
Professor, Department of Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh


Education Summary  
M.Sc (Raj)

Research Interest  
Level Institution Year
Rajshahi University 1991
(B.Sc (Honrs))
Rajshahi University 1990
Higher Secondary
Jessore Board 1987
Result not Found 1984

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2020-12-12 to Department of Chemistry PROFESSOR
2010-02-25 to 2020-12-11 Department of Chemistry Associate Professor
2000-11-03 to 2010-02-25 Department of Chemistry ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
1997-11-03 to 2000-11-02 Department of Chemistry LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Not Available

Book Chapter

1. R Pogaku, TK Biswas, R Abdulla "Low-Cost alternative renewable energy bioethanol production from palm oil in Malaysian context" Advances in Biofuels, 97-104

Published: February 2012


1. Masud Rana, Md Tamzid Hossain Molla, Md Dipu Malitha, Dipesh Chandra, Md Abul Basar, Tapan Kumar Biswas, Most Arifa Sultana, Md Shameem Ahsan "Modified alginate-based soft tissue adhesive: Synthesis, characterization, and application in the treatment of in vivo wound closure" 127(4):103515 2023

Published: September 2023
2. Bablu K. Ghosh. Prafulla Kumar Jha, Swapan K. Ghosh and Tapan K. Biswas "Organic solar cells pros and cons: Outlooks toward semitransparent cell efficiency and stability" Submitted: 8 September 2022 • Accepted: 26 January 2023

Published: February 2023
3. Manjushree Chowdhury, Md Israil Hossain, Amal Kanti Deb, Tapan Kumar Biswas, Forhad Ahammed Bin Azam and Md Delwar Hossain "Removal of Toxicants from Leather Industrial Wastewater Using Sawdust Filter Media and Ferric Oxide Coagulant" Vol. 35, No.(2), pg 597-604

Published: March 2019
4. TK Biswas MM Yusoff, MS Sarjadi, SE Arshad, B Musta, ML Rahman "Ion-imprinted polymer for selective separation of cobalt, cadmium and lead ions from aqueous media" Separation Science and Technology, 1-10

Published: February 2019
5. Bablu K. Ghosh, Tapan K. Biswas "Emerging solar cells energy trade‐off: Interface engineering materials impact on stability and efficiency progress" International Journal of Energy Research,1-19

Published: November 2018
6. TK Biswas, SM Sarkar, MM Yusoff, M Rahman "Synthesis and characterization of thiolated azobenzene mesogens onto gold nanoparticles and their photochromic properties" Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 13 (3), 378-386

Published: March 2018
7. AKM Kafi, Q Wali, R Jose, TK Biswas, MM Yusoff. "A glassy carbon electrode modified with SnO2 nanofibers, polyaniline and hemoglobin for improved amperometric sensing of hydrogen peroxide" Microchimica Acta 184 (11), 4443-4450

Published: November 2017
8. ML Rahman, TK Biswas, SM Sarkar, MM Yusoff, MS Sarjadi, SE Arshad "Adsorption of rare earth metals from water using a kenaf cellulose-based poly (hydroxamic acid) ligand" Journal of Molecular Liquids 243, 616-623

Published: October 2017
9. ML Rahman, TK Biswas, SM Sarkar, MM Yusoff, MS Sarjadi, SE Arshad "Adsorption of rare earth metals from water using a kenaf cellulose-based poly (hydroxamic acid) ligand" Journal of Molecular Liquids 243, 616-623

Published: October 2017
10. MM Yusoff, NRN Mostapa, MS Sarkar, TK Biswas, ML Rahman "Synthesis of ion imprinted polymers for selective recognition and separation of rare earth metals" Journal of Rare Earths 35 (2), 177-186

Published: February 2017
11. TK Biswas, AR Yuvaraj, SM Sarkar, MNFA Malek, MM Yusoff, SE Arsad "Synthesis and characterization of new liquid crystals embedded gold nanoparticles for photoswitching Properties" Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 9 (2), 100-108

Published: February 2017
12. M Islam, BH Mandal, TK Biswas, M Rahman, SS Rashid, SH Tan "Tapioca cellulose based copper nanoparticles for chemoselective N-alkylation" Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 17 (1), 550-557

Published: January 2017
13. ML Rahman, TK Biswas, SM Sarkar, AR Yuvaraj, K Sandeep "Synthesis of new liquid crystals embedded gold nanoparticles for photoswitching properties," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 478, 384–393

Published: September 2016
14. MS Islam, BH Mandal, TK Biswas, ML Rahman, SS Rashid, SH Tan "Poly (hydroxamic acid) functionalized copper catalyzed C–N bond formation reactions" RSC Advances 6 (61), 56450-56457

