Dr. Jahan Ara Khanam
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Education Summary
- PhD (India)
- Research Interest
- Oncomedicine and Anticancer Drug Design
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (Doctor of Philosophy) |
Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Calcatta-700032, India | 1998 |
Masters (Master of Science (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)) |
Rajshahi University | 1981 |
Bachelor/Honors (Bachelor of Science (Applied Chemistry and Chemical technology)) |
Rajshahi University | 1980 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2002-11-10 to | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | PROFESSOR |
1997-10-15 to 2002-11-14 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Associate Professor |
1987-10-15 to 1997-10-14 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Assistant Professor |
1984-10-15 to 1987-10-14 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Lecturer |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
1. |
. Plabon Kumar Das, Suja Pillai, MdAbdurRakib, JahanAraKhanam,VinodGopalan, Alfred KY Lam, Farhadul Islam
"Plasticity of cancer stem cell: origin and role in disease progression and therapy resistance."
Stem cell reviews and reports; 1-16
Published: September 2021
2. |
. Mst Ayesha Siddika, Plabon K Das, Saharia Y Asha, SuraiyaAktar, Abu Rahyan M Tareq, Ayesha Siddika, MdAbdurRakib, Farhadul Islam, JahanAraKhanam.
"Antiproliferative Activity and Apoptotic Efficiency of Syzygiumcumini Bark Methanolic Extract against EAC Cells In Vivo."
Anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry; (7)/2020
Published: June 2020
3. |
SuraiyaAktar, Plabon Kumar Das, SahariaYeasmin Asha, Mst Ayesha Siddika, Farhadul Islam, JahanAraKhanam, MdAbdurRakib
"Moringaoleifera leaves methanolic extract inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme activity in vitro which ameliorates hypertension."
J AdvBiotechnolExpTher.; 2(2): 73-77
Published: April 2020
4. |
Plabon Kumar Das, Mst Ayesha Siddika, SahariaYeasmin Asha, SuraiyaAktar, MdAbdurRakib, JahanAraKhanam, Suja Pillai, Farhadul Islam.
"MicroRNAs, a promising target for breast cancer stem cells."
Molecular diagnosis & therapy; 24 (1): 69-83
Published: January 2020
5. |
King-Yin Lam MahbubaKhatun, Farhadul Islam*, VinodGopalan, Md. Motiar Rahman, Natasha Zuberi, LaboniKhatun, Md. AbdurRakiba, Md. Azizul Islam, JahanAraKhanam.
"2', 4'-dihydroxy-3, 4-methylenedioxychalcone Activate Mitochondrial Apoptosis of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells."
Current Drug Therapy; 15 (4), 337-350
Published: December 2019
6. |
. Plabon K Das, TasnimZahan, AbdurRakib, Jahan A Khanam, Suja Pillai, Farhadul Islam.
"Natural compounds targeting cancer stem cells: a promising resource for chemotherapy."
Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry;19 (15):
Published: December 2019
7. |
. Plabon K Das, Md A Rakib, Jahan A Khanam, Suja Pillai, Farhadul Islam.
"Novel therapeutics against breast cancer stem cells by targeting surface markers and signaling pathways"
Current stem cell research & therapy; 14 (8): 669-682
Published: December 2019
8. |
. RuksanaYesmin, Plabon Kumar Das, HazratBelal, SuraiyaAktar, Mst Ayesha, MdAbdurRakib, Farhadul Islam, JahanAraKhanam.
"In vitro antioxidant and antidiabetic assessment of extracts from the bark of micheliachampaca, a medicinal plant in Bangladesh."
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research; 8 (9): 1505-1526.
Published: November 2019
9. |
. Plabon Kumar Das, Mst Ayesha Siddika, SahariaYeasmin Asha, SuraiyaAktar, Farhadul Islam, JahanAraKhanam, MdAbdurRakib.
"Investigation of phytochemicals and antioxidant activities in the leaves methanolic extract from Moringaoleifera plants grown in Bangladesh"
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (4), 2502-2508
Published: August 2019
10. |
Islam F, Khanam JA, Khatun M, Zuberi N, KhatunL, Kabir SR, Reza MA, Ali M,Rabbi MA, Gopalan V, LamAK.
"A p-Menth-1-ene-4,7-diol (EC-1) from EucalyptuscamaldulensisDhnh. Triggers Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Changes in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells. Islam F, Khanam JA, Khatun M"
PhytotherapyResearch; 29 (4), 573-581
Published: December 2015
11. |
Islam F, Ghosh S, Khanam JA.
