
Safali Akter Assistant Professor Dept. Of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Education Summary  
M.Sc (Raj)

Research Interest  
Networking, Cryptography
Level Institution Year
Rajshahi University 2006
(B.Sc (Honours))
Rajshahi University 2005
Higher Secondary
Rajshahi Education Board 2000
Rajshahi Education Board 1998

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2018-12-24 to Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2013-02-28 to 2018-12-23 Electrical & Electronic Engineering ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2010-02-28 to 2013-02-27 Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Not Available


1. Safali akter & Ramesh chandra debnath. "DES key Encryption/ Decryption using RSA algorithm for sending it secretly for cryptographic application." Proc. International conference on electronic, computer& communication(ICECC-2008), Bangladesh Electronic society, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi , Bangladesh.

Published: June 2008

Power Electronics

This course intends to give idea about power electronic devices like, thyristor, DIAC, TRIAC, UJT, rectifiers, controllers, inverters etc. The operation, performance measurement and design of schemes with regard to power electronic devices will be taught.

Power Plant Engineering and Economy

Power Plant Engineering basically focuses on power generation principles for real world applications. More specifically this course is focused on application of energy principles and power generation cycles. The main purpose of implementing this course in

Communication Systems

This course has been designed to familiarize students with the fundamental communication principles and the application of these principles to analog communication system. This course will help them understand information, coding, modulation and signal pr


Computer Networks

The subject is concerned with the working principles of local area network and internet. It describes in detail about the OSI and TCP/IP network reference model. IPv4 has been explained rigorously. Also gives an introduction to application services, such

Advanced Computer Networks

Description Not Provided


Cellular Mobile Communication

This course discusses how cellular and mobile communication works. It describes various engineering techniques to establish an efficient mobile communication system. It also discuss about different types of mobile communication systems and their character


Computer Programming,

This course will begin with a brief description of basic programming languages and their classifications.

Not Available
Not Available