
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi

Farhana Binte Sufi
Associate Professor
Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Education Summary  
PhD (UCLM, Spain), M.Sc. (University of Rajshahi)

Research Interest  
FPGA, Embedded Systems, Computer Vision, Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation
Level Institution Year
Escuela Superior de Informatica, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain 2023
Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi 2008

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2024-12-12 to Electrical & Electronic Engineering Associate Professor
2018-12-24 to 2024-12-11 Electrical & Electronic Engineering Assistant Professor
2012-05-28 to 2018-12-23 Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering Assistant Professor
2010-03-06 to 2012-05-27 Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering Lecturer

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2023-10-01 to 2024-09-28 COST Action 19121 - Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living (GoodBrother - Work Group Member WG2, WG3
2008-08-18 to 2010-03-04 School of Engineering & Computer Science, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) Lecturer


1. Hafiz, M. (Chief Editor); Mostafa, S. (Editor); Sufi, F. B. (Editor); Rahman, A. (Editor) "Bangladesh 1971: Dreadful Experiences" Translation of the Bengali book “Unishsho Ekattor: Bhayabaho Obhiggota”; Shahitya Prakash, Dhaka, Bangladesh; ISBN: 984-70124-0254-2

Published: February 2017


1. Program Committee Member "Joint VisuAAL-GoodBrother Conference on Trustworthy Video and Audio Based Assistive Technologies, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)" University of Alicante, Spain

Published: June 2024
2. Sufi, F. B.; Calle, F.R.; Romero, J. B. Lopez Lopez, J.C. "Single-scan Run Length Algorithm for Real-time Fiducial Marker Detection Based on FPGA Devices." Proceedings of ICVIP 2022: 6th International Conference on Video and Image Processing, 23-26 December 2022, Shanghai, China. Published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, United States.

Published: March 2023
3. Sufi, F. B.; Dondo, J.D.; Calle, F.R.; López López, J.C. "Multi-Camera Tracking System Applications Based on Reconfigurable Devices: A Review" Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2-2019). Published by the IEEE Xplore.

Published: March 2020
4. Sufi, F. B.; Dondo, J.D.; Calle, F.R.; López, J.C. "Poster on “Multiple RGB-D Camera System Based On Hybrid Reconfigurable Devices To Track Respiratory Motion”" IX Jornadas Doctorales de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain;

Published: September 2019
5. Sufi, F. B.; Dondo, J.D.; Calle, F.R.; Lopez, J.C "Poster on "A Review of Multi-Camera Tracking Systems Based on Reconfigurable Devices"." IEEE 2019 X Southern Programmable Logic Conference; Buenos Aires, Argentina;

Published: February 2019
6. Sufi, F.B. "Invited Talk on "Socioeconomic state of Rehabilitation Technology for the Physically Disabled Persons in Bangladesh"" The 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016), Yokohama, Japan

Published: July 2016
7. Sufi, F. B.; Islam, M. Md "FPGA Based Pulse Oximeter Using VHDL" Proceedings of International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2-2016), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. ISBN: 984-70124-0254-2

Published: March 2016

Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended

1. - "Spring School on “Brain Computer Interface and Neurotechnology”," g.Tec Medical Engineering GmbH, Austria. (Online)

Published: April 2024
2. Sufi, F.B. "Special Talk on - Experiencia de una cientifica de Bangladesh en la ESI (Experience of a Foreign Scientist from Bangladesh in Spain) delivered in Spanish to Primary School students, on the International Day of Women and girls in Science, 11 February." Escuela Superior de Informatíca (ESI), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain.

Published: February 2023
3. - "Seasonal School on - Efficient Circuits and Systems for Brain- Inspired Computing." IEEE Circuits and System Society Spain (CASS), Universidad Politecnica Madrid, Spain.

Published: September 2022
4. - "1st Good Brother Training School on – Ethical, legal, and privacy issues associated with audio and video-based monitoring and working solutions for assisted living." European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST); Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, University Sts Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Published: June 2022
5. Prof. Dr. Marcela Genero Bocco, Prof. Dr. Mario Piattini Velthuis "Course on “Methodologies of Investigation in Information Engineering”" Escuela Superior de Informática (ESI), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Published: March 2022
6. - "Course on "High impact presentations for research and dissemination"" International Doctoral School, University of Castilla-La Mancha (EID-UCLM), Spain.

Published: December 2021
7. - "3rd SHAPES Dialogue Workshop: “Technological platforms and healthy ageing: challenges and opportunities”" The SHAPES Project, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain

Published: April 2021
8. Dr. Oscar Diaz, catedrático de Universidad en la Facultad de Informática de la UPV/EHU "Course on “La Ciencia del Diseño: Una Metodología de Investigación Adaptada a los Problema de Ingenieria”" Escuela Superior de Informática (ESI), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain.

Published: November 2019
9. Prof. Dr. Fernando, Rincón Calle, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain "Embedded System Design on ZYNQ System-on-Chip Arcitectures" IEEE and Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Published: July 2019
10. Sufi, F.B. "Main speaker "Seminar on Women in STEM"" Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Published: April 2016
11. Sufi, F.B. "Main speaker, Seminar on "Hybrid Reconfigurable Devices in the Field of Science and Technology and Present Research Works in Some of the Biomedical Institutes of Europe"" Dept. of Applied Physics & Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Published: August 2015
12. Sufi, F.B. "Main speaker, Seminar on “The status of biomedical engineering in Bangladesh”;" Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany;

Published: June 2015
13. - "Joint ICTP-IAEA School on Hybrid Reconfigurable Devices for Scientific Instrumentation" International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy

Published: June 2015
14. - "Regional Microelectronics Course on VHDL for Hardware Synthesis and FPGA Design" Organised at the NSU, Dhaka by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.

Published: February 2011
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Not Available