- Education Summary
- M.Sc.(Raj),Ph.D.(Raj),Post-Doctoral (UPM, Malaysia)
- Research Interest
- Econometric Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Agriculture Statistics and Analysis of Crop Climatic Variables, Medical Statistics, Statistical Modeling and Simulation, Generalized Linear Models, Statistical Problem Solving in Multidisciplinary Research
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (Doctor of Philosophy) |
Rajshahi University | 2009 |
Masters (M.Sc.) |
Rajshahi University | 1993 |
Bachelor/Honors (B.Sc.) |
Rajshahi University | 1992 |
Higher Secondary (H.S.C.) |
Jessore Education Board | 1989 |
Secondary (S.S.C.) |
Jessore Education Board | 1987 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2013-12-24 to | Science Faculty | PROFESSOR |
2009-09-16 to 2013-12-23 | Science Faculty | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR |
2003-05-03 to 2009-09-15 | Science Faculty | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
1999-06-23 to 2002-05-02 | Science Faculty | LECTURER |
1999-05-02 to 1999-06-22 | Business Studies Faculty | LECTURER(in Statistics, IU, Kushtia) |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2014-05-16 to 2014-06-15 | INSPEM, UPM | Visiting Professor |
2013-05-21 to 2013-06-19 | INSPEM, UPM | Visiting Scientist |
2011-01-21 to 2013-01-13 | Institute for Mathematical Research, UPM | Post Doctoral Researcher |
1. |
Karmokar, P. K., Mian M A. B. and Imon, A. H. M. R.
"The Impact of Contributory Factors on Boro Rice Production"
ISSBN: 978-3-639-51493-3, Scholar’s Press, AV Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.
Published: March 2013
1. |
Islam S., Hossain M. F., Islam M. R., and Karmokar, P. K.
"Socio-Economic Status and Health Issues of Older Adults in District Pabna, Bangladesh"
In Press
Published: May 2022
2. |
Das K.R., Sultana N. Karmokar P. K.& Hasan M. N.
"Role of outliers of trend models in predicting the tea production of Bangladesh"
Published: May 2022
3. |
Mondol D. K. and Karmokar, P. K.
"Knowledge, awareness and consequences on some allied factors of uterus diseases for ever-married women in Kola Union, Badalgachhi, Naogaon district of Bangladesh"
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT). 24(1). 96-109.
Published: December 2020
4. |
Khatun M. M., Karmokar, P. K., Anwar A. F. M. A and Kader M. A.
"Visual Status of DM Patients and Some of Its Causal Parameters: A Case Study from Rajshahi Medical College Hospital."
Ann Curr Diab Rep. 2020; 1(1): 1001, 1-5. Remedy Publications LLC.,USA.
Published: November 2020
5. |
Jannat S., Khatun M. M., Karmokar, P. K. and Nandi D. C.
"Modeling on Monthly Maximum Chloride Content of Betna-Kholpatua River of Satkhira District in Bangladesh"
J Food Agric Environ, Vol.18 (3 &4):135-138
Published: October 2020
6. |
Das K. R., Adhikary B. K. and Karmokar, P. K.
"Challenges of Using Primary Data Influencing Students Academic Performances: A Case Study"
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 14(10). 1-7. DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2020.14.10.1.
Published: October 2020
7. |
Ali, M. A. and Karmokar P. K.
"Technical Efficiency of Teacher Education in the Secondary Level of Bangladesh"
International Journal of Statistical Sciences. Vol. 20(1). 109-122.
Published: June 2020
8. |
Kundu R. K., Pervej M. R., Khatun M. M. and Karmokar P. K.
"A Stochastic Frontier Modeling of Boro Rice Farmers in Bogura District of Bangladesh"
IJAAST, Vol.7(5), 20-27.
Published: May 2020
9. |
Khatun M. M., Karmokar, P. K.
"Categorized Daily Calorie Intake and its Influencing Factors for Rajshahi District of Bangladesh"
IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM). Vol16(1), 44-51. IOSR Publisher
Published: March 2020
10. |
Khatun M. M., Karmokar P. K., Anwar AFM A. and Kader M. A.
