
Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, Room no.: 108, Ismail Hossian Shiraji Bhabon


Education Summary  
M.S.S in Anthropology (SUST) B.S.S in Anthropology (SUST)

Research Interest  
I am a professional anthropologist with approximately 22 years of experience in teaching and research, including commissioned research. As a faculty, I have supervised student research projects at the MPhil/PhD, MSS, and BSS levels. My teaching and research interest include theory, research methodology (qualitative and quantitative), manual and software-aided data analysis, linguistics, socio-cultural and political change, agriculture, food security and livelihood, climate change and adaptation, disaster risk reduction, aging, health and nutrition, gender, queer population studies, religion, human-technology interaction, and development. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to engage in and successfully complete research in various areas, including project evaluation (baseline, midterm, and endline, including participatory methods), health and nutrition, food security and livelihood, climate change and disaster risk reduction, education, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), drug addiction, persons with disabilities, human rights violations, humanitarian and emergency response, and socio-cultural and political change. The major focus of my commission research is project/program evaluation.
Level Institution Year
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 2002
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 2001
Higher Secondary
Rajshahi Education Board 1994
Rajshahi Education Board 1992

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2021-05-16 to 2024-05-15 Dept. of Anthropology Chairman
2015-12-26 to Dept. of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi Associate Professor
2005-12-31 to 2015-12-25 Dept. of Anthropology; Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2002-12-31 to 2005-12-30 Dept. of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Not Available


1. Muhammad Miznuddin, Md. Kamal Pasa, and Kazi Robiul Alom "Ideas and Practices in Development: Anthropological Perspective" Dept. of Anthropology, Rajshahi University; Page: 450, ISBN: 978-984-33-7516-2

Published: July 2013

Book Chapter

1. Rajesh K. Goutom; Md. Kamal Pasa; Dipak Adak "Plantar Dermatoglyphic among Gonds of Madhya Pradesh, India" Edited book titled, “ Recent Trends in Dermatoglyphic Research; Edited by Dipak Kumar Adak and Anand Murti Mishra; BR Publishing Corporation, Delhi-110052, India

Published: November 2018
2. Dipak Kr. Adak, P. Bharati, and Md. Kamal Pasa "Violation of Child Rights to Survival in a Central Indian Village" published in a book, “Ideas and Practices in Development: Anthropological Perspective, edited by Muhammad Miznuddin, Md. Kamal Pasa, and Kazi Robiul Alom; Dept. of Anthropology, Rajshahi University; ISBN: 978-984-33-7516-2

Published: July 2013
3. Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Zubaida Bashri "Socio-cultural Contexts of Sexual Risk Behaviour to HIV among the Injection Drug Users of North-west Bangladesh" ,; Pages: 97-108, published in a book, “Ideas and Practices in Development: Anthropological Perspective, edited by Muhammad Miznuddin, Md. Kamal Pasa, and Kazi Robiul Alom, Dept. of Anthropology, Rajshahi University, ISBN: 978-984-33-7516-2 .

Published: July 2013


1. Pasa, K., Singh, N. M., Bharali, N., Hmar, T., Schaschi, H., Baruah, T., & Adak, D. K. "Reproductive Health Status in India: Comparison of NFHS-IV and NFHS-V Findings." Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, 0(0).

Published: October 2024
2. Pasa K, Gautam M., Ponnada A., Kotal M., Adak, D.K "Metric variation on Neurocranium among some ancient and contemporary Human Populations (adult males) of Indian Sub-Continent" Journal of Human Anatomy, ISSN: 2578-5079, Vol. 7 Issue 1 (1-5), December 8, 23; DOI:10.23880/jhua-16000183; MEDWIN PUBLISHERS

Published: December 2023
3. Factor associated with anthropometric failure among under-five Bengali children: A comparative study between Bangladesh and India "Kundu, R. N., Hossain, M. G., Haque, M. A., Biswas, S., Huq, M. M., Pasa, M. K., & Bharati, P." PloS one, 17(8), e0272634

