- ICE 2231 (Data Structures and Algorithms): Section-A (Exam-2020)
2_Arrays, Records, and Pointers-1
2_Arrays, Recors, and Pointers
3_Linked List -1
3_Linked List-2
4_Stacks, Queues, and Recursion
- ICE 4151 (Information System Analysis and Design) : Section-A
System Concept
Characteristics of System
Elements of System
Types of System
The Major Information System
The Role of the Systems Analyst-1
The Role of the System Analysts-2
The ROle of the System Analysts-3
System Analyst
- ICE 4221 : Fundamentals of Cryptography Section B (Exam-2020)
Introductory Lecture
Classical Encryption Techniques
Public Key Cryptography and RSA
4_Introduction to Number Theory
5_Public Key Management and ECC-1
5_Public Key Management and ECC-2
6_Message Authentication and Hash Function
Hash Algorithm, Digital Signature, and Authentication Protocols
- ICE 3251 & ICE 4241 : Software Engineering Section B (Exam-2020)
No Document Added
- ICE 3221: Digital Communication Section A (Exam 2020)
Introduction to Digital Communication
golamrashed@ru.ac.bd, golamrashed.ru@gmail.com, golamrashed@ieee.org
Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Chamber: Room # 231 (H); Dr. M. A. Wazed Miah Academic Building, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Information & Communication Engineering
- Education Summary
- B.Sc. (Rajshahi University, BD), M.Sc. (Rajshahi University, BD), PhD (Saitama University, Japan)
- Research Interest
- Computer Vision, Robotics, Human Robot Interaction
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (PhD in Information and Computer Sciences) |
Saitama University, Japan | 2016 |
Masters (M.Sc. in Information and Communication Engineering) |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh | 2009 |
Bachelor/Honors (B.Sc. in Information and Communication Engineering) |
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh | 2008 |
Higher Secondary (Higher Secondary School Certificate (H.S.C)) |
Rajshahi Education Board | 2002 |
Secondary (Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C)) |
Rajshahi Education Board | 2000 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2023-12-01 to 2024-05-30 | Department of Political Science | Adjunct Faculty |
2021-12-13 to 2024-12-12 | Syed Ameer Ali Hall | House Tutor |
2020-03-03 to | Information & Communication Engineering | Associate Professor |
2018-08-01 to 2019-01-31 | Electrical & Electronic Engineering | Adjunct Faculty |
2018-02-01 to | Information Science & Library Management | Adjunct Faculty |
2016-10-18 to 2021-10-18 | Rokeya Hall | House Tutor |
2014-10-28 to 2020-03-02 | Information & Communication Engineering | Assistant Professor |
2013-01-01 to 2013-09-30 | Information Science & Library Management | Adjunct Faculty |
2012-10-10 to 2013-09-30 | Munnojan Hall | House Tutor |
2012-02-16 to 2014-10-28 | Information & Communication Engineering | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2024-07-01 to 2025-06-30 | Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Pundra University of Science and Technology, Bogra, Bangladesh | Adjusnt Faculty |
2022-05-26 to 2022-09-25 | Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Varendra University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh | Adjunct Faculty |
2010-06-13 to 2012-02-15 | Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE), Prime University, Mirpur-1, Dhaka, Bangladesh | Lecturer |
2010-04-19 to 2010-06-12 | Dept. of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE), University of Development Alternative (UODA), Dhaka, Bangladesh | Lecturer |
Book Chapter
1. |
Sayfullah Monsur Sujan Sarkar, Kazi Fardin Islam, Dhrubo Roy Partho, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das,Vaskar Deka
"Novel Approach to Fruit Caloric Estimation Based on 2D Image-Driven Volume Measurement"
ICTDsC-2024, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore,
Published: November 2024
2. |
Imam Hossain, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das, Md. Julkarnain, Vaskar Deka and Partha Pratim Debnath
"Portable Device-Based Stress Level Estimation Using Biological Rhythms"
In: Tavares, J.M.R.S., Rodrigues, J.J.P.C., Misra, D., Bhattacherjee, D. (eds) Data Science and Communication. ICTDsC 2023. Studies in Autonomic, Data-driven and Industrial Computing. Springer, Singapore, ttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-5435-3_2
Published: January 2024
3. |
Imran Hossen, Tohidul Islam, Md Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"Early Suicide Prevention: Depression Level Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Bangladeshi Facebook Users"
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 437), Springer, Singapore.PP. 735–747, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2445-3_52
Published: October 2022
4. |
Bakul Chandra Roy, Imran Hossen, Md. Golam Rashed, and Dipankar Das
"Automated Student Attendance Monitoring System Using Face Recognition"
Vasant P., Zelinka I., Weber GW. (eds) Intelligent Computing and Optimization. ICO 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1324. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68154-8_54
Published: February 2021
5. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Royta Suzuki, Toshiki Kikugawa, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Network Guide Robot System Proactively Initiating Interaction with Humans Based on Their Local and Global Behaviors"
Intelligent Computing Theories and Methodologies, Springer International Publishing, 9226, PP. 283-294
Published: August 2015
1. |
Md. Tohidul Islam, Md. Khalid Syfullah, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"Bridging the Gap: Advancing the Transparency and Trustworthiness of Network Intrusion Detection with Explainable AI"
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol 15, Issue...https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-024-02242-z
Published: July 2024
2. |
Md.Tofael Ahmed, A. Z. M. Touhidul Islam, Maqsudur Rahman,Dipankar Das, Md. Golam Rashed
"Cyberbullying Detection Based on Hybrid Ensemble Method using Deep Learning Technique in Bangla Dataset"
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 14(9):545~551
Published: September 2023
3. |
Md.Tofael Ahmed, Nahida Akter, Maqsudur Rahman, Abu Zafor Muhammad Touhidul Islam, Dipankar Das, Md. Golam Rashed
"Multimodal Cyberbullying Meme Detection From Social Media Using Deep Learning Approach"
15(4), 27-37
Published: June 2023
4. |
Sarkar, B., Rashed, . M. G., Das, D., & Yasmin, R.
