
Department of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh Phone: +88-02588864111 (off.), Fax: +88 0721 750064, Mobile: +88 01741243440

Geology & Mining

Education Summary  
M.Sc. (Raj), D.Sc. (Tsukuba, Japan)

Research Interest  
Geochemistry and Geochronology, Petrology, Mineralogy, Fluid Inclusions, Geotectonics and Geoheritage
Level Institution Year
University of Tsukuba, Japan 2009
Rajshahi University 1994
(B.Sc. (Hon's))
Rajshahi University 1993
Higher Secondary
Govt. Asheque Mahmud College, Jamalpur 1990
Kutubpur Rowshan High School, Shakhipur, Tangail 1988

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2015-03-31 to Department of Geology and Mining PROFESSOR
2009-10-29 to 2015-03-30 Department of Geology and Mining ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
2004-01-04 to 2009-10-28 Department of Geology and Mining ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2001-01-04 to 2004-01-03 Department of Geology and Mining LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2015-09-14 to 2015-12-13 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences (Earth Evolution Science), University of Tsukuba, Japan JASSO Follow-up Research Fellowship 2015

Book Chapter

1. Hossain, I., Nahar, M. "Endangered Geoheritage in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Eocene Sylhet Limestone and Adjoining Areas, Jaflong, Sylhet." In: Lollino, G., Giordan, D., Marunteanu, C., Christaras, B., Yoshinori, I., Margottini, C. (Eds.) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. Volume 8, pp. 219–222.

Published: August 2014
2. Hossain, I. and Tsunogae, T. "Crystallization Conditions of Feldspars in Basement Rocks in Bangladesh." In: Whitmore, F.D. and Escamilla, J.B. (eds.) Feldspar: Mineral Composition, Geology and Petrogenesis Significance. Nova Publishers, USA (ISBN: 978-1-62948-647-5), pp. 27–44.

Published: June 2014


1. Hasan, A.S.M.M., Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Sahiduzzaman, M., Yeasmin, Z., Alam, M.S., Akbar, M.A., Zaman, M.N. "Mineralogy, geochemistry and monazite U-Th-Pb geochronology of the Hakimpur banded iron formation deposit, Bangladesh: a petrogenetic study" Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Volume 58(4), pp. 241-264

Published: December 2023
2. Hossain, I. "Gondwana coal lithofacies, its characteristics and depositional conditions." Journal of Bangladesh Petroleum Institute, volume 1, pp. 80–81

Published: June 2023
3. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Jannatun, N., Rahman, M.S., Nahar, M., Hasan, A.S.M.M., Khatun, M.M. "Mineral compositional constraints on the petrogenesis of gabbroic and monzodioritic rocks in Rangpur District, NW Bangladesh" Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, Volume 9, 100134

Published: June 2023
4. Hossain, I., Belyanin, G.A., Azmi, M.A.R., Tsunogae, T. "40Ar/39Ar geochronology of phlogopites and its mineralization in the Mithapukur kimberlites: New Lower Cretaceous (∼109–115 Ma) kimberlitic occurrences in Bangladesh." Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X Volume 7, 100094

Published: June 2022
5. Hasan, A.S.M.M., Hossain, I., Rahman, M.A., Pownceby, M.I., Biswas, P.K., Zaman, M.N. "Signature of Himalayan Orogenic Features in Brahmaputra River Sediments, Bangladesh: Evidence from Single-grain Heavy Mineral Chemistry" Geochemistry (Chemie der Erde)

Published: May 2022
6. Hasan, A.S.M.M., Hossain, I., Rahman, M.A., Zaman, M.N., Biswas, P.K., Alam, M.S. "Chemistry and mineralogy of Zr- and Ti-rich minerals sourced from Cox’s Bazar beach placer deposits, Bangladesh: Implication of resources processing and evaluation" Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 141, 104687

Published: February 2022
7. Ali. S., Alam, M.S., Ahmed, S.S., Zaman, M.N., Hossain, I., Biswas, P.K. "Geochemical characteristics of recent sediments of channel bar of the Ganges (Padma) River, Bangladesh" Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, V. 25, pp. 23-46

Published: July 2020
8. Rahman, M.S., Hossain, I., Biswas, P.K., Rahim, M.A., Hasan, A.S.M.M., Adham, M.I. "Geochemistry of subsurface Late Quaternary ironstones in Rajshahi and Bogra Districts, Bangladesh: implications for genetic and depositional conditions" Acta Geochimica,

