
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Rajshahi

Computer Science & Engineering

Education Summary  
M.Sc. (Raj), MCS (India), Ph.D. (Japan)

Research Interest  
Speech Enhancement, Speech Noise Reduction, Speech Feature Extraction, Speech Recognition, Biomedical Signal Processing, Image Processing, Machine Learning
Level Institution Year
(Doctor of Phylosophy)
Shizuoka University 2007
(Masters in Computer Science)
Pune University 2002
(Masters in Applied Physics and Electronics)
Rajshahi University 1994
(B.Sc Honours in Applied Physics and Electronics)
Rajshahi University 1992
Higher Secondary
(Higher Secondary School certificate)
Rajshahi College 1986
(Secondary School Certificate)
Rajshahi University 1984

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2018-04-24 to 2021-11-20 Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi Dean
2013-12-20 to Computer Science and Engineering PROFESSOR
2012-04-01 to 2014-03-31 HEQEP, dept. of CSE, RU Sub Project Manager
2011-09-15 to 2015-06-14 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, RU Chairman
2007-06-07 to 2013-12-19 Computer Science and Engineering ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
2000-02-07 to 2007-06-06 Computer Science and Engineering ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
1998-02-20 to 2000-02-19 Computer Science and Engineering LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2024-08-25 to 2026-08-24 Ahsania Mission University of Science & Technology, Rajshahi Member, Academic Council
2020-01-01 to 2025-01-01 Pundra University of Science and Technology, Bogura Member, Academic Council
2017-02-01 to 2017-03-31 Shizuoka University Visiting Faculty
2014-05-01 to 2014-11-30 Shizuoka University Visiting Researcher
2012-11-01 to 2013-01-31 Shizuoka University Visiting Researcher
2009-10-01 to 2011-09-30 Computer Science college, King Khalid University Assistant Professor
1997-02-19 to 1998-02-19 Applied maths and Computer Science, Islamic University Lecturer

Book Chapter

1. Md. Momenul Haque, Subrata Kumer Paul, Rakhi Rani Paul, Nurnama Islam, Mirza A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan, and Md. Ekramul Hamid "Improving Performance of a Brain Tumor Detection on MRI Images Using DCGAN-Based Data Augmentation and Vision Transformer (ViT) Approach" GANs for Data Augmentation in Healthcare, pp. 157-186, publisher: Springer

Published: November 2023
2. M. E. Hamid, Subrata Kumer Paul, Rakhi Rani Paul and Masafumi Nishimura "Throat Microphone Speech Enhancement using Machine Learning Technique" Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems 21, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies, ICICCT, Published by Springer

Published: January 2020


1. Subrata Kumer Paul, Abu Saleh Musa Miah, Rakhi Rani Paul, Md Ekramul Hamid, Jungpil Shin, Md Abdur Rahim "IoT-Based Real-Time Medical-Related Human Activity Recognition Using Skeletons and Multi-Stage Deep Learning for Healthcare" arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07039

Published: January 2025
2. Subrata Kumer Paul, Rakhi Rani Paul, Md. Atikur Rahman, Md. Momenul Haque, Md. Ekramul Hamid "Optimal Features Selection for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) System Using Deep Learning Architectures" Journal of Computer and Communications, vol. 12, pp. 16-33

Published: December 2024
3. Abu Saleh Musa Miah, Md Mahbubur Rahman Tusher, Md Moazzem Hossain, Md Mamun Hossain, Md Abdur Rahim, Md Ekramul Hamid, Md Saiful Islam, Jungpil Shin "ChatGPT in Research and Education: Exploring Benefits and Threats" arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.02816

Published: November 2024
4. Md. Easir Arafat, Indraneel Misra, and Md. Ekramul Hamid "A Comparative Study for Throat Microphone Speech Enhancement with Different Approaches" International Journal of Science and Research, vol. 13, issue 1, 850-859

Published: September 2024

Published: August 2023
6. Sadi Md. Redwan, Md Rashed-Al-Mahfuz and Md. Ekramul Hamid "Recognizing Command Words using Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Both Acoustic and Throat Speech" European Journal of Information Technologies and Computer Science 3(2):7-13

