
Department of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh

Geology & Mining

Education Summary  
M.Sc. and B.Sc. (Raj)

Research Interest  
Mining Methods, Empirical and Mathematical modelling, Geotechnical Engineering, Mine Hazards, Environmental Impacts due to mining
Level Institution Year
(M.Sc. (Thesis))
Rajshahi University 1999
(B.Sc (Hon's))
Rajshahi University 1998

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2019-12-05 to Geology & Mining ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2016-12-05 to 2019-12-04 Geology & Mining LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2013-08-01 to 2016-11-30 Esri South Asia, Singapore Customer Service Consultant-Bangladesh
2011-09-01 to 2013-07-31 Asia Energy Corporation (Bangladesh) Pty Ltd Senior Geotechnologist
2007-09-01 to 2011-08-31 Asia Energy Corporation (Bangladesh) Pty Ltd Geologist
2004-12-09 to 2007-08-31 Asia Energy Corporation (Bangladesh) Pty Ltd Assistant Geologist


1. Md. Abdul Malek, Mushfique Ahmed and Sohail Kabir "A profile function to predict surface subsidence for down-cut slicing panels into inclined coal seam of the Barapukuria coal mine, Bangladesh" Volume 1. Issue 2, Page 81-89

Published: September 2024
2. Md. Abdul Malek, Mushfique Ahmed, Sohail Kabir "Quantitative Analysis of the Subsidence Trough of the Barapukuria Coal Mine, Bangladesh" Volume 3, Issue 3, Page 41-48

Published: September 2024
3. Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, A.K.M Fayazul Kabir, M.A. Malek, B.M. Rabby Hossain, A.S.M. Woobaid Ullah "Ventilation shaft construction by conventional freezing method in Maddhapara Granite Mine, Bangladesh." IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE), ISSN 2278-1684 Volume 2, Issue 4 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP 07-13.

Published: September 2012
4. C. Quamruzzaman, M.A. Malek, C.S. Jahan, M. Ahmed, S.N. Dev and I.L. Mashkovtsev "Stress-Strain of Archean Granite Rock from Basement Complex and Deformation of stope, Maddhapara Hardrock Mine, Bangladesh." Mining, Petroleum and Geoecological Education in the 21st Century. Dept. of Mining Engineering, Moscow. Page 391-401

Published: July 2004
5. C. Quamruzzaman, M.A. Malek, C.S. Jahan, M. Ahmed, S.N. Dev and I.L. Mashkovtsev "Stress Analysis and Zone of Influence for stope excavation Maddhapara Hardrock Mine, Bangladesh." Mining, Petroleum and Geoecological Education in the 21st Century. Dept. of Mining Engineering, Moscow. Page 380-390

Published: July 2004
6. C. Quamruzzaman, M.A. Malek, C.S. Jahan, M. Ahmed, S.N. Dev and I.L. Mashkovtsev "Modification of stope design considering UCS-SF in Maddhapara Hardrock Mine, Bangladesh: An approach for its safety." The international Conference, Strategy of Development of the Mineral-Raw, Complex in XXI Century, Moscow. Page 95-96

Published: July 2004


1. A.M. Malek and H.A. Tanvir "Deep Mixing Method (DMM) in Protection of River Bank Erosion" National Seminar on Geosciences for Sustainable Development of Bangladesh, 50th Anniversary of GSB, P-84

Published: December 2021
2. Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, M.A. Malek, A.T.M. Hamidul Haque Pramanik "A potential Design of Belt Gate Entry in the Production Level of Proposed Khalaspir Coal Mine, Bangladesh" International Conference on Geosciences and Environment (ICGE), Abstract Book, Page 46

Published: October 2018
3. M.A. Malek "Pillar Strength of Maddhapara Hardrock Mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh" International Conference on Geosciences and Environment (ICGE), Abstract Book, Page 45

Published: July 2018
4. M. A. Malek "Risk analysis in excavation in mine design by NAMNAM in Maddhapara Hardrock Mine, Bangladesh." XII Geological Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh Geological Society, Bangladesh. Page 33

Published: October 2008


1. Md. Abdul Malek "Surface Subsidence and it impacts around Barapukuria coal mine, Bangladesh" Journal of Bangladesh Petroleum Institute, Volume 1, P-79

Published: June 2023


Geological Mapping and Surveying



GIS and Remote Sensing



Mine Systems and Transportation



Marine Geology



Marine Geology

Not Available
  • GMT_107 (Geological Mapping and Surveying)
  • GMT_301 (Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology)
    • 01_Introduction of Igneous Petrology
  • GMT_308 (Mining Methods and Systems)