"Covariates of Vision Problems and their Relationship on Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH)"
Health Sci J 14:1. DOI: 10.36648/1791-809X.14.1.695. Publisher, iMedPub Ltd., UK.
Published: January 2020
11. |
Khatun M. M., Karmokar, P. K.
"Protein Intake Category of Households and its Influencing Variables: A case Study from Rajshahi District of Bangladesh"
Global Scientific Journal (GSJ) Vol. 7(12), 1053-1060. GSJ Publisher
Published: December 2019
12. |
Khatun M. M. & Karmokar, P. K.
"Geographical Efficiency of Daily Calorie Intake in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh."
Book of Abstract, 7th International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities held on 18-19 December 2019 at Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2019
13. |
Kundu R. K., Pervej M. R. & Karmokar, P. K.
"A comparison of Technical Efficiencies of Boro Rice Producers between Natore and Bogura District of Bangladesh"
Book of Abstract, 7th International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities held on 18-19 December 2019 at Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2019
14. |
Ansari M. A. & Karmokar, P. K.
"Climate Change Variables and its Impact on Crop Production of Barind Region of Bangladesh"
Book of Abstract, 7th International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities held on 18-19 December 2019 at Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2019
15. |
Ali M. A. & Karmokar, P. K.
"Students’ Performance and its Technical Efficiencies in the Secondary Education Level of Rajshahi, Bangladesh"
Book of Abstract, 7th International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities held on 18-19 December 2019 at Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2019
16. |
Ali M. A and Karmokar P. K.
"Influences of Teacher Education Program on Secondary Teacher’s Activities in Bangladesh"
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
Published: August 2019
17. |
Meghla T., Begum A., Hossain M. R. Karmokar P. K., Ali M. A. and Rahman M. S.
"An Early Warning System of Drought Management of Northern Part of Bangladesh using Stochastic Processes."
Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics for Agriculture Health and Environment. ISBN. 978-984-34-0996-6. 784-790, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: December 2017
18. |
Maznah, Z., Halimah, M., Shitan, M., Karmokar, P. K. and Najwa, S.
"Prediction of Hexaconazole Concentration in the Top Most Layer of Oil Palm Plantation Soil Using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)"
Plos One
Published: December 2017
19. |
Jahan, S. N. Bayezid, M. A., Islam, B. Siddique, M. A. B., Karmokar, P. K. and Flowara, F. A
"Biochemical Quality Assessment of Fish Powder"
Am. Journal of Food and Nutrition
Published: July 2017
20. |
Zohora F. T., Ali M. Z., Rahman M. S. Begum A., Hossain M. R. Karmokar P. K., and Ali M. A.
"Physical Fitness of the Students of Rajshahi University: A BMI Based Pilot Study"
International Journal of Statistical Sciences. 15(Special Issue). 135-146.
Published: July 2016
21. |
Kader M. A., Tarafder S. R., Anwar A. F. M. A, Sajj A. B., Karmokar, P. K. and Das C. K.
"Study of Refractive Errors on School going Children in North West Zone of Bangladesh"
The Journal of Teachers Association, RMC. 29(1):1-6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/taj.v29i1.39084
Published: July 2016
22. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M. and Kundu R. K.
"Trend Analysis of Boro Rice yield in Presence of Autocorrelation."
International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences (IJASS)
Published: May 2015
23. |
Ali, A., Karmokar, P. K and Mondal D. K.
"Impact of the Selected Factors of Training on Educational Administration and Management"
Journal of National Academy for Educational Management. 10(20):765-85.
Published: April 2015
24. |
Shitan, M., Karmokar, P. K. and Lerd, N. Y.
"Time Series Modeling and Forecasting of Ampang Line Passenger Ridership in Malaysia"
Pak J. of Statis, Vol. 30(3), 385-396
Published: December 2014
25. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M. and Kundu R. K.