Published: June 2022
4. Shirina Akter Mosa, Md. Abu Sayem, Abu Sayed, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Kamal Pasa, Premananda Bharati , Md. Golam Hossain "Factors associated with utilization of antenatal care service in Bangladesh: a country based cross-sectional study" Genus Homo (ISSN 2457-0028), Genus Homo, Vol. 5, 2021

Published: December 2021
5. Charles, K.J., Howard, G., Prats, E.V., Gruber, J., Alam, S., Alamgir, A.S.M., Baidya, M., Flora, M.S., Haque, F., Hassan, S.Q. and Islam, S., Lazaro A., Lwetoijera D. W., Mahmud S. G., Mahmud Z. H., Matwewe F., Pasa K., Rahman M. Reza A. A. S., Selimuzza "Infrastructure alone cannot ensure resilience to weather events in drinking water supplies" Science of The Total Environment, p.151876

Published: August 2021
6. Farah Deba Keya, Md Mostafizur Rahman, M. Tareq Nur, Md Kamal Pasa "Parenting and Child's (Five years to Eighteen years) Digital Game Addiction: A Qualitative Study in North-western Part of Bangladesh" Computers in Human Behavior Reports; Volume 2, August–December 2020, 100031

Published: October 2020
7. Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Zubaida Bashri, Sten. H. Vermund "Sharing of Needles and Syringes among Men Who Inject Drugs: HIV Risk in Northwest Bangladesh" Journal of PLoSONE 11(2): e0148276. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148276

Published: February 2016
8. Md. Kamal Pasa, Catalina P. Diaz, Florencia G. Palis, Md. Matiur Rahman, Shejuti Nure Maksurat, and Custodio Pam "Impact of Community-led Action Research on Production Decision and Food Adjustment of a Farming Village of North-west Bangladesh" Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), vol. 12(2), pages 81-94

Published: December 2015
9. Kazi Robiul Alom, Md. Kamal Pasa, Gloam Faruk Sarkar, Mojahar Rahman Shah "Question of Biodiversity Conservation in the Context of Liberal Global Environmental Thought (D`vi‰bwZK ˆewk¦K cwi‡ek fvebv I Gi †cÖw¶‡Z RxeˆewPΨ msiÿ‡Yi cÖkœt cÖZ¨qMZ ch©v‡jvPbv)" Grass-root Voice (a peer reviewed journal), BARCIK, Special Edition

Published: December 2015
10. Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Shmaim Ahmed, Zubaida Bashri, Golam Faruk Sarker "Sexual Violence Against Ethnic Women in North-west region of Bangladesh" Journal of Man and Culture. Vol: 1, No: 2

Published: July 2015
11. Md. Kamal Pasa "Socio-Cultural Causes of Under Nutrition of Children Up to 5 Years of Daily Labourers in North-western City of Bangladesh" Nrtattv, the Anthropology, a Biannual Journal, Vol 2 No 3, pages: 1-14, ; Dept of Anthropology, Visvabharati, Santiniketan, India

Published: July 2012
12. Sharful Islam Khan, Kamal Pasa, Gorkey Gourab, A. M. Rumayan Hasan, Sheikh Shah Tanvir Kaukab and Ariful Islam "Living with risk and vulnerabilities: A qualitative assessment on STIs/HIV and sexual health of Indigenous populations at the northwestern belt in Bangladesh" Presented in an international conference organized by ICDDR,B, 2009. (Unpublished)

Published: December 2009
13. Md. Kamal Pasa "Social Stigmatization and Maintenance: Implication on the Risk of STIs and HIV/AIDS transmission among the MSM in the north-eastern region in Bangladesh" the Social Science Journal, Faculty of social Science, University of Rajshahi. No. 13, Vol. 1, Pages: 129-142, , ISSN 1728-1474.

