
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.

Associate Professor
Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Education Summary  

Research Interest  
Solar Cell, Thin Film, Nanotechnology
Level Institution Year
(M. Phil.)
Rajshahi University 2023
(Master of Science)
Rajshahi University 2011
(Bachelor of Science (Honours))
Rajshahi University 2010

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2024-06-03 to Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
2018-02-27 to 2024-06-02 Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2016-12-01 to 2018-02-26 Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Lecturer

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2014-06-30 to 2016-11-30 Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Varendra University. Lecturer
2013-05-25 to 2014-06-29 Dept. of Natural Science, Varendra University. Lecturer

Book Chapter

1. Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Abdul Kuddus, Md. Ferdous Rahman, Ghenadii Korotcenkov, and Jaker Hossain "" Solution proceed photodetectors"" Handbook of II-VI Semiconductor-Based Sensors and Radiation Detectors: Volume 2, Photodetectors, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-20509-5, pp. 427-452

Published: February 2023


1. Nusrat Jahan Konok, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque , Jaker Hossain "Design of a High Efficiency p-Si Based Heterojunction Solar Cell with ln2S3 Window and NiO BSF Layers" Silicon (2024)

Published: March 2024
2. Abdul Kuddus, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Shinichiro Mouri and Jaker Hossain "Emerging II-VI wide bandgap semiconductor device technologies" Physica Scripta, Volume 99, Number 2

Published: January 2024
3. Tanvir Ahmed, Md. Choyon Islam, Md. Alamin Hossain Pappu, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Jaker Hossain "A highly efficient n-CdS/p-Ag2S/p+-SnS thin film solar cell: Design and simulation" Engineering Reports. 2024;e12849.

Published: January 2024
4. Md. Choyon Islam, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Tanvir Ahmed, Md. Alamin Hossain Pappu, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque and Jaker Hossain "Design of a highly efficient n-CdS/p-AgGaTe2/p+-SnS double-heterojunction thin film Solar cell" Engineering Research Express, Vol. 5 (2)

Published: June 2023
5. Bipin Saha, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Mainul Hossain, Jaker Hossain, ""Numerical modeling of CuSbSe2 -based dual-heterojunction thin film solar cell with CGS back surface layer"," AIP Advances, AIP Publishing, Vol. 13(2), pp. 025255

Published: February 2023
6. Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Jaker Hossain, "Unraveling the effects of a GeSe BSF layer on the performance of a CuInSe2 thin film solar cell: a computational analysis," Optics Continuum, Optica(Formerly OSA), Vol. 2(2), pp. 428-440, .

Published: January 2023
7. Shaikh Khaled Mostaque Bipanko Kumar Mondal Jaker Hossain "Numerical simulation on the impurity photovoltaic (IPV) effect in c-Si wafer-based dual-heterojunction solar cell" materials today communications, Volume 33, December 2022, 104442

Published: September 2022
8. Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Jaker Hossain "Theoretical insight into the enhancement of longer-wavelength light absorption in silicon solar cell with multilevel impurities" Results in Optics, Elsevier,

Published: June 2022
9. Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Jaker Hossain "Theoretical insights into a high-efficiency Sb2Se3-based dual-heterojunction solar cell" Heliyon, Volume 8, Issue 3, e09120

Published: March 2022
10. Jaker Hossain, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque "Computational investigation on the photovoltaic performance of an efficient GeSe-based dual-heterojunction thin film solar cell" Semiconductor Science and Technology, IOP Science, Volume 37, Number 1

Published: December 2021
11. Jaker Hossain, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque "Design of a highly efficient FeS2-based dual-heterojunction thin film solar cell" International Journal of Green Energy, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-12

Published: December 2021
12. Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Jaker Hossain "Simulation approach to reach the SQ limit in CIGS-based dual-heterojunction solar cell" Optik, Elsevier, Volume 249 , Issue January 2022, pp.168278.

