Professor Gour Chandra Paul, Dept of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. Phone: Mobile: 01712187595, TF: 0721-711672
- Education Summary
- M.Sc (RU), PhD (RU), Postdoc. (USM, Malaysia), Visiting Researcher (USM, Malaysia)
- Research Interest
- Astrophysics, Computational Oceanography, Numerical methods, Image Processing, Partial Differential Equations
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (Astrophysics) |
Rajshahi University | 2005 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Experience in other Organization/Institute
1. |
M. E. Ali, G. C. Paul
"An estimation of water levels associated with a storm along the coast of Bangladesh using a non-central difference method of lines"
Ocean Engineering (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 3.795/2020), Vol. 248 AN. 110776, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110776
Published: March 2022
2. |
A. Hoque, M. Rahman, M. Rahman, N. Hossain, G. C. Paul
"Air bubbles and turbulence generated by spilling breaking waves and associated energy dissi-pation"
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 2.929/2020, accepted), Vol., AN. , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ecss.2021.107606
Published: December 2021
3. |
G. C. Paul, S. Khatun, M. Nuruzzaman, D. Kumar, M. E. Ali, F. Bilkis, M. C. Barman
"Solving protoplanetary structure equations using Adomian decomposition method"
Heliyon (CelPress/ Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 1.857/2020), Vol. o7, Issue Number: 10, AN. e08213, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.heliyon.2021.e08213
Published: October 2021
4. |
G. C. Paul, S. Khatun, M. Nuruzzaman, D. Kumar, M. E. Ali, F. Bilkis, M. C. Barman
"Solving protoplanetary structure equations using Adomian decomposition method"
Heliyon (CelPress/ Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 1.857/2020), Vol. o7, Issue Number: 10, AN. e08213, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.heliyon.2021.e08213
Published: October 2021
5. |
D. Kumar, G. C. Paul, A. R. Seadawy, M. T. Darvishi
"A variety of novel closed-form soliton solutions to the family of integer and fractional order Boussinesq-like equations"
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 3.408/2020), Vol. --, Issue Number:, AN. --, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joes.2021.10.007
Published: October 2021
6. |
D. Kumar, C.-K. Kuo, G. C. Paul, J. Saha, I. Jahan
"Wave propagation of resonance multi-stripes, complexitons, and lump and its variety interac-tion solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional pKP equation"
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 4.260/2020), Vol. 200(1), AN. 10512, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2021.105212
Published: September 2021
7. |
M. E. Ali, F. Bilkis, G. C. Paul, D. Kumar, H. Naher
"Lump, lump-stripe, and breather wave solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera equa-tion in fluid mechanics"
Heliyon (CelPress/Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 1.857/2020), Vol. 7 AN. e07966, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j. heliyon.2021. e07966
Published: September 2021
8. |
M. Nuruzzaman, D. Kumar, G. C. Paul
"Fractional low-pass electrical transmission line model: Dynamic behaviors of exact solutions with the impact of fractionality and free parameters"
Results in Physics (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 4.476/2020), Vol. 27, AN. 104457, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104457
Published: August 2021
9. |
G. C. Paul, F. Bilkis, M. E. Ali, M. C. Barman
"Settling time of solid grains in gaseous giant protoplanets"
Planetary and Space Science (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 2.030/2020), Vol. 200(1), AN. 10512, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.
