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Department of Zoology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. Personal room No. 211, Sir Jagadish Chandra Basu Bhabon, Contact no.: 01732465794 (Cell & WhatsApp); +880-2-588864683 (office room 211); +880-2-588864119 (office), Fax: +880-02588866364


Education Summary  
B.Sc. (Honours) in Zoology, Rajshahi Univ. 1985: Zoology, Rajshahi Univ. 1986: Ph. Fish Diseases, (UGSAS, Ehime University, Japan), JSPS Post-doctoral Research ( 2 years, NRIA, Japan), Visiting Research Scientist (Ehime University, Japan), Visiting Research professor (2009-2011), Ibaraki University, Japan. Special Training on curriculum, (AIT, Thailand).

Research Interest  
Fish diseases/Fish Immunology, and Parasitology ● Environmental Science/ Environmental microbiology /Molecular microbial ecology ●Aquaculture ●Drug resistance ●Bio-fuel from nonfood crops by fermentation using anaerobic bacteria
Level Institution Year
Ehime University, Japan 1999
Rajshahi University 1986

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2020-07-01 to 2029-08-31 Department of Zoology PROFESSOR GRADE 1- till to date
2005-11-22 to 2020-06-30 Department of Zoology PROFESSOR
2001-08-27 to 2005-11-21 Department of Zoology ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
1994-06-08 to 2001-08-26 Result not Found ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
1991-06-08 to 1994-06-07 Result not Found LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2009-10-01 to 2011-08-30 Faculty of Agriculture, Ibaraki University, Japan Visiting Research Professor
Not Available

Md. Habibur Rahman, Ph.D.


Department of Zoology

University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh; Contact no.: 01732465794 (WhatsApp);

 +880-2-588864119, +880-2-588864683 (office);  

Fax: +880-02588866364


Personal information:


Date of birth: September 01, 1964; Marital status: Married

Educational qualifications:


Ph.D. in fish pathology (Infection mechanism of bacterial diseases in fish), United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, Japan, March, 1999

M.Sc. in Zoology, Department of Zoology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, 1989

B.Sc. Honors in Zoology (with Botany and Chemistry as a minor), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 1987.

Teaching experiences:


Lecturer: :                  : 1991-1994  Dept. of Zoology, University of Rajshahi

Assistant professor    : 1994-2001 Dept. of Zoology, University of Rajshahi

Associate professor    : 2001-2005 Dept.of Zoology, University of Rajshahi

Professor                    : 2005-2021  Dept. of Zoology, University of Rajshahi

Professor Grade 1     : 2021 -till to date  Dept. of Zoology, University of Rajshahi

Research experiences:


March 1, 2010- January 13, 2011; Visiting Research Professor, Ibaraki University College of Agriculture, Japan.  Research was conducted on butanol production from sweet sorghum juice using fermentation process by anaerobic bacteria.

● October 17, 2004- March 30,2008; Post-doctoral research scientist, Marine Molecular Ecology Lab., CMES, Ehime University, Japan. Investigation on the distribution of drug resistant bacteria and resistance gene tet(M) in marine environment as well as animal intestine including fish.

● March 1999-2001; JSPS post-doctoral research fellow, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Mie, Japan. Research was conducted on the infection mechanism of coldwater diseases in ayu and rainbow trout and their protection from coldwater disease.

●Doctoral research 1996-1999; Japanese Govt. Scholarship. Carried on infection mechanism of Aeromonas hydrophila to cyprinid fish, Fish Disease Laboratory, Department of Aquaculture, Kochi University, Japan.

● 1990-1991; Conducted research as a research fellow in the Department of Zoology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh and carried research on the some aspects of biology and ecology of fish by support of Ministry of Science and Technology.

●M.Sc. thesis (1989-1990); Studies on the some aspects of biology of a freshwater fish, Lepidocephalus guntea (Ham.), cypriniformes, cobitidae), M.Sc. thesis, Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi University pp-176.

Short research visit:

● May 2001-June 2001; 4 weeks visit to AIT, Thailand as a member of delegates for special workshop on fish disease syllabus for M.Sc. students in University level.

● May 2003-July 2003; 3 months visit as a visiting research scientist to National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Yokohama, Japan and conducted research on phylogenetic analysis of pen sheel.

● November 2003-November 2003; 1 month visit to Nihon University, Japan as a visiting Professor and worked on Stress response gene in fish.

● December 1, 2008-December 30, 2008; 1 month visit to Ehime University, Japan as a invited speaker to a special seminar and workshop for creating a network to environmental researcher in Asian region.