Published: November 2021
13. Abdul Kuddus, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Jaker Hossain "Simulating the performance of a high-efficiency SnS-based dual-heterojunction thin film solar cell" Optical Materials Express, Optica(Formerly OSA), Vol. 11, Issue 11, pp. 3812-3826

Published: October 2021
14. Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Md. Ariful Islam, Jaker Hossain "Stress-induced phase-alteration in solution processed indium selenide thin films during annealing" RSC Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry, Volume 11, Issue 23, pp. 13751-13762

Published: April 2021
15. Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Md. Abdur Rashid, Abdul Kuddus, Hajime Shirai, Jaker Hossain "Effect of CdS and In3Se4 BSF Layers on the photovoltaic performance of PEDOT:PSS/n-Si solar cells: Simulation based on experimental data" Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier, Volume 152, Issue April 2021, pp.106853

Published: March 2021
16. Jaker Hossain, Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Sheikh Rashel Al Ahmed, Hajime Shirai "Optimization of multilayer anti-reflection coatings for efficient light management of PEDOT:PSS/c-Si heterojunction solar cells." Materials Research Express, IOP Publishing, Volume 7, Number 1, pp. 2053-1591

Published: December 2019
17. Bipanko Kumar Mondal, Md. Asif Newaz, Md. Abdur Rashid, Khandaker Monower Hossain, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Md. Ferdous Rahman, Mirza Humaun Kabir Rubel, Jaker Hossain "Electronic Structure of In3–xSe4 Electron Transport Layer for Chalcogenide/p-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells." ACS Omega, ACS Publications, Volume 4, Issue 18, pp. 17762–17772

Published: October 2019
18. Bishal Karmakar, Rezwana Sultana, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque "An Experimental Approach on Robotic Cutting Arm with Object Edge Detection." American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, Volume 35, Number 1, ISSN (Online) 2313-4402, pp. 156-163.

Published: August 2017
19. Low Cost Arduino Based Voice Controlled Pick and Drop Service with Movable Robotic Arm. "Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Bishal Karmakar" European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, Volume 1, No. 5, pp. 29-33.

Published: November 2016
20. Md. Johirul Islam, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque "Microcontroller Based Water Level Detection And Pump Control Using Ultrasound" Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology , Volume 3 , Issue 4, ISSN 2458-9403, pp. 4565-4568

Published: April 2016


1. Bipin Saha, Md. Johirul Islam, Arindam Sanyal Dipto, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque "An Efficient Approach for Appearance Based Eye Gaze Estimation with 13 Directional Points" 2021 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-5

Published: December 2021
2. Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Waleed Hussain Siddiqui, Arifa Ferdousi, GoangSeog Choi, HyunSoo Shin, Jong-Kwon Kim "A Development of an Inner Tube Inspection and Cleaning Robot System 관내 결함 검사 및 청소 로봇 시스템 개발" 2017년 대한전자공학회 정기총회 및 추계학술대회 (2017 Annual General Meeting and Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Electronic Engineering), in: Korean Society of Electronic Engineers Conference, Volume 40, Number 2, pp. 1027-1028

Published: November 2017

Biomedical Engineering

This course introduces physiological measurement of bioelectric phenomena and neuro-stimulation. The course also includes medical transducers and electromedical equipments which are commonly used in hospitals and research laboratories to make measurements

Electrical Circuit- I

This course intends to give ideas about the basic electrical quantities of both DC and AC. Different techniques to analyze electrical circuits and applications of network theorem for electric and magnetic circuits will be explained.

VLSI Design

M.Sc. Course: This course is offered for the senior students that provide a clear understanding of digital system operation and techniques of designing very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) systematically. Starting with the history of VLSI developmen

Electronic Circuit I

This course describes basic electronic components (diodes, BJTs and FETs etc.) along with their characteristics. Also discusses their fundamental applications to circuits like rectification and amplification of low frequency small signals.

Digital Logic Design

This course introduces the concept of digital electronics. It discusses the design techniques, circuit implementation and operation of various digital logic devices and circuits and along with their practical applications.

Microprocessors and Embedded Systems

This is the introductory course on Microprocessor and Embedded Systems. In this course student will learn about Generic architecture of a Microprocessor and its working principle. Detail of 8086 Microprocessor, assembly language programming and operation


Electrical Properties of Materials

The fundamentals of construction of materials and their properties will be introduced. The effect of temperature on materials conductivity and Hall Effect will be presented. Both classical and quantum theory will be explained. Band theory of solids will b

Solar Cell

M.Sc. Course: This course has been designed to develop a comprehensive technological understanding in solar cells, the concepts behind photovoltaic materials and solar energy generation and utilization.