"Energy-Aware Threshold Sensitive Stable Election Protocol (EATSEP) for Wireless Sensor Networks"
Journal of Scientific Research, 14(2), 419–433. https://doi.org/10.3329/jsr.v14i2.55330
Published: May 2022
5. |
M. M. Hoque , M. G. Rashed, M. H. Kabir, A. F. M. Z. Abadin , M. I. Pramanik
"EAGBRP: A Gateway Based Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks"
Journal of Scientific Research; Vol.13, Issue. 2, PP. 467-481, 2021
Published: May 2021
6. |
P. P. Debnath, M. G. Rashed, D. Das, M. R. Basar
"Smart Interrogation System by Detection of Visual Focus of Attention"
Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 13, Issue. 1, PP. 47-58, 2021
Published: January 2021
7. |
M. Ileas Pramanik, Raymond Y. K. Lau, Md Sakir Hossain, Md Mizanur Rahoman, Sumon Kumar Debnath, Md Golam Rashed, Md Zasim Uddin
"Privacy preserving big data analytics: A critical analysis of state‐of‐the‐art"
WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov. 2020;e1387. https://doi.org/10.1002/widm.1387
Published: October 2020
8. |
Debnath Partha Pratim, Rashed Md. Golam, Das Dipankar, Imran Mehedi Hasan, Roy Mitaly
"Suspicious Behavior Detection in Smart Class Room: Computer Vision Approach"
BAUET Journal, Vol. 2 Issue 2 PP. 206-218
Published: August 2020
9. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar, Das; Kuno, Kobayashi; Kobayashi, Yoshinori
"A Study on Proactive Methods for Initiating Interaction with Human by Social Robots"
Published: November 2018
10. |
Partha Pratim Debnath, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"Detection and Controlling of Suspicious Behaviour in the Examination Hall"
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 7, ISSN 2229-5518, PP. 1227-1232
Published: July 2018
11. |
Partha Pratim Debnath, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
Global Scientific Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 6
Published: June 2018
12. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Royta Suzuki, Takuya Yonezawa, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Robustly Tracking People with LIDARs in a Crowded Museum for Behavioral Analysis"
IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics,
Communications and Computer Sciences , Vol: E100.A(11): 2458-2469
Published: November 2017
13. |
Dipankar Das, Md. Golam Rashed, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Supporting Human–Robot Interaction Based on the Level of Visual Focus of Attention"
IEEE Transaction on Human Machine System, Vol. 45, No. 6, PP. 664-675, ISSSN: 2168-2291, DOI:10.1109/THMS.2015.2445856
Published: December 2015
14. |
Shahrina Sultana, Laila Naznin, M. Golam Rashed and Shaikh Enayet Ullah
"Secured Text Message Transmission In Pre -Channel Equalization Based Mimo- Ofdm System With Implementation of Concatenated ECB and CFB Cryptographic Algorithm"
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 5 (2) 46-50
Published: October 2012
15. |
Sohag Sarker , Farhana Enam, Md. Golam Rashed, Shaikh Enayet Ullah
"Performance Analysis of Two-Layer Spreading Scheme Based FEC encoded MC–CDMA Wireless Communication System Under Implementation of Various Signal Detection Schemes"
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 4, ISSN: 20798407
Published: April 2012
16. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Shaikh Enayet Ullah, Most. Farjana Sharmin
"Encrypted Message Transmission in a QO-STBC Encoded MISO Wireless Communication System Under Implementation of Low Complexity ML Decoding Algorithm"
International Journal of Computers & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, ISSN: 2277-3061
Published: April 2012
17. |
M. Hasnat Kabir, Shaikh Enayet Ullah, Mustari Zaman, Md. Golam Rashed
"BER Analysis of Iterative Turbo Encoded MISO Wireless Communication System Under Implementation of Q-OSTBC Scheme"
International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services (IJITCS), Vol.2, No, PP. 9-16,DOI: 10.512/ijitcs.2012.2102.