Published: August 2007
14. Md. Kamal Pasa "The situation of Tea Plantation Workers in Northeast Region in Bangladesh: A narrative of ethnic minorities in Sylhet" Faculty of social Science, University of Rajshahi. No. 12, Vol. 1, Pages: 73-85, , ISSN 1728-1474

Published: July 2006


1. Sazzadul Bari, Md. Kamal Pasa "Political Economy of the Recruitment of Islamic Militant: A Case of Jaamatul Mujahadeen Bangladesh (JMB) Militant Group" 6th National Seminar on Inclusive Development and Challenges in Bangladesh, organized by ISRAA and Department of anthropology of University of Rajshahi with the collaboration of Ashraidurin 24-25 January,2020 at Ashrai Centre, Rajshahi. (Unpublished)

Published: January 2020
2. Sazzadul Bari, Md. Kamal Pasa "Why Islamic Militant Kill Co-Muslim: A Case on JMB Militant Group" Sazzadul Bari, Md. Kamal Pasa; International Conference on ``Culture, Peace and Education: From the Perspective of People’s History”, Department of History ,University of Rajshahi and Jana-Itihas Charcha Kendra, University of Dhaka; (Unpublished)

Published: September 2019
3. Md. Tahmid Hasan & Md. Kamal Pasa "Agricultural Commercialization in Indirect Reconciling of Positive Reciprocal Relationship: A Qualitative Study in Haryan area of Rajshahi District" International Conference on ``Culture, Peace and Education: From the Perspective of People’s History”, organized by Department of History ,University of Rajshahi, and Jana-ItihasCharcha Kendra, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, (Unpublished)

Published: September 2019
4. Sazzadul Bari & Md. Kamal Pasa "On Historicity of Islamic Radicalization in Bangladesh" First International Conference on Prospects and Challenges Sustainable Development in Developing Countries, Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 19-20 July,2019. (Unpublished)

Published: July 2019
5. Fazlur Rahman; Md. Kamal Pasa, Sharmin Imtiaz; Avijeet Roy "Culture of Fear as Instrument of Continued Land Disputes and Grabbed: A Narrative of Plain Land Indigenous People in North-west Bangladesh" International Conference Organized by Dept. Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), February 06-07, 2016. (Unpublished)

Published: February 2016
6. Sharmin Imtiaz, Md. Kamal Pasa, Fazlur Rahman, Zubaida Bashri "Symbolic Violence as Implementing Tools of Privatizing the Public Health Care: A case of a community clinic in North-west Bangladesh" International Conference Organized by Dept. Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), February 06-07, 2016. (Unpublished)

Published: February 2016
7. Sharmin Imtiaz; Md. Kamal Pasa; M. Shamim Reza; Kazi Robiul Alom; Zubaida Bashri "Medicalizing the Body of Rural Poor under Community Clinic centred Health Care and Service Delivery: A Qualitative Study of Sylinda Community Clinic of Rajshahi District" Conference Organized ISRAA (Institute of Social Research and Applied Anthropology), January 22-23, 2016. (Unpublished)

Published: January 2016
8. Fazlur Rahman; Md. Kamal Pasa, K.M Merkatul Islam "Political Economy of Informal Mediation over Land related Conflicts and Dispute: A qualitative study among the plain land indigenous people in Rajshahi and Chapainabagonj Districts" Conference Organized ISRAA (Institute of Social Research and Applied Anthropology), January 22-23, 2016. (Unpublished)

Published: January 2016
9. Happy K. Das; Md. Kamal Pasa; "Building a Culture of Early Literacy into Parenting Practices for Indigenous People: A Process Documentation of Integrated Community Development of Project of Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board" Conference Organized ISRAA (Institute of Social Research and Applied Anthropology), January 22-23, 2016. (Unpublished)

Published: January 2016
10. Md. Kamal Pasa, A. B. Siddique; L. Sumia; C. Dutta "Access is More Than Just Involvement: Assessing Women’s ‘Control’ Over Agriculture Technologies in Northern Bangladesh" Presented in a seminar ‘People, Practice, and Paradigm’ organized by BIAS (BARCIK Institute of Applied Studies) and Dept. of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi., 6 December 2014. (Unpublished)

Published: December 2014
11. Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Shmaim Ahmed, Zubaida Bashri, Biswanath Soren, Hopna Kisku "Sexual Violence Against Ethnic Women and Its Ethnic Dimension: A Tale from Plain Land Ethnic Minorities" Presented in a national Seminar on “ Social Justice and Development of Indigenous People” Organized by Institute of Scoial Research and Applied Anthropology (ISRAA), held on 24-25 February, 2012. (Unpublished)

Published: February 2012
12. Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Azharual Islam, Zubaida Bashri, Aynal Haque "Does Risk Behaviour to HIV an Isolated Factor: An Insights into Sexual and Drug Using Risk behavior of IDUs at Rajsahhi City" Presented in an international conference on Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge in Development, held on December 2-3, 2011, Organized by Dept. of Anthropology Rajshai University. (Unpublished) .