Published: June 2021
10. |
D. Kumar, I. Raju, G. C. Paul, M. E. Ali, M. D. Haque
"Characteristics of lump-kink and their fission-fusion interactions, rogue, and breather wave solutions for a (3+1)-dimensional generalized shallow water equation"
International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Taylor and Francis, ISI Impact Factor: 1.60/2019), Vol. **, AN. **, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00207160.2021.1929940
Published: June 2021
11. |
D. Kumar, M. Nuruzzaman, G. C. Paul, A. Hoque
"Novel localized waves and their interaction solutions for a dimensionally reduced (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation from N-soliton solutions"
Nonlinear Dynamics (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 5.02/2020), Vol. --, Issue Number:, AN. --, DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-666725/v1
Published: June 2021
12. |
G. C. Paul, M. R. Khatun, M. E. Ali, M. M. Rahman
"Importance of an efficient tide-surge interaction model for the coast of Bangladesh: A case study with the tropical cyclone Roanu"
Journal of Coastal Conservation (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 1.839 /2020), Vol. 25(1), Issue No. 1: 1-14, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-020-00787-z
Published: February 2021
13. |
D. Kumar, C. Park, N. Tamanna, G. C. Paul, M.S. Osman
"Dynamics of two-mode Sawada-Kotera equation: mathematical and graphicalanalysis of its dual-wave solution"
Results in Physics (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 4.476/2020), Vol. 19, AN. 103581, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103581
Published: December 2020
14. |
G. C. Paul, F. Z. Eti, D. Kumar
"Dynamical analysis of lump, lump triangular periodic, predictable rogue and breather wave solutions to the (3+1)-dimensional gKP–Boussinesq equation"
Results in Physics (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 4.476/2020), Vol. 19, AN. 103525, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103525
Published: December 2020
15. |
D. Kumar, G. C. Paul, J. Mondal, A.T.M.S. Islam
"On the propagation of alphabetic-shaped solitons to the (2+1)-dimensional fractional electrical transmission line model with wave obliqueness"
Results in Physics (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 4.476/2020), Vol. 19, AN. 103641, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103641
Published: December 2020
16. |
D. Kumar, G. C. Paul, T. Biswas, A. R. Seadawy, R. Baowali, M. Kamal, H. Rezazadeh
"Optical solutions to the Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation: mathematical and graphical analy-sis with oblique wave propagation"
Physica Scripta (IOP Science, ISI Impact Factor: 2.487/2020), Vol. 96, AN. 025218, DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/abd201
Published: December 2020
17. |
G. C. Paul, F. Bilkis, M. E. Ali, M. C. Barman
"Segregation of heavy elements in an initial protoplanet"
Earth Science Informatics (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 1.450/2019), 13(3):893-899. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-020-00474-5
Published: August 2020
18. |
G. C. Paul, S. SenthilKumar, R. Pria
"An Efficient approach for simulation of water levels due to the nonlinear interaction of tide and surge along the coast of Bangladesh"
China Ocean Engineering (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.835/2019), 34(4):1-10, Doi: https://doi.
Published: August 2020
19. |
D. Kumar, G. C. Paul
"Solitary and periodic wave solutions to the family of nonlinear conformable fractional Bous-sinesq-like equations"
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISI Impact Fac-tor: 1.626/2019) DOI: 10.1002/mma.6628
Published: July 2020
20. |
G. C. Paul, S. Senthilkumar, H. Rahman
"On the implementation of novel RKARMS(4,4) algorithm to study the structures of initial extrasolar giant protoplanets"
Heliyon (Elsevier/CellPress, ISI Impact Factor: Still counting, 2018), 6(1):e02865, DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon. 2019. e02865
Published: May 2020
21. |
H. Naher, H. Shafia, M. E. Ali, G. C. Paul
"A comparative study of space and time fractional KdV equation through analytical approach with nonlinear auxiliary equation"
Mathematics and Statistics, 8(1):1-16. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2020.080101
Published: March 2020
22. |
M. M. Rahman, G. C. Paul, A. Hoque
"An efficient tide-surge interaction model for the coast of Bangladesh."