Published: February 2012
18. |
Md. Golam Rashed, M. Hasnat Kabir, Md. Selim Reza, Md. Matiqul Islam , Rifat Ara Shams , Saleh Masum , and Sheikh Enayet Ullah
"Voice Signal Transmission: BER Performance Analysis of different FEC Schemes Based OFDM System over Various Channels"
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) ,Vol. 34, PP. 89-100
Published: September 2011
19. |
M. G. Rashed, M. Hasnat Kabir, M. Sajjadur Rahim, and Sk. Enayet Ullah
"CBHRP: A Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network"
Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol. 1, No. 3, ISSN: 2231 – 3583, DOI : 10.5121/cseij.2011.1301.
Published: August 2011
20. |
Md. Emdadul Haque, Md. Golam Rashed, M. Hasnat Kabir
"A Comprehensive Study and Performance Comparison of M-ARY Modulation Schemes for an Efficient Wireless Mobile Communication System"
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA), Vol.1 No. 3, DOI : 10.5121/ijcsea.2011.1304
Published: June 2011
21. |
Md. Golam Rashed
"New Heterogeneous Clustering Protocol for Prolonging Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime"
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 4 (2) (2011) 135-139
Published: June 2011
22. |
Md. Golam Rashed, M. Hasnat Kabir, Sk. Enayet Ullah
"WEP: An Energy Efficient Protocol for Cluster Based Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network"
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel System (IJDPS), Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 54-60, DOI : 10.5121/ijdps.2011.2205.
Published: March 2011
23. |
Md. Golam Rashed,Foisal Ahmed
"Performance Comparison of energy sustainable of different hierarchical routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks subject to different location of Base Station"
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Wireless Sensor Networks
Vol. 1, No. 1
Published: March 2011
24. |
Md. Golam Rashed, M. Hasnat Kabir
"Weighted Election Protocol (WEP) for Clustered Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network"
Journal of Mobile Communication, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP. 38-42, DOI: 10.3923/jmcomm.2010.38.42.
Published: August 2010
25. |
Md. Golam Rashed, M. Hasnat Kabir, Muhammad Sajjadur Rahim and Shaikh Enayet Ullah
"Cluster Based Hierarchical Routing Protocol (CBHRP) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)"
International Journal of Computer and Network Security (IJCNS), Vol. 2, No. 5, PP. 128-131
Published: May 2010
26. |
Md. Golam Rashed, M. Hasnat Kabir, Rubaiyat Yasmin and Sk. Enayet Ullah
"Performance evaluation of CRC Interleaved QPSK based Wireless Communication System for Color Image Transmission"
Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society (BES), Vol. 9, No. 1-2, PP. 151-159
Published: December 2009
1. |
Moontasir Mahmood, Nishat Tasnim, Tanshen Mahamud Saimu, H. M. Sazzad Quadir, Md. Atikur Rahman, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"A Novel Approach to Liveness Detection: Real-time Eye Blink, Head Movement, and Lip Movement Analysis"
4th IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, CUET, 12-15 Februaury 2025
Published: February 2025
2. |
Published: February 2025
3. |
Meghna Dasgupta, Dubari Sarma, Vaskar Deka, MD. GOLAM RASHED, DIPANKAR DAS
Published: February 2025
4. |
Meghna Dasgupta, Dubari Sarma, Vaskar Deka, MD. GOLAM RASHED, DIPANKAR DAS
Published: February 2025
5. |
Niloy Kumar Mondal, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das, Abu Zafor Muhammad Islam
"RAJUNI: Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Cooking Robot"
IEEE 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Coxsbazar, Bangladesh, 20-23 Dec
Published: December 2024
6. |
H. M. Sazzad Quadir, Md. Atikur Rahman, Moontasir Mahmood, Nishat Tasnim, Md Tohidul Islam, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"The Role of XAI in User-Centric Recommender Systems Using Collaborative and Content-Based Approaches"
IEEE 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Coxbazar, Bangladesh, 20-23 December 2024
Published: December 2024
7. |
Md. Habib Ehsanul Hoque, Mrittika Mahbub, Mohd Razali Bin Md Tomari, Rezaul Bashar, Dipankar Das and Md. Golam Rashed
"Real-time Detection of Diverse Bangladeshi Traffic Signs Using YOLOv8"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Future Machine Learning and Data Science (FMLDS), University of Western Sydney, Australia
Published: November 2024
8. |
Md Tohidul Islam, Khalid Syfullah, Jabbarul Islam, H. M. Sazzad Quadir, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"Exploring the Potential: ML vs. DL in Network Security with Explainable AI (XAI) Insights"
In the proceedings of IEEE 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
Published: December 2023
9. |
Jabbarul Islam, Md Tohidul Islam, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"Accurate Vehicles Detection and Speed Estimation Using Homography Based Background Subtraction and Deep Learning Approaches"
In the proceedings of IEEE 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Coxbazar, Bangladesh
Published: December 2023
10. |
Partha Pratim Debnath, Fahmida Tahmin, Md. Golam Rashed and Dipankar Das
7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
(ICERIE 2023), P. 867-872
Published: January 2023
11. |
Md Sabir Hossain, Abu Sajed Noman, Md. Golam Rashed, Mirza A.F.M. Rashidul Hasan and Rubaiyat Yasmin
"Studying and Analyzing the Cellular Network Signal Strength Variations for GSM Networks in a University Campus"
7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
(ICERIE 2023), P. 873-878, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Published: January 2023
12. |
Reajul Islam, Md. Golam Rashed, Rubaiyat Yasmin and Mirza A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan
"A Comparative Analysis of Various Cryptographic Algorithms Ensuring Secrecy and Authenticity of Exchanged Information"