Published: December 2011
13. A.H.M Zehadul Karim and Md. Kamal Pasa "Brothel-based commercial sex workers in Bangladesh and their awareness of HIV/AIDS: A situational study in Tangail" presented in the conference, ‘Women’s Worlds 2005: 9th international interdisciplinary congress on women’, held on June 19-24, 2005 Seul, Korea. (Unpublished)

Published: June 2005


1. Md. Kamal Pasa, Principal Investigator (PI) "Survey on ASRH need and care seeking behaviour among indigenous people specially adolescents of plain land." Research Project, Commissioned by DASCOH Foundation Bangladesh, Funded by German Doctor Ve.., 04 November 2024 - 30 December 2024; (Unpublished)

Published: December 2024
2. Md. Kamal Pasa, Principal Investigator (PI), "Improving Young People's Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) through a Community-Based Approach and Cooperation with State Institutions Project and Survey on ASRH need and care seeking behaviour among indigenous people specially ad" Research Project, Duration : 4 Novermber 2024 - 30 December 2024 (Unpublished)

Published: November 2024
3. Md. kamal Pasa, Co-PI, Research Project, "Documentation of the Implementation Processes of Critical Nutrition Services Delivering under Health and Gender Support Project (LRPS-2023-9184214), Commissioned by UNCEF, Implemented by SURCH, Bangladesh"." Unpublished, Duration: 01 February 2024 – Until Present

Published: February 2024
4. Md. Kamal Pasa, Team Lead, Research Project, ""Baseline Survey on Knowledge, Attitude, Beliefs and Practices (KABP) on Ending Child Marriage and Violence against Children, Commissioned by Shushilan & UNICEF, Implemented by Helios, Bangladesh"." Unpublished, Duration: (19 December 2023 – 30 April 24)

Published: December 2023
5. Md. Kamal Pasa "Consultant, "Rapid assessment on knowledge, attitudes, practices (KAP) and health care seeking behaviours on paediatric non-communicable diseases (PNCD) (LTA No. 42410807). Commissioned by UNICEF, Implemented by SURCH, Bangladesh"." Unpublished, Duration: 10 December 2023 – 15 June 2024

Published: December 2023
6. Md. Kamal Pasa, Anthropologist/Human Behaviour Expert, Research Project "Strengthening workers’ access to pertinent nutrition opportunities (SWAPNO)” in Bangladesh, Commissioned by GAIN" Unpublished, Duration: (25 October 2023 – 30 January 2024)

Published: October 2023
7. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant, Research Project, "Rapid Assessment to Generate Evidence on KAP of Adolescents/Young People, Caregivers and Community Leaders to Inform Contextualized SBC Communication for Alternative Learning Program (RFP No. LLTS- 42410807), Commissioned by UNICEF, Implemented by SURCH," Unpublished, Duration: 01 October 2023 – 30 April 2024

Published: October 2023
8. Md. Kamal Pasa, Anthropologist/Human Beaviour Expert, Research Project, "Endline Evaluation of the project on “Model Fresh Market” in Dhaka North City Corporation under Dhaka food system, , GAIN (Global Initiative for Improved Nutrition), Bangladesh, Team Lead Prof. Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin, PhD, MPH, Institute of Nutrition and Food" Unpublished, Duration: (15 May 2023 – 30 June 2023);

Published: May 2023
9. Md. Kamal Pasa, Anthropologist, Research Project "End Term Evaluation of The Project on Strengthening Workers’ Access to Pertinent Nutrition Opportunities”; GAIN (Global Initiative for Improved Nutrition), Bangladesh; Team Lead Prof. Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin, PhD, MPH, Institute of Nutrition and Food Science (" Unpublished, Duration: (19 April 2023 – 30 July 2023);