Published: January 2019
9. Hasan, A.S.M.M., Hossain, I., Rahman, M.A., Rahman, M.S., Zaman, M.N., Biswas, P.K. "FEG-EPMA mapping and Fe-Ti oxide mineral chemistry of Brahmaputra River sediments in Bangladesh: provenance and petrogenetic implications" Arabian Journal of Geosciences,

Published: September 2018
10. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Tsutsumi, Y., Takahashi, K. "Petrology, geochemistry and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of Paleoproterozoic basement rocks in Bangladesh: An evaluation of calc-alkaline magmatism and implication for Columbia supercontinent amalgamation." Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V. 157, pp. 22-39, doi:

Published: May 2018
11. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Islam, M.S., Roy, R.R., Talukder, S. "Mineralogy of Gondwana Sequence in Barapukuria Formation, Bangladesh" Earth Evolution Sciences, V. 11, pp. 3-22

Published: March 2017
12. Hossain, H.M.Z., Islam, M.S., Ferdousy, M.F., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Sial, A.N., Hossain, I., Hossain, Q.H. "Stable isotope record of Late Quaternary sediments from northwestern Bengal Basin, Bangladesh" Earth Evolution Sciences (University of Tsukuba, Japan), v. 10, pp. 3–14

Published: March 2016
13. Nahar, M., Hossain, I., Zaman, M.N., Uddin, M.N., Sarkar, A.N.M.G. and Alam, K.M.J. "Petrographic Characteristics of Basement Rocks in Rangpur District, Bangladesh" Rajshahi University Journal of Life & Earth and Agricultural Sciences, v. 43, pp. 21–30.

Published: December 2015
14. Hossain, I., Roy, K.K., Biswas, P.K., Alam, M., Moniruzzaman, M. and Deeba, F. "Geochemical Characteristics of Holocene Sediments from Chuadanga District, Bangladesh: Implications for Weathering, Climate, Redox Conditions, Provenance and Tectonic Setting." Chinese Journal of Geochemistry (Springer), v. 33 (4), pp. 336–350, doi: 10.1007/s11631-014-0696-9.

Published: October 2014
15. Hossain, I. and Nahar, M. "The Eocene Sylhet Limestone of Jaflong and Adjoining Areas, Sylhet: An Endangered Geoheritage in Bangladesh." Geoheritage (Springer), v. 6(4), pp. 317–333, doi: 10.1007/s12371-014-0129-5.

Published: August 2014
16. Hossain, I. and Tsunogae, T. "Crystallization Conditions and Petrogenesis of the Palaeoproterozoic Basement Rocks in Bangladesh: An Evaluation of Biotite and Coexisting Amphibole Mineral Chemistry." Journal of Earth Science (Springer), v. 25 (1), pp. 87–97, DOI: 10.1007/s12583-014-0402-1.

Published: February 2014
17. Azad, M.A.K., Mondal, A.H.M.F.K., Hossain, I. and Moniruzzaman, M. "Experiment for Arsenic Accumulation into Rice Cultivated with Arsenic Enriched Irrigation Water in Bangladesh." American Journal of Environmental Protection (SciEP), v. 1 (3), pp. 54–58, doi:10.12691/env-1-3-2.

Published: December 2013
18. Hossain, I., Ahmed, S.S., Islam, M.N., Biswas, P.K. and Rahman, M.A. "Glass sand potentiality of bar sediments from Tista and Dharla rivers, Bangladesh." Rajshahi University Journal of Life & Earth and Agricultural Sciences, v. 41, pp. 57–64.

Published: June 2013
19. Hossain, I. and Islam, M.R. "Pattern of Temperature Structures in Himalayan Subduction Zone: A Review." Journal of Life and Earth Science, v. 7, pp. 15–20, doi:

Published: December 2012
20. Azad, M.A.K., Mondal, A.H.M.F.K, Hossain, I., and Moniruzzaman, M. "Effect of Arsenic Amended Irrigation Water on Growth and Yield of BR-II Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Grown in Open Field Gangetic Soil Condition in Rajshahi." Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, v. 5(1), pp. 55–59.

Published: June 2012
21. Hossain, M.R., Hossain, I., Hossain, A.S.M.Z. and Biswas, P.K. "Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks (Gravels) from Bhajanpur Area in Panchagarh District, Bangladesh." Journal of Life and Earth Science, v. 5, pp. 91–96, doi: 10.3329/jles.v5i0.7357.

