tasnim.farhat@ru.ac.bd, tasnimpol@yahoo.com
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh
Political Science
- Education Summary
- MSS ( Raj) Masters and PhD ( Tsukuba, Japan)
- Research Interest
- Civil Society, Democracy, Community Development, Neighborhood Association, Environment Friendly Sustainable Development, Digital Civil Society
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (PhD in Political Science) |
University of Tsukuba, Japan | 2008 |
Masters (Masters in Political Science) |
University of Tsukuba, Japan | 2005 |
Masters (Masters in Social Science ( Political Science)) |
University of Rajshahi | 1997 |
Bachelor/Honors (Bachelor of Social Science ( Political Science)) |
University of Rajshahi | 1996 |
Higher Secondary (Higher Secondary School Certificate) |
Rajshahi College | 1993 |
Higher Secondary (Secondary School Certificate) |
Rajshahi University School | 1991 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2021-02-01 to 2024-01-31 | Department of Political Science | Chairman |
2018-06-27 to | Department of Political Science | PROFESSOR |
2011-12-07 to 2018-07-03 | Political Science | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2011-04-01 to 2013-03-31 | University of Tsukuba | JSPS Foreign Research Fellow |
1. |
Farhat Tasnim
"Civil Society in Bangladesh: Vibrant but not Vigilant"
Springer Nature,
New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives ISBN 978-981-334-403-7
Published: February 2021
Book Chapter
1. |
Farhat Tasnim and Muhammad Shahjahan
"Sir Sayeed Ahmed Khan"
In Md. Moksuder Rahman (edited), shoroniyo boroniyo rajnaitik baktitto (remembered and adored political personalities). Dhaka: Bangladesh Book Corporation. pp 99-136 ( written in Bangla language).
Published: June 2016
2. |
Farhat Tasnim
"How Vigilant is the Vibrant Civil Society in Bangladesh? A Survey-based Analysis’, Journal of Civil Society ( republished with copyright permission). ."
Fahimul Quadir and Yutaka Tsujinaka (edited) Civil Society in Asia: In search of Democracy and Development. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
Published: April 2015
1. |
Md. Basirulla and Farhat Tasnim
"Nature of Human Rights Violation on Female Garments Workers in Bangladesh"
Khazanah Hukum, Vol. 5 No. 1: 1-17DOI: 10.15575/kh.v5i1.22713
Published: March 2023
2. |
Saidur Rahman and Farhat Tasnim
"The role of NGOs in ensuring local governance in Bangladesh: from the perception of other actors of governance"
Asia-Pacifc Journal of Regional Science, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41685-023-00283-w
Published: March 2023
3. |
Tofael Ahamed, Ryozo Noguchi, Nazia Muhsin, Riska Ayu Purnamasari, Md. Ariful Islam, Farhat Tasnim, Md. Zamirul Islam, Md. Fakrul Islam, Wardatul Akmam
"Sustainable agricultural development: a micro-level GIS- based study on women’s perceptions of environmental protection and entrepreneurship in Japan and Bangladesh"
GeoJournal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-020-10169-5,
Published: March 2020
4. |
Farhat Tasnim and Angura
"The Role of Civil Society in the Election System in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Shujon and TIB"
Social Science Journal, Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi, ISSN: 1728-1474 Vol. 24 (Special Issue), pp: 429-446.
Published: March 2020
5. |
Farhat Tasnim and Labonno Saha
"bangladesher civil society: ekti shonbadpotro bhittik bishleshon
(The Civil Society in Bangladesh: A Newspaper based Analysis)"
Social Science Journal, University of Rajshahi, ISSN: 1728-1474 Vol. 23, , pp: 01-26.( written in Bangla Language).
Published: February 2020
6. |
Farhat Tasnim and Md Al Imran
"Bangladesher sthaniyo porjaye narir rajnaiytik ongshogrohoner ogrogoti: dinajpur jelar ghoraghat upozelar upor ekti porjalochona, ( Progress in Women Political Participation at Local Level in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Ghoraghat Upozila of Dinajpur Zila)"
Palli Unnoyon Journal ( ISSN2222-6869), Vol 20, (1424 Bangla Year), BARD, Comilla, Bangladesh. ( written in Bangla language).
Published: June 2017
7. |
Fahrat Tasnim
"Politicized Civil Society in Bangladesh: A Case study Analyses"
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: an Interdisciplinary Journal. Vol. 9(1), PP 98-123. http://dx.doi.org/10.5130/ccs.v9i 1.5247
Published: March 2017
8. |
Farhat Tasnim
"Book Review on Bangladesh: Politics, Economy, and Civil Society By David Lewis"
Journal of Development Studies Vol 50, Issues 3, , (Taylor and Francis),. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00220388.2014.893678
Published: March 2014
9. |
Farhat Tasnim
"How Vigilant is the Vibrant Civil Society in Bangladesh? A Survey-based Analysis"
Journal of Civil Society, Vol 8, Issue 2 pp 155-183, Taylor and Francis. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2012.726548
Published: October 2012
10. |
Tofael Ahamed, M I N Khan, Tomohiro Takigawa, Masayuki Koike, Farhat Tasnim and J M Q Zaman.
