
Associate Professor, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi.

Information & Communication Engineering

Education Summary  
B.Sc.(Hon's) and M.Sc.(Raj).

Research Interest  
Wireless Communication,Antenna Engineering, Microwave Communication, Electromagnetic Field Compatibility
Level Institution Year
(Doctor of Philosophy (PhD))
Rajshahi University 2024
(M.Sc (Thesis))
Department of Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh 2009
(B.Sc. (Honor’s))
Department of Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh 2008
Higher Secondary
Khubjipur Mozammel Haque Degree College, Gurudaspur, Natore 2004
Beelchalan Multilateral High School, Bilsha, Gurudaspur, Natore 2002

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2024-02-15 to Department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
2019-01-27 to 2022-01-26 Shahid Shamsuzzoha Hall HOUSE TUTOR
2017-08-08 to 2018-08-07 Electrical & Electronic Engineering Adjunct Faculty
2015-02-15 to 2024-02-16 Department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2014-06-17 to 2018-06-16 Shaheed Suhrawardy Hall HOUSE TUTOR
2012-02-16 to 2015-02-15 Department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205,Bangladesh LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Not Available


1. A. Z. M. Touhidul Islam and Md. Firoz Ahmed "Information and Communication Technology (তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি)" Written for Higher Secondary Level (Class XI-XII), Approved by National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Bangladesh, Published by R.C. Paul, Grantha Kutir, 26 Bangla Bazar, Dhaka.

Published: March 2017


1. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir "Capturing of Radio Frequency Energy with a Compact Ultra-wideband Patch Antenna" Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 01029-6, Scopus (Q4), CiteScore= 1.6 (2024),

Published: February 2025
2. Rakibul Hasan Masum, Md. Ashraful Islam, Sujan Chandra Roy, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Matiqul Islam, Md. Reaz Hossain, Ripa Sarkar "A Slotted Elliptical Patch Antenna for Six Generation Communication System in Terahertz Band" Cureus J Eng 2 : es44388-024-02717-3, WoS Index,

Published: January 2025
3. Md. Firoz Ahmed*, Samiul Bashir, Pronab Kumar Paul, Md. Bipul Islam, A.N.M. Shihab Uddin, M. Hasnat Kabir "A compact patch antenna for wireless sensor network applications in WLAN" Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 133-148

Published: December 2024
4. Md. Firoz Ahmed and M. Hasnat Kabir "A Circular Ring Patch Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection Based on Return Loss and VSWR" Vol. 6, no. 4, pp. pp. 397-404, Scopus (Q4), October-2024

Published: October 2024
5. Md. Firoz Ahmed • M. Hasnat Kabir "Designing a Rectangular Patch Antenna for Vehicle Monitoring Systems" Vol.16, Issue.7, pp.1-18, WoS, Springer Nature

Published: July 2024
6. Md. Arifur Rahman, Md. Mahfuz Alam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan "Modified Method for Fundamental Frequency Detection of Voiced/Unvoiced Speech Signal in Noisy Environment" Vol. 45, Issue. 1, pp. 36-47

Published: June 2024

Published: December 2023
8. Mst. Shahida Akter, Md. Firoz Ahmed* "Inset Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna Design for ISM Band Applications" International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 41, No.2, pp.495-506

Published: November 2023
9. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Impact of Feed Point Position on Patch Antenna’s Return Loss and Bandwidth for UWB Applications" Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science, Vol. 3(2), June-2023. Scopus (Q2)

Published: June 2023
10. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Abu Zafor Muhammad Touhidul Islam "DESIGN OF A MINIATURE RECTANGULAR PATCH ANTENNA FOR 5G APPLICATIONS" ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vo.18, No. 12, pp.1468-1473, June-2023, Scopus (Q4), CiteScore = 0.7 (2023)

Published: June 2023
11. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Design of a compact patch antenna with bandwidth and efficiency improvement for UWB applications" Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 5(4), pp.2023030-2023030, May-2023.Scopus (Q4), CiteScore = 0.1 (2022)

Published: May 2023
12. Md. Firoz Ahmed, and M. Hasnat Kabir "A Slotted Patch Antenna Design and Analysis for Detecting Breast Cancer" ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol.12, no. 4, p.047003, April-2023. Scopus (Q3), Citescore = 4.3 (2022), WoS IF =2.2

Published: April 2023
13. Md. Shaharul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Hasnat Kabir, Md. Ashraful Islam and Md. Matiqul Islam "A Patch Antenna Design with Boosted Bandwidth for ISM Applications" International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems (IJANS), Vol. 13(1), pp.1-9,January-2023.

