Not Available
Professor, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh
- Education Summary
- M. Sc. (Raj), Ph. D. (Raj)
- Research Interest
- Fisheries Biology and Conservation
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (Ph. D.) |
Rajshahi University | 2009 |
Masters (M. Sc.) |
Rajshahi University | 1996 |
Bachelor/Honors (B. Sc. (Honours)) |
Rajshahi University | 1995 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2014-12-30 to | Department of Fisheries | PROFESSOR |
2010-07-19 to 2014-12-29 | Department of Fisheries | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR |
2003-11-20 to 2010-07-18 | Department of Fisheries | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2000-10-23 to 2003-11-19 | Department of Fisheries | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Not Available
1. |
Siddique, M. A. B., Hussain, M. A., Alam, M. M. and Flowra, F. A.
"Fishes of Chalan Beel."
CP-3557, Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) UGC, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi,. vi+95p.
Published: February 2017
2. |
Alam, M. M., Hussain, M. A. and Hossain, M. A.
"Bionomics of Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769)"
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. 163pp.
Published: January 2011
Book Chapter
1. |
Alam, M. M.
"Chitala chitala (Hamilton, 1822)"
In: Siddiqui, K. U., Islam, M. A., Kabir, S. M. H., Ahmad, M., Ahmed, A. T. A., Rahman, A. K. A., Haque, E. U., Ahmed, Z. U., Begum, Z. N. T., Hassan, M. A., Khondker, M. and Rahman, M. M. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 : 2
Published: July 2007
1. |
Haque, M. A., Jewel, M. A. S., Akhi, M. M., Atique, U., Paul, A. K., Iqbal, S., Islam, M. S., Das, S. K. and Alam, M. M.
"Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton community and functional groups in a tropical river."
Environ. Monit. Assess. 193 (11): Article No. 704.
Published: October 2021
2. |
Paul, A. K., Alam, M. M. Haque, M. A., Hussain, M. A., Islam, M. S., Mahfuj, Sarower-E and Das, S. K.
"Gender-specific morphological growth patterns of the estuarine Mud Crab Scylla olivacea in North-eastern Sundarbans, Bangladesh."
Thalassas 37: 521–529.
Published: May 2021
3. |
2. Hossain, M. A., Nabi, S. M. N., Alam, M. M., Rashid, M. H., Hossain, M. A. and Sikendar, M. A.
"Optimum stocking density of stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) based carp polyculture in homestead ponds in a drought prone area of Bangladesh."
Bangladesh J. Fish. 33(2):177-186.
Published: May 2021
4. |
Nabi, S. M. N., Hossain, M. A., Alam, M. M., Harun-Ur-Rashid, M. and Hossain, M. A.
"Effect of carp species combination on production and economics of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis based polyculture in homestead ponds under drought prone area of Bangladesh. Journal of Fisheries"
8 (3): 920–927.
Published: December 2020
5. |
Siddique, M. A .B., Hussain, M. A., Alam, M. M., Haque, M. A. and Flowra, F. A.
"Fish sanctuary as a sustainable management tool for recovering fish biodiversity, production and livelihood: A case study on Halti Beel tank sanctuary, Bangladesh."
Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 5(4): 567-575.
Published: December 2020
6. |
Mitu, N. R., Alam, M. M., Hussain, M. A., Hasan, M. R., Singha and A. C.
"Length-weight and length-length relationships, sex ratio and condition factors of the Asian striped dwarf catfish Mystus Tengara (Hamilton, 1822) (Siluriformes: Bagridae) in the Ganges River, Northwestern Bangladesh."
Iran. J. Ichthyol., 6(1): 21-30.
Published: March 2019
7. |
Paul, A. K., Islam, M. S., Paul, D., Mahfuj, S. and Alam, M. M.
"Socio Economic Challenges with a Comparative Review of Fisherman’s Status around Little Jamuna River, Dinajpur, Bangladesh"
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research., 26 (6): 611-620.
Published: December 2018
8. |
Paul, A. K., Bashak, S. K., Islam, M, S., Ray, S., Alam, M. M. and Hussain, M. A.
"Assessment of Comparative Ichthyofaunal Venerability and Diversity Indexes in Tulsiganga River, Bangladesh"
J. Applied Sci. 18(1): 33-40
Published: October 2018
9. |
Paul, A. K., Alam, M. M., Islam, M. S., Hussain, M. A. and Das, S. K. 2018.
