
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

Geology & Mining

Education Summary  
B.Sc.(Hon's), and M.Sc. in Geology and Mining (RU)

Research Interest  
Groundwater Geophysics, Geomagnetism and Volcanology, Petrology, Basin Analysis, and Environments.
Level Institution Year
Rajshahi University 2008
Rajshahi University 2007
Higher Secondary
Rajshahi Education Board 2002
Rajshahi Education Board 2000

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2019-12-05 to Department of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2016-12-05 to 2019-12-04 Department of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Not Available


1. Q.H. Mazumder, C.S. Jahan, F. Mazumder, M.A. Islam, S. Jaman, M.N. Ali, A.T.M.S. Rahman, M.R. Arefin and A. Ahasan "Geoelectric Model and Hydrochemistry of Salinity Affected Lower Atrai Floodplain Aquifer, NW Bangladesh: An Approach for Irrigation" Vol.84, pp.431-441

Published: October 2014


1. Md. Asraful Islam, Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan and Md. Towhidul Hasan "Design for Artificial Groundwater Recharge Structure through MAR Technique in BMDA Seed Processing Center, Amnura, Chapai Nawabganj." International Conference on Geosciences and Environment (ICGE 2018), Page-68

Published: September 2018
2. A.T.M. Sakiur Rahman, Chowdhury S Jahan, Quamrul H Mazumder, M. Nurnabi Ali, M. Asraful Islam, and M. Riad Arefin "Hydro-Meteorological Extremes in Rangpur Division, NW Bangladesh: A Study of Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation." North Bengal Drought Conference (NBDC) 2012, Page-13

Published: March 2012
3. Quamrul H Mazumder, Chowdhury S Jahan, M. Nurnabi Ali, A.T.M. Sakiur Rahman, M. Asraful Islam, and M. Riad Arefin "Search for Alternate Source of Irrigation in Salinity Affected Area of Lower Tista Floodplain, NW Bangladesh." North Bengal Drought Conference (NBDC) 2012, Page-16

Published: March 2012
4. M. Riad Arefin, Quamrul H Mazumder, Chowdhury S Jahan, M. Nurnabi Ali, A.T.M. Sakiur Rahman, and M. Asraful Islam "Groundwater Scenario in High Barind Area, NW Bangladesh: Aquifer Geometry, Groundwater Depletion and its Solution." North Bengal Drought Conference (NBDC) 2012, Page-17

Published: March 2012
5. Chowdhury S. Jahan, Quamrul H. Mazumder, M. Nurnabi Ali, A.T.M. Sakiur Rahman, M. Asraful Islam, and M. Riad Arefin "Impact of Groundwater Irrigation and Water Buffer Management in Drought Prone Barind Area, NW Bangladesh." North Bengal Drought Conference (NBDC) 2012, Page-24

Published: March 2012
6. Chowdhury S Jahan, Quamrul H Mazumder, M. Nurnabi Ali, A.T.M. Sakiur Rahman, M. Asraful Islam, and M. Riad Arefin "Assessment of Hydro-Meteorological Drought and its Vulnerability due to Climate Change in Barind, NW Bangladesh." North Bengal Drought Conference (NBDC) 2012, Page-12

Published: March 2012

GMT-108: English (Non-credit)

The four specific objectives of this course (English) are: (i) to understand spoken English, (ii) to speak English, (iii) to understand written English, and (iv) to write English.


GMT201 (Mineralogy)

The objectives of the course are to: (i) introduce chemical characteristics of minerals, (ii) outline the condition of mineral formation and evolution, (iii) predict phase rule of different phases, (iv) demonstrate physical and diagnostic properties o


GMT- 306 (Geophysics: Gravity, Magnetic and Electrical Methods)

The objectives of the course are to: (i) develop an understanding of the basic concept and principles of gravity, magnetic and electrical methods, (ii) understand the working principles of instruments for data acquisition, (iii) provide knowledge int


GMT-402 (Micropaleontology and Palynology)

The objectives of the course are to: (i) develop an understanding of the basic aspects of Micropaleontology and Palynology, (ii) provide insights into the scope and applications of biostratigraphy and palynostratigraphy; paleoecology, paleoclimate and p


GMT-510 (Basin Analysis)

The objectives of the course are to: (i) develop an understanding of sedimentary basin, its type and sedimentary environments, sediment characteristics, stratigraphy, tectonic and basin history etc., (ii) develop an understanding of adequate knowledge o


A. Recently completed M. S. Thesis works as  supervisor:

1. ‘Impact of Rubber Dam on Water Resource Management in Barnai River, Puthia, Rajshahi, Bangladesh’

2. ‘Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater and Soil in Arsenic-Prone Area of Chapai-Nawabganj District, Bangladesh: An Assessment for Health Risk’

B. Former student membership of 'American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)'

CLanguage Proficiency

Reading WritingSpeaking

D. Computer Skill

1. Operating System: Windows-98, Windows XP, Windows-7, Windows-10, Windows-11

2. Office Program: MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point

3. Application Software: Windows Media Painter, MS Picture Manager, Illustrator, Photoshop

4. Geological Software: Arc GIS, Surfer, IGIS AT 2.0, Rock Works

Not Available