Published: April 2023
10. Md. Kamal Pasa, Anthropologist, Research Project, "A Baseline Evaluation of the Project on “Model Fresh Market” In Dhaka North City Corporation; GAIN (Global Initiative for Improved Nutrition)- Bangladesh; Team Lead Prof. Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin, PhD, MPH, Institute of Nutrition and Food Science (INFS), Dhaka" Unpublished, Duration: (15 December 2022 – 10 January 2023);

Published: December 2022
11. Md. Kamal Pasa "Anthropologist, Research Project, “Dietary Gap Assessment and Formative Research of the Project on Strengthening Workers’ Access to Pertinent Nutrition Opportunities”; GAIN (Global Initiative for Improved Nutrition)- Bangladesh, Team Lead Prof. Dr. Md. R" Unpublished, Duration: (04 October 2022 – 10 December 2022),

Published: October 2022
12. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant, Research Project "Rapid assessment on understanding motivational factors for completing three doses; preconception of caregivers and parents; and clients’ satisfaction with those who had taken COVID-19 doses”; UNICEF-Bangladesh; Conducted by SURCH, Bangladesh" Unpublished, Duration: (01 October 2022 – 15 February 2023)

Published: October 2022
13. Md. Kamal Pasa, Co-PI, Research Project, "An Assessment of Viewership of the Online Safety Intervention of Child Protection, UNICEF, Dhaka; )”; UNICEF-Bangladesh; Conducted by SURCH, Bangladesh" Unpublished, Duration: (01 June 2022- 30 Oct 2022);

Published: June 2022
14. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant, Research Project, "Endline assessment for Project Areas in 5 districts (Patuakhali, Rangamati, Sirajganj, Jamalpur and Moulvibazar) for the project “Improving sexual, reproductive health and rights including maternal and new-born health in Bangladesh”; UNICEF-Bangladesh; Co" Unpublished, Duration: (10 May 2022-30 September 2022)

Published: May 2022
15. Md. Kamal Pasa, PI, Research Project, "Conducting to develop policy paper of Fighting Forced Labour with Adivasi and Dalit Communities in South Asia”. Funded by Traidcraft Exchange, Bangladesh Country Office" Unpublished, Duration: (01 March 2022- 30 June 2022);

Published: March 2022
16. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant, Research Project, "End-line Study of Adolescent Health and Rights Enhancement Through Innovation and System Strengthening (ADOHEARTS)”; UNICEF-Bangladesh; Conducted by SURCH, Bangladesh" Unpublished, Duration: (10 May 2021- 30 Oct 2021);

Published: May 2021
17. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant, Research Project, "Exploring fear of violence among girls and young women in Bangladesh”. Plan International Bangladesh”. Plan International Bangladesh. Implemented by SURCH, Bangladesh" Unpublished, Duration: (01 Feb 2021- 30 Aug 2021)

Published: February 2021
18. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant, Research Project, "“Nutritional Density and Affordability of Habitual and Desirable Diets in Bangladesh by Life Cycle Stage, Region, and Vulnerable Groups. Sub-theme: Cultural Acceptability to Food by Life Cycle, Regions, and Vulnerable Group Funded by Food and Agricultur" Unpublished, Duration: (25 January 2021- 10 May 2021)

Published: January 2021
19. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant, Research Project "Understanding the effects of COVID-19 on vulnerable workers’ food and nutrition security: Qualitative data collection”. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)" Unpublished, Duration: (02 February 2020-31 March 2021);

Published: February 2020
20. Md. Kamal Pasa; Consultant, Research Project, "Study to examine the local market for menstrual hygiene management (MHM) products, in terms of pricing and availability to match with the affordability, accessibility, suitability and desirability among adolescent girls.” UNICEF-Banglade" Team Leader: Prof. Shuaib Muhammad; Implemented by SURCH-Bangladesh, (Unpublished); Duration: 15 February 2020- 10 February 2021

