Not Available
- Education Summary
- M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
- Research Interest
- Biomathematics, Epidemiology
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (Ph.D.) |
University of Rajshahi | 2023 |
Masters (M. Phil) |
Rajshahi University | 2011 |
Masters (M.Sc) |
Rajshahi University | 2005 |
Bachelor/Honors ( (Honors)) |
Rajshahi University | 2004 |
Higher Secondary (H.S.C) |
Dhaka Education Board | 1999 |
Secondary (S.S.C) |
Dhaka Education Board | 1997 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2025-02-06 to | Department of Mathematics | PROFESSOR |
2019-07-23 to 2025-02-05 | Department of Mathematics | Associate Professor |
2013-01-21 to 2019-07-22 | Department of Mathematics | Assistant Professor |
2010-02-28 to 2013-01-20 | Department of Mathematics, Rajshahi University | Lecturer |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Not Available
1. |
Abdul Malek, Ashabul Hoque
"Mathematical Model of Tuberculosis with Seasonality, Detection, and Treatment"
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked
Published: July 2024
2. |
Abdul Malek, Nashidul Islam, Ashabul Hoque
"Investigations of transmission dynamics of Nipah virus in Bangladesh"
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, (2024)101417
Published: July 2024
3. |
Abdul Malek, Ashabul Hoque
"Mathematical Modeling of the Infectious Spread and Outbreak Dynamics of Avian Influenza with Seasonality Transmission for Chicken Farms"
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, (2024) 102108
Published: July 2024
4. |
Abdul Malek and Ashabul Hoque
"Impact of Vaccination on the Entire Population and Dose-Response Relation of COVID-19"
Vacunas, 24(4),178-290
Published: November 2023
5. |
Abdul Malek, and Ashabul Hoque
"Model Development and Prediction of Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh with Nonlinear Incident"
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 47(1), 249–258
DOI: 10.1007/s40995-022-01410-6
Published: January 2023
6. |
Ashabul Hoque, Abdul Malek and K. M. Rukhsad Asif Zaman
"Data analysis and prediction of the COVID-19 outbreak in the first and second waves for top 5 affected countries in the world"
Nonlinear Dynamics 109:77–90
Published: May 2022
7. |
Abdul Malek and Ashabul Hoque
"Mathematical modeling of bird flu with vaccination and treatment for the poultry farms"
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Volume 80, 101721
Published: January 2022
8. |
Abdul Malek and Ashabul Hoque
"Impact of Antiviral Treatment of Avian Influenza in Poultry Farm."
International Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Computations, 2021; 11(3 (SUMMER))
Published: December 2021
9. |
Ashabul Hoque, Abdul Malek, KM Rukhsad Asif Zaman
"Characteristics, Diagnosis, Treatments and Public Awareness of Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Mathematical Analysis"
Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 8. Number 1, Page 18-25
Published: June 2021
10. |
Abdul Malek and Ashabul Hoque
"Trends of 2019-nCoV in South Asian countries and prediction of the epidemic peaks"
Virus Research, 292 (2021) 198230
Published: January 2021
11. |
Abdul Malek and Ashabul Hoque
"A Mathematical Model of Avian Influenza for Poultry Farm and
its Stability Analysis"
Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 1091 - 1113
Published: December 2020
12. |
A.Malek and A. Hoque
"Hematocrit Level on Blood flow through a Stenosed Artery with Permeable Wall: A Theoretical Study"
Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) vol.-12, Issue-1,290-304
Published: June 2017
13. |
A. Malek, A. Hoque, Md. Mohiuddin
"Effect of Hematocrit Level on the Blood Flow through Stenosed Artery: A Theoretical Study"
Engineering International, Vol.-3. No.-2
Published: December 2015
14. |
Md. Mohiuddiu, A. Hoque, A. Malek, M. A. Halim
"Theoretical Studies of Non-Newtonian Behaviors of Blood through the Stenosed Artery"
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.-6, Issue-11
Published: November 2015
15. |
A.Malek and A. Hoque
"A Theoretical Study on Molar Flux in the Capillary"
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol.32, No.2,
Published: June 2008
1. |
A. Malek and A. Hoque
"Pressure Profiles of Oxygen in Skeletal Muscle during Exercise: A Theoretical Study"
16th Mathematical Conference of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 16MC09-102, 17-19
Published: December 2009
1. |
Abdul Malek
"Mathematical analysis of Tuberculosis in Bangladesh: Predictions and Control"
Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Project No. G 72/5/52/রা.বি/বিজ্ঞান-০৩/২০২২-২০২৩.
Published: December 2024
2. |
Ashabul Hoque and Abdul Malek
"A Compartmental Model of Transmission and Control Strategies of Influenza (Bird Flu)."
Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Project No. G 1346/5/52/রা. বি. /বিজ্ঞান-১/১৮-১৯.
Published: December 2019
3. |
Ashabul Hoque and Abdul Malek
"Flow of Single Red Blood Cell in the Stenosed Capillaries"
National Science and Technology, Bangladesh, Project No. 39.00.0000.
Published: November 2017
4. |
Ashabul Hoque, Abdul Malek and M. Abdul Kuddus
"Investigation of Chicken Pox Based on Susceptible Infected Removal (SIR),"
Faculty of Science, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, Project No. A 809-5/52/BIMOK/Science-5/2013.
Published: December 2013
Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended
1. |
Dr. Biswanath Dutta Publisher, Prof. Henrik Rudolph Editor-in- Chief, Applied Surface Science
"Reviewer workshop: How to get the most out of being a reviewer of scientific articles"
Published: August 2022
2. |
Johan Jang, Sally Murray-Walsh
"Research Data Management-Why It Matters and How to Manage"
Elsevier Asia Pacific
Published: July 2022
3. |
Vishal Gupta
"Fundamentals of Writing Research Articles for Top Journals"
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Published: August 2021
Not Available
- Flow of Single Red Blood Cell in the Stenosed Capillaries, National Science and Technology, Bangladesh, Project No. 39.00.0000.
- Investigation of Chicken Pox Based on Susceptible Infected Removal (SIR), Faculty of Science, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, Project No. A 809-5/52/BIMOK/Science-5/2013.
- A Compartmental Model of Transmission and Control strategies of Influenza (Bird Flu). Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Project No. G 1346/5/52/iv.we/weÁvb-1/18-19.