Material Characterization Technique

M.Sc. Course: This course focuses on the principal methods required to characterize broad range of materials such as metal, alloys, semiconductors, insulators, polymers, ceramics, nanostructures etc. for their applications based on mechanical, electrical,

Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

M.Eng. Course: Analysis and design of analog CMOS IC emphasizing fundamentals as well as paradigms that students and practicing engineers need to master in today's industry.



Google Scholar:


Linked in: 


Awards and Fellowship:

1. Dean's Award-2022 from Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi,

2. National Science and Technology Fellowship- 2011.


Language Skills:

Bengali: Mother Tongue


1.      IELTS Score (Oct, 2022): Computer Based UKVI Academic: 7.0

( Reading 7.0, Listening 7.5, Writing 6.0, Speaking 8.0)


             Previous Score: (Nov, 2015): Academic: 7.0

      2. Duolingo Score (July, 2023): 130

German: Basic, passed an one year Course from Dept. of Language, University of Rajshahi. (2011)

Korean: Basic, passed an one semester Course in Chosun University, South Korea.



Memberships and Affiliations:

1. Member, IEEE, Asia and Pacific Region, Membership No: 96152663

2. Advisor, Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Rajshahi University Student Branch

3. IEEE Young Professionals

3. IEEE Nanotechnology Council

4. Life Member, Varendra Philatelic Society, Rajshahi.

Alumnus: Life Member, Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering Alumni Association


Previous Memberships and Affiliations:

1. Member, Zafar Imam Tennis Complex, Rajshahi. (2013-2015)

2. Member, Biswashahitta kendra, Rajshahi. (2005-2020)

3. Initiator, Founding member and Organizer, E-Club, Varendra University. (2014-2016)

4. Founding student member, ECAPEE (Electronics Club of APEE), Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi. (2012-2013)

5. Member, American Corner, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Thesis/Project Supervision:

Undergraduate Project(4th Year )Supervision(Completed):

1.   Nusrat Jahan Konok, Design of a high efficiency p-Si based heterojunction solar cell with ln2S3 window and NiO BSF layers Examination-2021  (held in 2023) (Present: Erasmus Mundus Fellow 2025)

       Tanvir Ahmed, A highly efficient n-CdS/p-Ag2S/p+SnS thin film solar cell: design and performance

    Amena Akter, Construction of a Customer Queuing System with Timing Estimation with Python (2020), Examination-2020(held in 2022) (Present: Lecturer, EEE, Ranpur Engineering College, Rangpur)

3.  Tanjina Akter Panna, Simulation of a p-Si based Solar Model with WSe2 BSF Layer in SCAPS 1D (2020), Examination-2020(held in 2022)

4.  Md. Ashikur Rahman, ID-1610779121 Development of IOT based Substation Monitoring System with Arduino (2019), Examination-2019(held in 2021)

5.  Md. Sohel Rana, ID-1610579101, Development of IOT based Car Parking System with Arduino, Examination-2019(held in 2021) (Present: Lecturer, EEE, Rabindra Maitry Univ. Kushtia)

6.   Adhir Chandra Ray, ID- 1610579128, Construction of a Robotic Arm for Industrial Object Placements, Examination-2019(held in 2021) (Present: Assistant Engineer, Power Grid Bangladesh PLC)



ITEE Certification in Information Technology Passport Examination (IP)

Examination governed by Information Technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Japan [Passing Year: 2015]


Certification Courses Completed at Different Institutions:

1.      Statistical Computing Certification on MS-Excel, SPSS and Programming with R

Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

[Course Duration: 4 Months] [Passing Year: 2015]


2.      Diploma in Mobile Engineering

National Youth Training Center, Bangladesh

[Course Duration: 6 Months] [Passing Year: 2011]


3.      Designing and Implementing Database with Oracle 8i

ACME IT Limited, Bangladesh

[Duration: 4 Months][Passing Year: 2010]



1.      Online Certificate Course on Photovoltaics

Alo Bhubon Trust (Alo-BT), Centre for Energy Research (CER) of United International University (UIU), Bangladesh and, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen, Germany

(Course Instructor: Professor Dr. Norbert Bernhard)[10/05/2022-12/07/2022]


2.      Problem-based Learning and Formative Assessment-2nd Batch, 2021

Alokito Hridoy and ICT Division, Bangladesh


3.      Webiner Series: Matlab Master Class 2020

IETE Mumbai and Pantech Prolabs India Pvt Ltd. , India. [1/09/2020-30/09/2022]