6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
(ICERIE 2021), PP. 760-766, SUST, Bangladesh
Published: February 2021
13. |
Md. Muzammal Hoque, Biplob Sarkar, M. G. Rashed, M. H. Kabir, Afm Zainul Abadin and Khadiza Tul Kubra
"Energy-Aware Gateway Based Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks"
6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
(ICERIE 2021), PP. 767-772, SUST, Bangladesh
Published: February 2021
14. |
Partha Pratim Debnath, Md. Golam Rashed and Dipankar Das
"Smart Interrogation System: Computer Vision Approach"
6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
(ICERIE 2021), PP. 791-797, SUST, Bangladesh
Published: February 2021
15. |
Biplob Sarkar, Md. Muzammal Hoque, Dipankar Das and Md. Golam Rashed
"EATSEP: Energy Aware Threshold Sensitive Stable Election Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks"
6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
(ICERIE 2021), PP. 818-823, SUST, Bangladesh
Published: February 2021
16. |
Sushanta Roy Supta, Md. Rifath Sahriar, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das, Rubaiyat Yasmin
"An Effective Facial Expression Recognition System"
2020 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), Bhubaneswar, India
Published: December 2020
17. |
Hasan Imam, Dipankar Das, Md. Golam Rashed
"Internet of Things Based Model for Smart Campus: Challenges and Limitations"
5th IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2-2019), pp. 1-4, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.doi: 10.1109/IC4ME247184.2019.9036629.
Published: July 2019
18. |
Md. Ismail Husain, Mahfuz Alam, Md. Golam Rashed, Md. Emdadul Haque, Mirza A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan and Dipankar Das
"Bluetooth Network Based Remote Controlled Home Automation System"
1st IEEE International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering, and Robotics Technology (ICASERT) 2019, pp. 1298-1303
Published: May 2019
19. |
Partha Pratim Debnath , Md. Golam Rashed and Dipankar Das
"Automatic Examination Hall Invigilation System to Detect Examinees Suspicious
5th International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), SUST
Published: January 2019
20. |
Partha Pratim Debnath, Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"Visual Attention Detection: What is the target person looking at?"
Proc. 1st International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (iCMLDE2017), PP. 215-222, 20-22 Nov 2017, Sydney, Australia, ISBN: 978-0-6480147-3-7
Published: November 2017
21. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Royta Suzuki, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"A Vision Based Guide Robot System: Initiating Proactive Social Human Robot Interaction in Museum Scenario"
In the proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (ICCIE-2015) ,RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, PP.5-9
Published: November 2017
22. |
Dipankar, Das; Md. Golam, Rashed; Md. Rezual, Bashar; Yoshinori, Kuno
"Real-Time Iris Center Detection and Tracking From Video Images"
1st International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering, Sydney, 2017 (iCMLDE 2017), PP. 35-41
Published: November 2017
23. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yoshinori Kuno
"Analysis and prediction of real museum visitors' interests and preferences based on their behaviors"
IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), pp. 451-456, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
Published: February 2017
24. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Royta Suzuki, Takua Yenezawa, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Tracking Visitors in a Real Museum for Behaviors Analysis"
in the proceedings of the IEEE Joint 8th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 17th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS-2016), PP. 80-85, Hokkaido, Japan,
Published: August 2016
25. |
Takua Yenezawa, Royta Suzuki, Md. Golam Rashed, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Towards Estimating Museum Visitor’s Degree of Interest Based on the Movement Analysis"
In the proceedings of 2016 General Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, P. 148, Kyushu University, Japan
Published: March 2016
26. |
Md. Golam Rashed
"Toward Designing a Guide Robot System for Public Spaces Based on People’s Behavioral Analysis"
In the proceedings of 8th Japan Muslim Researchers' Interdisciplinary Symposium (JMRIS-2016), Organized by TUICS, University of Tokyo, Japan, P. 9
Published: February 2016
27. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Royta Suzuki, Toshiki Kikugawa, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Network Guide Robot System Proactively Initiating Interaction with Humans Based on Their Local and Global Behaviors"
Presented in the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC2015), , Fujan, China
Published: August 2015
28. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Suzuki Royta, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Toward Museum Guide Robots Proactively Initiating Interaction with Humans"
In the Proceedings of the 2015 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '15), PP. 1-2, Portland, OR, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3318-4 DOI. 10.1145/2701973.2701974
Published: March 2015
29. |
Dipankar Das, Md. Golam Rashed, Yoshinori Kobayashi, and Yoshinori Kuno
"Recognizing gaze pattern for human robot interaction"
In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI '14). PP. 142-143, Germany , DOI=10.1145/2559636.2559818
Published: March 2014
30. |
Md. Golam Rashed, Shaikh Enayet Ullah, Rubaiyat Yasmin
"Secured Message Data Transactions with a Digital Envelope (DE)-A Higher Level Cryptographic Technique"
In the proceedings of International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education- 2013, SUST, PP. 495-501, Bangladesh.
