
Department of Chemistry, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh


Education Summary  
Ph.D. (Hokkaido University, Japan) Diploma (TIT, Japan) M. Sc. (RU)

Research Interest  
(a) Study on of different transition and noble metal complex compounds with Schiff bases and mixed ligands including application of their catalytic and microbial activities., (b) Study of electrocatalytic activity of different metals and their modified electrodes for biological and environmental aspects., (c) Noble metal nanoparticles and its alloys with different transition or other noble metals for study superconductivity and fuel cell.
Level Institution Year
(Electrocatalysis of Noble Metal Alloys for Denitrification in the Hydrosphere)
Hokkaido University, Japan 2014
(Electrochemical Detection of Arsenic (III) at Gold Nonoparticles Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode Using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry)
TIT, Japan 2006
(Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry)
Rajshahi University 1996
Rajshahi University 1995
Higher Secondary
(Science Group)
Cantt Public School and College, Rangpur 1992
(Science Group)
Cantt Public School and College, Rangpur 1990

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2019-12-08 to Department of Chemistry, University of Rajshahi PROFESSOR
2014-07-23 to 2019-12-07 Department of Chemistry, RU ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
2005-12-19 to 2014-07-22 Department of Chemistry, RU ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2002-12-18 to 2005-12-18 Department of Chemistry, RU LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position


1. Mehnaz Rashid, Md. Ahasanur Rabbi, Tabassum Ara, Md. Motahar Hossain, Md. Shahidul Islam, Abdelhamid Elaissari, Hasan Ahmad * and Md. Mahbubor Rahman "Vancomycin conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic targeting and efficient capture of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria" Royal Society of Chemistry Advance (RSC adv.) 2021, 11, 36319-36328

Published: November 2021
2. Sadia Hossian, Mahbubor Rahman, Yeasmin Nahar, Abdur Rahman, Mostofa Kaiyum Sharafat, Motahar Hossain, Bungo Ochiai, Abdelhamid Elaissari, Hasan Ahmad, “ "A simple in situ synthesis of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles embedded in thermosensitive polymer for DNA capture. (2020)" 35 (18), 2441-2450

Published: July 2020
3. Mehnaz Rashid, Mohammad M. Islam, Hideto Minami, Mohammad Aftabuzzaman, Mohammad A. Rahman, Mohammad M. Hossain, Sheikh M. Hoque, Mohammad A. Alam, Hasan Ahmad, “ "Nickel decorated melamine-formaldehyde resin/polyaniline composites for high specific capacitance.” (2020)," Materials Chemistry and Physics, 249, 122957

Published: April 2020
4. Md. Motahar Hossain, Toshikazu Kawaguchi, Katsuaki Shimazu, Kou Nakata, "Reduction of nitrate on Tin-Modified Palladium-Platinum Electrodes Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, (2020)" 864, 114041-

Published: March 2020
5. Mohammad Nuruzzaman Khan, H. N. Roy, Pijush Kanti Roy, Mohammad Motahar Hossain, "Rapid Access of Some Rare Chiral Azides from Sterically Hindered Alcohols by Green Chemistry Protocol." Asian Journal of Green Chemistry, 3, (2019) 336-344.

Published: November 2018
6. Md. Abdul Mannan, Md. Saddam Hossain, Md. Al-Amin Sarker, Md. Motahar Hossain, Liton Chandra, ABM Hamidul Haque and Md. Kudrat-E-Zahan "Bioaccumulation of Toxic Heavy Metals in Fish after Feeding with Synthetic Feed: A Potential Health Risk in Bangladesh." Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 8, 1000728.

Published: October 2018
7. Md. Motahar Hossain, Md. Abul Bashar, Pijush Kanti Roy, Md. Nuruzzaman Khan, Md. Siddik Ali and Md. Akhter Farooque "Physical and Spectral Characterization of Ni (II), Cu (II), Co (II) and Cd (II) Complexes with Schiff Base of Salicylaldehyde and 2-Aminopyridine towards Potential Microbial Application." Americal Journal of Applied Chemistry 6 (4), 147-155.

Published: October 2018
8. Md. Motahar Hossain, Md. Abul Bashar, Md. Nuruzzaman Khan, Pijush Kanti Roy, Md. Siddik Ali, Md. Akhtar Farooque "Preparation, Physical Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Ni (II), Cu (II), Co (II), Cd (II), Zn (II) And Cr (III) Schiff Base Complex Compounds" Science Journal Chemistry, 62 (3), 17-23.

Published: July 2018
9. Suherman, Md Motahar Hossain, Kinichi Morita, Toshikazu Kawaguchi, "Effect of Metal Film Thickness and Various Solvents on the SPR Biosensor Sensitivity for Illegal Compound Detection." Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 34 (3), 1355-1361.

Published: May 2018
10. E. Zangrando, M.S. Begum, M.C. Sheikh, R. Miyatake, M. M. Hossain, M.M. Alam, M.A. Hasnat, M.A. Halim, S. Ahmed, M.N. Rahman, A. Ghosh "Synthesis, characterization, density functional study and antimicrobial evaluation of a series of bischelated complexes with a dithiocarbazate Schiff base ligand." Arabian Journal of Chemistry 10(2), 172-184.

