- PAD-501: Organization Theories and Behavior
Book-1: Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior
Book-2: Organizational Development
Work-life conflict
Stress at Workplace
Cognition and Conflict
Book-3: Evidenced-Based Approach in Organization
Motivation in Organization
Leadership and Decision-Making
Organizational Conlict
Interpersonal Conflict
Job Satisfaction for Managing People
Handbook of Organization Theory
Management and Organization Theory
Organization Theory and Behavior
A Summary of Organizational Theories
Organizational Management
Understanding Organization
Overview of Classical Management Theories
Organization Development & Change
Organization and Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
Organization Theory in Perspectives
Organization Theory
Classical to Modern Organnization Theory
Management Theory
Theory ans Systemic Thinking
Classics in Public Policy and Administration
- PAD-223: Introduction to Development Studies
New Actors and Alliances in Development
Path to Development
WHO-EURO 2018 Public Health Challenges
Issues and Trends in Education
Development begins with Education
Education and Development
Environment and Development
Environment and Development in Bangladesh
Environment and Development
Environment and Sustainable Development Challenges
Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues
The Environment and Emerging Development Issues
Challenges to Development
Governance for Development
Governance for Development
Jeffrey D. Sachs Development Challenges
Gender and Development Commonwealth Report
Gender and Development World Bank Report
Gender and Development
Gender Equality for Development
A Primer on Health Impacts of Development Programs
Health & Development IMF Report
Health & Development TST issues brief
Health and Development A Circular Causality
The Role of Health in Development
Meaning of Development
Partnership for Sustainable rural-urban Partnership
Urbanisation and rural development in developing
Four Main Theories of Development
Theories of Development
Third Sector in Service Delivery
Development Projects, Displacement and Resettlement
Development-induced displacement and resettlement Theoretical Framework
Development-induced displacement and resettlement
FInal UNDP SES Displacement and Resettlement GN_Dec2016
The Brookings Institution-SAIS
bigdon_korf_handbook The Role of Development
Conflict and Development
dialogue5_sochange_Conflict Transformation
Development Ethics
Ethics and Development
Ethics and Development
Point of Development Ethics
- PPT [PAD-501] Class Lecture
nurulmomen@ru.ac.bd, nurulmomen78@gmail.com
Office Room# 343, Second Floor [South Block] Rabindranath Tagore Building, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh Tel: +8802 588864138 (Office); +8802 588866976 (Residence)
Public Administration
- Education Summary
- BSS and MSS in Public Administration (University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh), MPhil in Public Administration (University of Bergen, Norway), PhD in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability (Sant' Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy)
- Research Interest
- Public Policy Process and Electoral Process; Governance Structure and State Failure; Peace and Conflict Transformation; Rule of Law and Access to Justice
Level | Institution | Year |
Doctoral (Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability) |
Sant' Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy | 2013 |
Masters (Public Administration) |
University of Bergen, Norway | 2010 |
Masters (Public Administration) |
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh | 2000 |
Bachelor/Honors (Public Administration) |
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh | 1999 |
Higher Secondary (Humanities) |
Chuadanga Government College, Bangladesh | 1996 |
Secondary (Social Science) |
Munshiganj Academy, Chuadanga, Bangladesh | 1994 |
Experience in Rajshahi University
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2019-02-23 to | Public Administration | PROFESSOR |
2013-12-24 to 2019-02-22 | Public Administration | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR |
2005-12-31 to 2013-12-23 | Public Administration | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
2002-12-30 to 2005-12-30 | Public Administration | LECTURER |
Experience in other Organization/Institute
Duration | Organization/Institute | Position |
2024-09-23 to 2027-09-22 | Career Counselling & Development Centre (CCDC) | Director |
2022-06-01 to 2025-05-31 | Department of Public Administration, University of Rajshahi | Chairperson |
2014-07-01 to 2017-06-30 | Enhancing the Quality of Postgraduate Teaching and Research (EQPTR) project, University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh/The World Bank | Sub-Project Manager (SPM); CP-3565 |
2003-11-01 to 2006-10-31 | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall, University of Rajshahi | House Tutor |
1. |
Md. Nurul Momen, Jannatul Ferdous
"Governance in Bangladesh
Innovations in Delivery of Public Service"
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Published: April 2023
2. |
Md Nurul Momen, Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Sheng-Li and Basavaraj M. (Eds.)