Published: May 2023
7. Md Saiful Islam, Md Emdadul Haque and Md Ekramul Hamid "Integrated Color and Intensity MSF Scheme for Image Retrieval Systems" European Journal of Information Technologies and Computer Science, vol 3, issue 1, pp. 14-21

Published: February 2023
8. Md Saiful Islam and Md Ekramul Hamid "CBIR using Region Emphasized Markov Stationary Features" IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, Vol. 25, Issue 1, Ser. 1, pp. 1-10

Published: January 2023
9. Mst. Jannatul Ferdous, Md. Sujan Ali, M. E. Hamid, Md. Khademul Islam Molla "Sub-band selection approach to artifact suppression from electroencephalography signal using hybrid wavelet transform" International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, pp: 1-16

Published: February 2021
10. Sujan Ali, Jannatul Ferdous, M. E. Hamid, Khademul Islam Molla "A Novel Features Selection Approach with Common Spatial Pattern for EEG Based Brain-Computer Interface Implementation" IETE Journal of Research,

Published: October 2019
11. Kazi Mahmudul Hassan, M. E. Hamid and Khademul Islam Molla "A Method for Voiced/Unvoiced Classification of Noisy Speech by Analyzing Time-Domain Features of Spectrogram Image" Science Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 6(2): 6-12

Published: December 2017
12. Mst. Jannatul Ferdous, Md. Sujan Ali, Md. Ekramul Hamid andMd. Khademul Islam Molla "Eyeblink Artifact Suppression from EEG Signal using Lifting Wavelet Transform" IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal processing

Published: March 2017
13. Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Emdadul Haque and M. E. Hamid "Multidimensional Markov Stationary Feature for Image Retrival Systems" Rajshahi University Journal of Science & Engineering (RUJSE), Vol. 44, pp. 113-122

Published: November 2016
14. Kazi Mahmudul Hasan, M. E. Hamid and Takayoshi Nakai "An Improved in Representation of Audio Signal in Time-Frequency plane using EMD-2T-EMD based Approach" Rajshahi University Journal of Science & Engineering (RUJSE), Vol. 44, pp. 141-150

Published: November 2016
15. M. Sujan Ali, Jannatul Ferdous, M. E. Hamid and M. K. I. Molla "Time-Frequency Coherence of Multichannel EEG Signals: Synchrosqeezing Transform Based Analysis" International Journal of Computer Science Trends and technology (IJCST), Vol. 4(3), pp. 40-48

Published: June 2016
16. Jannatul Ferdous, M. Sujan Ali, M. E. Hamid and M. K. I. Molla "A Comparison of Butterworth based pass Filter and Discrete Wavelet Transform Filter for the Suppression of Ocular Artifact from EEG Signal" International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology, Vol. 1(4), pp. 19-28

Published: June 2016
17. M. E. Hamid, M. K. I. Molla, M. I. A. Khan and T. Nakai "Speech Enhancement Using Hilbert Spectrum and Wavelet Packet Based Soft-Thresholding" Science Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 4(1), pp. 1-8

Published: November 2015
18. K. M. Ibrahim Khalilullah, Md. Delowar Hossain and Md. Ekramul Hamid "DWT-DCT Based Individuals Identification Using Robust Gait Feature Images" International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

Published: April 2015
19. Md. Morshedul Arefin and M. E. Hamid "A Comparative Study on Unimodal and Multimodal Biometric Recognition" International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 37-45

Published: December 2014
20. Md. Iqbal Aziz Khan, M. E. Hamid, and T. Nakai "Systolic Phase Detection from Doppler Ultrasound Signal using EMD-DHT based Approach" International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 207-216, Korea

Published: October 2014
21. M. K. I. Molla, S. Das, M. E. Hamid and K. Hirose "Empirical Mode Decomposition for Advanced Speech Signal Processing”," Journal of Signal Processing Vol. 17, No. 6, pp.215-229, Japan

Published: November 2013
22. M. E. Hamid, M. K. I. Molla, X. Dang and T. Nakai "Single Channel Speech Enhancement using Adaptive Soft-Thresholding with Bivariate EMD" Journal of ISRN Signal Processing, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2013, pp.1-9