Published: January 2017
11. M.S. Begum, E. Zangrando, M.B.H. Howlader, M.C. Sheikh, R. Miyatake, M. M. Hossain, M.M. Alam, M.A. Hasnat "Synthesis, characterization, photoluminescence and electrochemical studies of Ni (II), Cu (II), Zn (II), Cd (II) and Pd(II) complexes of the bidentate S-hexyl-b-N-(2-thienyl) methylenedithiocarbazate ligand." Polyhedron, 105, 56-61.

Published: January 2016
12. E. Zanrando, M. S. Begum, R. Miyatake, M. C. Sheikh and Md. M. Hossain "Crystal Structure of bis {S-hexyl 3-[4- (dimethylamino)benzylidene]dithio-carbazato-k2 N3, S} copper (II)”" Acta Cryst. (2015) E71, 706-708.

Published: May 2015
13. M. S. Begum, E. Zangrando, M. C. Sheikh, R. Miyataked and M. M. Hossain "Crystal structure of S-octyl (E)-3-(4-methoxybenzylidene) dithiocarbazate." Acta Cryst. (2015) E71, o265–o266.

Published: March 2015
14. Md. Motahar Hossain, Kou Nakata, Toshi Kawaguchi and Katsuaki Shimazu ", Reduction of Nitrate on Electrochemically Pre-reduced Tin-modified Palladium Electrode" J. Electroanal. Chem. (2013) 707, 59-65.

Published: August 2013
15. Md. Yeamin Reza, Md. Motahar Hossain, Md. Rabiul Karim, Md. Tofazzal Hossain Tarafdar and David L. Huges, "Triethyleneammonium bis(2-oxido-2-2 diphenylacetato-k2 O1, O2) amtimonate (III)" Acta Cryst., E66, m116-m117.

Published: December 2009
16. Md. Motahar Hossain, Md. Mominul Islam, Sara Ferdoushi, Takeyoshi Okajima and Takeo Ohsaka. "Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Detection of Arsenic (III) at Gold Nanoparticles-Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodes" Electroanalysis (2008) 20, 2435-2441.

Published: August 2008
17. Md. Motahar Hossain, Md. Masem Hossain, M. A. Jalil Miah and Hasan Ahmed. "Radical Polymerization of Styrene in Ethanol medium - A study in Presence of Anionic Surfactant" Journal of Polymer Mater, (2007) 24, 349-355.

Published: December 2007
18. Md. Belayet Hossain, Md. Motahar Hossain and M Saidul Islam "Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Ligands Complexes of Pt (IV) and Ni (II) ions with Pthalic Acid and Heterocyclic Amines." Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society, (2004) 17(2), 177-182.

Published: December 2004
19. Farzana Darain, Roushown Ali, Md. Motahar Hossain, Sayenuddin Ahmed, M.S. Zaman and M. Saidul Islam "Antimicrobial activity studies of the mixed ligand complexes of Co(ii) metal ions." Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society, (2004) 17(1), 103-106.

Published: July 2004
20. M. Saidul Islam, Md. Motahar Hossain, Laila Arjuman Banu, Chand sultana and M Abdul Quadir, "Antibacterial and Anti-fungal activity of some mixed ligand complexes of Oxovanadium(iv), Titanium(iii) and Cd(ii) metal ions" Oriental Journal of Chemistry, (2003) 19(3), 547-554.

Published: May 2003


1. Md. Motahar Hossain, Chand Sultana, M. Saidul Islam and C.M. Zakaria "“Studies on coordination and addition compounds and antimicrobial activity of some mixed ligand complexes of Au(III), Mo(II), Co(II) and Cd(II) with dibasic acid and heterocyclic amines and addition compounds of As(III) and Sb(III) halides with bensamide " International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICPT), IC/2008/035

Published: June 2008
2. Md. Motahar Hossain, Chand Sultana, M. Saidul Islam and C.M. Zakaria "“Studies on coordination and addition compounds and antimicrobial activity of some mixed ligand complexes of Au(III), Mo(II), Co(II) and Cd(II) with dibasic acid and heterocyclic amines and addition compounds of As(III) and Sb(III) halides with bensamide " International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICPT), IC/2008/035

Published: June 2008

Basic and Advance Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical, Nuclear, Electroanalytical and Enviromental Materials Chemistry

Level of Teaching :Advance Inorganic Chemistry specialized courses in graduate and under graduate levels. Area of Teaching : Chemistry of transitional metals, Coordination Chemistry, Reaction mechanism, Organometallic Chemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Bio-




                                      i.      Synthesis and characterization of mixed ligands and Schiff base complexes of transition and inner transition metal complexes and studied of their biological (antibacterial, antifungal and anti cancer) activities. (Tenure: During Masters student)


                                    ii.      Evaluation and determination of arsenic concentration in drinking water, biological samples like; urine, blood, nail, hair and skin by using Atomic Absorption and UV- Spectrophotometer and investigation of mitigating arsenic concentration in drinking water. (Tenure: July 1999 to March 2000)


                                  iii.      UNESCO Research fellow, under Tokyo Tech UNESCO International Research Course for the Environment 2005-2006 at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. The name of the project was “Supply of safe water arsenic removal from ground water” and dissertation is Electrochemical Detection of Arsenic (III) at Gold Nanopariticles Modified Glassy Carbon Using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. (Tenure: October 2005 to September 2006)


                                  iv.      Ph.D. student in Department of Environment Materials under Faculty of Environmental Earch Science and the Graduate of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Japan. The title of the dissertation is Electroanalysis of Noble Metal Alloys for Nitrate Reduction in the Hydrosphere. (Tenure: April 2009 to March 2013).

Not Available