা: ঐতিহাসিক বিশ্লেষণ (Jurji Zaydan's Novel Al Abbasa: A Historical Analysis)" Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN: 1813-0402, Vol: 31, Jun-2021, Page: 171-186

Published: July 2021
5. Dr. Md. Sazidul Haque "আহমদ শাওকীর সাহিত্যকর্ম: পর্যালোচনা ও মূল্যায়ন (Literary Works of Ahmad Shawqi: Review and Appraisal)" Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN: 1813-0402, Vol: 27, June-2019

Published: June 2019
6. Md. Sazidul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh "أحمد شوقي: رائد الشعـر المسرحي في الأدب العربي (Ahmed Shawqi: The Pioneer of Poetic Drama in Arabic Literature)" Arabic Research Journal, Vol: 04-05, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. ISSN: 2518-5578

Published: June 2018
7. Md. Sazidul Haque Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Rajshahi University, Bangladesh "أبو مسلم الخراساني: البطل العظيم للدعـوة العباسية (Abū Muslim al-Khurāsāni: The Great Hero of the Abbasid Movement)" Arabic Research Journal, Vol: 02-03. Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. ISSN: 2518-5578

Published: December 2017
8. Md. Sazidul Haque Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Rajshahi University, Bangladesh "হাফিজ ইবরবহীমের কবিতায় মিসরের স্বাধীনতা আন্দোলন: একটি সাহিত্য পাঠ (The Independence Movement of Egypt in the Poetry of Hafiz Ibrahim)" Research Journal, Arts Faculty. Rajshahi University. ISSN : 1813-0402

Published: December 2017


1. Md. Sazidul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh "الــشعـر المـســرحـي فـي الأدب الــعــربـي: دراســة تـحـلـيـلــيـة (Dramatic Poetry in Arabic Literature: An Analytical Study)" International Islamic University Malaysia

Published: October 2018
2. Md. Sazidul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh "পারিবারিক বন্ধন উন্নয়নে নৈতিকতা ও মূল্যবোধের প্রয়োজনীয়তা: পরিপ্রেক্ষিত বাংলাদেশ (Importance of Morality and Ethics towards Development of Family Relationship: The Bangladesh Perspective)" Asian University of Bangladesh

Published: October 2018
Not Available

Award & Scholarship

Prime Minister Gold Medal-2010

Agrani Bank Gold Medal-2014

Shahid Samduzzoha Hall Gold Medal-2012

University Grants Commission Scholarship

Member of Researchgate">Sazidul Haque on ResearchGate

Not Available