Published: December 2010
22. Hossain, I. and Tsunogae, T. "Crystallization conditions of the Palaeoproterozoic basement rocks in Bangladesh: an evaluation of biotite and amphibole mineral chemistry." Journal of Nepal Geological Society, v. 41, pp. 11.

Published: November 2010
23. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Rajesh, H.M. "Geothermobarometry and fluid inclusions of dioritic rocks in Bangladesh: Implications for emplacement depth and exhumation rate." Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier), v. 34 (6), pp. 731–739, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.10.010.

Published: May 2009
24. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., and Rajesh, H.M. "Petrogenetic characterization of Palaeoproterozoic basement rocks from Bangladesh: A remnant of magmatism associated with the Columbia supercontinent amalgamation." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Elsevier), v. 72(12), p. A394.

Published: July 2008
25. Hossain, I. and Tsunogae, T. "Fluid inclusion study of pegmatite and aplite veins of the Palaeoproterozoic basement rocks in Bangladesh: implications for magmatic fluid compositions and crystallization depth." Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (J-Stage), v. 103, pp. 121–125, doi:10.2465/jmps.071022j.

Published: March 2008
26. Hossain, I., Roy, M.K., Islam, M.S., Hossain, M.S. and Hossain, H.M.Z. "Paleoenvironment of the Boka Bil Formation in the Barogang-Hari river section near Lalakhal, Jaintiapur, Sylhet, Bangladesh." Earth Evolution Sciences (University of Tsukuba, Japan), v. 2, pp. 3–14.

Published: March 2008
27. Islam, M.S., Hossain, H.M.Z. and Hossain, I. "Solid Waste Problem in Khulna City, Bangladesh: It's Environmental Impacts and Sustainable Management." Journal of Science and Culture, v. 74 (7-8), pp. 251–258.

Published: February 2008
28. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Rajesh, H.M., Chen, B., and Arakawa, Y. "Palaeoproterozoic U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age from basement rocks in Bangladesh: A possible remnant of the Columbia Supercontinent." Comptes Rendus Geoscience (Elsevier), v. 339, pp. 979–986, doi:10.1016/j.crte.2007.09.014.

Published: November 2007
29. Roy, D.K., Rahman, M.M., Ahmed, S.S., Hossain, I., and Akhter, S. "Geochemistry of sandstone-mudstone suites of the Tipam Sandstone Formation, Surma Basin, Bangladesh." Earth Evolution Sciences (University of Tsukuba, Japan), v. 1, pp. 21–31.

Published: March 2007
30. Islam, M.S. and Hossain, I. "Lithofacies and First-Order Embedded Markov Chain Analyses of the Gondwana Sequence in the Boreholes GDH-40 and GDH-43, Barapukuria coalfield, Bangladesh." Bangladesh Journal of Geology, v. 25, pp. 64–80.

Published: November 2006
31. Islam, M.S., Hossain, H.M.Z and Hossain, I. "Environmental Concerns in Khulna City, Bangladesh: It's Causes, Impacts and Management." The Bulletin on Geological Sciences (India), v. 11(1), pp. 25–39.

Published: June 2006
32. Roy, P.J., Hossain, I., Islam, M.S. and Islam, M.B. "Geomorphology of Manikganj Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh." Rajshahi University Studies, v. 34, pp. 223–235.

Published: February 2006
33. Islam, M.S. and Hossain, I. "Petrographic Discrimination of Provenance of Gondwana Sandstones in the Khalaspir Basin, Bangladesh." Rajshahi University Studies, v. 33, pp. 129–138.

Published: December 2005
34. Hossain, H.M.Z., Islam, M.S., Ahmed, S.S. and Hossain, I. "Analysis of Sedimentary Facies and Depositional Environments of Permian Gondwana Sequence in Borehole GDH-45, Khalaspir Basin, Bangladesh." Geosciences Journal (Springer), v. 6 (3), pp. 227–236.

Published: September 2002
35. Hossain, H.M.Z., Islam, M.S., Ahmed, S.S. and Hossain, I. "Petrography of Gondwana sandstones in the borehole GDH-45 of the Khalaspir basin, Bangladesh." Acta Mineralogica Pakistanica, Pakistan, v. 12, pp. 63–74.