● November 3, 2010-November 24, 2010; 3 weeks short visit to Ibaraki University, Japan as a visiting researcher.


Research grants received :

Studies on the some aspects of biology of Heteropneustes fossilis in swamp waters in Bangladesh, funded by Rajshahi University research division, Bangladesh (1993-1994, 0.1 million BD TK)

●Investigation on the potentiality of swamp for fish culture in Bangladesh, funded by: DFID (2002-2003, 0.3 million BD TK).

●Distribution and diversity of TC resistance gene in marine environment, funded by COE programe Japanese MEXT., Ehime University (2005-2006, 1 million Japanese Yen).

●Distribution and diversity of TC resistance gene in marine animal intestine, funded by G-COE programe Japanese MEXT., Ehime University (2006-2007, 1 million Japanese Yen).

●Monitoring of diseased fish at Northern part of Bangladesh, funded by Bangladesh Science and Technology (2008-2009, 0.5 million BD TK).

●Development  of a vaccines against Epizootic Ulcerative syndrom (EUS) caused by Aeromonas hydrophila to fresh water carp (2017-2019). Education Ministry, TK 21 lacks.

Publications:         65

Presentation in International Symposium:

2011: JSME symposium hold in Kyoto University, Japan, from October10, 2011-October 13, 2011. Poster presentation.

2011:  ISEB symposium hold in Istanbul, Turkey from September 25, 2011-September 31, 2011.  Poster presentation.

2010: Symposium on microbial diversity and Asian ecosystem. Organized by Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology. Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan from November 24, 2010 to November 26, 2010. Poster presentation (two).

2010: International symposium on sustainable agriculture. College of aAgriculture, Ibaraki University, Japan, November 5-7.  Poster presentation.

2010: International Symposium organized by Japanese Society of soil microbiology. Tokyo University, Japan May 21-22. Poster presentation.

2008: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Environmental Sciences, Organized by Gloval COE Program in Ehime Universuty, Japan November 11-13., Invited speaker.

2008: International Symposium on Biological Responses to Chemical Pollutants, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan March 6-7, Oral presentation.

2006:11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology-ISME: Vienna, Austria 20-25. Poster presentation.

2006: International Symposium on Chemical pollution and Environmental Changes, Matsuyama, Japan, November 17-19, Poster presentation.

2000: Seminar between Japan and American in Aquaculture: Special reference to fish immunology. Ise-shi, Japan , November 27-30. Oral Presentation.

2001: Seminar on fish disease, Tokyo, Japan March 29-32, Oral Preseantation.

1998: The first seminar between Japan and Thailand in fisheries sciences: Special reference to fish diseases, November 9-10, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.

1998: International symposium on Asian aquaculture organized by Asian Fisheries Forum, Chiangmai, Thailand. Nov. 17-20. Oral presentation

1997: International Symposium in Fish Diseases, organized by Japanese Society for Fish Pathology, Hiroshima, Japan .Oral and Poster presentation.

1997: International Symposium in Fish Diseases, organized by Japanese Society for Fish Pathology, Hiroshima, Japan .Poster presentation.



Administrative experiences:


Elected Syndicate Member (Professor's category): University of Rajshahi (2018-2021)

Elected Senate Member (Teacher's category), University of Rajshahi (2015-2017)

Elected Academic Council Member, University of Rajshahi (1992-1994)

Assistant Proctor, University of Rajshahi (2002-2004)

House Tutor, Shaheed Suhrawardy Hall, University of Rajshahi (1994-1995)

Political Activities:


Elected Senior Vice-President, Jatiotabadi Shikkhok Forum, R.U. (2013-2015)

Elected Senior Vice-President, Jatiotabadi Shikkhok Forum, R.U. (2015-2018)

Elected President, Jatiotabadi Shikkhok Forum, R.U. (2018-2021)

Senior Vice-President, Zia Porisod, R.U. (2024-till to date)

Member of the Central Executive Committee UTAB (2024-till to date)

Social Activities:


President of Bangladesh Biology Olympiad, Rajshahi Region (2018-till date).

Secretary of Rajshahi University Zoology AlumnaeAssociation.

Secretary (Ex), Local chapter, Rajshahi, Zoological Society in Bangladesh.

Member of Learned Bodies:


Life member in Zoological Society in Bangladesh

Life member of Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)

Life member of Japanese Universities Alumni Association in Bangladesh (JUAAB)

Life member in Entomogical Society of Bangladesh

Member of Microbial Society

General member of Japanese Fish Pathology Society

General member Asian Fisheries Forum

Life member of Japanese Society  for the Promotion of Science Bangladesh (JSPSB)

Not Available