
Dept.of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Education Summary  

Research Interest  
Phytochemistry,Biotechnolgy,Public health
Level Institution Year
Rajshahi university 2002

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2008-01-29 to Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Professor

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2019-11-28 to 2022-11-27 Department of Biochemiatry and Molecuar Biology Chairman
2012-09-17 to 2015-09-16 Institute of Biological Sciences Director &, Professor (17/09/2012-16/09/202015

Book Chapter

1. Md. Saiful Islam, Rowshanul Habib, Md. Rezaul Karim, Tanzima Yeasmin "Role of Serum High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Level as Risk Factor in the Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease in Hyperglycemic Subjects" Data Science and SDGs Challenges, Opportunities and Realities 123-134

Published: August 2021


1. Sajib Podder · Ranajit Kumar Shaha · Ariful Haque · Kahkashan Perveen · Mashail Fahad Alsayed · M. Murali · N. Shilpa · Tanzima Yeasmin · Riyaz Sayyed6 "Entrapment of Cellulase of Snail Gut Bacillus amyloliquifacience for converting Sugarcane Bagasse to Bioethanol Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae" Waste and Biomass Valorization

Published: February 2025
2. Latifa Howlader, Gias Uddin,Tanzima Yeasmin, "Maternal Risk Factors and Family Burden with Cleft Children in Bangladesh" IAR Journal of Medicine and Surgery Research9IAR Journal of Medicine and Surgery Researc,Vol. 5, No. 5, 2024

Published: September 2024
3. Mosa Ayshasiddeka, Mohammad Majidul Islam, Hanif Ali, Mohammad Redwanul Haque, Kahkashan Perveen, Alanoud T. Alfagham, Riyaz Z. Sayyed & Tanzima Yeasmin "Biodiversity analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal association with Euphorbiaceae" Sydowia 77: 111-118

Published: September 2024
4. Ashfia Tasnim, Anik Roy, Saydur Rahman Akash, Hanif Ali, Mohammad Rowshanul Habib, Jayanthi Barasarathi, Munusamy Muthukumaran, R. Z. Sayyed, Tanzima Yeasmin "Hibiscus sabdariffa L. petal biomass: A green source of nanoparticles of multifarious potential" Open Agriculture 9: 20220332

Published: September 2024

Published: July 2024
6. Shahida AkterHanif AliAli A ShatiAli A Shati,Tanzima Yeasmin "Antidiabetic activity of methanolic extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. fruit in alloxan-induced Swiss albino diabetic mice" Open Agriculture 9(1)

Published: February 2024
7. K Yeasmin, MAM Samaun, H Jahan and T Yeasmin "Lifestyle and Immunity Boosting Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic Among the Population of Rajshahi District, Bangladesh" Journal of Bio-Science Vol. 30 No. 1 (2022)

Published: January 2023
8. Hasna Jahan,Tanzima Yeasmin and Molay Kumar Roy "Elevated D-dimer is associated with severity of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis" Medical Research Archives,Vol 10 No 7

Published: August 2022
9. Hanif Ali, RumanaYesmin Hasi, Majidul Islam, Md Shajedul Haque, Mustfa F. Alkhanani,Atiah H. Almalki, Shafiul Haque, R. Z. Sayyed & TanzimaYeasmin "Antioxidant, cytotoxic and apoptotic activities of the rhizome of Zingiber zerumbet Linn. in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing Swiss albino mice" Scientific Reports

Published: July 2022
10. Majidul Islam, Rumana Yesmin Hasi, Hanif Ali, Polash Chandra Karmakar, Rowshanul Habib,Mohammed A. Satter and Tanzima Yeasmin "Antioxidant and antineoplastic activities of leaves of Hibiscus sabdariffa Lina against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in Swiss albino mice" Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2021; 47: 156-164

Published: May 2022
11. Shahla Hosseini, Tanzima Yeasmin* ,Sayed Rizwan A "Antibacterial potentials of Abroma Augusta L. extractives" International Journal of Biology Research Volume 6, Issue 3, 2021, Page No. 05-10