Published: January 2013
31. |
Md. Matiqul Islam, M. Hasnat Kabir, Rifat Ara Shams, Saleh Masum, Sheikh Enayet Ullah, Md. Golam Rashed
"Comparison of Wavelet and Fourier based MC- CDMA System with Implementation of Alamouti Antenna Diversity Scheme over Different Wireless Channel"
In the proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Frontier Technology, Kochi University of Technology-2011, PP. 181-185, Kochi, Japan
Published: July 2011
32. |
Md. Abir Hossain Khandokar, Md. Golam Rashed, Rubaiyat Yasmin, Mirza A.F.M Rashidul Hasan
"Performance Comparison of M-ary Modulation Schemes for an Efficient Wireless Communication System with Digital Color Image Transmission"
Proceedings National Conference on Communication and Information Security-2009 (NCCIS-2009), Dhaka, Bangladesh, PP. 18-22
Published: February 2009
33. |
Md. Dulal Haque, Md. Golam Rashed, and S. Enayet Ullah
"A Comprehensive Study on the Performance Analysis of MSK Modulation Scheme on a Communication System for Digital Image Transmission"
In the proceedings of National Conference on Electronics, Information and Telecommunication, ISBN: 984-300-000645-7, Bangladesh, P-124.
Published: June 2007
1. |
Appointed as an External Examiner of a Ph.D. thesis entitled
"Modeling Energy-Efficient Secure Communication in underwater wireless sensor networks"
Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshamangarh-332311, SIKAR, Rajasthan, INDIA.
Published: October 2018
2. |
"Observing People’s Behaviors in Public Spaces for Initiating Proactive Human-Robot Interaction by Social Robots"
to defend Ph.D. Dissertation at Graduate School of Science and Technology, Saitama University, Saitama-Shi, Japan.
Published: September 2016
Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended
1. |
As Session chair in a technical session entitled "Communication and
The Undergraduate Conference on Intelligent Computing and Systems (UCICS), Organized by Dept. of CSE, Varendra University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: February 2025
2. |
As a paper presenter and as a Session Chair in a technical session entitled " Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering"
IEEE 2025 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), Organized by The faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chattrogram, Bangladesh,13-15
Published: February 2025
3. |
As Session Chair
IEEE 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Coxsbazar, Bangladesh, 20-23 Dec 2024
Published: December 2024
4. |
"Attended as a TPC Secretary and Session Chair/Co-Chair"
IEEE International Conference on Recent Progresses in Science, Engineering and Technology, Organized by Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, 7-8 Dec 2024
Published: December 2024
5. |
"Attended as an author and Technical Session Chair"
2024 IEEE International Conference on Future Machine Learning and Data Science (FMLDS), University of Western Sydney, Australia, 20-23 November
Published: November 2024
6. |
Attended as an Honorable Speaker on a seminar
"Proactive Human-Robot Interaction"
Organized by the IEEE NSW IAS/ES/PELS Joint Chapter and IEEE IAS UoW Student Chapter, Hosted by the school of Electrical and, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Wollongong, Australia. 19 November
Published: November 2024
7. |
"Attended as a Session Chair in Tarck Industry & Applications"
International Conference on Power, Electrical, Electronics, and Industrial Applications (PEEIACON 2024), RUET September 12-13, 2024
Published: September 2024
8. |
"attended as a technical SESSION CHAIR"
IEEE 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and
Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT), MIST, Dhaka
Published: May 2024
9. |
attended as a session chair,
26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Technically sponsored by IEEE, Bangladesh Section
Published: December 2023
10. |
"as an Author"
at the Internation Conference on Data Science and Communication (ICTsC-2023), Siliguri Institure of Technology (SIT), Sukna, Siliguri, India
Published: March 2023
11. |
"Attended as a Session Chair/Co-Chair"
at the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Linguistics & Bangla Language Processing (CLBLP 2023) organized by NLP Lab, CUET
Published: February 2023
12. |
"As a Session Co-chair"
at 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer & Communication Engineering, Organized by Faculty of ECE, CUET
Published: February 2023
13. |
"As an author"
at the 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation, and Education (ICERIE-2023), Organized by SUST
Published: January 2023
14. |
"--Attended as a SESSION CHAIR to the technical session on D2S3T7: Computer Vision"
in the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements - ICCA 2022 "Age of Computing and Augmented Life, organized by the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science & Technology (FST), American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).