Published: January 2023
14. Md. Masum Mia, Md. Shaharul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Hasnat Kabir, Md. Ashraful Islam and Md. Matiqul Islam "Design of a Miniature Rectangular Patch Antenna for Ku Band Applications" International Journal of Ambient Systems and Applications (IJASA), Vol.10 (4), pp. 1-7,December-2022.

Published: December 2022
15. Aurangzib Md Abdur Rahman, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Nurnaby Hasan "Performance Assessment of STBC Encoded MIMO MC-CDMA System over AWGN Channel" International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISART), vol. 7(9), pp. 1074-1078, September-2022.

Published: September 2022
16. Md Firoz Ahmed, Abu Zafor Muhammad Touhidul Islam, and Md Hasnat Kabir "Rectangular microstrip antenna design with multi-slotted patch and partial grounding for performance enhancement" International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), vo.12 (4), pp.2088-8708, August-2022. Scopus (Q3), CiteScore = 3.8 (2022)

Published: August 2022
17. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Impact of Triangular-Rectangular Slots in the Patch and Partial Ground Plane on Rectangular Patch UWB Antenna Bandwidth Performance" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES), vol. 8(5), pp. 27-31, October-2021.

Published: October 2021
18. M. Firoz Ahmed, Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam and M. Hasnat Kabir "Design of a Ultra-Wideband Rectangular Patch Microstrip Antenna with Improved Bandwidth" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, vol.8 (5), pp. 6-12, October-2021.

Published: October 2021
19. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Effect of the substrate material and thickness on the performance of the Rectangular Patch Microstrip UWB Antenna" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES), vol. 8(4), pp. 15-18, August-2021.

Published: August 2021
20. Md. Firoz Ahmed, Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam, and M. Hasnat Kabir "Improvement of Bandwidth and Gain of a Rectangular Patch Antenna for UWB Applications" International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), vol. 10(7), pp. 2101-2109, July-2021.

Published: July 2021
21. M. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir, and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Patch and Ground Plane Slots Effect on the Rectangular Patch Microstrip UWB Antenna Bandwidth Performance" International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology (IJEST), vol. 6(3), July-2021.

Published: July 2021
22. Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Sofiqul Islam and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Comparative Performance Assessment of V-Blast Encoded 8×8 MIMO MC-CDMA Wireless System" International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems (IJANS), vol. 10, issue 7, July-2021.

Published: July 2021
23. Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Tahidul Islam and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Performance of Convolution and CRC Channel Encoded V-Blast 4x4 MIMO MC-CDMA Wireless Communication System" International Journal of Ambient Systems and Applications (IJASA) Vol.09, No.1/2, June-2021.

Published: June 2021
24. Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Faysal Ahmed and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Comparison of Bit Error Rate Performance of Various Digital Modulation Schemes over AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channels using Simulink" International Journal of Ambient Systems and Applications (IJASA), vol.9, no.1/2, June-2021.

Published: June 2021
25. Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Rimon Islam and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Secured Text Message Transmission in a Wireless Communication System with the Implementation of Vigenere Cipher and RSA Cryptographic Algorithms" Computer Applications: An International Journal (CAIJ), Vol.8, No.2, May-2021.

Published: May 2021
26. A. Z. M. Touhidul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed "Study of Attenuation and Bending Losses in Signal Transmission over Step Index Multimode Pmma Fibers" International Journal of Ambient Systems and Applications (IJASA) Vol.8, No.1/2, June-2020.

Published: June 2020
27. Md. Juwel Sheikh, Md. Firoz Ahmed, A. Z. M. Touhidul Islam "Video Transmission in V-blast Encoded MIMO MC-CDMA Wireless System: Performance Study" International Journal of Ambient Systems and Applications (IJASA) Vol.8, No.1/2, June-2020.

Published: June 2020
28. Md. Nawaj Sharif, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Mahfujur Rahman, A. Z. M. Touhidul Islam "Design and Simulation of a Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Breast Cancer Diagnosis" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES), Vol. 7, Issue-3, pp. 64-67, May-2020.

Published: May 2020
29. Md. Sofiqul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, A. Z. M. Touhidul Islam "Performance Analysis of V-Blast Encoded MIMO MC-CDMA Wireless Communication System in Encrypted Color Image Transmission" International Journal of Recent Engineering Science (IJRES), Vol. 7, Issue-3, pp. 59-93, May-2020

Published: May 2020
30. Sujan Chandra Roy, Md. Ohidul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed "Performance Analysis of Flooding Based DTN Protocols by Focusing the Simulation Scenario of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh" Global Scientific Journals (GSJ), vol. 8, issue 1, January-2020.

