
Dept. of Population Science & Human Resource Development, 3rd Floor, 3rd Science Building, University of Rajshahi

Population Science & Human Resource Development

Education Summary  
PhD, Dept. of Sociology, Gender & Social Work, University of Otago, New Zealand

Research Interest  
Fertility transition and its impact, Relational life-course and childbearing, Intention and childbearing, Contraception and family planning programme
Level Institution Year
(Thesis title: Fertility stalls in Bangladesh)
PhD in Sociology, Gender and Social Work, University of Otago, Dunedin 2018
(Thesis title: Infant and Child Mortality and Mother’s Health Seeking Behaviour at Rajshahi)
MSc in Population Science and Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 2002
(BSc (Honors))
BSc (Honors) in Population Science and Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 2001
Higher Secondary
New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi 1997
BR Nazimuddin Govt. High School, Ishwardi 1994

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2024-06-30 to Dept. of Population Science & Human Resource Development Professor
2019-05-05 to 2024-06-29 Population Science & Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi Associate Professor
2013-02-28 to 2019-05-04 Population Science & Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi Assistant Professor
2010-02-28 to 2013-02-27 Population Science & Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi Lecturer

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2016-12-01 to 2017-03-31 Dept. of Sociology, Gender and Social Work, University of Otago, New Zealand Research Assistant
2016-07-13 to 2016-10-13 Department of Sociology, Gender and Social Work, New Zealand Tutor of Crime, Deviance, & Social Transformation
2015-10-08 to 2015-12-23 Center for Sustainability, University of Otago, New Zealand Research Assistant
2006-08-27 to 2010-02-23 Grameenphone (Telenor and Grameen Telecom’s joint venture), Bangladesh Territory Officer


1. Mahfuzur, M.R., Pradhan, M.R., Ghosh, M.K., & Rahman, M.M. "The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on fertility behaviour in Indian states: Evidence from the National Family Health Survey (2019/21)" PLOS ONE, 19(12): e0314800 (Major Indexing: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.)

Published: December 2024
2. Md. Mahfuzur Rahman; Jannatul Tasnim "Exploring the factors behind the shift in unwanted childbearing rate in Bangladesh between 2007 and 2017/2018: a cross-sectional study" BMJ Open, 13:e069265 (Major Indexing: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.)

Published: May 2023
3. Mahfuzur, M.R., Billah, MA, Liebergreen, N, Ghosh, M.K., Alam, M.S., Haque, M.A., Al-Maruf, A. "Exploring spatial variations in level and predictors of unskilled birth attendant delivery in Bangladesh using spatial analysis techniques: Findings from nationally representative survey data" PLOS One, 17(10), e0275951 (Major Indexing: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.)

Published: October 2022
4. Mahfuzur, M.R., Alam, M.S., Billah, M.A. (2022) "Early impact of COVID-19 pandemic on childbearing plan in Bangladesh" Biodemography and Social Biology, 67(2): 150 ̶ 163 (Major Indexing: Web of Science, SCOPUS)

Published: July 2022
5. Mahfuzur, M.R., Alam, M.R., Billah, M.A. (2022) "Determinants of using emergency contraceptive pill in Bangladesh: An analysis of national survey data" Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 11(2): 62–69 (Major Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index, SCOPUS)

Published: March 2022
6. Mahfuzur, M.R. (2021) "Factors influencing progression to a larger family in mid- and late-transitional fertility stalls: A case study of Bangladesh" Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 29, 563–585 (Major Indexing: SCOPUS)

Published: August 2021
7. Mahfuzur, M.R. (2020) "Role of proximate determinants in recent and past fertility stalls in Bangladesh" Biodemography and Social Biology, 65(2): 119 ̶ 136 (Major Indexing: Web of Science, SCOPUS)

Published: May 2020
8. Beres, M.A., Treharne, G.J., Stewart, K., Flett, J., Mahfuzur, M.R., & Lillis, D. (2019) "A mixed-methods pilot study of the EAAA rape resistance programme for female undergraduate students in Aotearoa/New Zealand" Women’s Studies Journal, 33(1/2): 8 ̶ 24 (Major Indexing: EBSCO)

Published: December 2019
9. Mahfuzur, M.R., & Goni, M.A. (2013) "Personal perception and attitude of adult people towards health at Meherpur town, Bangladesh" The Oriental Anthropologist: The Oriental Anthropologist: A Bi-annual International Journal of the Science of Man, 13(1): 111 ̶120.