China Ocean Engineering (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.835/2019), 34(1):1-13, ISSN 0890-5487. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13344-020-0006-8, ISSN 0890-5487n
Published: February 2020
23. |
H. Naher, G. C. Paul
"Further Development of Forecasting Model for Storm Surge Hazard along the Coast of Bang-ladesh"
American Journal for Environmental Protection, 7(2):52-55. DOI: 10.12691/env-7-2-3
Published: November 2019
24. |
A. Hoque, D. Kumar, A. K. Paul, M. Rahman, G. C. Paul, S.-I. AOKI
"Sedimentation in dune forests, mangrove forests and cc block system and associated topo-graphic changes"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 43(1):67-78. DOI:https://doi.org/ 10.3329/jbas.v43i 1.42235
Published: July 2019
25. |
D. Kumar, A. Joarder, A. Hoque, G. C. Paul
"Investigation of dynamics of nematicons in liquid crystals by extended sinh Gordon equation expansion method. Optical and Quantum electronics"
Optical and Quantum electronics (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 1.547/2018; 1.842 in 2019), 51(7):212 (56-68). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-019-1917-6
Published: June 2019
26. |
G. C. Paul, M. E. Ali
"Solution of shallow water equations with higher order finite difference method of lines for the prediction of water levels along the coast of Bangladesh"
Acta Oceanologica Sinica (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.699/2018; 1.146 in 2019), 38(6):1-17. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1007/s13131-019-1385-7
Published: May 2019
27. |
G. C. Paul, M. E. Ali
"Solution of one-dimensional heat equation: An alternative approach"
Menemui Matematik (Discovering Mathematics), 41(1): 22-33
Published: May 2019
28. |
M. R. Khatun, G. C. Paul
"Impact of the cyclonic storm Komen along the coast of Bangladesh and recovery measures"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 10(2): 1334-1340
Published: May 2019
29. |
Foyjonnesa, I. Raju, F. Z. Eti, M. M. Alam, G. C. Paul
"Impact assessment of tropical cyclone MORA along the coast of Bangladesh and recovery measures"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 10(4):174-184
Published: April 2019
30. |
M. E. Ali, G. C. Paul, F. Bilkis, H. Naher, N. Taghizadeh
"Travelling wave solution of variable-coefficient Burgers equation with variable- parameter tanh method"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
Published: March 2019
31. |
G. C. Paul, A.H.M. Rashedunnabi, M. D. Haque
"Testing efficiency of generalized -expansion method on solving Nonlinear Evolution Equations"
PRAMANA-J ourna of Physics (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.699/2017; 1.688 in 2019), 92(2):25. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.1007/s12043-018-1669-z
Published: January 2019
32. |
M.R. Khatun, G. C. Gossami, S. Akter, M. C. Barman, G. C. Paul
"Impact of the tropical cyclone AILA along the coast of Bangladesh"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (Impact Factor: 4.2), 8(12):1592-1599
Published: February 2018
33. |
G. C. Paul, S. SenthilKumar, R. Pria,
"An efficient approach to forecast water levels owing to the interaction of tide and surge associ-ated with a storm along the coast of Bangladesh"
Ocean Engineering (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 2.730/2018, 3.068 in 2019), 148: 516-529. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.oceaneng. 2017.10.031
Published: January 2018
34. |
G. C. Paul, S. Senthilkumar, R. Pria
"Storm surge simulation along the meghna estuarine area: An alternative approach"
Acta Oceanologica Sinica (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.699/2018; 1.146 in 2019), 37(1): 40-49. DOI: 10.1007/s 13131-018-1157-9
Published: January 2018
35. |
G. C. Paul, M. M. Murshed, M. R. Haque, M. M. Rahman, A. Hoque
"Development of a cylindrical polar coordinates shallow water storm surge model for the coast of Bangladesh"
Journal of Coastal Conservation (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.956/2016; 1.374 in 2019), 21 (6):951-966. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-017-0565-x
Published: October 2017
36. |
M. M. Rahman, G. C. Paul, A. Hoque
"A shallow water model for computing water level due to tide and surge along the coast of Bangladesh using nested numerical schemes"
Mathematics and Computer in Simulation (Published online, Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 1.124/ 2015; 1.620 in 2019), 132 (C):257-276. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matcom. 2016. 08.007