"Building Sustainable Communities-Civil Society Response in South Asia"
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., published under the Imprint of Palgrave Macmillan
Published: December 2020
3. |
Momen, MN
"Public Procurement Reforms: Challenges of Implementation in Bangladesh"
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany [Non-peer reviewed]
Published: December 2011
Book Chapter
1. |
Md. Abu Shahen and Md. Nurul Momen
"Assessing the Nexus Between Irrigation Project and Crop Production: A Study on Teesta Barrage Irrigation Project (TBIP) in Bangladesh"
In: The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Policy and Law. Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Published: October 2024
2. |
Momen, M.N.
"Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh Core and Offshoots"
Handbook of Terrorist and Insurgent Groups. A Global Survey of Threats, Tactics, and Characteristics. Chapter 71 Taylor & Francis Group (Imprint: CRC Press)
Published: October 2024
3. |
Momen, M.N., Akhter, M.S., Begum, M.M.
"Health Sector Performance in Bangladesh: Challenges for Sustainable Development Goals"
In: Leal Filho, W., Ng, T.F., Iyer-Raniga, U., Ng, A., Sharifi, A. (eds) SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Springer, Cham.
Published: January 2024
4. |
Begum, MM. & Momen, MN,
"Legal Frameworks of Interstate Disaster Management"
In: Scott N. Romaniuk, Martin Scott Catino, C. Augustus Martin (eds), The Handbook of Homeland Security. Taylor & Francis Group (Imprint: CRC Press), Boca Raton, 1st Edition.
Published: July 2023
5. |
Momen, M.N.
"United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
In: Maggino, F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Cham.
Published: November 2022
6. |
Momen, MN. & Begum, MM.
"Small Island Development States (SIDS): Nexus of Environment and Sustainable Livelihood"
In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Partnerships for the Goals. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
Published: October 2021
7. |
Momem M.N.
"The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Implications for Regional Security"
In: Oswald Spring Ú., Brauch H.G. (eds) Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science, vol 30. Springer, Cham
Published: January 2021
8. |
Momen M.N.
"Regulatory Governance and Its Significance in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals"
In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.
Published: January 2021
9. |
Rajendra Baikady, Md. Nurul Momen, and Cheng Sheng-Li
"Changing South Asian Society and Developmental Challenges"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Part-I (Front Matter), Pages 15-28
Published: December 2020
10. |
Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng-Li C., Basavaraj M.
"Introduction: Civil Society in the Era of Globalization—Emerging Concerns as a Social Welfare Provider"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore
Published: December 2020
11. |
Rajendra Baikady, Md. Nurul Momen, and Cheng Sheng-Li
"The State Civil Society Organization and Social Welfare"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Part II (Front Matter), Pages 87-97
Published: December 2020
12. |
Rajendra Baikady, Md Nurul Momen, and Cheng Sheng-Li
"Civil Society Initiatives for Women Welfare"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Part III (Front Matter), Pages 211-222
Published: December 2020
13. |
Md. Nurul Momen, Rajendra Baikady, and Cheng Sheng-Li
"Building Sustainable Communities: Civil Society Response"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Part IV (Front Matter), Pages 315-326
Published: December 2020
14. |
Rajendra Baikady, Md Nurul Momen,and Cheng Sheng-Li
"Contemporary South Asian Civil Society: Issues, Challenges and Concerns"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Part V (Front Matter), Pages 453-463
Published: December 2020
15. |
Md. Nurul Momen, Rajendra Baikady, and Cheng Sheng-Li
"Child Welfare in South Asia"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Part VI (Front Matter), Pages 571-583
Published: December 2020
16. |
Rajendra Baikady, Md Nurul Momen, and Cheng Sheng-Li
"Towards Achieving 2030 Agenda: Issues, Challenges and Concerns"
,In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Part VII (Front Matter), Pages 657-671
Published: December 2020
17. |
Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng-Li C., Basavaraj M.
"Conclusion: The Modern Welfare States–Civil Society Organization and the Welfare Challenges—Global and Local Debates"
In: Momen M.N., Baikady R., Sheng Li C., Basavaraj M. (eds) Building Sustainable Communities. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore
Published: December 2020
18. |
Begum M.M., & Momen M.N.