Published: March 2022
15. |
"Attended as a SESSION CHAIR to the technical session on Technical session-1(B)Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Mechatronics, Others"
in the International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material, and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2-2021), hosted by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, December 26-27, Bangladesh
Published: December 2021
16. |
"Attended as a GUEST SPEAKER at the special session on Human-Robot Interaction to WINTER SCHOOL OF ROBOTICS,"
jointly organized by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society University of Rajshahi Student Branch Chapter and IC4ME2-2021, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: December 2021
17. |
"Attended as a SESSION CHAIR to the session on "D1TS7: AI for Detection and Prediction-1""
International Conference on 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond (IC4IR) 2021, Organized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, 10-11 December 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: December 2021
18. |
"as a Session Co-chair for a Technical Session D1P2S1: Robotics, Mechatronics & Automation - II"
at the 2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI) on 08-09 July 2021, Organized by the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: July 2021
19. |
as a SESSION CHAIR of Track: Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Rhythm Engineering
"2nd International Conference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering 2020 (TCCE-2020), JU, BD"
Published: December 2020
20. |
as a Session Chair of the track: Robotics, Control, and Automation
"IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP)"
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: June 2020
21. |
as a Coach
"ACM ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Programming Contest-2019"
Venue: Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: November 2019
22. |
As a participant
"The School and Conference on Fully-Programmable Systems-On-Chip for Scientific Instrumentation"
Organized by ICTP in association with Guwahati University, India and University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, Venue: Guwahati University, India
Published: November 2019
23. |
Attended as a RESOURCE PERSON in a seminar,
"Observing Peoples' Local and Global Behaviors in Public Spaces for Supporting Social Robots to Initiate Proactive HRI"
at the Dept. of Information Technology (IT), Guwahati University, Assam, India, 7th
Published: November 2019
24. |
as a participant
"2019 Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronic, and System Engineering (ICAEESE 2019)"
Guwahati University, Assam, India
Published: June 2019
25. |
as an Author
"5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2019 (ICERIE-2019)"
organized by School of Applied Science and Technology, SUST, Bangladesh,
Published: January 2019
26. |
as a participant
"Training Workshop on Embedded System /IoT Based System Design and Development"
organized by the Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET, DHAKA
Published: September 2018
27. |
as a technical Session speaker
"the Workshop on Post Self-Assessment (SA) Improvement Plan"
Organized by Dept. of ICE, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
Published: May 2018
28. |
"2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC)"
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: December 2017
29. |
As participant
"Development of Intelligent Systems and Transformation of Thoughts into Research and Innovation"
Organized by IICT, BUET, Bangladesh
Published: December 2017
30. |
as a Coach
"ACM ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Programming Contest-2017"
Venue: University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published: November 2017
31. |
As a Coach
"IUT 9th ICT Fest 2017"
Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Published: October 2017
32. |
as an Author
"The IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE 2017)"
Organized by CSE dept. of CUET, Bangladesh
Published: February 2017
33. |
as a Participant
"The IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering(IC4ME2-2017)"
Organized by Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh
Published: January 2017
34. |
as a presenter
"Human-Centric Engineering Laboratory, Hokkaido University"
Sapporo, Japan
Published: August 2016
35. |
as an author
"the Joint 8th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 17th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS-2016)"
Hokkai Gakuen University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,
Published: August 2016
36. |
as an author
"8th Japan Muslim Researchers' Interdisciplinary Symposium (JMRIS-2016)"
Organized by TUICS, University of Tokyo, Japan
Published: February 2016
37. |
as an author
"the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (ICCIE2015)"
RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: November 2015
38. |
as an author
"the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC2015)"
Fuzhou, Fujian, China,
Published: August 2015
39. |
as an author
"the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '15)"
Portland, OR, USA,
Published: March 2015
40. |
as an author
"the International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education 2013 (ICERIE-2013)"
organized by School of Applied Science and Technology, SUST, Bangladesh
Published: February 2013
41. |
as a participant
"the National workshop on Digital Signal and Image processing"
organized by the Department of Statistics, Supported by Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP), University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh,
Published: May 2012
42. |
as a participant
"Workshop on Digital Bangladesh"
organized by Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: January 2010
43. |
as a participant
"The National workshop on Networking and ISP setup with LINUX"
jointly organized by the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia and Infinity Institute of Business and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: March 2009
44. |
as a participant
"the National Workshop on Oscilloscope-Operation, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance and Procurement"
organized by the Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Bangladesh
Published: March 2009
45. |
as a participant
"Workshop on MPLS and Next Generation Network"