"Feeding behaviour of mud crab Scylla serrata in north of Sundarbans, Bangladesh."
AACL Bioflux., 11 (3): 701-708.
Published: May 2018
10. |
Flowra, F. A., Alam, M. B., Alam, M. M., Hussain, M. A. and Jahan, S. N.
"Safety Aspects: An assessment of heavy metals in dried fishes of Chalan Beel"
Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Food Technology., 4 (1): 82-86.
Published: March 2017
11. |
Flowra, F. A., Khatun, M., Hussain, M. A., Alam, M. M., Jahan, S. N. and Alam, M. B.
"Comparative bio-chemical analysis of traditional and experimental dried fish products of Chalan Beel, Bangladesh."
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies., 5(1): 440-445.
Published: January 2017
12. |
Siddique, M. A. B., Hussain, M. A., Flowra, F. A. and Alam, M. M.
"Assessment of fish fauna in relation to biodiversity indices of Chalan Beel, Bangladesh."
Int. J. Aquat. Biol. 4(5): 345-352.
Published: October 2016
13. |
Ahsan, M. K., Alam, M. M. and Parween, S.
"Neem leaf juice as bio-safe anaesthetic against two live fish, Anabas testudineus and Channa punctata."
Int. J. Aquat.Biol., 4(4): 233-238.
Published: August 2016
14. |
Alam, M. B., Alam, M. M., Hussain, M. A., Jahan, S. N. and Flowra, F. A.
"The awareness of food safety and hygiene among the dried fish processors at Chalan Beel area of Bangladesh"
J. Food Safe & Hyg., 2 (1-2): 30-36.
Published: June 2016
15. |
Mitu, N. R. and Alam, M. M.
"Feeding ecology of a bagrid catfish, Mystus tengara (Hamilton, 1822) in the Tanore wetland of Rajshahi, Northwestern Bangladesh."
J. Appl. Ichthyol., 32:448–455.
Published: October 2015
16. |
Ferdaushy, M. H. and Alam, M. M.
"Length-length and length-weight relationships and condition factor of nine freshwater fish species of Nageshwari, Bangladesh."
Int. J. Aquat. Biol., 3(3): 149-154.
Published: June 2015
17. |
Parween, S., Ahsan, M. K. and Alam, M. M. 2015.
"Anaesthetic efficacy of table salt on two live fishes Anabas testudineus and Channa punctatus."
Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci., 4(1): 41-49.
Published: June 2015
18. |
Ahsan, M. K., Alam, M. M. and Parween, S.
"Anaesthetic effect of formalin and changes in morphological characters in Anabas testudineus (Bloch) and Channa punctatus (Bloch)."
Univ. j. zool, Rajshahi Univ., 33: 41-47.
Published: August 2014
19. |
Mitu, N. R. and Alam, M. M.
"Ovarian development, reproductive cycle and fecundity indices in Mystus tengara (Hamilton, 1822)."
J. Biol. Chem. Research., 31(2): 740-747.
Published: May 2014
20. |
Alam, M. M., Ahmad, S. and Hussain, M. A.
"Ovarian development and reproductive cycle of two freshwater barbs, Puntius sophore and Puntius ticto."
Frontiers of Biological and Life Sciences., 2(1): 12-15.
Published: April 2014
21. |
Alam, M. M., Rahman, M. T. and Parween, S.
"Morphometric characters and condition factors of five freshwater fishes from Pagla river of Bangladesh."
Int. J. Aquat. Biol., 2(1): 14-19.
Published: February 2014
22. |
Akhtaruzzaman, M. and Alam, M. M.
"Status and causes destruction of fish diversity of “Ichanoi Beel” one of the floodplains of Bangladesh."
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies., 1(3): 152-155.
Published: January 2014
23. |
Alam, M. M.
"Diet Composition and Feeding Intensity of Pond Reared Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus."
Univ. j. zool, Rajshahi Univ., 32: 43-46.
Published: December 2013
24. |
Ahmad, S., Hussain, M. A. and Alam, M. M.
"Morphometric relationships and condition factors of two freshwater barbs, Puntius sophore and Puntius ticto from the Padma river of Bangladesh."
Trends in Fisheries Research., 2(3):15-19.
Published: December 2013
25. |
Alam, M. M., Jahan, S. N., Hussain, M. A., De, M., Goutham-Bharathi, M. P., Magalhaes, A. L., Mazlan, A. G., Simon, K. D.