"Global Climate Change and Its Response"
In: Maggino F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Cham.
Published: December 2020
19. |
Momen, MN. & Markony, G.A.U.Z.
"Election Violence"
In Romaniuk S., Thapa M., Marton P (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Published: November 2020
20. |
Momen, MN
"Freedom of expression in the Digital Age: Internet Censorship"
In Romaniuk S., Thapa M., Marton P (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Published: May 2020
21. |
Momen, MN
"Threats to Free Expression in the Digital Age"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham
Published: May 2020
22. |
Momen, MN. & Hossain, E.
"Examining the Contemporary Conflict Regions in the World"
In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandil L., Ozuyar P., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
Published: April 2020
23. |
Momen, MN
"Child Labor: History, Process, and Consequences"
In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandil L., Ozuyar P., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
Published: April 2020
24. |
Begum, MM. & Momen, MN
In Romaniuk S., Thapa M., Marton P (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Published: February 2020
25. |
Momen, MN.
"Multi-stakeholder Partnerships in Public Policy"
In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Partnerships for the Goals. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
Published: November 2019
26. |
Momen, MN. & Begum, MM.
"Sustainability and Governance"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham
Published: October 2019
27. |
Momen, MN. & Kaiser, Abdullah ZRM.
"Budgeting and Finance"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, Cham
Published: September 2019
28. |
Momen, MN. & Markony, Gazi AUZ.
"Military Coups and Administrative Elites"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham
Published: September 2019
29. |
Begum, MM. & Momen, MN.
"Coordination and Effective Governance"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham
Published: August 2019
30. |
Momen, MN.
"Laws for Older Adults"
In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham
Published: July 2019
31. |
Momen, MN.
"Governance and Regulations"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham
Published: July 2019
32. |
Begum, MM. & Momen, MN.
"Tax Policies and Older Adults"
In Gu D., Dupre M. (Eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham
Published: June 2019
33. |
Begum, MM. & Momen, MN.
"Emergency Governance in Bangladesh"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, the USA: Springer
Published: March 2019
34. |
Momen, MN.
"The Process of Disaster Management: Practices from Hazard Affected Countries"
In Huong Ha, Lalitha S. Fernando and Sanjeev Kumar Mahajan (Ed.) Disaster Risk Management: Case Studies in South Asian Countries, Business Expert Press (BEP), New York, USA.
Published: January 2019
35. |
Begum, MM. & Momen, MN.
"Coordination Does Matter for Disaster Management in Bangladesh"
In Bupinder Zutshi, Akbaruddin Ahmad, Ananda Babu Srungarapati (Ed.) Disaster Risk Reduction: Community Resilience and Responses, Palgrave Macmillan, (Springer Nature), Singapore Pte Ltd.
Published: January 2019
36. |
Momen, MN.
"Governance and Citizenship"
In Farazmand A. (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, the USA: Springer
Published: May 2018
37. |
Begum, MM. & Momen, MN
"Revisiting the Controls over Civil Society Organizations in Asia"
A Better World, Actions and Commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals, Vol. 2, pp.56-57 (Tudor Rose in Partnership with the United Nations)
Published: April 2017
38. |
Momen, MN.
"Backlog of Cases: Rule of Law Assessment in Bangladesh"
In Aka Firowz Ahmad, et al., (Eds.), Politics, Human Rights & Conflicts, Osder Publications, Printed in Bangladesh
Published: December 2016
39. |
Momen, MN.
"Influence of Political Parties in the Judicial Process in Bangladesh"
In Sharif As-Saber, et al., (Eds.), Innovation in Governance: Lessons from a Transition Economy, Osder Publications, Printed in Bangladesh
Published: June 2016
40. |
Momen, MN. & Begum, MM.
"Implication of Capability Approach on the Girls Education: Theory and Reality"
In Deepa Awasthi (Ed.), Girl Education in India: Still Miles to Cover, Vol. ii (Sub Title - Girl Education: Challenges, Strategies and Initiatives), Kalpaz Publications, India
Published: January 2015
1. |
Shahen, M.A. Momen, M.N.