"Antiproliferative and hepatoprotectiveactivityof metabolites from Corynebacteriumxerosis against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinomacells. I"
Asian Pacific Journal Tropical Biomedicine ;4:S284-92.
Published: November 2014
12. |
Farhadul Islam, M. M. Ali and J.A.Khanam
"HepatoprotectiveEffect of Acetone Semicarbazone (ASC) on Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) induced carcinogenesis in experimental mice."
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical
Biomedicin,2013;3(2): 105-110.
Published: September 2013
13. |
Farhadul Islam, Hasinakhatun, Mahbubakhatun, Shaikh MohummadMohsin Ali and JahanAraKhanam.
"Growth inhibition and apoptosis of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells by methanol extract of Eucalyptus camaldulensis."
Pharmaceutical biology, 2013; 1-10.
Published: February 2013
14. |
N Yusuf, M Ahmed Ali, M F Islam and J.A.Khanam
"Screening of Cervical Cancer by VIA among women in Rajshahi Medical College Hospital."
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases 2(1):
Published: December 2012
15. |
. M. H. Morshed, M. F. Islam,
M. A. Yousuf, G.M.G. Hossain, J. A. Khanam
and M.A. Salam
"Synthesis and antimicrobial screening of three triazole derivatives. M. H. Morshed, M."
Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 10 (1): 43-47
Published: September 2011
16. |
. RasidaPerveen. Farhadul Islam, JahanAraKhanamand TanzimaYeasmin.
"Preventive effect of Ethanol Extract of AlpiniacalcarataRosc on Ehrlich’s ascitic carcinoma cell induced malignant ascites in mice. RasidaPerveen"
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine; 5(2):121-125
Published: August 2011
17. |
. Farhadul Islam, HasinaKhatun, Soby Ghosh, M.M. Ali and J. A. Khanam
"Bioassay of Eucalyptus Extracts for Anticancer Activity against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) Cells in Swiss Albino Mice."
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicin2
Published: June 2011
18. |
. N. Yusuf, M. F. Islam, H. Akhter, J. A. Khanam
"Early Detection of Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions by Simple Visual Inspection after Acetic Acid among Women in Rajshahi Medical College Hospital"
Anatolian Journal of Obstetrics &
Gynecology; 2(1): 70-
Published: March 2011
19. |
. J. A. Khanam, M.F. Islam, M. Jesmin and M. M. Ali
"Antineoplastic activity of acetone semicarbazone (ASC) against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) bearing mice."
J.Natn.Sci.Foundation Sri Lanka 38 (4):225-
Published: July 2010
20. |
. M.Jesmin, M. M. Ali and J. A. Khanam.
"Antineoplastic activity of some schiff bases derived from benzoin salicylaldehyde, aminphenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol hydrazine."
Thai J of Phar. Sci. 2010; 34:20-31.
Published: May 2010
21. |
M. H. Morshed, M. F. Islam , M. A Yousuf
G.M.G. Hossain ,M. R. Habib and J.A.Khanam.
"Cytotoxic Nature of Three Triazole Derivatives,"
Journal of Engineering Science (1) 121-125.
Published: February 2010
22. |
M.M.Ali, M.Jesmin,
S.M.A.Sahan, J.A.Khanam,M.F.Islamand
M. N. Islam.
"Pesticidal activity of some schiff bases derived from benzoin salicylaldehyde, aminphenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol hydrazine."
J. Sc. Research 1(3), 641-646
Published: December 2009
23. |
M. Jesmin, M.M. Ali, M. R. Rahman,M. R. Habib and J. A. Khanam
"Mercury(II) Cystine complex as antineoplastic agent."
Med. J. Isl. W. Acad.
Sci.17:2, 81-86
Published: February 2009
24. |
.M.M.Ali, M.Jesmin,
S.M.A.Sahan, J.A.Khanam,M.F.Islamand
M. N. Islam.
"Pesticidal activity of some schiff bases derived from benzoin salicylaldehyde, aminphenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol hydrazine.M.M.Ali, M.Jesmin,"
.M.M.Ali, M.Jesmin,
S.M.A.Sahan, J.A.Khanam,M.F.Islamand
M. N. Islam.
Published: January 2009
25. |
M. Jesmin M.M. Ali.M.N.IslamM.N.Islam,S.M.S.Shariarand
J. A. Khanam.
"Pesticidal Activity of Schiff Base Complexes Derived from some Divalent Metal Acetates, Glycine and Salicylaldehyde."
