
3rd Floor, 4th Science Bldg


Education Summary  
M. Pharm (RU), Ph D (Shizuoka University, Japan), Visiting Scientist (National University of Singapore)

Research Interest  
Protein Science, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Phytochemistry
Level Institution Year
(Ph D)
Shizuoka University, Japan 2008
(M. Pharm)
Rajshahi University 1996
(B. Pharm (Hons))
Rajshahi University 1995
Higher Secondary
Rajshahi College, Rajshahi 1992
Rajapur High School, Boraigram, Natore 1990

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2016-09-23 to 2019-09-22 Department of Pharmacy, Rajshahi University CHAIRMAN
2014-12-31 to Department of Pharmacy, Rajshahi University PROFESSOR
2009-05-07 to 2014-12-30 Department of Pharmacy, Rajshahi University ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
2004-09-01 to 2009-05-06 Department of Pharmacy, Rajshahi University ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2001-09-01 to 2004-08-31 Department of Pharmacy, Rajshahi University LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2011-04-15 to 2012-07-30 Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore Visiting Research Fellow (Postdoc)
2000-11-01 to 2001-07-31 Opsonin Pharmaceutical Ltd, Borishal, Bangladesh Production Executive


1. Saha MR, Uddin MN, Saadullah, Akter MR, Shathi IA, Haque MA, Rahman BM, Kafi MA, Tokumoto T, Chouduri AU "EDTA, aspirin and d-mannose inhibit the biofilm formation of Proteus vulgaris by hindering its adhesion to catheter devices: a proposed strategy for CAUTI prevention" Journal of Medical Microbiology 73(10)

Published: October 2024
2. Kona N, Islam MB, Alam J, Hridoy HM, Hossain MP, Khanam A, Chouduri AU, Mosaddik A, Hasan I "Antiproliferative, pharmacological and antibacterial activities of synthesized silver nanoparticles from the combined extract of Pandanus foetidus and Alangium salvifolium" Results in Chemistry, 7: 101547

Published: May 2024
3. Haque MU, Hasan MT, Rahman AMS, Hasan MM, Islam S, Chouduri AU "Prevalence of and factors associated with undernutrition in southern Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study" International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 12(2): 48-57

Published: May 2023
4. Chouduri AU, Biswas M, Haque MU, Arman MSI, Uddin N, Kona N, Akter R "Cephalosporin-3G, highly prescribed antibiotics to outpatients: prescription errors, carelessness of patients, irrational uses are the triggering causes of antibiotic resistance in Bangladesh" Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 8(6):105-112

Published: June 2018
5. Haque MA, Rana MM, Aktar K, Haque MU, Chouduri AU, Islam MAU "In-vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of crude extracts of Pleurotus highking, a potential oyster mushroom" British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(2): 1-7

Published: December 2016
6. Haque MU, Barik SMA, Bashar S, Islam R, Bashar S, Kumar A, Dipon AH, Kona N, Chouduri AU "Errors, omissions and medication patterns of handwritten outpatient prescriptions in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional health survey" Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 6(6): 42–46

Published: June 2016
7. Haque MA, Sarker AK, Rahman MA, Chouduri AU, Islam MAU "Evaluation of antifungal, hemolytic and cytotoxic potential of ethyl acetate extract of a new marine Streptomyces sp. AIAH-10" Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 19(1): 37–43

Published: February 2016
8. Roshid M, Uddin N, Wadud A, Chouduri AU "Deactivation of uropathogenic Proteus bacterial toxin by polyphenols of Tamarindus indica bark: A robust inhibition of hemolysis" Journal of Microbiology Research 5(4): 128–133

Published: August 2015
9. Haque MA, Sarker AK, Islam MS, Roy KR, Kundo NK, Anisuzzaman ASM, Chouduri AU, Islam MAU "Isolation of marine Streptomyces, characterization and metabolites’ screening for antibacterial activity" Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology 3(2): 38−43

Published: May 2015
10. Roshid M, Wadud A, Chouduri AU "Potent inhibition of swarming growth in uropathogenic Proteus bacteria by ethanolic extracts of Emblica officinalis fruit and Tamarindus indica bark" International Research Journal of Biological Sciences 3(9): 57–64

Published: September 2014
11. Nesa L, Munira MS, Mollika S, Islam MM, Choin H, Chouduri AU, Naher MN "Evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant activities of the methanolic extract of Lawsonia inermis barks in mice" Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine 4(4): 287–296

Published: July 2014
12. Haque MA, Sarker AK, Islam MS, Rahman MA, Chouduri AU and Islam MAU "In vitro insecticidal and time-kill profile of ethyl acetate extract of marine Streptomyces sp. isolated from Sundarbans, Bangladesh" Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 17(2): 151–156

Published: July 2014
13. Roshid M, Chouduri AU "Antibacterial, anti-swarming potential of ethanol extracts of Physalis minima L. whole plant and Urena lobata L. root on cephalosporin resistant Proteus sp" Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants and Indigenous Medicine 3(5): 184–195