Published: September 2013
23. Most. S. Akter, M. R. Islam, B. K. Pramanik, M. S. Islam and M. E. Hamid "Separation of Ocular Artifacts from EEG Signal using Noise Assisted Bi-variate Adaptive Filtering" Int. journal of Bio-Science and Bio- Technology, vol. 5, no.4, pp. 117-128, Korea

Published: August 2013
24. S. K. Pramanik, S. Pramanik, B. K. Pramanik, M. K. I. Molla and M. E. Hamid "Hybrid Classification Algorithm for Knowledge Acquisition of Biomedical data" International Journal of Advanced Science and technology, Vol. 44, pp. 99-111, Korea

Published: July 2012
25. M. E. Hamid, S. Das, K. Hirose and M. K. I. Molla "Speech Enhancement Using EMD Based Adaptive Soft-Thresholding (EMD-ADT)" International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 5, No. 2, Korea

Published: June 2012
26. B.K. Pramanik, Md. Ekramul Hamid, Somlal Das, Kazi J. Rahman, Md. Humayum Kabir and M. Hammar "Selective Area Epitaxy of current blocking layers for Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser application" Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol. 2, No. 9

Published: September 2011
27. Md. Ekramul Hamid, Mahmudul Hasan, Mohammed Inamurrahman, and Wade Ghribi "An Improved Sad Algorithm Of Noisy Speech Using Estimated Degree Of Noise" Canadian Journal on Signal Processing Vol. 2, No. 3

Published: June 2011
28. M. K. I. Molla, K. Hirose and M. E. Hamid "Localization Based Beamforming Approach to Audio Source Separation from Binaural Mixtures”," Current Trends in Signal Processing, STM journals, vol. 1 no. 1, pp 1-9

Published: June 2011
29. M. K. I. Molla, W. Gharibi, and M. E. Hamid "Principal Component Analysis Based Dominant Features Selection Method for Speaker Identification" Current Trends in Signal Processing, vol. 1 no. 1, pp 10-21

Published: June 2011
30. M. Rafi, M. E. Hamid, M. Samiullah, and R.S.D Wahidabanu "A Parametric Approach to Gait Signature Extraction for Human Motion Identification" International Journal in Image Processing (IJIP), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 185-198, Malaysia

Published: June 2011
31. M. E. Hamid, M. Hasan, Md. I. Rahman, and W. Gharibi "Speech Activity Detection of Noisy Speech using Estimated Degree of Noise (EDON)" Canadian Journal on Signal Processing Vol. 2, No. 3, pp: 24-31

Published: June 2011
32. Fokrul Alom Mazarbhuiya and Md. Ekramul Hamid "Finding Fuzzy Locally Frequent itemsets" International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 9, No. 1

Published: January 2011
33. Md. Ekramul Hamid, Saha Sudip and Mohammed Qayyum "Multiplayer Enhanced Make Square Game in the Net" International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 8, No. 9

Published: December 2010
34. S. Das, M. E. Hamid, K. Hirose and M. K. I. Molla "Single-Channel Speech Enhancement by NWNS and EMD”, Signal Processing: An International Journal (SPIJ), Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 279-291, Malaysia" Signal Processing: An International Journal (SPIJ), Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 279-291, Malaysia

Published: December 2010
35. Md. Ekramul Hamid, Md. Zashim Uddin, Humayun Kabir Biswas and Das Somlal "A New Noise Estimation Technique of Speech Signal by Degree of Noise Refinement" International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 8, No. 8

Published: November 2010
36. M. E. Hamid, K. Ogawa and T. Fukabayashi "Improved single-channel noise reduction method of speech by blind source separation" Acoust. Sci. & tech., Japan, Vol. 28, No. 3

Published: May 2007
37. M. E. Hamid, and T. Fukabayashi "A Two-Stage Method for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement" IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E89-A, no.4, pp. 1058-1068, Japan

Published: April 2006
38. M. A Sobhan, K. J. A. Chisty, M. E. Hamid and S. A. Siddique "Power spectra estimation of Bangla vowel and consonant phonemes”," Rajshahi University studies, Part B, Journal of Science, vol. 23-24, pp. 19-30

