
Professor, Department of Physics, 105(A), Satyendra Nath Bose Academic Building, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205


Education Summary  
M.Sc.(Raj), PhD (Raj)

Research Interest  
Level Institution Year
Rajshahi University 2002
(M.Sc. (Nuclear Physics Group))
Rajshahi University 1988
(B.Sc. (Honours))
Rajshahi University 1987
Higher Secondary
(Higher Secondary Certificate)
Government PC College 1983
(Secondary School Certificate)
Nashukhali Social Welfare High School, Mollahat 1981

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2007-06-28 to Physics PROFESSOR
2002-11-02 to 2007-06-27 Physics ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
1996-06-13 to 2002-11-01 Physics ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
1993-06-13 to 1996-06-12 Physics LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2007-10-01 to 2008-03-31 Department of Physics, University of Durham, United Kingdom (UK) Post Doctoral Fellow under Commonwealth Fellowship in 2007
2004-10-20 to 2005-01-18 Center for Crystal Science and Technology, University of Yamanashi, Japan Post Doctoral Fellow under JSPS Fellowship in 2004-2005


1. M. R. Islam, F. N. Islam, M. H. Haque, M. S. Hossain, M. S. Reza, R. Begum; "Radioiodine Thyroid Uptake and Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Hyperthyroidism with Multinodular Goiter," J. Sci. Res. 10 (3), 223-229

Published: March 2019
2. F N Islam and F Parvin "A First Principles Study of Crystal Structure and Elastic Properties of CrB2" Jahangirnagar University Physics Studies 20, p-29

Published: May 2014
3. 03. A. T. M. Nazmul Islam, T. Hitosugi, E. Dudzik, T. Hasegawa, S. Ueda, Y. Takano, F. N. Islam, M. K. R. Khan, M. N. Islam, A. K. M. A. Islam, S. Watauchi, and I. Tanaka "Superconductor-insulator phase transition in single-crystal La2-xSrxCuO4 films grown by the liquid-phase epitaxy method" Phys. Rev. B 80, 024505

Published: July 2009
4. 04. A. Hossain1, A. K. M. A. Islam, and F. N. Islam "Elastic Properties of α- and β-phases of Li3N" J. Sci. Res. 1(2), 182

Published: March 2009
5. A K M A Islam, F Pervin, F N Islam, M N Islam, A T M N Islam and Isao Tanaka "AgB2: superconductivity and the role of paragon." Physica C 466 (1), page-76

Published: June 2007
6. F N Islam, "Investigations of Radon Gas Concentrations in the Indoor and Outdoor Atmosphere of Rajshahi University Campus" The Journal of Geo-Environment 6, page-64

Published: June 2007
7. A K M A Islam, F N Islam, M S Iqbal, Abraham F Jalbout and Ludwik Adamowicz "Elastic and electronic properties of BeB2 in comparison to superconducting MgB2 and NbB2." Solid State Communications, 139, Page-315

Published: June 2006
8. A S Sikder, A K M A Islam, M Nuruzzaman and F N Islam "Superconducting NbB2: An ab initio study of elastic constants." Solid State Communications 137, page-253

Published: November 2005
9. A.K.M.A. Islam, A.S. Sikder and F N Islam "NbB2: a density functional study" Physics Letters A 350, page-288

Published: September 2005
10. F Parvin, A K M A Islam and F N Islam "2D van Hove superconductors with weak and strong-couplings" The Nucleus 42, page149

Published: September 2005
11. F N Islam and A K M A Islam "Occurrence of superconductivity in diboride of Zr" Physica C 426-431, page-464

Published: February 2005
12. M.A. Razzaque, A.K.M.A. Islam, F N Islam and M N Islam "Superconductivity of Li under pressure" Solid State Communications 131, page-671

Published: June 2004
13. S.T. Mahmud, A.K.M.A. Islam and F N Islam "VB2 and ZrB2: a density functional study" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, page-2335

Published: March 2004
14. F Parvin, A K M A Islam and F N Islam "AuB2 in comparison to superconducting MgB2 – an ab initio study" Solid State Communications 130, page-567

Published: March 2004
15. A K M A Islam and F N Islam "MgB2: Superconductivity and Pressure" International Journal of Modern Physics B 17, page-1

Published: July 2003
16. F Parvin, A K M A Islam, F N Islam, A F M A Wahed and M E Haque "Mechanical behaviour of AgB2 in comparison to MgB2 – a first principle study" Physica C 390, page-16

Published: March 2003
17. F N Islam, A K M A Islam and M N Islam "Electronic structure and electric field gradient in superconducting MgB2 under pressure: an ab initio study" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, page-11661

Published: September 2001
18. A K M A Islam and F N Islam "Ab Initio Investigation of Elastic Constants of Superconducting MgB2" Physica C 363, page-189

Published: August 2001
19. A K M A Islam, F N Islam and S Kabir, "Ab Initio Investigation of Mechanical Behaviour of MgB2 Superconductor under Pressure" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, page-L641

Published: June 2001
20. A K M A Islam, F N Islam and M N Islam "Model Spectral Function for MgB2 Superconductor" Physics Letters A 286, page-357

Published: June 2001
21. M Alfaz Uddin, F N Islam, M Shahjahan and M G M Choudhury "Semi-empirical Formulae for Electron Impact Ionization Cross-sections" Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 39, page-205

Published: April 2001
22. F N Islam, M S Islam, F Nahid and M Husain "Calculation of Number of Electrons Participating in a Plasma Oscillations in Metals and Compounds" Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences 24, page-87

Published: January 2000
23. G S Islam and F N Islam "A Study of Thermal and Fast Nutron Dosimetric Properties of CR-39 Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors" Rajshahi University Studies, Part B 22, page-213

Published: May 1994


1. G S Islam, F N Islam and J B Biswas "Special Aspects of the Radon Concentrations in Dwellings and in Open Air." Proceedings of the international workshop on Recent Development in Condensed Matter Physics and Nuclear Science held at Rajshahi University, 2, 118

Published: January 1997
2. F N Islam, M S Islam, F Nahid and M Husain, "Relation Between the Chemical Shift and the Number of Electrons Participating in Plasma Oscillations" Proceedings of the international workshop on Recent Development in Condensed Matter Physics and Nuclear Science held at Rajshahi University, 1, 235

Published: January 1996


1. F N Islam "Ground State Properties of Newly Discovered Superconductor MgB2: ab initio Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Studies" PhD thesis, submitted to the University of Rajshahi in

Published: August 2002
2. F N Islam "A Study of Thermal and Fast Nutron Dosimetric Properties of CR-39 Plastic Detectors" MSc Thesis, submitted to the University of Rajshahi for the Degree of Master of Science in Physics in

Published: January 1992

PH101: Mechanics and Properties of Matter

1st Year B.Sc. (Honours) Curriculum


PH104: Mathematical Methods in Physics - I

1st Year B.Sc. (Honours) Curriculum


PH201: Optics

2nd Year B.Sc. (Honours) Curriculum


PH204: Mathematical Methods in Physics -II

2nd Year B.Sc. (Honours) Curriculum


PH303: Nuclear Physics

3rd Year B.Sc. (Honours) Curriculum


PH407: Reactor Physics

4th Year B.Sc. (Honours) Curriculum


PH504: Medical Physics

M.Sc. Curriculum


PH506: Superconductivity

M.Sc. Curriculum

Not Available
Not Available