Published: September 2019
10. Mahfuzur, M.R., & Roy, T.K. (2015) "Determinants of unwanted fertility in Bangladesh: Whether sex preference and unmet need are dominant?" Romanian Journal of Population Studies, 9(1): 81 ̶ 103.

Published: June 2015
11. Mahfuzur, M.R., Mondol, D.K., & Ali, M.A. (2013) "Nexus of employee motivation with HRM and workplace behaviour: an assessment of the dominant factors" Management Research and Practice, 5(4): 49 ̶ 57

Published: December 2013
12. Mahfuzur, M.R., Goni, M.A., & Akhter, M. R. (2013) "Correlates of early motherhood in slum areas of Rajshahi city, Bangladesh" Avicenna, 6: 1 ̶ 5

Published: July 2013
13. Goni, M.A., & Mahfuzur, M.R. (2012) "Knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS among blood donors: A study in Rajshahi, Bangladesh" International Journal of Public Health Research, 2(1): 93 ̶ 100

Published: July 2012
14. Mahfuzur, M.R., Goni, M.A., & Roy, T.K. (2011) "Demographic externalities of human capital: Evidence from Bangladesh" International Research Journal of Management and Business Studies, 1(2): 34 ̶ 40

Published: July 2011
15. Mahfuzur, M.R., Alam, M.R., Roy, T.K., & Goni, M.A. (2008) "Mother’s health seeking behaviour at Rajshahi District" Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 5(6): 612 ̶ 619

Published: July 2008
16. 13. Roy, T.K., & Mahfuzur, M.R. (2007) "Factors affecting infant mortality in rural Rajshahi" Rajshahi University Journal of Science, 35: 63 ̶ 80

Published: July 2007


1. Islam, M.N., Mahfuzur, M.R., Afrin, R., Alam, S. "Salinity intrusion in costal wetlands’ ecosystems in Bangladesh: Drivers, threats, and management (in poster)" International Conference on Oceanography (ICO-2024), Bangladesh Oceanographic Research Institute, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Published: January 2024
2. Md. Mahfuzur Rahman "Factors explaining the change in unwanted childbearing in Bangladesh during 2004–2014: A decomposition analysis" International Conference on “The Role of Science and Technology Towards 4IR” of the Faculty of Science at University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 5 October

Published: October 2023
3. Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott & Md. Mahfuzur Rahman "Role of relationship in delayed childbearing in European countries (in poster)" 5th GGP User Conference, Paris, 25 October

Published: October 2019
4. Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott, & Mahfuzur Rahman "Relational pathways to delayed childbearing and childlessness in cross-national comparison" 81st Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Washington, D. C

Published: July 2016
5. Mahfuzur Rahman "Fertility stall in South Asia, 1996-2013 (in poster)" 81st Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Washington, D.C.

Published: April 2016
6. Mahfuzur Rahman, Tapan Kumar Roy, & Md. Abdul Goni "Sex preferences and unwanted fertility in Bangladesh" SAANZ annual conference, Christchurch, New Zealand

Published: December 2014

Life Table Analysis

This paper focuses on the fundamental points that are very important in understanding and analysing decrement of population due to death and other causes using a life table. This course is divided into three broad sections (units), and is heavily weighted


Indirect Mortality Estimation

When information on mortality in a country became very important for the policy makers and health workers, complete missing of mortality data or extreme error in that data in many countries severely limited the activities of policy makers and health worke

Not Available
Not Available