J. Sci. Foundation 6(2), 49-56
Published: November 2008
26. |
Salahuddin, M.R. Habib and J. A. Khanam
"Antineoplastic Activity of N-
Salicylideneglycinato-di-aqua Ni (II) Complex
Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) Cells inMiceM.M.Ali,M.Jesmin,M.K.Sarker,M.S."
Int. J. BiolChen. Sci. 2(3);
Published: October 2008
27. |
M. Jesmin M.M. Ali, M.S. Salahuddin, M.R. Habib, M.R. Habiob&J. A. Khanam
"Antimicrobial Activity of Some Schiff Base Derived from Benozin. Salicylaldihyde, Aminophenol and 2.4 Dinitrophenyl Hydrazine"
Mycobiology 36(I),70-73
Published: September 2008
28. |
J. A. Khanam. M.S.Salahuddin, M.R. Habib, M. R. Islam, M. Jesmin, M.K. Sarker&M.
M. Ali
"Antineoplastic Activity of Bis-TyrosinediawuaNi
(II) Against Ehrlich Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma"
Dhaka University J. Pharm. Sci. 7 (I),33-37
Published: August 2008
29. |
A.S.M Noman. J. A. Khanam, M.M. Ali, S. Alam and M.W.Lee.
"Biological Screening of a novel nickel (II) tyrosinecomplex."
Mycobiology35(I): 25-27
Published: June 2007
30. |
. M. Jesmin, M.M. Ali, A.K.
Biswas, M.R. Habib &J. A. Khanam.
"Antineoplastic Activity of Nickel (II) Cystine Complex Against Ehrlich Ascities Carcinoma in Swiss Albino Mice."
Med. J. Isl. World Acad. Sci. 16(3)135-
Published: May 2007
31. |
J. A. Khanam. M. F. Begum. J.Ara,
M. Jesmin, M.A. Taher& M.M. Ali
"Toxicity of Some Metal Cystine Complexes Against Confused Flour Beetle, Tribolium
Castanceum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)"
Bang. J. Life. Sci, 19(1) 115-119
Published: March 2007
32. |
. J. A. Khanam. M. F. Begum. J.Ara,
M. Jesmin, M.A. Taher& M.M. Ali
"Antimicrobial Activity of Metal cystineComplexes."
Dhaka University J. Pharm. Sci. 5 (1-2):29-
Published: May 2006
33. |
. A. Y. K. M. MasudRana, J. A. Khanam&
M. Asad-ud-Daula.
"Antineoplastic Screening of Some Medicinal Plants Against Ehrlich Ascities Carcinoma in Mice."
J. Med Sci. 4 (2),; 142-145
Published: April 2004
34. |
, J. A. Khanam& A.
Y. K. M.MasudRana
"Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of 2- oxo- Benzylidine (3-oxo-Aniline) Cu (II)- ethylidine"
J. Med. Sci, 4 (2); 124-
Published: March 2004
35. |
J. A. Khanam, A. Y. K.
M. MasudRana, M. Akhtaruzzaman& M. Shajajahan.
"In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of 2,2-Diamino-1- AzavinylAminoamide."
J. Med. Scic. 2 (4) PP (198-201)
Published: February 2002
36. |
, A. Y. K. M. MasudRana
andJ. A. Khanam.
"Aristolochiaindica. Whole plant Extract as an Antineoplastic Agent,"
J. Med. Sci. 2 (4) pp (202-205)
Published: February 2002
37. |
J. A.Khanam&A.Y. K. M. MasudRana.
"Antineoplastic Activity of Chloroacetohydroxamic Acid in Combination with Bleomycin Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) in Mice."
The Sciences, 1 (5)PP.288-291
Published: January 2001
38. |
. J. A. Khanam, S. Ray & A. Y. K.M.
"Antineoplastic Activity of Cyanohydroxamic Acid
(Sodium Salt) Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma in Mice."
. J. A. Khanam, S. Ray & A. Y. K.M.
Published: January 2001
39. |
"Antitumour and Anti-inflammatory Actvities of Hydroxmic Acids and Hydoxyurea."
Saudi Pharm. J., 8 (I) PP.39-42
Published: December 2000
40. |
. M.A.
A. Rahman, M. T. M. Z. Azam, J. A. Khanam,&
M. A. Gafur.
"In vivo Cytostatic Activity of a Flavonoid Isolated from ClerodendumIndicum on Ehrlich Ascite Carcinoma (EAC) Cells Injected in Mice."
J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, 26(2) PP. 289-291
Published: March 2000
41. |
. J. A. Khanam, A. K. Azad, M. S. Zaman& M A Mottaleb
"Analysis of Ground Water Samples Collected from Hand and Deep Tube Wells of Godagari Region in Western Part of Bangladesh."