Published: February 2017
37. |
G. C. Paul, A. I. M. Ismail, A. Rahman, F. Karim, A. Hoque
". Development of tide-surge interaction model for the coastal region of Bangladesh"
(Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 2.659, 2015), Vol. 39, pp. 1582-1599. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-016-0110-4
Published: May 2016
38. |
M. M. Murshed, G. C. Paul, M. R. Haque
"On the approximation of complex geometric domain to be compatible for the implementation of finite difference method"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (Impact Factor: 3.27), Vol. 7(5): 495-501, DOI: 10.1016/j.nrjag.2015.11.004
Published: May 2016
39. |
G. C. Paul, S. Senthilkumar
"Execution of novel explicit RKARMS(4,4) technique in determining initial configurations of extra-solar protoplanets formed by disk instability"
NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: still counting), 5 (1):1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.nrjag. 2015.11.004
Published: November 2015
40. |
G. C. Paul, S. Senthilkumar
"Exploration on Initial Structures of Extrasolar Protoplanets Via New Explicit RKAHeM(4,4) Meth"
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science (Elsevier, SNIF: 3.005, ISI Impact Factor: still counting), 18(1):1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrs.2015.03.00
Published: April 2015
41. |
G. C. Paul, M. C. Barman, A. A. Mohit
"Implementation of polytropic method to study initial structures of gas giant protoplanets"
NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: still counting), 3(2):163-169. DOI: 10.1016/ j.nrjag. 2014.10.003
Published: December 2014
42. |
M. M. Rahman, G. C. Paul, A. Hoque
"Nested numerical scheme in a polar coordinate shallow water model for the coast of Bangladesh"
Journal of Coastal Conservation (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 1.096/2013; 1.374 in 2019), 17(1):37–47. DOI 10.1007/s11852-012 -0216-1
Published: September 2014
43. |
G. C. Paul, A. I. M. Ismail, M. F. Karim
"Implementation of method of lines to predict water levels due to a storm along the coastal re-gion of Bangladesh"
Journal of Oceanography (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 1.464/2013; 1.469 in 2019), 70(3):199-210. DOI: 10.1007/ s10872-014-0224-x
Published: March 2014
44. |
D. Kumar, G. C. Paul, A. Hoque
"A numerical technique of initial and boundary value problems by Galerkin’s weighted method and comparison of the other approximate numerical methods"
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 3(2): 333-340
Published: February 2014
45. |
G. C. Paul, S. K. Bhattacharjee
"Distribution of thermodynamic variables inside extra-solar protoplanets formed via disk insta-bility"
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science (Elsevier, SNIP: 0.665, ISI Impact Factor: still counting), 16(1). 17-21. DOI 10.1016/j.ejrs. 2012.11.004
Published: June 2013
46. |
G. C. Paul, M. M. Rahman, D. Kumar, M. C. Barman
"The radius spectrum of solid grains settling in gaseous giant protoplanets"
Earth Science Informatics (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.694, 2013; 1.450 in 2019), 6(3):137-144. DOI 10.1007/s12145-013-0117-3
Published: May 2013
47. |
G. C. Paul, A. I. M. Ismail
"Tide surge interaction model including air bubble effects for the coast of Bangladesh"
Journal of the Franklin Institute (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 2.724/2011; 4.036 in 2019), 349(8):2530-2546. DOI: 10.1016/j.j franklin. 2012.08. 003
Published: October 2012
48. |
G. C. Paul, A. I. M. Ismail
"Contribution of offshore islands in the prediction of water levels due to tide-surge interaction for the coastal region of Bangladesh"
Natural Hazards (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 1.958/2013; 2.427 in 2019), 65(1):13-25. DOI: 10. 1007/s11 069-012-0341-z
Published: August 2012
49. |
G. C. Paul, S. Datta, J. N. Pramanik, M. M. Rahman
"Dust grain growth and settling in initial giant protoplanets"
Earth Planets and Space (Springer, Terra Scientific Publishing Company, ISI Impact Fac-tor: 2.921/2012; 2.075 in 2019), 64(7):641-648. DOI:10.50 47/eps. 2012.02.006
Published: July 2012
50. |
G. C. Paul, J. N. Pramanik, S. K. Bhattacharjee
"Gravitational settling time of solid grain in gaseous protoplanets"
Acta Astronautica (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 0.701/2012; 2.830 in 2019), 76:95-98. DOI 10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.02.018
Published: July 2012
51. |
S. SenthilKumar, G. C. Paul