1.      Hands on Training on GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) at Centre for Sophisticated Instrumentation and Research Laboratory, Jashore University of Science and Technology. [13/01/2024-14/01/2024]

2.      Academic Writing Workshop organized by Institute of English and Other Languages, University of Rajshahi [30/05/2022- 05/06/2022]

3.      Full Day Technical Workshop on Biomaterials Based Wet Lab organized by Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) [25/03/2022]

4.      Two Day National Open Workshop on Getting Aligned to the Publishing Process-Scopus+ScienceDirect organized by Elsevier through Online Zoom Platform[27/09/2020-28/09/2020]

5.      Workshop on LaTeX for Technical Writing and Presentation organized by IEEE YESIST12 through Webex [30/08/2020]

6.      Embedded System Design on Zynq System-on-Chip Architechtures organized by and Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi and conducted by Professor Fernando Rincon Calle, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain [09/07/2019-10/07/2019]

7.      Effective Teaching-Learning and Assessment organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), University of Rajshahi [24/04/2019]

8.      Workshop on Responsibilities, Duties, Rights and Regulations of University Teachers organized by Rajshahi University Teachers Association [21/04/2018]

9.      Bioinformatics and Drug Design: Hands-on Training organized by IEEE Student Branch, University of Rajshahi [10/02/2018]

10.  An orientation program on Radiation Treatment System for Cancer Patients and Related Supporting Instruments at KYAMCH Cancer Center, Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College and Hospital [28/09/2016 – 30/09/2016]

11.  Teachers Training Workshop organized by Varendra University, Rajshahi [04/01/2016- 05/01/2016]


1.      An ICTP Virtual Meeting on Ethical and Societal Challenges of Machine Learning organized by The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. [07/11/2022-11/11/2022]

2.      International Conference on Recent Progresses in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICRPSET-2022 at Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. [26/12/2022 – 27/12/2022]

                                      i.      Chair: “A Workshop on Power and Energy Sector in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges” from Robotics and Automation Society IEEE student branch.

                                    ii.      Organizing member

3.      IEEE Xtreme Programming Competition [06/10/2022]

                                      i.      Volunteered as a Proctor to guide competing teams

4.      The 6th International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering(IC4ME2) at Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. [26/12/2021 – 27/12/2021]

                                      i.      Chair, “Winter School of Robotics” from IEEE student branch.

                                    ii.      Co-chair, technical session(Biomedical Engineering)

                                  iii.      Organizing member

5.      Annual Conference of Bangladesh Medical Physics Society (ACBMPS-2020) through online organized by Bangladesh Medical Physics Society. [18/12/2020]

6.      Webiner: Research opportunities in Power Electronics and Computer organized by IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh [23/08/2020] 

7.      International Covid Congress (ICC 2020) organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section [09/08/2020 – 10/08/2020]

8.      Webiner: Patient Specific Radiation Dose and Risk of CT Examination organized by Bangladesh Medical Physics Society [ 06/08/2020 ] 

9.      University-Industry Collaboration: Burning Need of the Age at Khulna University of Engineering and Technology(KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh [ 21/12/2019] 

10.  The 5th International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering(IC4ME2) at Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh [11/07/2019 – 12/07/2019 ]

11.  The 4th International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering, IC4ME2 at Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh [26/01/2017 – 27/01/2017]

12.   International Conference on Materials, Electronics and Information Engineering, “ICMEIE-2015” at Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh [05/06/2015 – 06/06/2015]

13.  The Second APSIPA International Workshop on The Frontier in Biomedical Signal Processing and Systems (BioSiPS) organized by Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Rajshahi and HEQEP, UGC, Bangladesh [22/03/2014 – 23/04/2014]

14.   Digital World'12 organized by Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Bangladesh [06/08/2012 – 08/08/2012]


Sports Activities at University:

  Manager and Player: Football, Cricket, Handball, Volleyball and Indoor Games(Badminton, Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess) Team of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Rajshahi. [2019-Present]



Champion: Badminton Singles and Doubles (Manager), Carrom Girls (Manager), Chess (Manager)

Runners Up: Table Tennis Doubles (Player)

Semi-Finalist: Cricket(Manager)



 Champion: Table Tennis Doubles (Player) and Badminton Singles and Doubles (Manager)

Runners Up: Table Tennis (Singles and Doubles)

Not Available