The Rajshahi University Studies Part (B) (in press)
Published: March 2000
42. |
J. A. Khanam.
"Antineoplastic Activity of Chloroacctohydroxamic Acid in Combination
with Ultrasound."
Bang. J. Biochem., 5, PP25-34.
Published: January 1999
43. |
J. A. Khanam, S. P. Bag, B. Sur & P. Sur.
"Comparative Study of Antineoplastic Activity of Some Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydroxamic Acids Against Earlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC)in
Mice. J. A. Khanam, S. P. Bag, B. Sur & P. Sur.
Comparative Study of Antineoplastic Activity of Some Aliphatic and Aro"
Med. J. Isl. Acad. Sci., 11(2) PP 57-64
Published: February 1998
44. |
J. A. Khanam, & M. K. Hasan.
"Physico Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis of a Few Surface and Under Ground Water Samples from Nawabganj and Rajsahi Metropolis A Case Study."
J. Bio-Sci., 6, PP 155- 159
Published: January 1998
45. |
J.A. Khanam, S. P. Bag, B. Sur & P. Sur.
"Antineoplastic Activity of Copper- Benzohydroxamic Acid Complex Against Ehrlich
Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) in Mice"
Indian J. Pharmacology 29, PP 157-161
Published: May 1997
46. |
P. Sur, S. P. Bag, B. Sur & J. A. Khanam
"Chloroaceto Hydroxamic Acid as Antitumor
Agent Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma in Mice"
Neoplasma 44 (3). PP 197-201
Published: January 1997
47. |
J. A. Khanam, A. K. Azad, M. R Haque & M.S. Zaman.
"Seasonal Variation of the Pollution Levels of Surface Water of Godagri Region in Western Part of Bangladesh"
The Rajshahi University Studies. (Part-B), 25
Published: January 1997
48. |
N. Absar, M. Shahjahan, J. A. Khanam, M. Quaisuddin, M Hassan & M. K.
"Studies on the Boichemical and Nutritional Aspects of the Different Varieties of Mangoes of Rajshahi Region"
The Rajshahi University Studies. (Part-B) 16, PP 209-219
Published: January 1988
Basic Biochemistry, Metabolism , Molecular Biology , Oncology ,Description Not Provided
Work in M. Sc Courses:
Title of thesis: Antineoplastic and
Antimicrobial activity of Cyanobroxamic acid,
some medicinal plant extract and Monocilium metabolites.
Name of Research Scholar- Santunu roy Examination-1996
Title of thesis: Antineoplastic
activity of some medicinal plants. Name of Research Scholar- Md. Masud Rana
Title of thesis: Synthesis and
Characterization of Semicarbazone and Study of its Antifumgal and Antibacterial
Name of Research Scholar- Md. Akhtar-Uzzaman Examination-1998
Title of thesis: Antineoplastic and
Antifungal and Antibacterial activities of Copper (II) complex of Ethylene
diamine with Schiff-base.
Name of Research Scholar- Md. Asad-Ud-Daula
Title of thesis: Antineoplastic and
Antifungal and Antibacterial activities of Nikel (II) Tyrosine complex.
Name of Research Scholar- Md. Rafiqul Islam Examination-2000
Title of thesis: Insecticidal and
Antifungal and Antibacterial activity of Nikel (II) Cystein complex.
Name of Research Scholar- Sultana Yeasmin (Lata). Examination-2001
Title of thesis: Antineoplastic and
Antibacterial activities of N,N Dihydroxy Benzyl Aniline (DBA) and Dimethyl
Glyoxime (DMG)
Name of Research Scholar- Md. Mostafizur Rahman Examination-2002.
Title of thesis: Antineoplastic and
Antibacterial activities of N-(1-phenyl -2 Hydroxy-2 phenyl Ethylinedine)-2',
4'- Dinitrophenyl Hydrazone (PDH).
Name of Research Scholar- Md. Sultan Salauddin Examination-2004
Antineoplastic and Insecticidal
activity of N-( 2hydroxy benzyldiene) 2' hydroxyl phenyl- imine aqua Nikel (II)
complex [Ni 9H2O) HHP].
Name of Research Scholar- Ismat Ara Hossain Examination-2005
Antineoplastic, Antibacterial and
Toxicological Studies of Acetone Semicarbazone
(ASC). Name of Research Scholar- Md. Farhadul Islam
111. Antineoplastic activity of
medicinal plants.