"Trend Analysis of Boro Rice yield in Presence of Autocorrelation"
International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences (IJASS), Vol.10 (1). Publisher Connect Journals : Ghaziabad
Published: September 2014
26. |
Ali, M. A, Mondol, D. K. and Karmokar, P. K.
"Impact of NAEM Training in Qualitative Approach"
Journal of Dhaka College. Vol 1(1), 187-202.
Published: June 2014
27. |
Ali M. I., Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M. and Beg, A. B. M. R.
"Impact of Some Climatic Variables on the Yields of Boro Rice in Bangladesh"
American Journal of Agricultural Science Engineering and Technology. ISSN. 2158-8104, Vol 2(6), 12-19.
Published: January 2014
28. |
Kumar, R., Karmokar, P. K., and Ali, M. A.
"Impact of Influential Factors on Students Performance in Honours Level of Rajshahi University."
Journal of National Academy for Educational Management. Vol 10.
Published: November 2013
29. |
Karmokar, P. K., Kumar, R. and Kundu R. K.
"Fitting and Forecasting of Trend Models for the HYV Boro Yields of Dinajpur District."
American Journal of Agricultural Science Engineering and Technology. Vol 2(5), 19-26.
Published: July 2013
30. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M. and Beg, A.B.M. R.
"Long-run Relationship of the HYV Boro Rice Yields in the Northern Region of Bangladesh."
J Food Agric Environ, Vol 11(1), 441-444. ISSN: 1459-0255.
Published: April 2013
31. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M. and Kundu, R. K.
"Factors affecting the yield of high yielding variety Boro rice: An evidence from Rajshahi district of Bangladesh."
J Food Agric Environ, Vol 10. (3&4): 492-495.
Published: October 2012
32. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M.
"Investigating impact of outliers in both independent and dependent variables on agricultural production data."
J Food Agric Environ, Vol.10 (1): 573-577.
Published: June 2012
33. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M.
"Computation of extreme-value parameters and inference by approximation covariance technique."
Pak.J.Stat. Vol 28(2): 259-269.
Published: May 2012
34. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M.
"Trend Models for analyzing Sustainable Production of Rice in Bangladesh."
Sci. Res. Essays. Vol. 7(6): 669-678.
Published: February 2012
35. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M.
"Impact of outliers in the HYV Boro rice Production data for Rangpur District of Bangladesh."
Proceedings of the Regional Fundamental Science Congress. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia pp 371-372.
Published: July 2011
36. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M.
"Factors affecting rice production in Bangladesh."
MathDigest, Vol. 4(2): 21-25.
Published: July 2011
37. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M.
"Cointegration analysis on all-variety Boro rice yields."
Sci. Res. Essays. Vol. 6(29): 6209-6213.
Published: June 2011
38. |
Ali, A., Mondal D. K. and Karmokar P. K.
"Descriptive Analysis of Educational Administration and Management Training for the Heads of Higher Secondary level Institutions Conducted by NAEM."
Journal of National Academy for Educational Management. 7(13):95-108.
Published: April 2011
39. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M.
"Panel cointegration analysis and generalized causality test of HYV Boro production of six different districts of Bangladesh"
Pak.J.Stat Vol 27(3): 299-305.
Published: March 2011
40. |
Karmokar, P. K., Shitan, M., Beg, A.B.M. R.
"Multicointegration analysis on the high yielding Boro rice of six selected districts in Bangladesh."
Afr J Agr Res. Vol 6(19): 4654 - 4660.
Published: January 2011
41. |
Karmokar, P. K., Imon, A.H.M.R.
"Trend analysis of the production of rice in Bangladesh."
International Journal of Statistical Sciences. Vol. 8 : 103-110.
Published: July 2008
42. |
Karmokar, P. K., Mian M.A.B.
"On the efficiency of linear method."
Pak.J.Stat. Vol. 20(3) : 335-345.
Published: June 2004
43. |
Alam M. M, Khalek M. A., Karmokar P. K. and Imon A.H.M. R.
"Detection of multiple outliers in the two-way designed experiment using Poly Deviations."
Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University,
Published: April 2004
44. |
Karmokar, P. K., Mian M.A.B.