Published: February 2020
21. Md. Kamal Pasa, Anthropologist, Research Project "Assessment of Integrated Service Delivery Models in Urban Context”; UNICEF-Dhaka; Implementing Agency: SURCH, Dhaka, Bangladesh" Unpublished, Duartion: (20 November 2019- 30 July 2021 )

Published: November 2019
22. Md. Kamal Pasa; Co-Principal Investigator, Research Project, "Formative research on the perception and attitude among adolescent boys towards gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights among Rohingya refugees and Host Community in Cox’s Bazar; Plan International-Cox's bazar, Bang" PI: Muhammad Sadek; Project Duration: February 2019-April 2019. (Unpublished)

Published: February 2019
23. Md. Kamal Pasa; Co-Principal Investigator "Research Project: End Line evaluation of a project entitled, “Stimulating Urban Norms for Rigorous Improvement in the Sanitation Environment (SUNRISE), WaterAid Bangladesh" PI: Muhammad Sadek, Project Duration: 22 January 2019- 04 April 2019. (Unpublished)

Published: January 2019
24. Md. Kamal Pasa; Consultant "Research Project: Annual Outcome Evaluation of Libraries Unlimited; British Council" PI: Prof. Shuaib Muhammad; Implementing Agency: SURCH-Bangladesh; Project Duration: 03 November 2018-26 February. (Unpublished)

Published: November 2018
25. Md. Kamal Pasa, Consultant "Research Project: Improving Effective Coverage of Maternal, New-born and Child Health Interventions for Reducing Preventable Child Deaths”, UNICEF-Bangladesh" PI: Prof. Shuaib Muhammad; Implementing Agency: SURCH-Bangladesh; Project Duration: November 2018-May 2019. (Unpublished)

Published: November 2018
26. Md. Kamal Pasa; Director, Research Project, "Ideology, Discourse, and Practices of Small Scale Farming under Neo-liberal Agricultural Transformation: An Ethnographic Study of an Agrarian Community in Northern Bangladesh" Funded by Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh; Project Duration: October 2018-Until Present. (Unpublished)

Published: October 2018
27. Md. Kamal Pasa; Consultant "Research Project: Rapid Assessment of the Cultural Understandings, Traditions and Values of the Rohingya Community sheltering in Bangladesh; UNESCO -Bangladesh." Project duration: December 2017 to 25 January 2018. (Unpublished)

Published: December 2017
28. Md. Kamal Pasa; Co-Investigator "Research Project: Developing Concept Note on Education for Displaced Rohingya People; UNESCO" PI: Happy K. Das; Project Duration: November 2017-15 December 2017. (Unpublished)

Published: November 2017
29. Md. Kamal Pasa; Qualitative Expert "Research Project: Baseline Survey of Kalmakanda ADP 2017, World Vision Bangladesh," PI: Prof. Shuaib Muhammad; Implementing Agency: SURCH-Bangladesh; Project Duration: July 2017- August 2017. (Unpublished)

Published: July 2017
30. Md. Kamal Pasa; Co-Investigator "Research Project: Effects of Climate Variability, Seasonal Variations and Environmental Events on Drinking Water Quality, Diarrhea Prevalence and WASH Behaviour in Bangladesh. A Multi-country Project of WHO" PI: Prof. Meerjady Sabrina Flora Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh. (Unpublished)

Published: April 2017
31. Md, Kamal Pasa; Lead Consultant "Research Project: Pilot Study of Uncorrected Refractive Error among Urban School Children of Dhaka”, Collaborative Project between Orbis-Bangladesh and BOM (Blind Zero Movement) Project of Yonsei University, South Korea" Project Duration: 26 December 2016 to 31 December 2017. (Unpublished)

Published: December 2016
32. Md. Kamal Pasa; Consultant-Qualitative Part "Research Project:Evaluation of Community Clinic: Progress and Challenge”; MoHFW, Bangladesh" PI: Prof. Meerjady Sabrina Flora; Implementing Agency: NIPSOM, Bangladesh; Project Duration: 17 May 2015 to 16 June 2015. (Unpublished)