Published: March 2022

Published: October 2021
13. Shanaz Parvin & Maarten Van Geel & Md Muntasir Ali & Tanzima Yeasmin & Bart Lievens & Olivier Honnay "A comparison of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities among Bangladeshi modern high yielding and traditional rice varieties" Plant Soil

Published: February 2021
14. Shanaz Parvin, Maarten Van Geel, Tanzima Yeasmin, Erik Verbruggen, Olivier Honnay "Effects of single and multiple species inocula of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the salinity tolerance of a Bangladeshi rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar" Mycorrhiza,30:431–444,1-14

Published: July 2020
15. P Barma, I Khalil and T Yeasmin - "Rural profile of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) survival patients attending in tertiary level hospital in Bogura: a hospital based retrospective observational study" Update Dental College Journal,Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020)

Published: April 2020
16. Rumana Yesmin Hasi, Hanif Ali, Majidul Islam, Rowshanul Habib, Mohammed A. Satter & Tanzima Yeasmin "Antioxidant and antineoplastic activities of roots of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. Against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells" Clinical Phytoscience,,International Journal of Phytomedicine and Phytotherapy, volume 5, Article number: 46

Published: December 2019
17. KP GabrielTanzima YeasminTanzima YeasminLakshman H CLakshman H C "Microbial inoculants on three medicinal plants of the lamiaceae, colonized with arbascular mycorrhizal fungus" Journal of Bio-Science 26:55-58

Published: December 2019
18. HanifAli,RumanaYesmin,Mohammed A.Satter,RowshanulHabib and TanzimaYeasmin "Antioxidant and antineoplastic activities of methanolic extract of Kaempferia galanga Linn. Rhizome against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells" Journal of King Saud University - Science Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 386-392

Published: July 2018
19. Tanzima Yeasmin, Hanif Ali, Rumana Yesmin, Majidul Islam, Akter Hoshen, Rowshanul Habib, Mohammed Abdus Satter, Kazi Muhammad Faisal Haque "Growth Inhibition and Apoptosis of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells by Methanol Extract from the Calyx of Hibiscus Sabdariffa Linn" Cent Asian J Med Sci 2018;4:155-165

Published: June 2018
20. Majidul Islam, Md. Akter Hoshen, Ayshasiddeka, Farjana Islam and Tanzima Yeasmin "Antimicrobial, membrane stabilizing and thrombolytic activities of ethanolic extract of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. Rhizome" Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2017; 6(5): 38-41

Published: October 2017
21. Majidul Islam, Rumana Yesmin, Hanif Ali, Polash Chandra Karmakar, Ayshasiddeka, Farjana Islam, M Rowshanul Habib and Tanzima Yeasmin "Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Alpinia calcarata Rosc. Rhizome" Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2017; 6(4): 469-474

Published: August 2017
22. Md. Hasanul Karim, Sayad Md. Didarul Alam and Tanzima Yeasmin "Molecular Identification of TEM and SHV Genes in Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiellae pneumoniae Isolates in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bangladesh" JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY. Vol. 11(2), p. 1189-1198

Published: June 2017
23. Md. Abdur Rashid Mia, Md. Rasel Molla, Tanzina Sayed, Md. Moksadul Amin, Tanzima Yeasmin,Md. Belal Uddin "Enhancement of Biogas Production by Cellulytic Bacteria from Bagasse Using Methanogenesis" American Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering ; 1(2): 15-20

Published: November 2016
24. KP Gabriel, HC Lakshman and T Yeasmin - "Efeect of AM fungi with additonal phosphate fertilazation on growth and nutrient uptake in Guizotia abyssinica (L.f) Cass.var, RCR-18" Journal of Bio-Science,Vol. 22 (2014)

Published: October 2016
25. H C Lakshman, Tanzima Yeasmin and Gabriel K P "HERBS OF ASTERACEAE AND THEIR ETHANO – MEDICINAL USES IN DERMATOLOGICAL PROBLEMS" J. bio-sci. 22: 127-129, 2014