"Irrigation Project and Education: A Study on Teesta Barrage Irrigation Project Area of Nilphamari, Bangladesh"
World Water Policy [John Wiley & Sons]
Published: February 2025
2. |
Sayeed Akhter, Tanzima Zohra Habib, Rabiul Islam, Md. Nurul Momen
"Women’s agency and social structure: does microcredit contribute to surmount the challenges faced by women borrowers?"
SN Social Sciences [Springer], 4, 128 (2024)
Published: July 2024
3. |
Momen, Md Nurul, and Md Abu, Shahen.
"Dalits and their territorial rights in India"
World Affairs [Wiley] 1–5
Published: February 2024
4. |
Momen, M.N., & Rahman, M. M.
"The impoverishment of political discourse and legal rights in transboundary Teesta water management"
World Water Policy [Wiley], 9( 1), 11– 28
Published: January 2023
5. |
Momen, M.N., S., H. and Das, D.
"Mediated democracy and internet shutdown in India"
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (Emerald Publishing Limited), Vol 19(2): 222-235
Published: December 2020
6. |
Md. Sayeed Akhter, Mohammad Habibul Islam & Md. Nurul Momen
"Problematic Internet Use among university students of Bangladesh: The predictive role of age, gender, and loneliness"
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 30(8): 1082-1093
Published: October 2020
7. |
Momen, MN
"Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh: analysis of organizational design and activities"
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 13(3): 245-257
Published: September 2020
8. |
Momen, MN
"Myth and Reality of Freedom of Expression on the Internet"
International Journal of Public Administration (Taylor & Francis). Vol. 43 (3): 277-281
Published: January 2020
9. |
Momen, MN
"Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization for Bangladesh"
Asian Profile, Vol. 45 (2): 97-108
Published: May 2017
10. |
Momen, MN
"Toward Fairer Judicial System in Nepal"
Asian Profile, Vol. 43 (2): 141-150
Published: May 2015
11. |
Momen, MN
"Role of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Free and Fair Elections: Experience from Bangladesh"
Dynamics of Public Administration, Vol. 31 (1): 18-29
Published: July 2014
12. |
Momen, MN
"Access to Justice: Assumptions and Reality Checks in Bangladesh"
International Journal of Public Law and Policy (Inderscience Publishers), Vol. 4 (2): 161-168
Published: July 2014
13. |
Momen, N. & Begum, M
"The Political Challenges for Free and Fair Elections in Bangladesh"
The IIS University-Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.3 (1): 52-63
Published: January 2014
14. |
Momen, MN
"Bangladesh’s Regulatory Framework for Election Standards: Highlighting and Addressing its Weaknesses"
Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 12 (24): 131-144.
Published: January 2014
15. |
Momen, MN
"Influence of Political Parties in Elections: Evidence from Nepal"
Cross-Cultural Communication, Vol. 9 (5): 105-111
Published: October 2013
16. |
Momen, MN
"Influence of Political Parties on the Judicial Process in Nepal"
Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia, Vol. 49 (1): 150-152.
Published: January 2013
17. |
Momen, MN
"Regulatory Problems in Elections in Nepal"
South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, Vol. XII (1): 5-8.
Published: December 2012
18. |
Momen, MN. Hossain, MD. & Begum, MM
"Human Development in Bangladesh: Performance, Prospects and Challenges"
New Global Development: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, Vol. 21(1): 18-25, (Taylor & Francis)
Published: July 2005
1. |
Momen, M.N
"Fighting for Survival: A Qualitative Study on the Dalit Population in Bangladesh"
in the International Conference on Sustainable Development in South Asia, Where do we Stand, held on 25-27 October 2024 at Six Seasons Hotel, Dhaka, organized by DIU, SANPA and IOM, Bangladesh
Published: October 2024
2. |
Momen, MN
"Rohingya Refugee Crisis: A Threat to Peace and Security"
in the 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development (ICPAD), organized by Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published: March 2020
3. |
Akhter, MS. Islam, MH. & Momen, MN.