"Application of New RKAHeM(4,4) Technique to analyze the Structure of Initial Extrasolar Giant Protoplanets. Earth Science Informatics (Springer, ISI Impact Factor"
Earth Science Informatics (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.60/2011; 1.450 in 2019), 5(1):23-31. DOI 10.1007/s12 145-011-0093-4
Published: March 2012
52. |
G. C. Paul, A. I. M. Ismail
"Numerical modeling of storm surges with air bubble effect along the coast of Bangladesh"
Ocean Engineering (Elsevier, ISI Impact Factor: 1.178, 2011; 3.068 in 2019), 42:188-194. DOI 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2012.01.006
Published: February 2012
53. |
M. M. Rahman, G. C. Paul, A. Hoque
"A shallow water model for the coast of Bangladesh and applied to estimate water levels for ‘AILA’"
Journal of Applied Sciences (Science Alert, RG Impact Factor: 0.48), 11(18):3821-3829. DOI 10.3923/jas.2011.3821.3829
Published: December 2011
54. |
G. C. Paul
"Distribution of orbital distances of solar planets"
Monthly Notes of Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (Sabinet, JFI: 1.58, 2015), 70(11 & 12):236-240
Published: December 2011
55. |
G. C. Paul, S. Datta, A. A. Mohit
"Sedimentation of individual molecules of heavy elements in initial protoplanets"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 35(2):179-186. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.3329/jbas.v35i2.9422
Published: December 2011
56. |
G. C. Paul, J. N. Pramanik, S. K. Bhattacharjee
"Grain sedimentation time in a gaseous protoplanet"
Earth Moon Planets (Springer, ISI Impact Factor: 0.667/2011; 0.609 in 2019), 108(1):87-94. DOI 10.1007/s11038-011-9382-7
Published: April 2011
57. |
M. M. Rahman, A. Hoque, G. C. Paul, M. J. Alam
"Nested numerical schemes to incorporate bending coastline and Islands of Bangladesh and prediction of water levels due to surge"
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (Science Alert), 4(1):21-32. DOI: 10.3923/ajms.2011.21.32
Published: January 2011
58. |
M. M. Rahman, G. C. Paul, A. Hoque
"A cyclone induced storm surge forecasting model for the coast of Bangladesh with application to the cyclone ‘SIDR’"
International Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Computation, 1(2):77-86
Published: January 2011
59. |
G. C. Paul, J. N. Pramanik, S. K. Bhattacharjee
"Structure of initial protoplanets"
International Journal of Modern Physics A (World Scientific, ISI Impact Factor: 1.00, 2010; 1.090 in 2019), 23(18):2801–2808. DOI 10.1142/S0217751 X08039633
Published: January 2008
60. |
G. C. Paul, J. N. Pramanik, S. K. Bhattacharjee
"The distribution of orbital distances of the planets, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sci-ences"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 31(2):253-260
Published: December 2007
61. |
J. N. Pramanik, G. C. Paul, S. K. Bhattacharjee
"Initial mass functions of young clusters NGC 2264, NGC 1976, and the ONC in constant mass model of stellar evolution"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 31(2):247-252.
Published: December 2007
62. |
G. C. Paul, S. K. Bhattacharjee
"Structure of protoplanets"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 27(2):161-165.
Published: December 2003
Industrial MathematicsThis course is designed to cover the knowledge on the problem arising in Science, Economics, Engineering and Technology. It is intended to explore and discover mathematical concepts and utilize these concepts in building and analyzing mathematical models
Astrophysics (Planetary evolution )This course is designed to cover the knowledge of celestial mechanics of the two body/three body problems, even many body problems and dynamics of earth-moon system. Discusses some thermodynamic relations which are related to astrophysics. Include some ba
AstronomyThis course is designed to cover the knowledge on the celestial bodies, namely sun, planets, moon, meters, comets, etc. and different coordinate systems to locate them. It is intended to explore concepts on astronomical events, namely twilight, seasons, e
Programming with Fortran 90Programming is a new course for the student of mathematics. Now a days all the department of science, applied science and engineering are include programming course(s) for their students, specially due to higher studies. This course includes compiler, com
Discrete Mathemtics and Programming with CThis course is designed to provide how to work with discrete structures used to represent discrete objects and relationships between these objects. These discrete structures include sets, permutations, relations, graphs, trees, and finite-state machines.