Not Available
Dept. of Anthropology, Ismail Hossain Sirajee Academic Building (RoomnNo: 114), University of Rajshahi, Tel: 0721-711139 Mob: 01727551100
- Education Summary
- M.S.S. (SUST), B.S.S. (SUST)
- Research Interest
- Claimate Change, Health: Child and newborn health, Adolescent sexual and reproductive Health, Migration and Trafficking, Ethnicity and Ethnic group relations, HIV/AIDS and drug addiction, Transgender relation, Environment, Agrarian Change
Level | Institution | Year |
Masters (M.S.S.) |
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet | 1999 |
Bachelor/Honors (B.S.S.) |
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet | 1998 |
Higher Secondary (H.S.C.) |
Rajshahi College | 1994 |
Secondary (S.S.C) |
Gaibandha Govt. Boys High School | 1992 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2016-11-29 to | Anthropology | Associate Professor |
2010-07-02 to 2016-11-10 | Anthropology | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2007-07-02 to 2010-07-01 | Anthropology | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Not Available
1. |
Muhammad Miznuddin, Md. Kamal Pasa, and Kazi Robiul Alom
"Ideas and Practices in Development: Anthropological Perspective"
Dept. of Anthropology, Rajshahi University
Published: June 2013
Book Chapter
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Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Zubaida Bashri
"Socio-cultural Contexts of Sexual Risk Behaviour to HIV among the Injection Drug Users of North-west Bangladesh"
In the book Ideas and Practices in Development: Anthropological Perspective, , Dept. of Anthropology, Rajshahi University
Published: June 2013
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Showmik Islam Dhrubo, Kazi Robiul Alom
"Neoliberalism and Homo Consumens: Critical Reflections on Ecotourism, and Seeking Possibilities in Sustainable Tourism"
Literature and Culture; Vol.2
Published: August 2023
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Mahfuzur Rahman, Jaclyn Delarosa, Sharmin Khan Luies, Kazi Robiul Alom, Manjari Quintanar-Solares, Ishrat Jabeen, Tahmeed Ahmed, Elizabeth Abu-Haydar and Haribondhu Sarma
"4) Understanding key drivers and barriers to implementation of the WHO recommendations for the case management of childhood pneumonia and possible serious bacterial infection with amoxicillin dispersible tablets (DT) in Bangladesh: a qualitative study"
BMC Health Services Research
Published: June 2020
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Kazi Robiul Alom , Tamanna Aktar Rini, Md. Golam Faruk Sarker, Shidratul Moontaha Suha, Md. Murtuja Hasan
"Use of Non-prescription drugs: Context leading to Choosing and Using of Non-prescription Drugs of Medication in a Rural Settings of Bangladesh"
Published: December 2019
4. |
Alom Robiul, Sarma H
"Understanding and Capacity of Civil Society Organizations’ in Strengthening Adolescent’s Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) Rights in Disaster Prone Area of Bangladesh"
Peoples’ Preface: A Journal of Research Initiatives, Vol 2, Issue 2
Published: June 2018
5. |
Haribondhu Sarma, Emily Gerth-Guyette, Syaket Ahmed Shakil, Kazi Robiul Alom, Elizabeth Abu-Haydar, Methelda D'Rozario, Md Tariqujjaman, Shams E Arifeen, Tahmeed Ahmed
"Evaluating the use of job aids and user instructions to improve adherence for the treatment of childhood pneumonia using amoxicillin dispersible tablets in a low-income setting: a mixed method study"
BMJ Open 2019;9:e024978
Published: June 2018
6. |
Alom Robiul, Sarma H, Sarker Faruk,
"Sexual and Reproductive Health Vulnerabilities of the Adolescents in a Coastal District of Bangladesh"
Culture, Adaptation and Resilience: Bangladesh Climate Change Trust and Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2017
7. |
কাজী রবিউল আলম, গোলাম ফারুক সরকার, মোজাহার রহমান শাহ
"উদারনৈতিক বৈশ্বিক পরিবেশ ভাবনা ও এর প্রেক্ষিতে জীববৈচিত্র্য সংরক্ষণের প্রশ্নঃ প্রত্যয়গত পর্যালোচনা"
তৃণমূল উদ্যোগ; বাংলাদেশ রিসোর্স সেন্টার ফর ইন্ডিজেনাস নলেজ (বারসিক)
Published: September 2016
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M. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Zubaida Bashri, Sten H. Vermund
"Sharing of Needles and Syringes among Men Who Inject Drugs: HIV Risk in Northwest Bangladesh"
PloS one
Published: June 2016
9. |
Yeamin Ali, Md. Fakrul Islam, Kazi Robiul Alom, Md. Liton Hossain, Atiqur Rahman, Mahfuza Khanom Sheema, Jesmin Akhter, Akib Javed, Mst. Rupali Akhter
"Black Fever among the Ethnic Santal People in Bangladesh"
American Journal of Public Health Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 62-68
Published: January 2016
10. |
Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Shmaim Ahmed, Zubaida Bashri, Biwanath Soren, Hopna Kisku
"Sexual Violence against Ethnic Women in North-western region of Bangladesh: Reflection on Causes and Impact"
Man and Culture: A journal of the Institute of Social Research and Applied Anthropology; Vol. 1, No. 1,
Published: January 2012
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কাজী রবিউল আলম ও রাদিয়া আউয়াল তৃষা
"অনুবাদঃ উপহার, এবং বিশেষত এটির ফেরত দেওয়ার বাধ্যবাধকতা; মারসেল মস্ (An essay on the gift: the form and reason of exchange in archaic societies; Marcel Mauss"
Published: June 2021
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কাজী রবিউল আলম ও রাদিয়া আউয়াল তৃষা
". অনুবাদঃ পৃথিবীর নব বিধান (The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum; Carl Schmitt"
Published: April 2021
3. |
কাজী রবিউল আলম ও রাদিয়া আউয়াল তৃষা
"অনুবাদঃ মহামারীর পরে, আমরা আবার ঘুমিয়ে পড়তে পারি না ডেভিড গ্রেয়বার (After the Pandemic, We Can’t Go Back to Sleep; David Graeber; Jacobin)"
Published: March 2021
4. |
কাজী রবিউল আলম, রাদিয়া আউয়াল তৃষা
"অনুবাদঃ ক্ষমতা/জ্ঞান ছাড়িয়েঃ ক্ষমতা, অজ্ঞতা ও নির্বুদ্ধিতার একটি অন্বেষণ (Beyond Power/Knowledge: an exploration of the relation of power, ignorance and stupidity; David Graeber)"
Published: January 2021
5. |
কাজী রবিউল আলম এবং রাদিয়া আউয়াল তৃষা
"অনুবাদঃ মহামারী কি আমাদের গণতন্ত্র শেখাবে? এক্সেল হোনেথ-এর সাক্ষাৎকার (Will the pandemic teach us democracy? -An interview with Axel Honneth; EUROZINE)"
Published: January 2021
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কাজী রবিউল আলম
"অনুবাদঃ দেনাঃ প্রথম পাঁচ হাজার বছর; Graeber, D. (2009). Debt: The First Five Thousand Years' in 12 Mute"
Published: October 2020
7. |
কাজী রবিউল আলম
"মারসেল মস্-এর “উপহার”: বাজার অর্থনীতি ধারণার প্রতি একটি চ্যালেঞ্জ;"
Published: September 2020
Anthropology of GlobalizationAnth -403
Biological AnthropologyAnth -105
Not Available