"Problematic Internet Use among University Students of Bangladesh: The Predictive Role of Age, Gender and Loneliness"
in the International conference on Prospects and Challenges of Sustainable Development in Developing Countries, organized by the Faculty of Social Science in the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: July 2019
4. |
Momen, MN
"Climate Finance Governance in Bangladesh"
in the International conference on Disaster Risk Management, held in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh, organized by the BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS)
Published: January 2019
5. |
Momen, MN
"Rohingya Refugee Crisis: A Threat to International Peace and Security"
in the International Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Global Peace, held in Ahmedabad Management Association, India, organized by the International Peace Research Association (IPRA)
Published: December 2018
6. |
Momen, MN
"Challenges in Climate Finance Governance in Bangladesh"
in the International Conference on Governance for Sustainable Development (ICGSD), held at Taj Samudra Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka, organized by the Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG)
Published: October 2018
7. |
Momen, MN
"Disaster Management: A View from Good Practices from Affected Countries"
3rd World Congress on Disaster Management (3rd WCDM) held at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, in collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
Published: November 2017
8. |
Momen, MN
"Regulatory Framework of Civil Society Organizations in Bangladesh"
Lien International Conference on Good Governance, held in Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore, jointly organized by Nanyang Technological University (NTU),American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)&International Institute of Administrative Sciences(IIAS)
Published: October 2017
9. |
Momen, MN
"Good Governance through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Bangladesh"
paper presented in the 5th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD 2017), at Faculty of Political Science (Prachan Campus), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Published: June 2017
10. |
Momen, MN
"Laws alone are enough in curbing Corruption in Bangladesh"
in the GAIN 2016 International Conference on Development, Governance & Transformation, at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, Bangladesh, organized by Center for Administrative Research and Innovation, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: December 2016
11. |
Momen, MN
"Corruption in Disaster Management Efforts in Bangladesh"
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability, held at Rajshahi, organized by the Institute of Environmental Science of University of Rajshahi, in collaboration with HEQEP, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh
Published: September 2016
12. |
Momen, MN
"Backlog of Cases in Bangladesh (CS01.09: Corruption in Judicial Systems and Inequality"
paper presented in the 24th World Congress of Political Science on ‘Politics in a World of Inequality’, which was held in Poznan Congress Centre, Poland, organized by the International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Published: July 2016
13. |
Momen, MN
"Are Three Million Martyr a Myth in Bangladesh?"
in the international conference on ‘Mass Violence and Memory’, held at O.P. Jindal Global University, India, organized by Middle East Institute and Society for Social Regeneration and Equity, in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Published: May 2016
14. |
Momen, MN & Shaheen, A.
"Globalization and Its Impact on Bangladesh Culture"
paper presented in the international conference for ‘The Contemporary Trend of Folklore Study’, which was held in Senate Building in University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, organized by Department of Folklore, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Published: April 2016
15. |
Momen, MN
"Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Good Governance in Bangladesh"
in the First International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development’ held at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh, organized by SUST Research Centre, Bangladesh
Published: April 2016
16. |
Momen, MN
"Globalization and its Challenges for Bangladesh"
in the International Seminar on ‘Governance, Development and the Sate in Contemporary Times’, at Tezpur University, organized by Department of Sociology, Tezpur University, India in collaboration with UNICEF, Guwahati and MACRONEI-MAKAIAS, Kolkata
Published: March 2016
17. |
Momen, MN
"Backlog of Cases: Rule of Law Assessment in Bangladesh"
paper presented in the GAIN 2015 International Conference on Governance & Innovation, at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, Bangladesh, organized by Center for Administrative Research and Innovation, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: December 2015
18. |
Momen, MN
"Political Challenges for Credible Parliamentary Elections in Bangladesh"
in the Asia Pacific Peace Research Association (APPRA) International conference ‘Pathways towards Just Peace: Reinventing Security, Justice and Democracy in Asia-Pacific’, at Chetanalaya Institute of Humanity and Spirituality, Kathmandu, Nepal
Published: October 2015
19. |
Momen, MN
"Role of Civil Society in Access to Justice Promotion in Bangladesh"
paper presented in the 9th ISTR Asia Pacific Regional conference on “Exploring Frontiers of Civil Society, Social Capital and Social Enterprises”, at Nihon University in Tokyo, Japan, organized by International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)
Published: August 2015
20. |
Momen, MN
"Political Motivation in the Judicial Process in Bangladesh"
in the 2nd International Conference and Doctoral Colloquium on ‘Transformative Social Science Research: Disciplines, Collaborations and Think Tanks’, at Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE),Hyderabad, organized by University Grants Commission (UGC), India
Published: March 2015
21. |
Momen, MN
"Influence of Political Parties in the Judicial Process in Bangladesh"
in the conference on GAIN 2014 International Conference on ‘Governance & Innovation’, at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, organized by Center for Administrative Research and Innovation, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Published: December 2014
22. |
Momen, MN
"The Impact of Globalization in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects"
in the conference on ‘Identity in the globalized world: Dimensions, Transformations and Challenges’, Organized by Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Published: August 2014
Seminar / Symposium / workshop attended
1. |
Momen, MN
"Sampling Methodologies for Monitoring SDG Indicators"
at the Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka (Bangladesh), sponsored by the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
Published: December 2019
2. |
Momen, MN
"International workshop on ‘Climate, Groundwater and Agricultural Production: Barind Area, North-West Bangladesh"
at Deans’ Complex, the University of Rajshahi, organized by University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh), University of Dhaka (Bangladesh) and University College London (UK).