"Length-length relationship, length-weight relationship and condition factor of freshwater fish species of Bangladesh."
AACL Bioflux., 6(5):498-509.
Published: September 2013
26. |
Alam, M. M., Flowra, F. A., and Hussain, M. A.
"Diet composition and feeding intensity of wild zigzag eel, Mastacembelus armatus."
Trends in Fisheries Research., 2(1):24-26.
Published: August 2013
27. |
Flowra, F. A., Islam, M. A., Jahan, S. N., Hussain, M. A., Alam, M. M., Bashir, F. A., Mazlan, A. G. and Simon, K. D.
"Status and decline causes of fish diversity of Baral River, Natore, Bangladesh."
AACL Bioflux., 6(4):352-357.
Published: May 2013
28. |
Monira, S., Hussain, M. A., Hossain, M. I., Alam, M. M., Flowra, F. A. and Sultana, S.
"Fishing technique and marketing system of live fishes of Rajshahi, Bangladesh."
Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., 11(1): 29-34.
Published: January 2013
29. |
Hussain, M. A., Haque, M. T., Siddique, M. A. B., Alam, M. M., Flowra, F. A. and Sultana, S.
"Water quality and biodiversity of Ghukshi Beel at Naogaon district, Bangladesh."
Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., 11(1): 35-40.
Published: January 2013
30. |
Alam, M. M., Khan M. A., Hussain, M. A., Moumita, D., Mazlan ,A. G. and Simon, K. D.
"Intensity of parasitic infestation in silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix."
J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol)., 13(12):1024-1028.
Published: December 2012
31. |
Hussain, M. A., Khatun, M. A., Siddique, M. A. B., Flowra, F. A., Alam, M. M., and Sultana, S.
"Morphometric characters of freshwater fish Xenentodon cancila collected from Rajshahi city, Bangladesh."
J. bio-sci., 20: 171-177.
Published: December 2012
32. |
Alam M. M., Galib S. M., Islam M. M., Flowra F. A. and Hussain M. A.
"Morphometric study of the wild population of pool barb, Puntius sophore (Hamilton,1822) in the river Padma, Rajshahi, Bangladesh."
Trends in Fisheries Research., 1(2):10-13.
Published: October 2012
33. |
Alam, M. M., Ahsan, M. K. and Parween, S.
"Ovarian development, fecundity and reproductive cycle in Securicula gora (Hamilton, 1822)."
DAV International Journal of Science., 1(2):96-66.
Published: July 2012
34. |
Mofasshalin, M. S., Bashar, M. A., Alam, M. M., Alam, G. M., Moumita, D., Mazlan, A. G. and Simon, K. D.
"Parasites of three Indian minor carps of Rajshahi, Banglsdesh."
Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 7(7):613-620.
Published: March 2012
35. |
Alam, M. M., Ahsan, M. K. and Parween, S.
"Efficacy of clove oil as a fish anaesthetic against four freshwater hardy fishes."
DAV International Journal of Science., 1(1):58-61.
Published: January 2012
36. |
Flowra, F. A., Islam, M. A., Jahan, S. N., Samad, M. A. and Alam, M. M.
"Status and decline causes of fishing activities of the Baral river, Natore, Bangladesh"
J. Sci. Foundation., 9(1&2):115-124.
Published: December 2011
37. |
Moumita D., Hussain M. A., Alam M. M., Mazlan A. G., Simon K. D.
"Impact of Sariakandi fish pass on fisheries diversity of Bangali river, Bogra, Bangladesh."
AACL Bioflux., 4(5):621-626.
Published: November 2011
38. |
Alam, M. M.
"Meristic and morphometric characters of Notopterus notopterus Pallas, 1769 of waterbodies under northern Bangladesh."
Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., IX(2): 165-168.
Published: July 2011
39. |
Siddique, M. A. B., Hussain, M. A., Hossain, M. A. and Alam, M. M.
"Seasonal abundance of zooplankton and growth performance of prawn and fish in ponds of Rajshahi."
Univ. j. zool. Rajshahi Univ., 29: 13-19.
Published: March 2011
40. |
Alam, M. M., Bormon, S., Jahan, S. N., Hussain, M. A. and Hossain, M. A.
"Co-species suitability for prawn farming in carp polyculture ponds of Rajshahi district in Bangladesh. Bangladesh"
J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., IX(1): 053-056.
Published: January 2011
41. |
Siddique, M. A. B., Hussain, M. A., Hossain, M. A., Alam, M. M. and Mofasshalin, M. S.