Published: September 1996
39. M. E. Hamid, S. A. Siddique, K. J. A. Chisty and M. A. Sobhan "On the pitch determination of Bangla phonemes by cepstral analysis technique" Journal of the Bangladesh Electronics Society, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 51-56

Published: September 1994


1. Ashraf Hussan Babor, Umme Habiba Choity, Most. Kaspia, Subrata Kumer Paul, Rakhi Rani Paul, Md. Momenul Haque, Md. Ekramul Hamid "Deep Learning Techniques for Bangladeshi Coin Detection and Automated Counting System: A Comparative Study of Multiple Algorithms" IEEE Xplore, 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE)

Published: June 2024
2. Ashraf Hussan Babor, Umme Habiba Choity, Most. Kaspia, Subrata Kumer Paul, Rakhi Rani Paul, Md. Momenul Haque, M. E. Hamid "Deep Learning Techniques for Bangladeshi Coin Detection and Automated Counting System: A Comparative Study of Multiple Algorithms" A Comparative Study of Multiple Algorithms”, IEEE Xplore, 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE)

Published: April 2024
3. Subrata K Paul, Anika A Zisa, Md. A Walid, Y. Zeem, Rakhi R Paul, Md. M. Haque and Md. Ekramul Hamid "Human Fall Detection Systems Using Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Next-Generation Healthcare: A Study of Human Motion Recognition" IEEE Xplore,14th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IIT Delhi

Published: July 2023
4. Md. Momenul Haque; Subrata Kumer Paul; Rakhi Rani Paul; Md. Ekramul Hamid; Sultan Fahim; Shahinur Islam "A Comprehensive Study on Ethereum Blockchain-based Digital Marketplace using NFT Smart Contract Infrastructure" IEEE Xplore, 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT-2022)

Published: March 2023
5. Rakhi Rani Paul; Subrata Kumer Paul; Md. Ekramul Hamid "A 2D Convolution Neural Network Based Method for Human Emotion Classification from Speech Signal" IEEE Xplore, 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT-2022)

Published: March 2023
6. S. M. T. Zaman, S. K. Paul, R. R. Paul and M. E. Hamid "Detecting Diabetes in Human Body using Different Machine learning Techniques" IEEE Xplore, International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering, IC4ME2

Published: December 2021
7. S.M. Tahsin Zaman, Subrata Kumer Paul, Rakhi Rani Paul, M. E. Hamid "Detecting Diabetes in Human Body using Different Machine Learning Techniques" IEEE explore of IC4ME2-2021

Published: January 2021
8. Subrata K. Paul, Rakhi R. Paul, Nishimura Masafumi and M. E. Hamid "Throat to acoustic speech mapping for spectral parameter correction using Artificial Neural Network Approach" international exchange and innovation conference on engineering and sciences (IEICES), Kyusho University, 6, pp. 238-242, Japan

Published: October 2020
9. M. E. Hamid, Subrata Kumer Paul and Masafumi Nishimura "Throat to Acoustic Speech Mapping from Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients using Artificial Neural Network for Speech Enhancement" 5th International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (IVPR)

Published: January 2020
10. Md. Easir Arafat, Masafumi Nishimura and M. E. Hamid "Improvement of Throat Microphone Speech by Enhnce Spectral Envelop using GMR-LPC based Method" Research World International Comference, Bangkok

Published: January 2020
11. Md Rashed-Al-Mahfuz, Md. Robiul Hoque, Bimal Kumar Pramanik, M. E. Hamid and Mohammad Ali Moni "SVM Model for Feature Selection to Increase Accuracy and Reduce False Positive Rate in Falls Detection" IEEE explore of IC4ME2-2019

Published: January 2019
12. Mst. Rehena Khatun, M. E. Hamid and Md. Iqbal Aziz Khan "Classification of Gas Bubble in A Doppler Ultrasound Signal Using Synchrosqueezing Transform" IEEE explore of IC4ME2-2019

Published: January 2019
13. Zakia Zinat Choudhury, Asif Zaman, Md. Ekramul Hamid "Efficient Processing of Area Skyline Query in MapReduce Framework" 2018 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE)