Published: May 2015
33. Md. Kamal Pasa; Consultant "Research Project: Compilation project phase out report, “ SHOUHARDO 11 Porgram (Strengthening Household Abilities to Respond to Development Opportunities- II), Implementing partner NGO- SOLIDARITY, Lead NGO CARE International, funded by USAID." Project Duration: 10 Feb 2015 to 15 Feb 2015. (Unpublished)

Published: February 2015
34. Md. Kamal Pasa; Field Coordinator-Bangladesh Part "Research Project: Getting Evidence: Asia Child Marriage Initiative, A Multi Countries Project (Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia); Plan-International" Implementing Agency: CORAM Children’s Legal Center (CCLC), UK; Project Duration:27 Oct 2014 to 10 December 2014

Published: October 2014
35. Md. Kamal Pasa; Consultant-Qualitative Part "Research Project: “Mid Term Evaluation of Stop Child Marriage of Girls in PLAN Bangladesh Project-2014”, Plan International Bangladesh" PI: Professor Shuaib Muhammod; Implementing Agency: SURCH-Bangladesh; Project Duration: 25 May 2014 to 17 August 2014. (Unpublished)

Published: May 2014
36. Md. Kamal Pasa "Research Project:A Cry for Justice: A Baseline Report among the Santal and Other Indigenous Communities of Naogaon and Dinajpur District in Bangladesh; Under the Intervention Program titled, Access to Justice for the Marginalised through Community Legal S" Project Duration: 15 January 2014- 15 February, 2014. (Unpublished)

Published: January 2014
37. Md. Kamal Pasa; Co-Principal Investigator "Research Project: Implementation Guideline for Hygiene Promotion at Tangail Brothel, Bangladesh”, WaterAID & PSTC" PI: Dr. Nazmul Hussain; Project Duration: April, 2012 to May 2012. (Unpublished)

Published: April 2012
38. Md. Kamal Pasa; Country Coordinator-Bangladesh "Research Project: Gender, Agency and Crop Production: A View from Rice Farming Culture(s) of Northern Bangladesh”. A collaborative research project between International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippine and Dept. of Anthropology, University of R" Coordinator-IRRI Philippine: Dr. Florencia Palis (Scientist); Project Duration: 01 February 2012-28 February 2013. (Unpublished)

Published: February 2012
39. Md. Kamal Pasa; Consultant-Qualitative Part "Research Project: Glue Sniffing among Street Children and Adolescents in Bangladesh; World Bank" Implementing Agency: DMA (Data Management Aid); Project Duration: August 2010-December 2010

Published: August 2010
40. Md. Kamal Pasa; Co-Director "Research Project: Health Seeking Behavior of Kala-Ajore Pateint”, Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh" Project duration: June, 2008 –(Unpublished)

Published: June 2008
41. Md. Kamal Pasa; Co-Principal Investigator "Listening to the Silence: Assessing the inclusion and integration of disable people in emergency response to SIDR; ADD (ACTION ON DISABILITY AND DEVELOPMENT)" PI: Prof. Hasan Al Shafie; Implementing Agency: Development Frontier; Project Duration: 20 May 2008- 30 Sept. 2008. (Unpublished)

Published: May 2008
42. Md. Kamal Pasa, Research Investigator, "“Indigenous Knowledge and Coping Mechanisms in Community based Disaster Risk Reduction”, Funded by CDMP, UNDP and Ministry of Disaster and Relief, Bangladesh" Unpublished, Duration: (13 December 2007- 30 June 2008)

Published: December 2007
43. Md. Kamal Pasa; Research Investigator (M&E Manager) "Research Project: HIV and AIDs Prevention Project (HAPP): Procurement of NGO Services (PNS) in Support of Men having sex with Men and Transgender/Hjras RFP/2007/006; UNICEF & MoHFW, Bangladesh" PI: Dr. Sharful Islam Khan; SBSU, PHSD, ICDDR,B; Project Duration: July 18, 2007-December 31, 2007. (Unpublished)

Published: July 2007
44. Md. Kamal Pasa; Project Director "Research Project: Sexual behaviour and its implication on STIs/HIV and Sexual Health among Injecting Drug users at Rajshahi city, Bangladesh, University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh" Duration: June 2007 to June 2008. (Unpublished)

