- Introduction to Folklore, Folklor Research methodology - 1, Folklore research methodolgy - 2, Bangladesh studies studies, Folklore archaology and museology, International folkloristics, Field research and Report writing.
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pkkanak@ru.ac.bd ; Kanakpkru@gmail.com ; Personal web: http://www.kanakpkfolk.info/author/folkrupk2017/ : pkkanak(AT)ru(DOT)ac(DOT)bd; Kanakpkru(AT)gmail(DOT)com, Please replace “(AT)” with “@” and “(DOT)” with “(.)” when sending email.
Office: Department of Folklore, Ground floor, Sayed Ismail hossain Siraji academic building, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh. Personal Chamber office: Shakher Hari, Room. no. 336/A, Sayed Ismail hossain Siraji academic building, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh. web: http://www.kanakpkfolk.info/author/folkrupk2017/
- Education Summary
- Dr. MD. Amirul Islam is currently an Associate Professor at Department of folklore in the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Rajshahi (RU) in Bangladesh. Dr. Islam received his undergraduate degree as well as his BA (honours) & Post graduate (Master) degree in folklore from University of Rajshahi – BD, and his PhD in Social Sciences from University of Rajshahi – Bangladesh. Dr. Amirul Islam published a number of books, papers in preferred Journals and chapters in books, and participated in a range of forums on Folk-culture, history, literature and philosophy. He also presented various academic as well as research-based papers and participated as resource person at several national and international conferences including the International Conference on Basic folklore at Vatter college, Dantan, India, February 2023; Inclusive folklore conference at West Midnapur, West Bengal, India, 2018; the International Conference on Bangladesh Historical society, 2019; the International Conference on Social Sciences, 2018, Bangladesh. He also participated at folklore summer School, 2015, Bangla Academy, – Dhaka, Bangladesh; and participated at the workshop on intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, 2014, at department of Archaeology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Editor of Medha, A literary magazine of Chalanbim Medhabikash foundation, Bangladesh. Editorial member of Lokovumi, Sub-editor of language, literature and culture research journal. His other areas of specialization include Neuro folklore, Maritime folklore and Enclave exclave folklore. He has many publications and is presently working on many more papers. He is a poet, short story and fiction writer on the basis of Local history, Indigenous people, society, culture and philosophy. For detail: http://www.kanakpkfolk.info. Has been working in many co-curricular activities: Experiences: 1. Associate professor, from 2020-10-01 to till now, Assistant professor from 2014-01-05 to 2020-09-30, lecturer from 2013-01-05 to 2014-01-04, Department of folklore, University of Rajshahi. 2. Serving as house tutor at Madar bux Hall, Rajshahi University from 2021-09- 27 to till now; 3. Sub-editor, language-literature-culture research centre journal, University of Rajshahi. 4. Served three years as house tutor at Nawab Abdul Latif Hall, Rajshahi University from 02.09.2015 to 01.09. 2018; 5. Editor, Medha, Yearly Journal of Chalanbil medhabikash foundation, Natore, Bangladesh; 6. Editor, Tarar mela, Yearly journal of Khubjipur high School Ex-Students forum. 7. Editorial member of Folklore Journal, Department of folklore, RU; 8. Sub-editor, Lokovumi, a folklore based journal; 9. Adviser of Equal Rights forum, RU; 10. Adviser of National Ethnic community, RU; Compiler, Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part.1, 2 & 3, Bangla academy, Dhaka (2011-2013); 11. 22 years of field working, 12 years of field supervision and research paper guidance experiences. Publications : Total Books 10, Articles 32 1. Lokojiboner sanskrity: Ekanto Abolokan, Koli prokashoni, Dhaka, 2012. 2. Best stories of Maupassant (ed.), Bijoy prokash, Dhaka, 2012. 3. Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part. 1, (Compiler), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, June 2013. 4. Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part. 2, (Compiler), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, May 2014. 5. Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part. 3, (Compiler), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, May 2014. 6. Chandragharva, culture based historical fiction, Uttoron prokash, Rajshahi, march, 2023, Rajshahi. 7. Sheshrater vangapuran, Book of poetry, Samokaler Jiyonkathi, Kolkata, Feb, 2023, West Bengal India. 10. Madarpirer Gaan: Alochona o samgraho, Samokaler Jiyonkathi, Kolkata, Feb, 2023, West Bengal India. 11. Ghoti-Bangaler Deshe, Book of poetry, Uttoron prokash, Rajshahi, July, 2023, Rajshahi. 12. Foggy face, Book of selected poetry, going on to publish. Articles: 1. Bhikkabritti ba mangoner gaan, BHIKKUKER GAAN: JIBON-JIBIKAR SHUROLIPI, Seraj Salekeen (ed.) Kathaprokash, Dhaka, August 2021. 2. Satpakey golokdham: Clay made temple of Patgram based Folk religion and culture, International Journal of Communication Society and cultural studies, ISSN: 2664-4061, Vol. 1 Issue 1 (January-December 2021). 3. New year and Bangla calendar: Source and supremacy, language-literature-culture research centre journal, vol. 3, Issue 3, June 2021 University of Rajshahi. 4. Folkphilosophy of Madar Gaan, Shilpakala Academy Journal, 30th year, vol. 1, 2012, Dhaka. 5. Folkdrama Madar Gaan: Internal matters, Folklore Journal,ISSN:1993-0038, 5th vol, 2012, University of Rajshahi. 6. Gazirgaan of Sundarban region: A field study, IBS Journal, IBS, University of Rajshahi, Vol. 18, ISSN 1561-798X, 2011. 7. Madar Gaan Reflection of folklife of Bengali, Ulukhagra, 15th vol, February, 2012, Dhaka. 8. Jodi Banshi Ar Na Baje, Bangalir Nazrul, Sky publishers, Ekushey Book Fair, 2012, Dhaka. 9. Nashikanthar Math: Banshi Ar bajibe Na, Shova Prokash, Ekushey Book Fair, 2012, Dhaka. 10. History and Subjects of Madarpirer gaan, Bangla Academy Research Journal, 55 Years, 3-4 vol, 2012, Bangla Academy,Dhaka. 11. Folksongs of Bangladesh as Intangible Cultural heritage, Folklore journal, ISSN:1993-0038, vol. 6, December 2013, RU. 12. Humayun Ahmeder Deyal: Post colonial Bangladesher ek Bioganto akhyan, Nirikh, ISSN:1999-7612, year 7, vol 1, September 2014. 13. Intangible Cultural Heritage in Bangladesh: A Fieldwork experience with the UNESCO convention team, Folklore journal, vol. 7, ISSN:1993-0038, March 2015, RU. 14. M A Hamid o Bangla Barshopanji, Chalanbil ratna, Abdur Razzak Raju, (ed.) Bogra, Paribartan, ISBN: 978-984-33-8861-2, 15. 75 ‘r epith opith o kholnayokera, Nirikh, year 10, vol 1, ISSN:1999-7612 february 2017. 16. The Chronicle meanings of folk: A homage to professor Mazharul Islam, Mrittunjoy Mazharul Islam, Professor Abdul Khaleque & professor Muhammad Abdul Jalil (Etd.), (Dhaka: Bishwashahittya bhaban, 2017). 17. Satpakeybandha Clay made temple: Folk religion and culture of Patgram, Loukik, ISSN:2230-780X, International conference, (19-20 Sep 2018), West midnapore, India. 18. Shakher Hadi of Rajshahi: History and etimology, Folklore journal, vol. 9, ISSN:1993-0038, March 2019, RU. 19. Third gender as intermixture performer in folk drama: a deliberation of rural Bangladesh, Dr. Md. Jahangir Hossain (ed.) ISBN:978-984-34-6551-1, Bangladesh folklore research centre, Rajshahi, 2019. 20. Music for therapy: A Neuro Scientific study of Bangladeshi folk music, Presented article at International Conference, By Faculty of Social Science, on 19-20 July, 2019. 21. Shakher hadi: Itihas o Bibartan, Lok o Karushilpa patrika, Loko o karushilpa foundation, Jul-Dec 2021, Publication year 2023, Sonargaon, Narayangonj. 22. Chalanbil Anchaler Jaggaan: Ekti Oithasik parjalochana, Bangla academy Folklore journal, Jul-Dec 2022, Publication year 2023, Bangla academy, Dhaka 23. Pragoitihasik Avayaranno Sundarban: Samokaler Darpane Bangali Sanskriti Brittoboloy, Samokaler Jiyankathi, Akhand Sundarban – 1, West 24 pargana, West Bengal, Kolkata Book fair, 2023. 24. Bangalir Rastro Vabna O Bangobandhu, Itihaser Rakhal Raja, Dhaka city Juboleague, 2022. 25. And more other 8 numbers of articles are on processing to publish.
