- Education Summary
- M.Sc & M. Phil (Raj), PhD (ZJU, China), Postdoc (AMSS, CAS, China)
- Research Interest
- Computational Mathematics, Fuzzy Mathematics, Operation Research, Nonsmooth Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization
Level | Institution | Year |
Diploma (Post Doctoral Study) |
AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences | 2019 |
Doctoral (PhD) |
Zhejiang University | 2012 |
Diploma (M.Phil) |
Rajshahi University | 2008 |
Masters (M.Sc) |
Rajshahi University | 2000 |
Bachelor/Honors (B.Sc (Honors)) |
Rajshahi University | 1999 |
Higher Secondary (H.S.C.) |
Dhaka Education Board | 1996 |
Secondary (S.S.C) |
Dhaka Education Board | 1994 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2019-05-05 to | Mathematics | PROFESSOR |
2013-12-24 to 2019-05-04 | Mathematics | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR |
2008-03-14 to 2013-12-23 | Mathematics | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2006-02-04 to 2008-04-13 | Mathematics | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2005-07-13 to 2006-02-02 | Department of Mathematics, Rajshahi University of Science & Technology(RUET), Rajshahi | Lecturer |
2003-12-01 to 2004-06-01 | 2003-12-01 2004-06-01 College of Development Alternative(CODA), Dhaka | Lecturer |
2002-12-01 to 2003-11-30 | Paramount English medium School, Rajshahi | Part time teacher |
1. |
M. H. Rashid
"Lipschitz-like mapping and its application to convergence analysis of a variant of Newton-type method"
Numerical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 2, 167--185
Published: July 2021
2. |
M. Z. Khaton and M. H. Rashid
"Extended Newton-type Method for Generalized Equations with H\"{o}lderian Assumptions"
Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Vol. IV, No.1, 1--13
Published: March 2021
3. |
Farhana Alam and M. H. Rashid
"Secant-type Method and Its Convergence Properties for PseudoLipschitz Mappings"
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, 5(1),
Published: June 2020
4. |
Most. zamila Khaton, M. H. Rashid and M. I. Hossain
"On the Convergence of Newton-like Method for Variational Inclusions under Pseudo-Lipschitz Mapping"
GANIT J. Bangladesh Math. Soc., Accepted, 11
Published: June 2020
5. |
M. H. Rashid
"Metrically regular mapping and its utilization to convergnece analysis of a restricted inexact Newton-type method"
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Accepted , 19
Published: May 2020
6. |
M. H. Rashid and Y-xiang Yuan
"Metrically regular mappings and its application to convergence analysis of a confined Newton-type method for nonsmooth generalized equations"
SCIENCE CHINA mathematics, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 39--60
Published: January 2020
7. |
M. H. Rashid and M. Z. Ali
"On the Convergence of a Modified Superquadratic Method for Generalized Equations"
Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications, Vol 1, Issue 3, pp. 202--214
Published: September 2018
8. |
M. H. Rashid, M. Z. Ali and A. Pietrus
"Extended Cubic Method and Its Convergence Analysis for Generalized Equations"
Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.00--00,
Published: July 2018
9. |
M. H. Rashid
"Stability Analysis of Gauss-type proximal point method for metrically regular mappings"
Cogent Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 00-00
Published: June 2018
10. |
M. Z. Khaton, M. H. Rashid and M. I. Hossain
"Convergence Properties of Extended Newton-type Iteration Method for Generalized Equations"
Journal of Mathematics Research, Vol. 10. No. 4, pp.00--00
Published: April 2018
11. |
M. H. Rashid
"Convergence Analysis of a Variant of Newton-type Method for Generalized Equations,"
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 95, No. 3, pp. 584–600
Published: February 2018
12. |
M. H. Rashid and A. Sardar
"Stability of Local Convergence of Newton-type Method for Generalized Equations"
45, 63--76
Published: December 2017
13. |
M. H. Rashid and Ya-xiang Yuan
"Convergence properties of a restricted Newton-type method for generalized equations with metrically regular mappings"
Applicable Analysis, First online
Published: October 2017
14. |
Farhana Alam, M. H. Rashid and M. A. Alom
"On the Local Convergence of Regula-falsi-type Method for Generalized Equations"
Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 115--126
Published: June 2017
15. |
M. H. Rashid
"Extended Newton-type Method and Its Convergence Analysis for Implicit Functions and Their Solution Mappings"
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Vol. 16, pp. 133--142
Published: April 2017
16. |
M. A. Alom and M. H. Rashid
"General Gauss-type Proximal Point Method and Its Convergence Analysis for Smooth Generalized Equations"
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 296--310
Published: March 2017
17. |
M. H. Rashid
"Extended Newton-type Method and its Convergence Analysis for Nonsmooth Generalized Equations"