Published: June 2014
26. Yeasmin Tanzima*, Kader Golam , Hossain Shakawat, Peervin Rasida and Nikkon Farjana "NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF LESSER UTILIZED AROMATIC MEDICINAL PLANTS" INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACY ,IRJP 2 (1) 2011 76-79

Published: December 2012
27. Subed Chandra Dev Sharma*, Mohammad Shariar Shovon, M.G.Sarowar Jahan, A.K.M.Asaduzzaman, Bulbuli Khatun, Tanzima Yeasmin, Narayan Roy "Antibiotic sensitivity and antibacterial activity of Micrococcus sp SCS1" RRBS, 6(10), 2012 [304-310]

Published: September 2012
28. ShakhawoatHossain,GolamKader,FarjanaNikkon andTanzimaYeasmin "Cytotoxicity of the rhizome of medicinal plants" Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Volume 2, Issue 2,Pages 125-127

Published: February 2012
29. RasidaPerveen,FarhadulIslam,JahanaraKhanumT and TanzimaYeasmin "Preventive effect of ethanol extract of Alpinia calcarata Rosc on Ehrlich's ascitic carcinoma cell induced malignant ascites in mice" Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine Volume 5, Issue 2,Pages 121-125

Published: February 2012
30. GolamKader,FarjanaNikkon,Mohammad AbdurRashid andTanzimaYeasmin "Antimicrobial activities of the rhizome extract of Zingiber zerumbet Linn" Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Volume 1, Issue 5, Pages 409-412

Published: October 2011
31. Asaduzzaman A.K.M, Rahman Habibur M and Yeasmin Tanzima "Purification and characterization of acid phosphatase from a germinating black gram (Vigna mungo L.) seedling" Archives of Biological Sciences 2011 Volume 63, Issue 3, Pages: 747-756

Published: May 2011
32. Md. Rezau lKarima, Kazi AbdusSalam,EkhtearHossain, KhairulIslam, NurshadAli, AbedulHaque,ZahangirAlamSaud,TanzimaYeasmin,MostaqueHossain,HidekiMiyataka,SeiichiroHimeno,KhaledHossain "Interaction between chronic arsenic exposure via drinking water and plasma lactate dehydrogenase activity" Science of The Total Environment Volume 409, Issue 2, Pages 278-283

Published: December 2010
33. KADER, M. Golam; HABIB, M. Rowshanul; NIKKON, Farjana; YEASMIN, Tanzima; RASHID, Mohammad A.; RAHMAN, M. Mukhlesur; GIBBONS, Simon "Zederone from the rhizomes of Zingiber zerumbet and its anti-staphylococcal Activity" Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, vol. 9, núm. 1, enero, pp. 63-68

Published: July 2010
34. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh , Kazi Abdus Salam , Tanzima Yeasmin , Ashik Mosaddik , Proma Khondkar & M. Ekramul Haque Pages 264-268 | Received 11 Jul 2008, Accepted 02 Mar 2009, Published onli "Mosquitocidal triterpenes from the stem of Duranta repens" Pharmaceutical Biology Volume 48, 2010 - Issue 3 Pages 264-268

Published: December 2009
35. Parmita ZAMAN,Apurbo Kumar ROY, Nurus Saba KHANUM,Nurul ABSAR, Tanzima YEASMIN "Arbuscular mycorrhizal status of medicinal plants in Rajshahi University Campus" Mycosystema 27(4): 543-553

Published: July 2008
36. Tanzima Yeasmin, Parmita Zaman, Ataur Rahman, Nurul Absar and Nurus Saba Khanum "Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculum production in rice plants" African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 2 (9), pp. 463-467, September 200

Published: September 2006
37. Nurul Absar, T. Yeasmin, M. Salim Raza, S. Kumar Sarkar, and F. Arisaka "Single Step Purification, Characterization and N-Terminal Sequences of a Mannose Specific Lectin from Mulberry Seeds" The Protein Journal, Vol. 24, No. 6

Published: August 2005
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