Published: November 2001
36. Hossain, I., Ahmed, S. S. and Islam, M. S. "Provenance of Gondwana Sandstones in the Borehole GDH-40, Barapukuria Basin, Dinajpur, Bangladesh." Bangladesh Journal of Geology, v. 19, pp. 35–43.

Published: June 2000


1. Hossain, I. "Crustal Evolution and Characteristics: An Appraisal on Basement Rocks in Bangladesh" 2nd National Seminar on “Geology for the Sustainable Development of Bangladesh" on May 09-10, 2024 at Petrocentre, Petrobangla, Dhaka. Abstract volume.

Published: May 2024
2. Hossain, I., Jahan, M.N., Tsunogae, T. "Petrochemistry of Gravelly Metamorphic Rocks in Panchagarh District, Bangladesh: Implications for Petrogenesis and the Tectonic Setting" BCSIR Congress-2023 Goden Jubilee Celebration: Smart Bangladesh of Tomorrow is the Science of Today. Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 8-10, 2024. Abstract volume.

Published: March 2024
3. Islam, I., Hossain, I. "Concentration of Heavy Minerals along the Coastal Area of Patuakhali District, Bangladesh: Using Multispectral Satellite Data." International Conference on The Role of Science and Technology Towards 4IR. Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 5-6 October 2023, Abstract volume, p. 218.

Published: October 2023
4. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Khatun, M.M., Jannatun, N., "Ferrosilite-bearing Charnockite in Gaibandha, Bangladesh: An Occurrence of Igneous Charnockite-Granite Association" International Conference on Science and Technology for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), Dhaka, Abstract Volume, Page 378

Published: March 2021
5. Hossain, A.T., Hossain, I. "Architectures of Sedimentary Structures of Bar Deposits of Padma River in Bangladesh" International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICEEST 2020), Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 25-27, 2020, Conference Volume, p. 131

Published: January 2020
6. Hossain, I., Rahman, M.S., Rahim, M.A., Biswas, P.K., Hasan, A.S.M.M., Adham, M.I. "Subsurface Late Quaternary ironstones in Northwest Bangladesh: A Geochemical Review" Proceeding of the Second International Symposium on Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT2018), 19-23 November 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 70-71

Published: November 2018
7. Hasan, A.S.M.M., Hossain, I. and Rahman, M.A. "Petrogenetic Characteristics of Detrital Fe-Ti Oxide Minerals of Brahmaputra River Sediments in Bangladesh" Abstract volume, pp. 8

Published: January 2018
8. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Rahman, M.S., Nahar, M., Zaman, M.N. "Hypabyssal and MARID-type Kimberlitic ultramafics in Rangpur District, Bangladesh." The 16th Gondwana International Conference, Puzzling out Gondwana, Bangkok, Thailand. Abstract Volume, pp. 47-48.

Published: November 2017
9. Islam, M.R., Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Nahar, M., Rahman, M.S. "Petrological Characteristics of Basement Rocks in Voktipur, Rangpur District, Bangladesh." International Association for Gondwana Research Conference Series No. 22, pp. 138–141.

Published: November 2016
10. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Khatun, M.M. "Petrology and Geochemistry of basement rocks in Bangladesh: implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution." International Association for Gondwana Research Conference Series No. 22, pp. 175–176.

Published: November 2016
11. Mondal A.H.M.F., Hossain, I., Monizuzzaman, M., Azad, M.A.K. "Arsenic Accumulation into Different Varieties of Rice (Oryza Sativa L) Cultivated with Arsenic Contaminated STW Water." 1st International Conference on Botanical Pesticides and Environmental Sustainability, Institute of Environmental Science (IES), University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, September 24-25, 2016, Abstract Volume, p. 39.

Published: September 2016
12. Hossain, I. and Tsunogae, T. "Hornblende thermobarometry of Palaeoproterozoic basement rocks in Bangladesh." JGU annual meeting 2008, Chiba, Japan, K130-P008.

Published: March 2016
13. Ferdousy, M.F., Islam, M.S., Hossain, I. and Zaman, M.N. "Geochemistry of Holocene Sandstone-Mudstone Suite from NW Bengal Basin: Implications for Provenance, Weathering and Tectonic Setting." Zoha Memorial Symposium 2011, Abstract volume, pp. 11.