- Research Interest
- Folklore, Tangible and Intangible Cultural heritage, aesthetics, art history, literature, philosophy and social sciences. Specially interested in Neuro folklore, Maritime folklore and Enclave exclave folklore
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (PhD `FOLK SONG MADAR GAAN: INTER RELATED FOLK LIFE AAND FOLK PHILOSOPHY'. Dr. MD. Amirul Islam is currently an Associate Professor at Department of folklore in the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Rajshahi (RU) in Bangladesh.) |
Rajshahi University | 2012 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2020-10-01 to | Deparment of folklore | Associate Professor |
2014-01-05 to 2020-09-30 | Deparment of folklore | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2013-01-05 to 2014-01-04 | Deparment of folklore | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2011-02-01 to 2013-01-04 | Bangla Academy, Dhaka | Compiler of Dcitionary |
1. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam
"Foggy face, Book of selected poetry in English"
Suprakash publishing, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Published: February 2024
2. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam
"Ghoti-Bangaler Deshe, Book of poetry,"
Uttoron prokash, Rajshahi
Published: August 2023
3. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam
"Sheshrater vangapuran, Book of poetry,"
Samokaler Jiyonkathi, Kolkata, West Bengal India.
Published: March 2023
4. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam
"Madarpirer Gaan: Alochona o samgraho,"
Samokaler Jiyonkathi, Kolkata, West Bengal India.
Published: March 2023
5. |
Dr. md. Amirul Islam
"Chandragharva, culture based historical fiction"
Uttoron prokash, Rajshahi,
Published: March 2022
6. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam & others
"Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan"
Part - 3, volume, Bangla Academy, Dhaka,
Published: June 2014
7. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam and others
"Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan"
Part - 2, volume, Bangla Academy, Dhaka
Published: November 2013
8. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam & others
"Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part. 1, (Compiler)"
Bangla Academy, Dhaka,
Published: June 2013
9. |
Translator & Editor: Dr. Md. Amirul Islam
"Best stories of Maupassant (ed.),"
Bijoy prokash, Dhaka,
Published: November 2012
10. |
Dr. Md. Amirul Islam
"Lokojiboner sanskrity: Ekanto Abolokan, Koli prokashoni, Dhaka, 2012."
1st edition
Published: October 2012
Graduate (Hons) CoursesDepartment of Folklore University of Rajshahi Curriculum for BSS (Honors) First Year- First Semester Course No. Course Title Marks Credits Folk 101 Introduction to Folklore (1) 75 3 Folk 102 History of Folklore Studies in Bengal (Early period) 7
Dr. MD. Amirul Islam, MA (RU), PhD (RU)
e-mail: kanakpkru@gmail.com
Associate professor,
Department of folklore,
University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh
Dr. MD. Amirul Islam is currently an Associate Professor at Department of folklore in the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Rajshahi (RU) in Bangladesh. Dr. Islam received his undergraduate degree as well as his BA (honours) & Post graduate (Master) degree in folklore from University of Rajshahi - BD, and his PhD in Social Sciences from University of Rajshahi - Bangladesh. Dr. Amirul Islam published a number of papers in preferred Journals and chapters in books, and participated in a range of forums on Folk-culture, history, literature and philosophy. He also presented various academic as well as research-based papers and participated as resource person at several national and international conferences including the International Conference on Basic folklore at Vatter college, Dantan, India, February 2023; Inclusive folklore conference at West Midnapur, West Bengal, India, 2018; the International Conference on Bangladesh Historical society, 2019; the International Conference on Social Sciences, 2018, Bangladesh. He also