"Study on the physicochemical parameters and seasonal abundance of phytoplankton of some prawn-carp polyculture fishponds. Bangladesh"
J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., 8(2): 243-246.
Published: July 2010
42. |
Haque, A. S. M. T., Hussain, M. A., Siddique, M. A. B. and Alam, M. M.
"Transportation and marketing system of freshwater prawns at Rajshahi city, Bangladesh"
J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., 8(2): 247-250.
Published: July 2010
43. |
Farhaduzzaman, A. M., Alam, M. M., Hossain, M., Hussain, M. A. and Rahman, M. H.
"Prevalence of parasites in the Indian major carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilt0n) in Rajshahi, Bangladesh."
Univ. j. zool, Rajshahi Univ., 28: 65-68.
Published: June 2010
44. |
Asaduzzaman, M., Tayebi, K. A., Alam, M. M., Ali, M.S. and Barman, A. C.
"Marketing system of fishes and socioeconomic condition of fish retailers in Rajshahi city corporation"
J. Agrofor. Environ., 3(2): 207-211.
Published: March 2010
45. |
Hussain, M. A., Hossain, M. A., Siddique, M. A. B., Alam, M. M., Rahman, S. A. M. M.
"Transportation and marketing system of some fish fry and fingerlings at Rajshahi. Bangladesh"
J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., 7(1): 57-60.
Published: January 2009
46. |
Khatun, M. R., Hussain, M. A., Alam, M. M. and Hossain, M. A.
"Size frequency distribution, length-weight relationship and condition factor of the freshwater fish Botia dario (Hamilton) (Cypriniformes:Cobitidae)"
Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech., 6(2): 541-542.
Published: July 2008
47. |
Jahan, M. S., Islam, M. R., Rahman, M. R. and Alam, M. M.
"Induced breeding of Pila globosa (Swainson 1822) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) for commercial farming"
Univ. j. zool. Rajshahi Univ., 26: 35-39.
Published: October 2007
48. |
Alam, M. M., Rahman, M. R., Huq, K. A. and Parween, S.
"Intensity of helminth parasitic infestation in three freshwater fish species of Rajshahi"
South Asian J. Agric., 1(1): 1-3.
Published: March 2006
49. |
Huq, K. A., Paul, J., Mohsin A. B. M. and Alam, M. M.
"Livelihood status of the fisheries community in Mangla, Bagerhat"
J. Sci. Foundation., 3(2):49-56.
Published: December 2005
50. |
Huq, K. A., Alam, M. M., Mohsin, A.B.M., Islam, M. S. and Hossain, M. A. R.
"A review on the causes destruction of the sundarban mangrove fisheries of Bangladesh"
Progress. Agric., 15(2): 113-122.
Published: June 2004
51. |
Alam, M. M. and Parween, S.
"Survivability of Channa punctatus (Bloch) in different kinds of container"
Pakistan J. Zool., 33(3): 259-260.
Published: February 2001
52. |
Alam, M. M. and Bhuiyan, A. S.
"Determination of optimum PG dose for induced spawning of Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822)"
Univ. j. zool, Rajshahi Univ., 18:103-108.
Published: July 1999
General Ichthyology-IDescription Not Provided
General Ichthyology-IIDescription Not Provided
Physico-chemical LimnologyDescription Not Provided
Fish Hatchery ManagementDescription Not Provided
Aquaculture Engineering and Farm ManagementDescription Not Provided
- Obtained
Teaching Award on “Fish Physiology” sponsored by Support for University
Fisheries Education and Research (DFID), University Grants Commission of
Bangladesh in 2002.
- Achieved
the Motihar Hall Gold Medal Award-2000 of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
in recognition of scholar student of the Hall.
- Achieved TAJIS Gold Medal Award-2000 in recognition of securing first class in B.Sc. (Honours) in Zoology in 1995.
- Achieved TAJIS Gold Medal Award-2000 in recognition of securing first class in M.Sc. (Fisheries) in Zoology in 1996.
Professional Affiliation
Life Member:
- The
Zoological Society of Bangladesh.
- The
National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), India.
- The
Rajshahi University Fisheries Association (RUFA), Department of Fisheries,
University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
Member (Research and Administration):
1. Member Board of Governors, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (15.01.2020 to Date).
Editorial Board Member:
- International Journal of
Aquatic Biology
- International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science
- International
Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science.
- University
Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University
- International Journal of Aquatic Biology