
Department of Theatre, Siraji Building, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi - 6205. Bangladesh


Education Summary  
M.A. (Dhaka University), Ph.D. (Rajshahi University, Bangladesh)

Research Interest  
Performance Studies, Acting Theory, Lighting Design, Theatre in Education., Theatre and Event Management
Level Institution Year
Rajshahi University 2014
(M.A. (in Theatre))
Dhaka University 1997
(B.A. (Pass))
National University 1994
Higher Secondary
Notre Dame College, Dhaka 1991
Sahabatpur High School, Nagarpur, Tangail. 1989

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2023-05-09 to Department of Theatre Chairman
2021-02-27 to Department of Theatre Professor
2015-08-28 to 2021-02-26 Department of Theatre Associate Professor
2009-08-13 to 2015-08-27 Department of Theatre and Music Assistant Professor
2006-08-13 to 2009-08-12 Department of Theatre and Music Lecturer
2004-03-13 to 2005-03-12 Department of Theatre and Music Part Time Lecturer

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2005-02-26 to 2005-05-30 Department of Theatre, Dhaka University Guest Lecturer
2003-03-05 to 2006-08-12 SPACE (School of Performing Arts for Community Empowerment), Cumilla Consulting Theatre Teacher
2003-01-01 to 2004-08-31 The British School, Dhaka Drama Teacher


1. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "A Complete and Unique Guide to Space Design for Theatre," A Research Journal, Faculty of Arts, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh" (Vol. 36, Pages: 237-249)

Published: December 2023
2. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Application of Psychological Gesture by Michael Chekhov: The Core of Actors' Hidden Technique," Journal of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Comilla University, Bangladesh" (Vol. 08, Pages: 225-244)

Published: June 2023
3. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Mamunur Rashider Natoke 'Konthohinder Konthoswor'," Rudra-mangala, A Yearly Research Journal of Art and Literature, Department of Bangla Language and Literature, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh, Bangladesh" (Vol. 08, Pages: 97-114)

Published: May 2023
4. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Bangladesher Mooldharar Nattyachorcha: Ekush Shotoker Prothon Dashok Porjonto" Journal of Nazrul University, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymenshingh, Bangladesh, (Volume : 07, Issue : 01, Pages : 81-98)

Published: June 2019
5. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Nattyaloke Jerzy Grotowski Srijito Nattyaprotha 'Punno Nattya': Monostattik Prostuti" Natyabidya, A Research Journal of Theatre and Performance Studies Department, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymenshing, Bangladesh, (Year : 02, Volume : 02, Pages : 69-86)

Published: December 2018
6. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Sikhkhyai Nattyer Dharapoth: Prayogig Nirmiti" A Research Journal, Faculty of Arts, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, (Volume : 26, Pages : 255-267)

Published: December 2018
7. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Nirdeshona Prosongo Putro : Bornonattok Nirmanshoilir Nandonik Uposthapon" A Research Journal, Faculty of Arts, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, (Volume : 25, Pages : 261-270)

Published: June 2018
8. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Bangladeshey Unnayon Nattyer Proyog O Provab" Theatre Journal, Natyakala Gobeshana Sangsad, Department of Theatre, University of Rajshahi (Vol. : 02, Pages : 133-149).

Published: April 2018
9. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Baramkhana : Samokaleen Monchonattyer Ullekhjoggo Projojona" Natyabidya, A Research Journal of Theatre and Performance Department, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymenshingh, Bangladesh (Vol. : 01, Issue : 01, Pages : 143-160).

Published: December 2017
10. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Dhaka Biswabiddyaloyer Projojona Behular Bhasan : Brechtio Ovinoy Totter Onusondhan" Theatre Journal, Department of Theatre, Rajshahi University, (Year-01, Volume-01, Pages- 97-112)

Published: April 2015
11. Dr. Mir Mehbub Alam "Adhunikotabad O Uttoradhunikotabad : Prosongo Heiner Muller Er Hamletmachine" Society and Progress, Bangabandhu Institute of Liberation War and Bangladesh Studies, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj, (Volume : 01, Issue : 01, Pages : 62-74)

Published: February 2015
12. Mir Mehbub Alam, "Paschatto Comedy O Oitijhjhobahi Bangla Nattya : Ekti Porjobekhkhon" Research Journal of Theatre and Music, Department of Theatre and Music, Rajshahi University, (Vol. : 01, Issue : 01, Pages : 91-102).

Published: December 2012
13. Mir Mehbub Alam and Tanvir Ahmed "Rongomoncho Probondher Aloke Robindro Nattyaproyog Bhabna Onusondhan." Shilpaka Sanmasik Bangla Potrika, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka. (Vol. : 27, Issue : 02, Pages : 34-40).

Published: June 2009
14. Mir Mehbub Alam "Theatre A Means for Social Value Addition : A Reflection From SPACE Project" Shilpakala, Annual Journal of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (Volume : XVIII, Pages : 63-74)

Published: December 2007

Western Acting Theory-1

Acting Theory of Constantin Stanislavsky

Improvisation and Character Building

On the concepts of Keith Johnstone, Viola Spolin, Stella Adler, Michel Chekov


Lighting Design

Concepts of Stage Play Lighting and to develop for a production.


Western Acting Theory-2

Acting Theory of Bertolt Brecht

Performance Studies

According to Richard Schechner


Acting for Different Media

Specially acting for visual media like fiction, film, tvc and so on.


Theatre and Event Management

Process of a Stage Production and Event Management.


Teaching is my passion.

Not Available