Published: December 2018
14. M. E. Hamid and M. K. I. Molla "A Collelogram based Pitch and Voiced/Unvoiced Classification Method for Real-Time Speech Analysis in Noisy Environment" IEEE Xplore, APWConCSE-2017, Mana Island, Fiji

Published: December 2017
15. Md. Ekramul Hamid and Md. Khademul Islam Molla "A Collelogram based Pitch and Voiced/Unvoiced Classification Method for Real-Time Speech Analysis in Noisy Environment" IEEE Xplore, 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE), Page(s):93-98

Published: December 2017
16. Md. Sujan Ali, Jannatul Ferdous, M. E. Hamid and M. K. I. Molla "Time Frequency coherence analysis of multichannel brain signal using synchrosqueezing transform" IEEE Xplore, IC4ME2-2016, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, .

Published: December 2016
17. Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Emdadul Haque and Md. Ekramul Hamid "Content Based Image Searching Using Multidimensional MSF" IEEE Xplore, IC4ME2-2016

Published: March 2016
18. Md. I. A. Khan, M. E. Hamid, and T. Nakai "2T-EMD and DHT based approach to Systolic Phase Detection from Doppler Ultrasound Signal" ICSV22, Italy

Published: November 2015
19. Md. I. A. Khan, M. E. Hamid, and T. Nakai "EEMD and DHT based Solution to detect systolic phase from Doppler ultrasound signal" ICMEIE, Bangladesh

Published: July 2015
20. S. Das, M. E. Hamid, M. K. I. Molla and K. Hirose "Weighted Noise Subtraction and Adaptive Soft-Thresholding Approach to Speech Enhancement”," IEEE ISCAS conference, pp.2413-2416, Brazil

Published: May 2011
21. M. Hasan and M. E. Hamid "A Parametric Formulation to Detect Speech Activity of Noisy Speech using EDON" IEEE 13th ICCIT conference, pp. 252-255, Dhaka

Published: December 2010
22. M. E. Hamid, K. Ogawa and T. Fukabayashi "Noise estimation for speech enhancement by the estimated degreeof noise without voice activity detection" IASTED international conference on speech and image processing SIP, pp. 420-424, Hawaii

Published: August 2006
23. K. Ogawa, M. E. Hamid and T. Fukabayashi "Pitch extraction of speech from noise reduced autocorrelation function using estimated noise" WESPAC IX, Seoul

Published: June 2006
24. M. E. Hamid, K. Ogawa and T. Fukabayashi "Wide band noise reduction of speech using noise subtraction and blind source separation" WESPAC IX, Seoul

Published: June 2006
25. M. E. Hamid, S. Saha, M. F. Hossain and M. A. Sobhan "A study on web based garments management information system”," ICCIT, pp. 570-575, Dhaka

Published: November 2002

Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended

1. A. S. M. Miah, M. K. I. Molla and M. E. Hamid "Multiband implementation of tangent space mapping for EEG classification" Inter Academic Asia IAA-2017, Shizuoka University, Japan

Published: December 2017
2. K. M. Hasan and M. E. Hamid "Time frequency representation of audio signal with 2T-EMD based Hilbert spectrum" Inter Academic Asia IAA-2015, Shizuoka University, Japan

Published: November 2015
3. M. E. Hamid, K. Ogawa and T. Fukabayashi "Noise reduction of speech using multiband noise subtraction andadaptive filtering methods in two stages”," journal of Acoustic. Society of America Volume 120, Issue 5, pp. 3039-3039

Published: July 2006
4. M. E. Hamid, K. Ogawa and T. Fukabayashi "Improvement of noise reduction of speech using blind signal separation" ASJ spring meeting, pp. 639-640, Tokyo

Published: March 2006
5. K. Ogawa, M. E. Hamid and T. Fukabayashi "Pitch extraction of speech from noise-reduced autocorrelation function using estimated noise”," IEICE, pp.25-30, Wakayama

Published: January 2006
6. M. E. Hamid, K. Ogawa and T. Fukabayashi "Performance of two-stage noise reduction method by iteration number of separation filter update in processing block" IEICE, pp.19-24, Wakayama

Published: January 2006

Digital Signal Processing

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  • Digital Signal Processing