
Population Science and Human Resource Development University of Rajshahi Rajshahi-6205

Population Science & Human Resource Development

Education Summary  
MSc, PhD, Postdoc, IPSR, MU Thailand

Research Interest  
Fertility, Women empowerment, Adolescent Health, Maternal health and Nutrition, STEM Education, Systematic review and meta analysis
Level Institution Year
(A study of Some Determinants of Adolescent Reproductive Women in Bangladesh)
Rajshahi University 2016
Rajshahi University 2000
Rajshahi University 1999
Higher Secondary

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2022-04-01 to Population Science and Human Resource Development PROFESSOR
2017-02-04 to 2021-03-31 Population Science & Human Resource Development Associate Professor
2009-02-03 to 2017-02-03 Population Science & Human Resource Development Assistant Professor
2006-02-04 to 2009-02-03 Population Science & Human Resource Development Lecturer

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2021-07-01 to 2022-01-30 Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Thailand Postdoc
2016-08-07 to 2017-08-06 Proctor Office, RU Assistant Proctor
2006-11-26 to 2009-11-25 Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Hall House Tutor
2006-06-10 to 2006-11-25 Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Hall Assistant House Tutor


1. Rahman M, Khatun M, Pinkey AN, Haque SE, Liza FA, Haque MN, Sarkar P, Roy TK, Islam GMR, Alam MR, Hasan M, Adam IF, Duc NHC, Al-Sobaihi S, Hasan A. "Decomposing the Poor-Non-Poor Gap in the Prevalence of Undiagnosed and Untreated Hypertension Among Bangladeshi Population" Glob Heart. 2024 Dec 5;19(1):90. doi: 10.5334/gh.1372

Published: December 2024
2. Md. Rashed Alam, Md. Nuruzzaman Khan and Yothin Sawangdee "Pattern and Contextual Factors of Menstrual Regulation Service Use Among Ever-Married Women in Bangladesh: Evidence from A Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Study" Journal of Nursing Care Report; 5(2):1-11

Published: July 2024
3. Md Rashed Alam and Md Raqiful Islam "Determinants of Academic Performance of the Students of Public Universities in Bangladesh" Athens Journal of Education 9(4):641-654

Published: October 2022
4. Md. Rashed Alam, Md. Aminur Rahman, Yothin Sawangdee "Factors Influencing the Number of Children Born to Working Women in Bangladesh: A Population-Based Study" Journal of Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health 6 (2022): 484-494

Published: June 2022
5. Md Rahman Mahfuzur, Md Rashed Alam and Md Arif Billah "Determinants of using emergency contraceptive pill in Bangladesh: An analysis of national survey data" Volume : 11 | Issue : 2 | Page : 62-69

Published: March 2022
6. Md Rashed Alam and Sumaiya Abedin "Miscarriage and associated factors: a hospital-based cross-sectional study in Bangladesh" Vol. 5 Issue 2

Published: July 2021
7. Md Rashed Alam & Tapan Kumar Roy "High Risk Behavior, Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescent Health: A Study from Rajshahi City Corporation Area of Bangladesh." Journal of Gynecology & Reproductive medicine Volume 5 Issue 2 Pp 122-128

Published: July 2021
8. Md. Rashed Alam, Md. Nuruzzaman Khan , Mahammad Zahidul Islam , Jenny Jung , Tapan Kumar Roy and Md. Mizanur Rahman "Determinants of Adolescent Childbearing in Bangladesh: A Multilevel Logistic Regression Analysis" Child & Adolescent Behavior, Volume 6(3)

Published: June 2018
9. Md. Rashed Alam, Nuruzzam Khan Md, Cherri Z, Tapan Kumar Roy and Md. Mizanur Rahman "Child Bearing Age and Pregnancy Outcomes in Bangladesh: A Multilevel Analysis of a Nationwide Population-Based Survey" Primary Health Care Vol 8(2)

Published: May 2018
10. Md. Rashed Alam, Md. Nuruzzaman Khan, Md. Mizanur Rahman and Tapan Kumar Roy "Adolescent Childbearing Age and Risk of Adverse Perinatal and Health Outcomes in South Asian Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" women’s Health Issues Care, Vol: 7 Issue: 1

Published: February 2018
11. Md. Rafiqul Islam*, Md. Rashed Alam, Md. Rabiul Islam "Factors Affecting Physical Violence against Women in Bangladesh" International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science 2015, 1(1): 1-6

Published: January 2015
12. Md. Rashed Alam "Impact of Socio-Economic, Demographic and Health Related Factors on Reproductive Health Behavior among Ever Married Rural Women: A Study from Bogra Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh." Online Journal of Social Sciences Research, Vol.1, Issue 2, Pp. 69-77 .

Published: April 2014
13. Md. Rashed Alam, Md. Rabiul Islam, and Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam. "Effects of socio-demographic factors on children ever born for domestic and non-domestic violence: Application of Path model." Global Advanced Research Journal of Social Science (GARJSS) Vol. 2(2) pp. 038-046, February, 2013

Published: February 2013
14. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Md. Rabiul Islam, Md. Rashed Alam, Md. Mosharaf Hossain "Affecting Socio-Demographic Factors on Children Ever Born for Women who have Experienced Domestic Violence and Women who have not Experienced Domestic Violence in Bangladesh." American Journal of Sociological Research 2012, 2(5): 113-119

Published: March 2012
15. Rokib M.A; Islam M.R; and Md. Rashed Alam "Influencing Factors of Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics on Female Migrants Study of Meherpur Sadar Thana, Bangladesh." Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 6 (3),Page 194-197, 2011.

Published: February 2011
16. Alam M.R "Parent’s education and its impact on child mortality: A case study at Thakurgaon District in Bangladesh." Pakistan Journal of Social Science. Vol. 8 (1),Page 55-61, 2011.

Published: January 2011
17. Alam M.R., Roy T.K., and Mondal D.K "Intensity of the effects of the selected socio-economic and demographic factors on fertility in Bangladesh" Man In India;(Volume 84, No. 1&2; Pp 51-62; 2004

Published: March 2010
18. Alam M.R., "The Effects of Some Selected Variables on Child labour at Chapi Nawabganj District in Bangladesh-A Multivariate Analysis" Middle East Journal of Family Medicine. Volume No.6, Issuse-9. November-2008.

Published: February 2008
19. Alam M.R., Roy T.K., Mondal D.K. and Rahman J.A.M "Effect of the working status of Bangladeshi women on age at marriage and fertility" Pakistan Journal of Social Science. Vol. 5 (5), Page 497-503, 2008

Published: January 2008
20. Alam M.R., Rahman M.M, and Roy T.K "Mother’s Health Seeking Behaviour at Rajshahi District." Pakistan Journal of Social Science. Vol. 5 (6),Page 612-619, 2008.

Published: January 2008
21. Alam M.R. and Roy T.K. "Regional patterns of the proximate determinants of fertility in Bangladesh. A framework of Bongaarts Model." Rajshahi University Studies Part-B, 2007, Vol. 35. Pp. 81-98.

Published: September 2007

Marriage and Family

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Population Projection

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Research Methodology

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Assistant House tutor of Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Hall on 7.6.2006 to 25.11.2006

Not Available