
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Rajshahi

Clinical Psychology

Education Summary  
B.Sc. (Raj), MS (Raj)

Research Interest  
Etiology of Mental Disorders, Subjective Well-Being, Attitudes, Values etc.
Level Institution Year
Rajshahi University 2011
Rajshahi University 2010
Higher Secondary
Rajshahi Education Board 2006
Jashore Education Board 2004

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2019-10-15 to Clinical Psychology ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2016-10-15 to 2019-10-14 Clinical Psychology LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Not Available


1. Md. Torun Hasan, Mozibul H. A. Khan "Psychometric Properties of the Bangla Version of the Beck Depression Inventory‐II (BDI‐II) With University Students in Bangladesh: A Cross‐Sectional Study" Volume 8, Issue 1

Published: January 2025
2. Md. Torun Hasan, M. Mahmudul Hasan, Aktarina Perven and Mozibul H. A. Khan "Validation and psychometric properties of the Bangla version of positive mental health scale (PMH-scale)" VOLUME 9, ISSUE 4, E14663, APRIL 2023

Published: March 2023
3. Rumanna Roshni, Md. Mozibul Huq Azad Khan and Md.Torun Hasan "The Level of Hope of the Ethnic Minority Undergraduate Students" Volume 27, Issue 4, Series 2 (April. 2022) 01-05 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.

Published: April 2022
4. Md. Rony Hossan, Mozibul Huq Azad Khan & Md. Torun Hasan "Co-curricular activities and subjective well-being among university students" Volume 1, issue 8, SN Soc Sci (2021) 1:207

Published: August 2021
5. Mozibul Huq Azad Khan, Sadhan Das Gupta, Md. Torun Hasan, Devdeep Roy Chowdhury, Md. Mahmudul Hasan "COVID-19: A Threat to Human Existence" Volume 25, Issue 5, Series 9 (May. 2020) 53-57; e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2505095357

Published: May 2020
6. Rumanna Roshni, Md. Mozibul Huq Azad Khan, Md. Torun Hasan "Mental health of the tribal students in Bangladesh" International Journal of Indian Psychology, 8(1), 262-269. DIP:18.01.031/20200801, DOI:10.25215/0801.031

Published: February 2020
7. Md. Rony Hossan, Md. Mozibul Huq Azad Khan and Md. Torun Hasan "Duration of Involvement and Types of Extracurricular Activities and Psychological Well-being of the University Students" 7(3), 580-586. DIP:18.01.062/20190703, DOI:10.25215/0703.062

Published: September 2019
8. Raihan Ali, Md. Mozibul Huq Azad Khan and Md. Torun Hasan "Subjective Well-Being of the Rural Elderly: A Survey on Family of Two Villages of Northwest in Bangladesh" IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 23, Issue 8, Ver. 1 (August. 2018), PP 41-46, e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845

Published: August 2018
9. Md. Nur-E-Alam Siddique and Md. Torun Hasan "Self-Esteem of Teachers at Different Levels of General Educational Institutions: A Study on Rajshahi District" Journal of Life and Earth Science, Vol. 12: 29-32, ISSN 1990-4827

Published: December 2017
10. Mst. Mehbuba Khatun Rita, Md. Mozibul Huq Azad Khan and Md. Torun Hasan "Attitudes of Nursing and other Healthcare Students Toward Ageing" Journal of Life and Earth Science, Vol. 12: 33-37, ISSN 1990-4827

Published: December 2017

Psychological Test and Measurement

Assessment of Intelligence, Personality traits, Values and Motivation etc. Development of scale to measure individual's mental phenomena.



Schizophrenia, Delusional disorders, Mood disorders, ADHD, Autism, Suicide, Substance Abuse etc.



Psychoanalytic therapy, Humanistic therapy



Scope and usages of inferential statistics in clinical psychology. Test of significance. Parametric test and Non-parametric test. Factor analysis.


Clinical Research Methodology

Scientific process, epidemiology, research methods and designs, computer in research, report writing.


Practical (Test)

Psychological Tests: Administration, analysis and interpretation.


1. Mentor, Rajshahi University Mental Health Center

  • Psychological Test and Measurement (H-104)
    • No Document Added

  • Psychopathology (H-301)
    • No Document Added

  • Statistics-II (R-206)
    • No Document Added