Published: November 2016
3. |
Momen, MN
"Awareness Building on Self-Assessment Process"
organized by the Department of Public Administration and Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at the University of Rajshahi, and supported by the World Bank and the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh
Published: September 2016
4. |
Momen, MN
"International Anti-Corruption Summer Academy (IACA) training Program on ‘Practice Meets Science’"
at Laxenburg in Austria, Organized by the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA). The IACA was initiated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), and the Republic of Austria.
Published: July 2016
5. |
Momen, MN
"One day-long training on ‘Project Management Information System (PMIS)’"
held in the Department of Statistics at the University of Rajshahi, organized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), and supported by the World Bank and the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh.
Published: November 2015
6. |
Momen. MN
"One day long a National Workshop on ‘Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project Achievements 2015'"
at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC) in Dhaka (Bangladesh), organized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), and supported by the World Bank and the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh.
Published: November 2015
7. |
Momen, MN
"Project Management Information System (PMIS)"
held in the Department of Statistics at the University of Rajshahi, organized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), and supported by the World Bank and the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh
Published: November 2015
8. |
Momen, MN
"4-Day Training Course on ‘Public Procurement Management and Electronic Government Procurement’"
at Engineering Staff College (ESCB), Gozaria (Munshiganj), jointly organized by Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) and Engineering Staff College (ESCB), Bangladesh.
Published: November 2014
9. |
Momen, MN
"‘United States (US) Media Hub Training Session’"
in Brussels (Belgium), in partnership with London based Institute for Strategic Dialogue, UK.
Published: May 2011
10. |
Momen, MN
"International Workshop in Brussels (Belgium) on “Seizure and Social Reuse: an Answer to the Power of the Transnational Organized Crime”"
at the European Parliament, which was organized by the Flare Network and in partnership with Transparency International.
Published: December 2010
11. |
Momen, MN
"International Training Course in Istanbul (Turkey) on “Experiential Training Actions on Social Inclusion”"
organized by DEM, Turkey and funded by the European Union (EU).
Published: November 2010
12. |
Momen, MN
"Two-day Training Workshop on ‘Research Methodology’"
at Deans’ Complex, University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh) which was managed by the Department of Sociology of the University of Rajshahi and funded by Department for International Development (DFID) and British Council.
Published: March 2003
PAD-501: Organization Theories and BehaviorPostgraduate Program
PAD 223: Introduction to Development StudiesUndergraduate Program
Organization Theory and
Public Policy and
Social Policy;
Comparative Politics and
Participation in Summer School & Short
Course (Virtual)
8 August-23 August
2010: Summer School on “Risk
and Security in the Global World”, at Bucharest University of Economics (ASE),
Bucharest in Romania. Result/Credit: 5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and
Accumulation System).
March-June 2008: Foundation and Advanced Certificate Course
(Virtual) on “Internet Governance Capacity Building Program”, Organized by the
University of Malta in Malta.
Research Period in Abroad (November 2011- January 2012)
Visited as a Ph.D. Fellow to the Centre for Ethnic Minority
Studies in the School of Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies
(SOAS) at the University of London, UK. (With Prof. Werner F. Menski).