Published: January 2020
31. Sujan Chandra Roy, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Farhana Enam3Internationa "Study the Impact of Latency on Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN) Based on Social Based Routing Protocols" journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 8, no. 12, December-2019.

Published: December 2019
32. Sumit Kumar, Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, and Md. Mazedur Rahman "Effect of the Number of Messages on the Performance of Delay Tolerant Networks for Few Mobility Models" American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), Vol-7, Issue-3, pp:200-205, March-2018.

Published: March 2018
33. Md. Rashedul Islam, Dr. Md. Babul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Najmul Hossain, Md. Abdur Rahim "Mel-LP Based Generalized Cepstral Analysis for Noisy Speech Recognition using HMM" International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), Vol. 1, Issue 9, pp. 466-470, December-2013.

Published: December 2013
34. Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Babul Islam, Md. Rasadul Islam, Md. Ashraful Islam, Mustari Zaman "Effect of CMN and Blind Equalization on Additive and Multiplicative Noises for MelLPC based Noisy Speech Recognition Using HMM" International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 241-246, August-2012.

Published: August 2012


1. Md.Firoz Ahmed*, Md.Bipul Islam, M. Hasnat Kabir, Md. Ashraful Islam "2.4 GHz ISM band microstrip patch antenna using a partial ground plane for wireless sensor nodes" 5th International Conference on Physics for Sustainable Development and Technology -2023 (5th ICPSDT-2023), 07-08 September, 2023

Published: September 2023
2. Rakibul Hasan Masum, Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Matiqul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Hasnat Kabir "Analysis the Performance of Triangular Patch Antenna at THz Band" National Conference of Physics-2023 (Received Best Poster Presentation Award), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March-2023.

Published: March 2023
3. Papia Sultana, Akif Mahdi, Md. Hasnat Kabir, Md. Firoz Ahmed and Md. Ashraful Islam "Gastrointestinal Diseases Detection by Analyzing Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images through Deep Learning" National Conference on Physics-2023 (Conference Best Oral Presentation Award), Dhaka, Bangladesh, March-2023.

Published: March 2023
4. Md. Shaharul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Hasnat Kabir, and Md. Ashraful Islam1and "An IoT-based Weather Monitoring Patch Antenna Design" National Conference on Physics-2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Published: March 2023
5. Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Matiqul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed and Md. Hasnat Kabir "Analysis the Effect of Patch and Substrate Material on Antenna Performance at THz Band" Nano-bio and Advanced Materials Engineering (NAME), Bangladesh, January-2023.

Published: January 2023
6. Farzana Alam, Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Matiqul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed and Md. Hasnat Kabir "Design of Elliptical Patch Antenna with Partial Ground at THz Frequency Band" International Conference on Recent Progresses in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRPSET). doi:10.1109/ICRPSET57982.2022.10188500

Published: December 2022
7. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir "Multislot Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Design to Detect Breast Cancer" ECS Transactions, vol. 107(1), p.10721, April-2022. Scopus (Q4), CiteScore = 1.0 (2021)

Published: May 2022
8. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Md. Ashraful Islam "Early Detection of Breast Cancer using Rectangular Patch Microstrip Antenna" International Conference on Physics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 19-21, May-2022.

Published: May 2022
9. Md. Ashraful Islam, Md. Matiqul Islam, Md. Firoz Ahmed, Md. Najmul Hossain and Md. Hasnat Kabir "Validate the Improvement of Footprint of the Female Connector on PCB Surface by Using HFSS" International Conference on Physics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May-2022.

Published: May 2022
10. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Effect of Feed Point Position on the Bandwidth, Centre Frequency and Return Loss of Rectangular Patch Microstrip UWB Antenna" 2021 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), pp. 1-4, December 2021.

Published: December 2021
11. Md. Firoz Ahmed, M. Hasnat Kabir and Abu Zafor Md. Touhidul Islam "Design of Rectangular Patch Microstrip Antenna with Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement for UWB Applications" 2021 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), pp. 1-4, December 2021.

Published: December 2021


1st Year, Section B


Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

2nd Year, Section B


Microwave Communication and Radar

3rd Year, Section A


Antenna Engineering

3rd Year, Section A


Optical Fiber Communication

3rd Year, Section B


Cellular and Mobile Communication

2nd Year, Section A

Computer Architecture and Microprocessor

4th Year, Section B

Wireless Communication

4th Year, Section A

Advanced Wireless Communication

M.Sc, Section A

Advanced Optical Fiber Communication

M.Sc, Section B

Multimedia Communication

M.Sc, Section B

Electronic Circuit-II

2nd Year, EEE Department

Introduction to Digital System and Design

2nd Year, EEE Department

Microprocessor and Microcomputer System

3rd Year, EEE Department

Not Available
Not Available