"A study of relative efficiency of linear method to least-squares method in estimating the two parameter exponential distribution."
International Journal of Statistical Sciences. Vol. 2 : 51-60.
Published: August 2003
1. |
Hossain, M. S. and Karmokar, P. K.
"Bayesian Structural Time Series Forecasting of Economic Indicators in South Asian Countries: A Focus on Bangladesh"
8th Int Conf. on the Role of Statistics and Data Science in 4IR, Page-77, Department of Statistics, RU, Bangladesh
Published: December 2024
2. |
Shil, T., Karmokar, P. K. and Sarkar, S. K.
"Effect of using AI on Academic Performance among Students of the University of Rajshahi"
Book of Abstract. 8th Int Conf. on the Role of Statistics and Data Science in 4IR, Page-100, Department of Statistics, RU, Bangladesh
Published: December 2024
3. |
Khatun, M. M., Sattar, G. S., Karmokar, P. K. and Karim, M. R.
"A Data-Driven Framework for Climate Vulnerability Assessment in Bangladesh: Integrating Feature Selection, Machine Learning, and Spatial Analysis"
Book of Abstract. 8th Int Conf. on the Role of Statistics and Data Science in 4IR, Page-88, Department of Statistics, RU, Bangladesh
Published: December 2024
4. |
Pervej, R., and Karmokar, P. K.
"Technical Efficiencies and Cross-Boundary Interdependencies among Farms: Insights from Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh"
Book of Abstract. 8th Int Conf. on the Role of Statistics and Data Science in 4IR, Page-99, Department of Statistics, RU, Bangladesh
Published: December 2024
5. |
Shitan, M. , Lerd, Y. N. and Karmokar, P. K.
". Cointegration analysis for rice production in the states of Perlis and Johor, Malaysia"
AIP Conf. Proc. 1643, 206; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4907446
Published: March 2015
6. |
Karmokar P. K.
"Trend Analysis Dealing with Autocorrelated Data, Presented in the seminar held at"
Al-Khawarizmi Seminar Room, UPM, Malaysia.
Published: June 2013
7. |
Maznah, Z., Halimah, M., Shitan, M. and Karmokar, P. K.
"A Resistant Fit for Hexaconazole Concentration in the Top Most Layer of the Soil in an Oil Palm Plantation"
USM, Malaysia
Published: November 2012
Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended
1. |
Karmokar P. K.
"Trend Analysis Dealing with Autocorrelated Data"
Al-Khawarizmi Seminar Room, UPM, Malaysia
Published: June 2013
2. |
Karmokar P. K. and Shitan M.
"Statistical Modelling of Diuron Herbicide"
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
Published: April 2012
3. |
Karmokar P. K.
"Some statistical aspects on the production of rice in Bangladesh"
Use of Statistics in Agricultural Research in Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Published: January 2004
Matrix AlgebraDescription Not Provided
Multivariate AnalysisDescription Not Provided
Complex VariableDescription Not Provided |
Regression AnalysisDescription Not Provided |
Experimental DesignDescription Not Provided |
Classification of ModelsDescription Not Provided |
Generalized Linear ModelsDescription Not Provided |
Advanced DemographyDescription Not Provided |
Statistical Computer ProgrammingDescription Not Provided |
Test of HypothesisDescription Not Provided |
Bivariate Data AnalysisDescription Not Provided |
Real AnalysisDescription Not Provided |
International/ National Awards
1. Excellent Performance Award 2012, Institute for Mathematical Research, UPM, Malaysia.
2. Bronze Medal 2011 by the Vice Chancellor of UPM in the PRPI competition, UPM, Malaysia under the title of, ”Panel cointegration analysis and generalized causality test of HYV Boro production of six different districts of Bangladesh”.
3. Silver Medal 2012 by the Vice Chancellor of UPM in the PRPI competition, UPM, Malaysia under the title of ” Computation of Extreme-value parameters and inference by approximation covariance technique”.
4. University Award 1992, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
5. Motihar Hall Gold Medal 1992, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
6. University Award 1993, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.