organized by Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: February 2009
46. |
as a author
"the National Conference on Communication and Information Security (NCCIS-2009)"
organized by Daffodil Int. University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: February 2009
47. |
as a participant
"the International Workshop on “Radio Communication”"
jointly organized by Bangladesh Electronics Society, Bangladesh and Regional Facilities on Radio Science (RFRS) National Physical Laboratory, Delhi, India, Venue: University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: June 2008
48. |
as a participant
"International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Communication (ICECC-2008)"
organized by Bangladesh Electronics Society (BES), Venue: University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Published: June 2008
49. |
as an author
"the National Conferences on Electronics, Information, and Telecommunication (NCEIT-2007)-"
Organized by Bangladesh Electronic Society (BES), Venue: University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: June 2007
50. |
as a participant
"the Training courses on “Introduction to Computer, Application packages, and Internet & Email Usage”"
rganized by Bangladesh Computer Council under the project entitled Conducting standard computer training courses in the Divisional headquarter under Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology, Bangladesh at Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: May 2003
1. |
Sayfullah Monsur Sujan Sarkar, Kazi Fardin Islam, Dhrubo Roy Partho,
Md. Golam Rashed, Dipankar Das
"Caloric Estimation of Fruits Using Volume Measurement
from a Single 2D Image"
International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIICe2024 ) by the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, (Received Bronze Awards)
Published: August 2024
ICE2231: Data Structures and AlgorithmsThe main objective of the course is to understand basic data structures and algorithms. The student is able to assess how the choice of data structures and algorithm design methods impacts the performance of programs. The course aim to describe the system
ICE4221: Fundamentals of CryptographyThis course is designed to provide a fundamental concept of cryptographic techniques. Introduce the basic algorithms for symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and their mathematical principles. This course will also address confidentiality,key management
ICE4151: Information System Analysis and DesignThe main objective of this course is to provide students with a broad perspective on system analysis and design. It provides an overview of principles, methods and techniques of system development life cycle (SDLC).
ICE4111: Artificial Intelligence and Neural ComputingThis course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and neural networks, fuzzy logic fundamentals, program-related algorithms.It contains a theory component about the concepts and principles that underlie modern AI algthm
ICE3221: Digital CommunicationThe objective of this course is to provide the fundamental knowledge about the building blocks of digital communication system. The student will learn to identify the functions of different components of a digital communication system. |
ICE M3011: Advanced Optical Communication and NetworksThe objective of the course is to provide to provide students with the design and operating principles of modern optical communication systems and networks. The first part of the course focuses on optical communication system and its key components. I |
ICE M1141: Advanced Optical Communication and NetworksThe objective of the course is to provide students with the 1 Objectives design and operating principles of modern optical communication systems and networks. The first part of the course focuses on optical communication system and its key compon |
ICE4231: Information Theory and CodingDescription Not Provided |
ICE3211: Java and Network ProgrammingDescription Not Provided |
ICE1131: Digital ElectronicsDescription Not Provided |
ICE 3251: Software EngineeringDescription Not Provided
Career Objectives:
My professional objective is to keep a balance in research, teaching, and service-related activities in order to provide sustainable training for highly qualified personnel.
Courses Taught at RU:
Graduate Level
1. ICE-M3011: Advanced Optical Fiber Communication and Networks
2. ICE-503: Cryptography and Network Security
3. ICE-506: Advanced Satellite Communication
4. ICE-512: Cryptography and Network Security Laboratory
5. ICE-M3012: Advanced Optical Communications and Networks Laboratory
Undergraduate Level
1. ICE-4231: Information Theory and Coding
2. ICE-3211: Java and Network Programming.
3. ICE-3212: Java and Network Programming Laboratory
4. ICE-307: Satellite and Optical Fiber Communication
5. ICE-408: Wireless Communication Laboratory
6. ICE-1131: Digital Electronics
7. ICE-1132: Digital Electronics Laboratory
8. ICE-4122: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Computing Laboratory
9. ICE-4112: Digital Image Processing Laboratory
10. ICE-3221: Digital Communication
11. CSE-2261: Data Structure and Algorithm (ON).
12. ICE-4222: Fundamentals on Cryptography
13. ICE-2232: Signal and Systems Laboratory
14. ISLM 209: Introduction to Operating System (ON).
15. ICE 1111: Introduction to Information and Communication Engineering.
16. ISLM 233: Computer Hardware and Networking (ON).
17. ICE-4151: Information System Analysis and Design (ON).
18. ICE-4111: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Computing (ON).
19. CSE-233: Computer Networks (ON).
20. ICE-3251: Software Engineering (ON).
21. CSE-2261: Data Structure and Algorithm Laboratory (ON).
Courses Taught at Prime University, Dhaka, BD
Undergraduate Level
1. ETE-321: Digital Communication and Telephony
2. ETE-427: Internet and Extranet Engineering
3. ETE-222: Telecommunication Engineering
4. ETE-221: Electronics II
5. ETE-412: Optical Communications and Optoelectronic Devices
6. ETE-331: Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Research Area:
1. Wearable Free Sensor-Based Human Behavior Sensing.
2. Human-Computer Interaction.
3. Human-Robot Interaction.
4. Wireless Sensor Networks.
5. Wireless Communication.
Research Experiences:
Computer Vision Laboratory (Kuno Lab), Saitama University, Japan
Ph.D Research Title: Observing People's Behaviors in Public Spaces for Initiating Proactive Human-Robot Interaction by Social Robots.
