Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, email: Mobile: +8801731-281878
- Education Summary
- M.S.S & B.S.S in Anthropology (Rajshahi University)
- Research Interest
- Early Childhood Development (ECD), Parenting, Child Rights, Social Inclusion, Ethnic Group Studies (Plain Land Ethnic Group especially Santal), Development Research, and Ethnographic Research
Level | Institution | Year |
Masters (M.S.S in Anthropology) |
Rajshahi University | 2005 |
Bachelor/Honors (B.S.S in Anthropology) |
Rajshahi University | 2004 |
Higher Secondary (Higher Secondary Certificate in Humanities) |
Rajshahi Education Board | 2000 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2022-04-01 to | Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205 | Associate Professor |
2013-01-02 to 2022-03-31 | Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi , Rajshahi-6205 | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2010-01-02 to 2013-01-02 | Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205 | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2008-06-17 to 2009-12-31 | Asian University (Rajshahi Campus), Rajshahi. | LECTURER |
2006-06-01 to 2008-06-01 | BRAC, 75 Mohakhali, Dhaka. | RESEARCHER |
Book Chapter
1. |
শামীম আহম্মেদ, মো: আতিকুর রহমান শেখ, শামীম হোসেন, রাজিবুল ইসলাম, এবং সোহেল মেহেদি
"বরেন্দ্র অঞ্চলের লোকসংস্কৃতির প্রকৃতি ও পরিবরতন অনুসন্ধান"
বাংলাদেশের সংস্কৃতি ও সংস্কৃতিবিদ্যা, সেমিনার ভলিউম ১৬, ইনস্টিটিউট অব বাংলাদেশ স্টাডিজ জার্নাল (বাংলা)
Published: June 2017
2. |
শামীম আহম্মেদ
"বরেন্দ্র অঞ্চলের সাঁওতাল জনগোষ্ঠীর আচার-অনুষ্ঠান"
ইনস্টিটিউট অব বাংলাদেশ স্টাডিজ, রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়।
Published: June 2015
3. |
Shamim Ahmed and Md. Nazmul Ahsan Murad
"Community-Based Natual Resources Management: A Study on Selected Community in Rural Bangladesh"
Natural Resources Management in Developing and Transitional Economies for Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals
Published: August 2014
1. |
N. M. Sajjadul Hoque Ph D and
Shamim Ahmed
"Indigenous People and Climate Change: Perceptions, Awareness, and Adaptation Practices in Bangladesh"
Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, ISSN 0256-503-X, Volume 43 (2020)
Published: May 2022
2. |
শামীম আহম্মেদ
"বাংলাদেশের গ্রামাঞ্চলের নারীশিক্ষায় বৈষম্য ও প্রতিবন্ধকতা"
ইনস্টিটিউট অব বাংলাদেশ স্টাডিজ জার্নাল (বাংলা), ইনস্টিটিউট অব বাংলাদেশ স্টাডিজ, রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, সংখ্যা ২৩ (১৪২২ বঙ্গাব্দ), পৃ. ১৬৫-১৭৬, ISSN 1561-798-X
Published: November 2016
3. |
Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Shamim Ahmed, Golam Faruk Sarkar
"2.Md. Kamal Pasa, Kazi Robiul Alom, Shmaim Ahmed, Zubaida Bashri, Golam Faruk Sarker "Sexual Violence Against Ethnic Women in North-west region of Bangladesh" Journal of Man and Culture. Vol: 1, No: 2"
Anthropologist, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Vol-01,
Published: July 2015
4. |
শামীম আহম্মেদ
"সাঁওতাল জনগোষ্ঠীর ধর্মান্তর ও অবস্তুগত সাংস্কৃতিক সংকট বিশ্লেষণ"
Development Compilation, A Journal of the Centre for Human Resources Information and Development, Volume 10, Number 02.
Published: March 2014
5. |
Shamim Ahmed
"1. Traditional & Cultural Barrier of Secondary Female Education"
Development Compilation, A Journal of the Centre for Human Resources Information and Development, Volume 08, Number 01. February 2013, ISSN-2072-3334.
Published: February 2013
6. |
শামীম আহম্মেদ
"পরিবারে মেয়ে শিশু বৈষম্য: ধরন, কারণ ও প্রভাব"
Development Compilation, A Journal of the Centre for Human Resources Information and Development, Volume 08, Number 01, ISSN-2072-3334.