participated at folklore summer School, 2015, Bangla Academy, - Dhaka, Bangladesh; and participated at the workshop on intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, 2014, at department of Archaeology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Editor of Medha, A literary magazine of Chalanbim Medhabikash foundation, Bangladesh. Editorial member of Lokovumi, Sub-editor of language, literature and culture research journal. His other areas of specialization include Neuro folklore, Meritime folklore and Enclave exclave folklore. He has many publications and is presently working on many more papers. He is a poet, short story and fiction writer on the basis of Local history, Indigenous people, society, culture and philosophy. For detail: http://www.kanakpkfolk.info
Has been working in many co-curricular activities:
Statement of obligation to any other institution or University |
1. Editor, Medha, Yearly Journal of Chalanbil medhabikash foundation, Khubjipur, Natore, Bangladesh; 2. Editor, Tarar mela, Yearly journal of Khubjipur high School Ex-Students forum. 3. Editorial body member of language-literature-culture Research Journal, language-literature-culture Research Centre, RU. 4. Editorial body member of Folklore Journal, RU. 5. Sub editor Lokovumi, a folklore based journal. 6. Served three years as house tutor at Nawab Abdul Latif Hall, Rajshahi University from 02.09.2015 to 01.09. 2018. 7. Participation as Moderator at Debate championships. 8. Adviser of Equal Rights forum, RU. 9. Adviser of National Ethnic community, RU. Also, Member of a many numbers of social reforming organizations, well known as Social activist in different group of people. |
(b) Detail of Research Guidance:
(I) Dissertation at the Master’s level: Every year Three students at Master’s level
(II) M.Phil : 4 students
1. Associate professor, from 2020-10-01 to till now, Assistant professor from 2014-01-05 to 2020-09-30, lecturer from 2013-01-05 to 2014-01-04, Department of folklore, University of Rajshahi.
2. Serving as house tutor at Madar bux Hall, Rajshahi University from 2021-09- 27 to till now;
3. Sub-editor, language-literature-culture research centre journal, University of Rajshahi.
4. Served three years as house tutor at Nawab Abdul Latif Hall, Rajshahi University from 02.09.2015 to 01.09. 2018;
5. Editor, Medha, Yearly Journal of Chalanbil medhabikash foundation, Natore, Bangladesh;
6. Editor, Tarar mela, Yearly journal of Khubjipur high School Ex-Students forum.
7. Editorial member of Folklore Journal, Department of folklore, RU;
8. Sub-editor, Lokovumi, a folklore based journal;
9. Adviser of Equal Rights forum, RU;
10. Adviser of National Ethnic community, RU;
11. Compiler, Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part.1, 2 & 3, Bangla academy, Dhaka (2011-2013);
12. 22 years of field working, 12 years of field supervision and research paper guidance experiences.
Publications : Total Books 10, Articles 32
1. Lokojiboner sanskrity: Ekanto Abolokan, Koli prokashoni, Dhaka, 2012.
2. Best stories of Maupassant (ed.), Bijoy prokash, Dhaka, 2012.
3. Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part. 1, (Compiler), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, June 2013.
4. Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part. 2, (Compiler), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, November 2013.
5. Bangla Academy Bibartanmulak Bangla Avidhan, Part. 3, (Compiler), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, May 2014.
6. Chandragharva, culture based historical fiction, Uttoron prokash, Rajshahi, march, 2023, Rajshahi.
7. Sheshrater vangapuran, Book of poetry, Samokaler Jiyonkathi, Kolkata, Feb, 2023, West Bengal India.
8. Madarpirer Gaan: Alochona o samgraho, Samokaler Jiyonkathi, Kolkata, Feb, 2023, West Bengal India.
9. Ghoti-Bangaler Deshe, Book of poetry, Uttoron prokash, Rajshahi, July, 2023, Rajshahi.
10. Foggy face, Book of selected poetry, going on to publish.
- Bhikkabritti ba mangoner gaan, BHIKKUKER GAAN: JIBON-JIBIKAR SHUROLIPI, Seraj Salekeen (ed.) Kathaprokash, Dhaka, August 2021.