Published: February 2016
14. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., Islam, M.S., Roy, R.R., Talukder, S. "Glacio- and Volcanogenic Events with Palaeogeography of Gondwana Sequence in Bangladesh: Evaluation from Mineralization and Lithofacies study." International Association for Gondwana Research Conference Series No. 21, pp. 38–40.

Published: October 2015
15. Nahar, M., Hossain, I., Zaman, M.N., Uddin, M.N., Tsunogae, T. "Nature and origin of intermediate rocks with pyroxenite and lamprophyres in Bangladesh: an overview. ." International Association for Gondwana Research Conference Series No. 21, pp. 82–84.

Published: October 2015
16. Hossain, I., Islam, M.R., Roy, M.K., Khan, Y.A., Sattar, G.S. and Rahman, M.A. "Outline of Temperature Structures in Himalayan Collisional Zone: A Review." Sustainable Resource Development in the Himalaya, Leh, Ladakh, Abstract Volume, p. 47.

Published: June 2014
17. Hossain, H.M.Z., Hossain, Q.H., Islam, M.S., Roy, M.K., Hossain, I. and Monir, M.M.U. "Climatic control on continental erosion of the Himalaya: A geochemical approach." South Asian Regional Conference on Natural Resource Conservation in the Developing Countries Under the Changing Climate 2012 special volume, pp. 105.

Published: November 2012
18. Hossain, I. "Fluid inclusion variability of the basement rocks in Bangladesh." In: Mernagh, T.P., Hagemann, S.G., Kamenetsky, V.S. (Eds) 4th Biennial Conference on Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions ACROFI IV. Australian Government, Geoscience Australia, Record 2012/50. pp. 35–36.

Published: August 2012
19. Ferdousy, M.F., Islam, M.S. and Hossain, I. "Marine Signatures in Incised Valley Sequence: An Evidence of Holocene Marine Transgression and Climate Change in NW Bangladesh." North Bengal Drought Conference (NBDC) 2012 abstract volume, pp. 15–16.

Published: March 2012
20. Hossain, I., Roy, R.R., Islam, M.S., Kabir, S., Talukder, S. and Aftabuzzaman, M. "Mixed-layered Illite-Smectite Clay Minerals in Permian Gondwana Rocks of Barapukuria Formation, Bangladesh." Zoha Memorial Symposium, 2012, Abstract Volume, pp. 15.

Published: February 2012
21. Islam, M.R. and Hossain, I. "A Simple Analytical Estimation of the Temperature Structures in Himalayan Subduction Zone." International Science Seminar, 2011, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Abstract volume, pp. 96.

Published: October 2011
22. Hossain, I. and Tsunogae, T. "First report on fluid inclusions of basement rocks in Bangladesh." Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Mineralogical Sciences, Abstract volume, p. 241 (U2-P06).

Published: September 2007
23. Hossain, I., Tsunogae, T., and Rajesh, H. M. "Petrology and Geochemistry of Basement rocks in Bangladesh." In: Zhang, J., He, Y., Yin, C., Leung, W. (eds) IAGR Annual Convention & International Symposium 2006, Abstracts & Program, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, pp. 61–62.

Published: December 2006
24. Hossain, I. "Lithofacies and Petrographic study of the Gondwana Group in the boreholes, GDH-40 and GDH-43, Barapukuria basin, Dinajpur, Bangladesh." In: Yamada, T. (ed.) 17th International Sedimentological Congress (ISC), Abstracts and Program, p. 223 (P-007). August 27th-September 1st, 2006, Fukuoka, Japan.

Published: August 2006

GMT-1101: Historical Geology

1. Planetary science introduction 2. Earth History 3. Catastrophism 4. Geochronology/Dating history and applications


GMT-1103: Elementary Mineralogy

1. Physical properties of minerals 2. Chemical properties of minerals 3. Mineral classes 4. Silicates 5. Gemstones and 6. Importances of minerals



Member of Senate (Senator), Highest Legislative Body of the University of Rajshahi (2018-2021), Rajshahi

Former Joint Secretary, Rajshahi University Teachers Association (RUTA)

Member, National Stratigraphic Commission, Bangladesh

Member, Steering Committee, International Association for Gondwana Research (IAGR), January 2018 to December 2020

Secretary, Scientific Committee, 1st International Conference on Geosciences and Environment, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. 

Executive Editor, Journal of Life and Earth Sciences

Not Available