Published: June 2007
45. Md. Kamal Pasa; Research Investigator "Research Project: Understanding the Context of Risk and Vulnerabilities to STIs/HIV and Sexual Health: A Rapid Anthropological Assessment of the Tribal community of the North-Western belt of Bangladesh, DFID-Bangladesh" PI: Dr. Sharful Islam Khan; SBSU, PHSD ICDDR,B; Project Duration: 6 September 2006 – 31 June 2007. (Unpublished)

Published: September 2006
46. Dr. A.H.M Zehadul Karim, Md. Kamal Pasa "Drug Users in Chonpara: A Rapid Situation Assessment, 2004" Published by Care-International Bangladesh

Published: August 2006
47. Dr. A.H.M Zehadul Karim, Md. Kamal Pasa "Drug Users in Chandpur town: A Rapid Situation Assessment" Published by Care-International Bangladesh

Published: August 2006
48. Dr. A.H.M Zehadul Karim, Md. Kamal Pasa "Drug Users in Pabna: A Rapid Situation Assessment, 2004" Published by Care-International Bangladesh

Published: August 2006
49. Dr. A.H.M Zehadul Karim, Md. Kamal Pasa "Drug Users in Ishwardi: A Rapid Situation Assessment, 2004" Published by Care-International Bangladesh

Published: August 2006
50. Md. Kamal Pasa "Research Project: Bandhu Social Welfare Society – Family Health International MSM (Male who have sex with Male) Program Evaluation, October, 2000-December, 2004; FHI: Family Health International, Bangladesh Country Office & Bangkok, Thailand Regional Offi" Team Leaders: Ana Coghan & Dr. Sharful Islam Khan; Project Duration: 05 February 2005 – 07 March 2005. (Unpublished)

Published: February 2005
51. Md. Kamal Pasa "Thesis (Academic): Identity, Sexuality and Stigmatization: An insight into Health and Cultural consequences of Male to male Sexual Conduct in a Frontier Town in Bangladesh" At MSS level; Dept. of Anthropology; Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh, Duration: June 2001 – June 2002. (Unpublished)

Published: June 2001
52. Md. Kamal Pasa "Research Monograph (Academic): Indigenous Fishing Knowledge: An Ethno-ecological Study of Inland Fishermen Community in Northeastern region, Bangladesh" at BSS level, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh; Duration: June 1999 – June 2000. (Unpublished)

Published: June 1999
53. Md. Kamal Pasa "Research Monograph (Academic): Tea Plantation Workers and Their Lives: Mode of Exploitation over People and Environment" at BSS level, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh, Duration: June 1998 – June 1999. (Unpublished)

Published: June 1998
54. Md. Kamal Pasa "Research Monograph (Academic): An Anthropological Analysis of the Semester System and it’s impact on the students at graduate and post graduate level in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh”" at BSS level (Group work), Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh; June 1997 – June 1998. (Unpublished)

Published: June 1997
55. Md. Kamal Pasa "Research Monograph (Academic): Power Structure of Patro Community: An Anthropological Study of Rural Community" Department of Anthropology at the B.S.S level, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh; June 1996 - June 1997. (Unpublished)

Published: June 1996

Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended

1. Md. Kamal Pasa; Catalina P. Diaz, Florencia G. Palis, Md. Matiur Rahman, Shejuti Nure Maksurat "Impact of Farmer-led Action Research to Food Security and Poverty Alleviation on Production Decision and Food Adjustment Measures of a Farming Village of North-west Bangladesh" International workshop on “Impact Pathway and Impacts of NRM Technology for Rice Production in Asia, Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 16-19 Novermber, 2012, Organized by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, Las Banos, Philiphine. (Unpublished)

Published: November 2012

Anthropology of Globalization

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Nutritional Anthropology

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Research Methods

Qualitative and Quantitative

Contemporary Anthropological Theories

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Medical Anthropology

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Ecological Anthropology

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Anthropology of Religion

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Linguistic Anthropology

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Memory, Remembering and Forgetting

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Not Available