Published: May 2014
14. Parvin S, Kader MA, Chouduri AU, Rafshanjani MAS and Haque ME "Antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal activities of the n-hexane and ethyl-acetate fractions of methanolic extract of the leaves of Calotropis gigantean Linn" Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2(5), 47–51

Published: January 2014
15. Wadud A and Chouduri AU "Twitching motility, biofilm communities in cephalosporin resistant Proteus spp and the best in vitro amoxicillin susceptibility to isolates" American Journal of Microbiological Research 2(1), 8–15

Published: January 2014
16. Chouduri AU, Wadud A and Islam AU "Extended spectrum multi-drug resistance versus pathogenic factors- swarming, proteases, and urease- of Proteus species" International Research Journal of Microbiology 5(1), 8–14

Published: January 2014
17. Chouduri AU and Wadud A "Strong cephalosporin resistant uropathogen, Proteus mirabilis, in urban tap water harbors a risk to public health, Bangladesh" Global Advanced Research Journal of Microbiology 2(10), 164–171

Published: November 2013
18. Wadud A and Chouduri AU "Microbial safety assessment of municipal water and incidence of multi-drug resistant Proteus isolates in Rajshahi, Bangladesh" Current Research in Microbiology and Biotechnology 1, 189–195

Published: July 2013
19. Nesa L, Salam A, Islam AU and Chouduri AU "Multi-drug resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae among hotel-based sex workers in Rajshahi, Bangladesh" International Journal of Microbiological Research 4(2), 167–176

Published: May 2013
20. Kader MA, Parvin S, Chouduri AU, Haque ME "Antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal activities of Ruellia tuberose (L.) root extract" Journal of Bio-Science 20, 91–97

Published: January 2012
21. Chouduri AU, Mishina K, Shimizu T, Yamazaki M, Tokumoto T and Yamada S "High affinity Zn2+ inhibitory site(s) for the trypsin-like peptidase of the 20S proteasome" Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 477(1), 113–120

Published: September 2008
22. Chouduri AU, Tokumoto T, Dohra H, Ushimaru T and Yamada S "Functional and biochemical characterization of the 20S proteasome in a yeast temperature-sensitive mutant, rpt6-1" BMC Biochemistry 9, 20

Published: July 2008
23. Rahman MAA, Gafur MA, Islam ME, Islam AU and Chouduri AU "Sub-acute toxicity studies of a metabolite of Streptomyces species" Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 5, 1067–1069

Published: October 2002
24. Sultan MZ, Sathi ZS, Biswas MHU, Chouduri AU, Rahman MAA and Gafur MA "In vitro toxicological studies of metabolites of Streptomyces species on brine shrimp" Journal of Medical Sciences, 2, 240–242

Published: September 2002
25. Sultan MZ, Sathi ZS, Bhuiyan MSA, Chouduri AU, Biswas MHU, Gafur MA and Rahman MAA "Sub-acute toxicity studies of a metabolite of Streptomyces species" Biotechnology, 1, 88–93

Published: July 2002
26. Sultan MZ, Khatune NA, Sathi ZS, Bhuiyan MSA, Sadik MG, Chouduri AU, Gafur MA and Rahman MAA "In vitro antibacterial activity of an active metabolite isolated from Streptomyces species" Biotechnology, 1, 100–106

Published: July 2002
27. Barman RK, Sathi ZS, Habib MA, Chouduri AU, Biswas MHU, Gafur MA and Rahman MAA "Toxicity study of 8-Propionato-2-β (D+) Glucosyl-9, 10-Pyranopyridine isolated from Streptomyces species on long Evan’s rats" International Journal of Biotechnology, 1, 94–99

Published: July 2002
28. Chouduri AU, Rahman MAA, Gafur MA "In vitro antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of a brown antibiotic metabolite from a strain of Actinomycetes" The Sciences 1: 206-208

Published: August 2001


1. Saadullah, Sultana A, Uddin MN, Rahman MA, Akter MR, Shathi IA, Yeasmin MB, Lavlu MMH, Saha MR, Chouduri AU "Non-flavonoid polyphenol of Allium cepa tuber inhibits bacterial urease and the proliferation of lung cancer cells" International Conference on the Role of Science and Technology Towards 4IR

Published: October 2023
2. Chouduri AU, Tokumoto T, Dohra H, Yamada S "Comparative proteome analysis of changes in the 20S proteasome in yeast temperature-sensitive mutant cim3-1 and its revertant mutant" Annual Meeting of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society, Yokohama, Japan, No. 4P-0636

Published: December 2007
3. Kurasina A, Kataoka Y, Chouduri AU, Nakai H, Yamada S "Association of proteasome unit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant cim3-1" Annual Meeting of Zoological Science Society, Hirosaki, Japan, p71

Published: November 2007
4. Chouduri AU, Kawai K, Ushimaru K, Yamada S "Character of 20S proteasome in revertant Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants" Annual Meeting of Zoological Science Society, Tsukuba, Japan, p183

Published: December 2005
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