Name of Research Scholar- Hasina Khatun
112. Antineoplastic activity of Metabolites
Extracted from Isolated Soil Bacteria.
Name of Research Scholar- Soby Ghosh
113. Antiprpliferative Activity of
Benzophenome Thio-micarbazone Against EAC cells in Mice Model
Name of Research Scholar- Rubaya Pervin
114. Examination- 2012
115. In Vivo Antineoplastic Activity
of Chalcones
Name of Research Scholar- Mahbuba Khatun
Examination- 2013
116. Antineoplastic Activity of
Michelia Champaca Seed Against EAC cell line in vivo.
Name of Research Scholar- Laboni Khatun
Examination- 2014
117. Antioxidant and
Antiproliferative Activity of Methanolic Extract of Phyllunthus acidus fruit
Name of Research Scholar- Md Shohidul
Examination- 2015
118. Phytochemical Investigations,
Antioxidant and antineoplastic activity of Michelia Champaca Bark
of Research Scholar- Roksana Yeasmin
Examination- 2016
119. Antiproliferative activity of
Salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone Against EAC cells both in vitro and in vivo
Name of Research Scholar- Suraya Akhter
Examination- 2017
220. Study of Antiproliferative and
Apoptotic Properties of Syzygium Cumini Bark Methanolic Extracts Against EAC
Name of Research Scholar- Laboni Khatun
Examination- 2019
Research Work in PhD
Title of thesis: Cervical cancer
Screening by Simple Visual Inspection after Acetic acid. Name of Reseach Scholar-Dr. Nahid Yusuf
2. Title of thesis: Assessment of Spinosad for control of the flat Grain Beetle Cryptolestes Pussilus( SCHON) ( CHOLEOPTERA : CUCUZEDAE)
Name of research scholar: Zahida Begum. Session 2019-20
3.Title of thesis: Anticancer Activity of {Cu( tet am)No3} complex against EAC cells in mitochondrial P53/jnk path ways and its effect on RET-Hb. Name of scholar Mira Akthar. Session 2021-22
4. Title of thesis: Study of Grewia AristcaL. Extract on EAC cell growth inhibitory effect , immunomodulatory and and antihypertensive activity in mice model. Name of research scholar: Wakif Khan. Session: 2022=23
5. Title of thesis:Bioactive Metabolites Isolated from Microorganism and study of its Anticancer activity. Session 202
Research Projects/Funding Received
Title of the Projects |
Funding Year/Funding NO |
Funded by |
Role |
Remark |
Development of Drugs Design in the treatment of cancer |
1998-1999 A-2/5/52/B/98-99 |
Rajshahi University |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Development of Anticancer Drugs from medicinal plant extracts |
1998-1999 -1/98/292(62) |
Ministry of Science & Technology Bangladesh |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Study of Anticancer Activity of some metal complexes |
2004-2005 A-105/-5/52/Science/2004-05 |
Rajshahi University |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Study of Antineoplastic and anti-inflammatory Activities of medicinal
plant extracts |
2007-2008 6(76)UGC/Chem/1027 |
UGC Bangladesh |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Development of Research Lab in a view to Formulate Novel Anticancer
Drugs for future |
2011-2012 39.009/ |
Ministry of Science & Technology Bangladesh |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Development of Anticancer Drug Design laboratory in Advanced level in
a view to Formulate Novel Anticancer Drugs |
2013-2014 10 M-15/2007 part-2/212 |
Ministry of Education Bangladesh |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Study of Growth inhibitory Effect of EAC cells and Apoptosis Inducing
activities of Microbial Extracts |
2011-2012 |
Bangladesh medical Research Council |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Anticancer Activity of Chalcons in vivo Against EAC cells |
2013-2014 6(75)/UGC/RSP?Bka/(22)/2013/4732 |
UGC Bangladesh |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Antiproliferative Activity of Metabolites Extracted From Isolated
Microorganisms of Environment |
2014-2015 622-5/52/Research grant/Science/2012 |
Rajshahi University UGC |
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Antiproliferative activity of a Schiff base in vivo and in vitro
culture of EAC cells |
2017-2018 15/52/RU.Science-09/17-18/70 |
Rajshahi University
Principal Investigator |
Completed |
Phytochemical profiling, antioxidant activity of Annona Aquamosa L.
fruit pulp and its Anticancer efficiency with understanding molecular
mechanism in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) cells in Swiss Albino mice |
2019-2020 1182/5/52 |
Rajshahi University
Principal Investigator |
Continuing |
Affiliation: Bangladesh
Biochemical Society
Scholarship: Awarded SAARC
scholarship while Ph. D degree.