- Satpakey golokdham: Clay made temple of Patgram based Folk religion and culture, International Journal of Communication Society and cultural studies, ISSN: 2664-4061, Vol. 1 Issue 1 (January-December 2021).
- New year and Bangla calendar: Source and supremacy, language-literature-culture research centre journal, vol. 3, Issue 3, June 2021 University of Rajshahi.
- Folkphilosophy of Madar Gaan, Shilpakala Academy Journal, 30th year, vol. 1, 2012, Dhaka.
- Folkdrama Madar Gaan: Internal matters, Folklore Journal,ISSN:1993-0038, 5th vol, 2012, University of Rajshahi.
- Gazirgaan of Sundarban region: A field study, IBS Journal, IBS, University of Rajshahi, Vol. 18, ISSN 1561-798X, 2011.
- Madar Gaan Reflection of folklife of Bengali, Ulukhagra, 15th vol, February, 2012, Dhaka.
- Jodi Banshi Ar Na Baje, Bangalir Nazrul, Sky publishers, Ekushey Book Fair, 2012, Dhaka.
- Nashikanthar Math: Banshi Ar bajibe Na, Shova Prokash, Ekushey Book Fair, 2012, Dhaka.
- History and Subjects of Madarpirer gaan, Bangla Academy Research Journal, 55 Years, 3-4 vol, 2012, Bangla Academy,Dhaka.
- Folksongs of Bangladesh as Intangible Cultural heritage, Folklore journal, ISSN:1993-0038, vol. 6, December 2013, RU.
1 12. Humayun Ahmeder Deyal: Post colonial Bangladesher ek Bioganto akhyan, Nirikh, ISSN:1999-7612, year 7, vol 1, September 2014.
- Intangible
Cultural Heritage in Bangladesh: A Fieldwork experience with the UNESCO
convention team, Folklore journal, vol. 7, ISSN:1993-0038, March 2015, RU.
1 14. M A Hamid o Bangla Barshopanji, Chalanbil ratna, Abdur Razzak Raju, (ed.) Bogra, Paribartan, ISBN: 978-984-33-8861-2, 2016.
- 75 ‘r epith opith o kholnayokera, Nirikh, year 10, vol 1, ISSN:1999-7612 february 2017.
- The Chronicle meanings of folk: A homage to professor Mazharul Islam, Mrittunjoy Mazharul Islam, Professor Abdul Khaleque & professor Muhammad Abdul Jalil (Etd.), (Dhaka: Bishwashahittya bhaban, 2017).
- Satpakeybandha Clay made temple: Folk religion and culture of Patgram, Loukik, ISSN:2230-780X, International conference, (19-20 Sep 2018), West midnapore, India.
- Shakher Hadi of Rajshahi: History and etimology, Folklore journal, vol. 9, ISSN:1993-0038, March 2019, RU.
- Third gender as intermixture performer in folk drama: a deliberation of rural Bangladesh, Dr. Md. Jahangir Hossain (ed.) ISBN:978-984-34-6551-1, Bangladesh folklore research centre, Rajshahi, 2019.
- Music for therapy: A Neuro Scientific study of Bangladeshi folk music, Presented article at International Conference, By Faculty of Social Science, on 19-20 July, 2019.
- Shakher hadi: Itihas o Bibartan, Lok o Karushilpa patrika, Loko o karushilpa foundation, Jul-Dec 2021, Publication year 2023, Sonargaon, Narayangonj.
- Chalanbil Anchaler Jaggaan: Ekti Oithasik parjalochana, Bangla academy Folklore journal, Jul-Dec 2022, Publication year 2023, Bangla academy, Dhaka
- Pragoitihasik Avayaranno Sundarban: Samokaler Darpane Bangali Sanskriti Brittoboloy, Samokaler Jiyankathi, Akhand Sundarban – 1, West 24 pargana, West Bengal, Kolkata Book fair, 2023.
- Bangalir Rastro Vabna O Bangobandhu, Itihaser Rakhal Raja, Dhaka city Juboleague, 2022.
- Also more than 8 numbers of articles are going to publish in various journals.