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol.19, pp. 1295--1313
Published: March 2017
18. |
M. A. Alom, M. H. Rashid and K.K. Dey
"General Version of Gauss-type Proximal Point Method and Its Uniform Convergence Analysis for Metrically Regular Mappings"
British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 1--13
Published: February 2017
19. |
M. A. Alom and M. H. Rashid
"On the Convergence of Gauss-type Proximal Point Method for Smooth Generalized Equations"
Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 1-15
Published: February 2017
20. |
M. A Alom, M. H. Rashid and K.K. Dey
"Convergence Analysis of General Version of Gauss-type Proximal Point Method for Metrically Regular Mappings"
Applied Mathematics, 7, 1248-1259
Published: April 2016
21. |
M. H. Rashid and A. Sardar
"Convergence of the Newton-type Method for Generalized Equations"
GANIT: J. Bangladesh Math. Soc., 35, 27--40
Published: October 2015
22. |
M. H. Rashid
"Convergence Analysis of Extended Hummel-Seebeck-type Method for Solving Variational Inclusions"
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 44, 1, 1--14
Published: October 2015
23. |
M. H. Rashid, A. Basak and M. Z. Basak
"Uniformity of the Local Convergence of Chord Method for Generalized Equations"
IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 11, 1, 16--23
Published: March 2015
24. |
M. H. Rashid , A. Basak and M. Z. Khaton
"Local Convergence of the Chord Methods for Generalized Equations"
Open Science Journal of Mathematics and Application, 3, 3, 79--88
Published: February 2015
25. |
M. H. Rashid
"A Convergence Analysis of Gauss-Newton-type Method for Holder Continuous Maps"
Indian Journal of Mathematics, 57, 2, 181--198
Published: June 2014
26. |
M. H. Rashid
"Convergence Analysis of Gauss-type proximal point method for Variational Inequalities"
Open Science Journal of Mathematics and Application, 2, 1, 5--14
Published: March 2014
27. |
M. H. Rashid
"On the Convergence of Extended Newton-type Method for Solving Variational Inclusions"
Cogent Mathematics, 1,1
Published: January 2014
28. |
M. H. Rashid, S. H. Yu, C. Li and S. Y. Wu
"Convergence Analysis of the Gauss-Newton Method for Lipschitz--like Mappings"
J. Optim. Theory Appl., 158, 1, 216--233
Published: October 2013
29. |
M. H. Rashid, J. H. Wang and C. Li
"Convergence Analysis of Gauss-type proximal point method for metrically regular mappings"
J. Nonlinear conv. Anal., 14, 3, 627--635
Published: August 2013
30. |
M. H. Rashid, J. H. Wang and C. Li
"Convergence Analysis of a Method for Variational Inclusions"
Applicable Analysis, 91, 10, 1943--1956
Published: March 2012
31. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"Properties of Fuzzy Contra-continuous Functions,"
Rajshahi University Journal of Sciences, 37, 39--49
Published: March 2009
32. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"Certain Features of Fuzzy Contra-continuous Functions"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 32, 1, 71--77
Published: November 2008
33. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"Separation Axioms in Mixed Fuzzy Topological Spaces"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 32, 2, 211--220
Published: July 2008
34. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"Certain Features of Inverse and Direct Limits for Fuzzy Topological Spaces"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of sciences, 31, 1, 67--78
Published: September 2007
35. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"On the Mappings of Inverse Systems and Direct Systems for Fuzzy Topological Spaces"
Rajshahi University J. of Sci., 35, 53--61
Published: May 2007
36. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"On Constructions of Some Universal Objects in Fuzzy Topological Spaces"
J. Math. and Math. Sci., 21, 39--50,
Published: July 2006
37. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"On Singular Homology Groups of Fuzzy Topological Spaces"
Rajshahi University Studies, Part B. Journal of Science, 34, 77--88
Published: February 2006
38. |
M. H. Rashid and D. M. Ali
"Some Remarks on Inverse and Direct Limits for Fuzzy Topological Spaces"
J. Math. and Math. Sci., 20, 75--87
Published: October 2005
a. M.Sc/M. Phil/ PhD Students Supervised
(i) M.Sc students:
1. Alamin Sardar : September 2013-July 2014, graduated;
2. Ashutosh Basak: September 2013-July 2014, graduated;
3. Md. Abdul Hakim: Graduated, 2017
4. Alamin Apu (M.Sc): Graduated, 2017.
5. S. M. Abul Kalam Azad: Session: 2017--2018, Ongoing;
6. Mst. Ayesha Akter: Session: 2017-2018, Ongoing
(ii) M.Phil students:
1. Farhana Alom: Awarded 2019;
(iii) PhD students:
1. Md. Asraful Alam:: Awarded 2018;
2. Most Zamila Khaton: Ongoing;
b. Projects: (Completed/ On going)
1. Convergence Analysis of Gauss-Newton-type Method for Implicit Functions and Their Solution Mappings, supported by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh, grant No. 2013-2014: Completed.