Published: February 2013
7. |
মোঃ তানভিরুল হক ও শামীম আহম্মেদ
"মিথ: একটি ইতিবৃত্তিক আবেক্ষণ"
বাংলা সাহিত্যিকী, ১ম বর্ষ, ২য় সংখ্যা, রাজশাহী কলেজ, রাজশাহী।ISSN-2227-1635.
Published: January 2012
Anthropology of ChildhoodCompulsory
Research Methods in AnthropologyCompulsory
Applied AnthropologyCompulsory
a) Kamal Pasa, Mostafizur Rahman, and
Shamim Ahmed, A policy paper to assess policy and governance issues,
identify gaps, and suggest reform concerning the Access of Adivasi peoples of
Bangladesh to rights and entitlements in terms of basic public services under “Fighting
Forced Labor with Adivasi and Dalit Communities in South Asia (MUKTEE) Project” Submitted
to Traidcraft Exchange Bangladesh, June 2022
b) Mentor:
Shamim Ahmed
Imrul Kyes: Barriers for
Implementation of Tobacco Control Law in Bangladesh, Research Grants Program in Tobacco
Control, Bangladesh Centre for Communication Programs (BCCP).
c) Assessing Service Innovation Knowledge,
Attitude and Skill among the Public Servants of Bangladesh, Funded by A2i, a
project of Access to information, Prime Minister’s office aiming to develop a
national guideline for innovation training. June 2015.
d) Social Media in Public
Service Delivery Systems: Issues and Challenges, Funded by A2i, a project of
Access to information, Prime Minister’s office aiming at developing a national
guideline for using social media like Facebook in public service delivery
system. January 2014.
e) Two years of extensive working
experience in Qualitative research and baseline survey of the school sanitation
program of BRAC, Indoor air pollution, and effectiveness and appropriateness of
selecting hygiene in rural Bangladesh under BRAC. April 2021.
Conference Participation, Selected Invited Talks, and Training
M‡elYv cÖeÜ: e‡i›`ª A‡ji ‡jvKms¯‹…wZ: cÖK…wZ I
cwieZ©b| evsjv‡`‡ki ms¯‹…wZ I ms¯‹…wZwe`¨v (RvZxq †mwgbvi), Av‡qvRb-
Bbw÷wUDU Ae evsjv‡`k ÷vwWR, ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq| ZvwiL:14-11-2015|
e‡i›`ª A‡ji mvuIZvj Rb‡Mvôxi AvPvi Abyôvb| e‡i›`ª A‡ji ÿz`ª
b„‡Mvôxi AvPvi-Abyôvb (RvZxq †mwgbvi), Av‡qvRb Bbw÷wUDU Ae evsjv‡`k
÷vwWR, ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq| ZvwiL:21-07-2015|
3. “Orientation Course on
RDA’s Activities and its Participatory Research for the Participants of
Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS)“ jointly organized by Institute of
Bangladesh Studies (IBS), Rajshahi, and Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogra.
The Training was held from 14 December-17 December 2014.
4. “Enhancing Research Capacities for Teachers and Research Fellows of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies through Training and Research (ERCTR-IBS).” The Training was organized by the Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS) & RDA Bogra and supported by University Grant Commission. The Training was held on 10 December 2014 & 11 December 2014.
7th National Seminar on Challenges of Development in the Context of Bangladesh
17-18 February 2023 at Ashrai, Paba, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Administrative Activities-
Member of the editorial board:
Name of Journal # Development Compilation, a Bangladesh Institute of Professional Study journal.
Member of
Publication Committee:
a) Name of Journal: Man and Culture - Institute of Social Research and Applied Anthropology (ISRAA) & Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205.
b) Member of Academic Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205.
c) Member of Examination Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205.
d) Member of the Book award committee. Excellent result for BSS (Hons) Part-1, BSS (Hons) Part-2, BSS (Hons) Part-3, BSS (Hons) Part-4, and MSS student, Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi. Rajshahi-6205.
e) Chief Advisor of Game and Sports, Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi.
f) Chief Advisor of Cultural Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi.
Others Activities
Proctor: Assistant Proctor of Rajshahi University, From 1 June 2016 to 31 May 2017.
House Tutor: House tutor of Sayed Amir
Ali Hall, University of Rajshahi. From 3 March 2012 to 2 March 2014.