Published: June 2016
15. TK Biswas, SM Sarkar, MM Yusoff, ML Rahman "Synthesis and characterization of azobenzene-based gold nanoparticles for photo-switching properties" Journal of Molecular Liquids 214, 231-237

Published: February 2016
16. SM Sarkar, T Sultana, TK Biswas, ML Rahman, MM Yusoff "Waste corn-cob cellulose supported bio-heterogeneous copper nanoparticles for aza-Michael reactions" New Journal of Chemistry 40 (1), 497-502

Published: November 2015
17. MS Hossain, TK Biswas, DC Kabiraz, MN Islam, ME Huque "Studies on sodium dodecylsulfate in aqueous and in aqueous amino acid solutions: Volumetric and viscometric approaches" Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 87, 169-171, 2015.

Published: March 2015
18. M Chowdhury, MG Mostafa, TK Biswas, A Mandal, AK Saha "Characterization of the effluents from leather processing industries" Environmental Processes 2 (1), 173-187

Published: March 2015
19. ML Rahman, TK Biswas, SM Sarkar, MM Yusoff, MNFA Malek "New U-shaped liquid crystals azobenzene derived from catechol for photoswitching properties" Journal of Molecular Liquids 202, 125-133

Published: February 2015
20. M Harun-Al-Rashid, T Tofaz, MM Islam, TK Biswas "Sound velocities and micellar behaviour studies of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide in aqueous solutions at 295.15, 302.15 and 309.15 K" International Journal of Chemistry 7 (2), 213

Published: February 2015
21. M Chowdhury, MG Mostafa, TK Biswas, AK Saha "Treatment of leather industrial effluents by filtration and coagulation processes" Water Resources and Industry 3, 11-22

Published: September 2013
22. DC Kabiraz, TK Biswas, ME Huque "Physico-chemical properties of some electrolytes in water and aqueous sodiumdodecyl sulfate solutions at different temperatures" The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 43 (12), 1917-1923

Published: December 2011
23. DC Kabiraz, TK Biswas, MN Islam, ME Huque "Studies on molecular interactions of some electrolytes in water by volumetric and viscometric measurments at T= (303.15 to 323.15 K)" Journal of Scientific Research 3 (2), 437-444

Published: April 2011
24. MF Hossain, TK Biswas, MN Islam, ME Huque "Volumetric and viscometric studies on dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide in aqueous and in aqueous amino acid solutions in premicellar region" Monatshefte für Chemie-Chemical Monthly 141 (12), 1297-1308

Published: December 2010
25. DC Kabiraz, TK Biswas, ME Huque "Volumetric studies of some electrolytes in water and in aqueous sodium dodecylsulfate solutions at different temperatures" Monatshefte für Chemie-Chemical Monthly 141 (10), 1063-1068

Published: October 2010
26. S Afroz, MA Motin, TK Biswas, EM Huque "26. Volumetric and viscometric studies on some inorganic electrolytes in water and in water-SDS solution systems" Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 41 (3), 249-262

Published: August 2010
27. YB Shim, Hui-Bog Noh, Pankaj Kumar, Tapan Kumar Biswas, Duk-Soo Kim "Improved performance of an amperometric biosensor with polydiaminonaphthalene on electrochemically deposited Au nanoparticles" Electroanalysis 22 (6), 632-638

Published: March 2010
28. PC Dey, MA Motin, TK Biswas, EM Huque "Apparent molar volume and viscosity studies on some carbohydrates in solutions" Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly 134 (6), 797-809

Published: May 2003
29. MA Motin, TK Biswas, EM Huque "Volumetric and viscometric studies on sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate in aqueous and H2O-urea solutions," Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly 134 (4), 475-487

Published: March 2003
30. MA Motin, TK Biswas, EM Huque "Volumetric and viscometric studies on an aqueous urea solution" Physics and Chemistry of Liquids

Published: October 2002
31. TK Biswas, NK Sana, RK Badal, EM Huque "Biochemical study of some oil seeds (Brassica, Sesame and Linseed)" 4 (8), 1002-5

Published: August 2001


1. TK Biswas, SM Sarkar, MM Yusoff, M Rahman "SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ESTER BASED AZO-BENZENE ONTO THE GOLD NANOPARTICLE SURFACES AND THEIR PHOTO-SWITCHING ABILITY" 2nd International conference on Engineering Mechanics and Applied Sciences- 2017

Published: July 2017


1. Tapan Kumar Biswas, Mashitah Mohd Yusoff, Mohd Sani Sarjadi, Sazmol E Arshad, Baba Musta, and Md Lutfor Rahman "Synthesis of Azobenzene-Based Ion-Imprinted Polymers for Selective Removal of Cobalt and Copper Ions from a Mixture of Metal Ions" 2020, 6, 190009

Published: June 2020
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