2. Studies on General version of Gauss-type Proximal Point Method for Metrically Regular Mapping, Supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, grant no. Completed.
3. Study on Extended Cubic Method for Generalized Equations, Supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, grant no. Completed.
4. Studies on Extended Newton-type Method for Solving Generalized Equations, Granted by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, grant no. 37.20.0000. Completed.
5. Modified Quasi-Newton Methods for Generalized Equation with Metrically Regular Mapping, supported by Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi,Bangladesh, On going project for the financial year 2019--2020.
6. Studies on restricted inexact Newton-type method for generalized equations with $p$-Holder metrically regular mappings, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, On going project for the financial year 2019--2020.
c. Colloquiums
1. Attended in "21st International Mathematics Conference" organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society and
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6--8, December, 2019.
2. Attended in "International Conference on Mathematical Optimization" organized by Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beijing, China, Aril 8--13, 2019.
3. Attended in the 6th Asian Conference on "Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization" organized by OIST \& ANA Intercontinental Manza Beach Resort, Onna-Village, Okinawa, Japan, November 05--09, 2018 (Orally presented).
4. Attended in "2018 International Workshop on Modern Optimization and Applications" organized by Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beijing, China, June 16--18, 2018 (Poster presenter).
5. Participated in "2017 PKU Workshop on Computation and Big Data Analysis", organized by Chinese Academy of Science and Peaking University, China, June 20--21, 2017.
6. Attended in International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Topological Dynamics, Physical, Biological and Chemical Systems (ICAMTPBCS), organized by Calcutta Mathematical Society, “Asutosh Bhavan” AE-374, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700064, India, December 9--11, 2016 (Orally presented).
7. Attended in the BAS-IAP-TWAS ROCASA, Young Scientists Congress and Women Scientists Mentor-Mentees Program, organized by BAS, Dhaka Bangladesh on 27-29 October, 2016 (Orally presented).
8. Attended in the 23rd Bangladesh Science Conference organized by Banghobondhu Shekmujbor Rahman Agriculture University, Gazipur, Bangladesh on 17-18 October, 2015 (Orally presented).
9. Attended in the 18th International Mathematical Conference organized by Independent University of Bangladesh, Dhaka on 20-22 March, 2014(Orally presented).
10. Attended in A Day Long Workshop on Recent Development of Applied Mathematics organized by Dhaka University of Science \& Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh on 6th February, 2013 (Invited speaker)
11. Attended in the BOSE conference organized by Dhaka University Bose Centre for Advances Study and Research in Natural Sciences, Bangladesh, held in February 4, 2013 (Orally presented).
12. Attended in the 22nd Bangladesh Science Conference organized by Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS), held in BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh, during 20--22, September 2012 (Orally presented).
13. Attended in the 17th Mathematics Conference organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society, held in Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, during 22--24 December 2011(Orally presented).
14. Attended in First Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applied and Computational Mathematics organized by Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, China, during 2-5 June, 2010.
15. Attended in the 15th Mathematics Conference organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society, held at Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, during December 29-31, 2007.
d. Academic Award, Scholarships and Fellowships
1. Gold Medal Awarded from the authority of Sheed Suhrawardy Hall, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh for academic Achievement in B. Sc (Honours) examination- 1999.
2. Sheed Habibur Rahman prize awarded for the academic achievement with first class third position in B.Sc examination -1999 from the Department of Mathematics, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
3. Agrani Bank gold medal prize awarded in the recognition of securing the top marks with first class in the faculty of science at the M. Sc examination of 2000.
4. Engineer Akbar Hossain Scholarship awarded in the recognition of securing the top marks with first class in the faculty of science at the M.Sc examination of 2000.
5. Sayeda Khatun Merit Scholarship Awarded for securing the top marks with first class in the faculty of science at the M.Sc examination of 2000.
6. University prize awarded for securing the top marks with first class in the faculty of science at the M.Sc examination of 2000.
7. Research Scholarship, University of Rajshahi for pursuing the M. Phil degree in Fuzzy mathematics for the academic year 2003-2005.
8. Chinese Government Scholarship awarded for pursuing Doctoral Degree in computational mathematics, China for the academic year 2009-2012.
9. A prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship under CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) at Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Beijing,
China for the period May, 2017--April, 2019