"Resource Management for Sustainable Development: A Community and GIS-based Approach."
Environment Development and Sustainability, Volume 11, Page 933-954, Springer Publishers DOI 10.1007/s10668-008-9159-y
Published: July 2009
11. |
Farhat Tasnim
"Civil Society in Bangladesh: More Grass-roots Actions but Poor Participation"
Tsukuba University Journal of Law and Political Sciences(筑波法政). Vol 43. Page 1-33. Tsukuba, Japan.
Published: September 2007
12. |
Farhat Tasnim
"The Role of the Japanese NGOs in Strengthening Civil Society in Bangladesh: A case Study of Shapla Neer"
Journal of International Political Economy(国際政治経済学研究), Volume 16, November: 19-52,
Published: November 2005
13. |
Farhat Tasnim
"Crises of Political Development: Bangladesh Perspective"
Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies Volume No. XXV: 53-70,.
Published: June 2002
PS 305 Introduction to International PoliticsDescription Not Provided |
PS 508 International Politics: Theory and PracticeDescription Not Provided
PS 207 Principles of EconomicsDescription Not Provided |
PAD324: Political ThoughtsDescription Not Provided
PS 301: History of Early and Modern Political ThoughtDescription Not Provided |
PS 308: Research Methodology and Social StatisticsDescription Not Provided |
PS 407: Civil Society and Human RightsDescription Not Provided |
PS 306: Government and Politics of South and South-east AsiaDescription Not Provided |
PS 501: Modern Political ThoughtDescription Not Provided |
PS 506: Political Development in BangladeshDescription Not Provided |
PS 507: International Law and OrganizationDescription Not Provided |
POL 304 Public Policy and GovernanceDescription Not Provided
POL 206 Development StudiesDescription Not Provided
Ongoing Project: New Generation of Civil Society Organizations in Digital Bangladesh, Funded by UGC through the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Rajshahi.
Membership in Completed Projects:
1. Project Member, UGC-JSPS Project- Women’s Participation in Environmental Protection and Sustainable Agricultural Development: A Micro-level Study of Two Villages of Japan and Bangladesh ( 2016-2018).
Project Member
Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project ( HEQEP) ( 2014-2016). Completed.
Presentations at Different Conferences:
Farhat Tasnim. The Nature of Civil Society in
Bangladesh: Rural and Urban Perspectives, Paper presented at, PRSCO Summer
Institute, International Conference, Kuala Lampur. Malaysia, 2006 July 18-20.
Farhat Tasnim.
Civil Society in Bangladesh: More Services, Less Advocacy at 11th Asian Studies
Conference Japan, Tokyo, Japan, June 23-24, 2007.
Farhat Tasnim
Civil Society in Bangladesh: Vibrant but not Vigilant at 20th Annual
Meeting of Japan South Asian Studies, Osaka, Japan, October 6-7, 2007.
Farhat Tasnim How Vigilant is the Vibrant Civil Society in Bangladesh? A Survey-based
Japanese Initiative in the Development of Bangladesh, University of Tsukuba,
Tsukuba, Japan, February 20-2, 2012
Farhat Tasnim Developing
Democratic Practice
among the Grass-roots Civil
Society in Bangladesh:
Prospect of Japanese Neighborhood Associations as a Model, Conference on Governance and Public Policy in South and
South-East Asia, on July 13-14, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Farhat Tasnim Neighborhood Associations in Japan - an extension to Local Governments, or a Budding Ground for Democratic Practice? An Analysis from the South, International Conference on Governance and Development: Asian Perspective, organized by dept. of public administration of University of Rajshahi 28-29 January, 2017.
Farhat Tasnim and Angura, The Role of Civil Society in the Election System in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Shujon and TIB, Conference on ‘Prospects and Challenges of Development in Developing Countries’ held at the University of Rajshahi, July 19-20, 2019.
Farhat Tasnim and Md Khalid Hasan (2023) Pattern of Digital Platform
uses by New Generation Civil Society Organizations in Bangladesh. Presented on,
Second International Conference on South Asia in Post-Covid Global Crisis held
on 30 and 31 October, 2023 at University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Khalid Hasan and Farhat Tasnim (2023) Effects of Digitalization upon the
Performance of Civil Society Organizations in Bangladesh. Presented on, Second
International Conference on South Asia in Post-Covid Global Crisis held on 30
and 31 October, 2023 at University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.