Supervisor: Professor Dr. Yoshinori Kuno, Dept. of Information and Computer Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering.
Wireless Communication Laboratory, Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering
Masters' Research Title: Weighted Election Protocol (WEP) for Clustered Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks.
Supervisor: Dr. Md. Hasnat Kabir, Associate Professor, Dept. Information and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, BD.
Final Year Project Title: Cluster-Based Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Supervisor: Muhammad Sajjadur Rahim, Associate Professor, Dept. Information and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, BD.
Honors and Awards:
9. Received Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship (MEXT) to pursue Ph.D degree from Oct. 2013 to Sept. 2016.
8. National Science, Information and Communication Technology (NSICT)-2009 Fellow, , Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology (MOSICT) of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh. July 2009 to June 2010.
7. Ranked First among the 21 students at the M. Sc. Examination of 2006, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
6. Ranked First among the 24 students at the B.Sc. (Hon’s) Examination of 2006, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
5. Received Merit Scholarship for outstanding result in the B.Sc(Hon’s) Examination-2006 from University Grant Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh,Oct. 2008 to Sep. 2009.
4. Ranked Second in the Science Faculty, University of Rajshahi, at the B.Sc. (Hon’s) Examination of 2006, Bangladesh.
3. Received Science faculty 1st/2nd award from KAZI ABDUL LATIF MEMORIAL TRUST, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh on the outstanding result in the B.Sc. (Hon’s) Exam-2006. Oct. 2008 to Sep. 2009.
2. Received Scholarship for outstanding result in HSC Examination-2002 from Rajshahi Educational Board, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, March 2003 to February 2007.
1. Received Scholarship for outstanding result in HSC Examination-2002 from College Principle office, Rajshahi Govt. City College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Professional Activities:
13. TPC member of ICEEICT (MIST, BD), ICCCT2024 (RIET, Jaipur, India), CML2024 (Sikkim,
India), BIDA2024 (RVIM Bangalore, India), PCCDA2024(Rishikesh, India), ICSPCRE2024
(Roukela, India), 12. TPC member of the ICREST 2023 (AIUB, BD), ECCE2023 (CUET,
BD), ADCIS2023 (Goa, India), CSCT2023 (New Delhi, India), ICIDeA2023 (Imphal,
India), EICT2023 (KUET, BD), ICPS2023(Cox’sbazar, BD), ICCIS2023 (Jaipur, India),
11. Reviewer of IEEE ICSCT-2021 (BUBT, BD), IEEE
ICREST-2021 (AIUB, BD), ICICT4SD-2021 (BUP, BD), ISCAIE2021 (Universiti
Teknologi Mara, Malaysia), ICEEICT-2021 (MIST, BD), RAAICON-2021(BD),
IC4IR-2021(DHK, BD), IC4ME2-2021(RU, BD), IC4IR-2021 (DHK, BD), IC4ME2-2021
(RU,BD). 10. TPC member of the TCCE-2020, Jahangirnagar University,
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 9. Reviewer of IEEE STI-2020 (GU, BD), IEEE ICAICT-2020
(UIU, BD), ICECCE-2020 (BUET, BD), WIECON-ECE-2020 (Bhubaneswar, India) 8. TPC member of the IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP)-2020,
BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 7. TPC member of the IEEE BD section sponsored
IC4ME2-2019 (RU, BD). 6. Reviewer of IEEE IC4ME2-2019 (RU, BD), IEEE STI-2019
(GU, BD). 5. TPC member of the IEEE BD section
sponsored ECCE-2019 (CUET) conference. 4. Reviewer of IEEE BD section sponsored
ICBSLP-2018, ICEEICT-2018, ICISET-2018. 3. Publicity Coordinator of IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society (RAS)- Bangladesh (BD) Chapter (2018~). 2. Reviewer of IEEE BD section sponsored
IC4ME2-2017(RU, BD), ICAEE-2017 (IUB, BD), EICT-2017(KUET,
BD), ECCE-2017 (CUET, BD), icIVPR-2017 (Dhaka, BD), HTC-2017 (BUET,
BD) |
R1. Reviewer of 2017
4th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation, and Education
(ICEIRE 2017), SUST, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
Other member-based Activities:
5. Expert/External member of the Curriculum design committee of the ICT dept. of Chandpur Science and Technology University (CSTU), Chandpur, Bangladesh.
4. External member of Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) of Divisional Office, JANATA Bank Limited, Rajshahi, Since 2019
3. Member of the Curriculum design committee of the ICE dept. of RU-2020
2. Member of the Curriculum design committee of the ICE dept. of RU-2019
1. Member of the Syllabus design committee of the ICE dept. of RU-2018
Professional Membership:
6. Senior Member of IEEE Since 2024
5. IEEE Computer Society [2018]
4. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society [2018]
3. IEEE Member: Member # 93848050, Since 2018
2. IEEE Student member: Member # 93848085, Tokyo Section [ 2016 ]
1. Associate Member of Bangladesh Computer Society, Bangladesh.