
Department of Economics, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh


Education Summary  
PhD (Curtin, Australia), MA (ISS, The Netherlands), MSS (RU, Bangladesh)

Research Interest  
Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Agricultural Economics, Behavioral Economics, Econometrics and quantitative analysis
Level Institution Year
Curtin University 2023
(Master of Arts in development studies)
ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2017
(Master of Social Science)
Rajshahi University 2007
(Master of Social Science)
Rajshahi University 2006

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2018-12-24 to Economics Associate Professor
2012-09-03 to 2018-12-23 Economics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2010-01-02 to 2012-09-02 Economics LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2009-05-05 to 2009-12-31 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Staff Researcher
2007-07-01 to 2009-02-02 Foundation for Women & Child Assistance (FWCA) Research Fellow

Book Chapter

1. Sarker, M. A. R., and Islam, Z "Investigating the Effects of Sociodemographic, Farm and Institutional Characteristics on Climate-driven Loss in Aman Rice Productivity in Bangladesh" In:Alauddin, M., Mujeri, M.K. and Nath, D.K.(Eds.) Bangladesh: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Sahitya Prakash, Dhaka

Published: May 2016


1. Islam T, Sabiha N. E., Islam Z., Sarker, M. A. R. and Salim, R "Evaluating farmers’ insights into environmental impacts of chemical fertilizers and their overdose application: Evidence from crop farms in Bangladesh" Forthcoming

Published: November 2024
2. Islam, Z., Sabiha, N. E., & Salim, R. "Integrated environment-smart agricultural practices: A strategy towards climate-resilient agriculture." Economic Analysis and Policy, 76, 59-72.

Published: December 2022
3. Alauddin, M., Sarker, M. A. R., Islam, Z., & Tisdell, C "Adoption of alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation as a water-saving technology in Bangladesh: Economic and environmental considerations" Land Use Policy, Vol. 91

Published: February 2020
4. Islam, Z., Alauddin, M. and Sarker, M. A. R. "Determinants and implications of crop production loss: An empirical exploration using ordered probit analysis." Land Use Policy, 67, 527-536.

Published: June 2017
5. Islam Z., and Hossain M. E. "Consumption Patterns of Households in Rajshahi City: An Econometric Analysis" Bangladesh Economic Studies, vol. 13, pp. 195-212

Published: June 2011


1. Islam Z., Salim R., & Rahman, M.H. "Evaluating financial understanding in renewable agricultural technology adoption." 36th PhD Conference in Economics and Business 2022, UWA, Perth, WA.

Published: November 2022
2. Alauddin, M., Sarker, MAR, Islam, Z. "Managing agricultural water use with alternate wetting and drying (AWD): towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6" 5th World Conference on Climate Change, October 04-06, 2018, London, UK.

Published: October 2018


1. Rahman, M.H., Salim R., Wali, M., Celis, I. M., Islam, Z., Chan, F., Naef, M., Maqbool, I., Jegillos, I., and Pradhan, N "Facilitating Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Developing Countries: A Policy Framework for Developed Nations" Centre for Research in Applied Economics

Published: May 2024


1. Islam, Z "Differentiating Rice Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change and Adaptability in Bangladesh" Erasmus University Thesis Repository

Published: December 2017

Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended

1. Islam Z., Rahman, M.H., and Salim R "Evaluating Farmers’ Dispositions for the Diffusion of Climate-smart Technology: Evidence from Choice and Natural Experiments" 37th PhD Conference in Economics and Business

Published: November 2023

Resource & Environmental Economics

BSS (Honours), Part-4

Agricultural Economics

BSS (Honours), Part-2

Transport Economics

BSS (Honours), Part-2

History of Economic Thought

BSS (Honours), Part-4

Industrial Economics


Economic Data Analysis

Evening MSS

Comparative Economic Systems

Evening MSS

History of Capitalist Development

BSS (Honours), Part-2

History of Socialist Development

BSS (Honours), Part-3

Political Science

BSS (Honours), Part-1

Money and Banking

BSS (Honours), Part-1

Fundamentals of Economics

Evening MSS

Project Appraisal, Planning and Management

BSS (Honours) 3rd Year 2nd Semester


Institutions, Governance and Development

BSS (Honours) 2nd Year 2nd Semester


Environmental Economics and Policies


Not Available