Administrative Experiences
1. Worked as House
Tutor in a residential hall (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall) for three
years (from November 2003 to November 2006) at the University of Rajshahi,
2. Discharged
Responsibilities as a General Secretary, Bergen Students Union of Bangladesh (BSUB),
Norway from January 2009 to January 2010.
Served as Session Chair and Discussant in the International Conferences
& Seminar
As one of the panelists in the sub-theme on ‘Public Administration
Teaching and Research in a Complex World: Navigating the Emerging Perspectives’
in the International Conference on Sustainable Development in South Asia, Where
do we Stand, held on 25-27 October 2024 at Six Seasons Hotel, Dhaka, organized
by DIU, SANPA and IOM, Bangladesh.
As one of the panelists on five papers in the sub-theme
on ‘Agenda 2030 and the Role of the Civil Service’ in the 7th International
Conference on Public Administration and Development (ICPAD), held on 05-08
February 2020, organized by Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre
(BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.\
As designated discussant on five papers in the session
on ‘Poverty, Inequality and Development’ in the International
Conference on Prospects and Challenges of Sustainable Development in Developing
Countries, held on 19-20 July 2019, organized by the Faculty of Social Science
in the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
As a Session Chair in the panel “Clean Water, Sustainable
Energy and Conservation of Environment for Healthy Lives”, in the
International Conference on Governance for Sustainable Development (ICGSD) held
at Taj Samudra Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 6 to 7 October 2018, organized
by the Department of Public Administration of the University of Sri
Jayewardenpura, Ministry of Agriculture-Western Province of Sri
Lanka, in collaboration with Network of Asia Pacific Schools
and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG). [Partially
As designated discussant on four papers in the session
on ‘Health, Medicine, and Community Health Care Management’ in
the GAIN 2016 International Conference on Development, Governance &
Transformation, held on 27-28 December 2016 at Bangladesh Academy for
Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, Bangladesh, organized by Center for
Administrative Research and Innovation, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in
collaboration with Governance and Administration Innovation Network (GAIN)
International, Network for Integrative Research (netinsearch), Public
Administration and Governance Research Network (PAGRN).
As a main discussant in the panel (CS01.69: Voting and Inequality)
in the 24th World Congress of Political Science on ‘Politics in a World of
Inequality’, which was held in Poznan Congress Centre, Poland on 23-28
July 2016, organized by the International Political Science Association (IPSA).
[Received travel grants]
As a Session Chair in the panel “Democracy and the Role of
Media”, in the International Seminar on Governance, Development
and the State in Contemporary Times, held on 09-12 March 2016 at Tezpur
University, organized by the Department of Sociology, Tezpur University, India
in collaboration with UNICEF, Guwahati and MACRONEI-MAKAIAS, Kolkata.
[Received travel, accommodation and food grants]
As designated discussant on four papers in the session
on ‘Dimensions of Governance’ in the GAIN 2015
International Conference on Governance & Innovation, held on 19-20
December 2015 at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla,
Bangladesh, organized by Center for Administrative Research and
Innovation, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in collaboration with Governance
and Administration Innovation Network (GAIN) International, Network for
Integrative Research (netinsearch), Public Administration and Governance
Research Network (PAGRN).
Invited Lecture/Expert Member/ Keynote Speech
1. (2023). Contributed
as a speaker in the keynote session at the international conference on
Restructuring, Revamping and Rebuilding the Independent India: Reforms in
Agriculture, Administrative, Economic and Entrepreneurial Sectors, held
in Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
on 16 August 2023.
2. (2023).
Attended as an expert member in the 33rd “Annual Planning
Conference (APC)”, held in Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogura,
Bangladesh on 27-28 July 2023.
3. (2017).
“Economic and Political Challenges in South Asia”. The lecture was given to the
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Students of the School of International Relations
and Public Affairs in Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), held in
Shanghai (China) on 12 April 2017.
4. (2016).
“Politics and Administration: Bangladesh Perspectives”. The lecture was given
to 57th Special Foundation Training Course Participants
(Bangladesh Civil Service Health Cadre), held in Rural Development Academy
(RDA), Bogura, Bangladesh on 21 December 2016.
Experience in International
1. Organized (as an organizational
secretary/member) in the International Conference on Prospects and Challenges
of Sustainable Development in Developing Countries, held on 19-20 July 2019,
organized by the Faculty of Social Science in the University of Rajshahi,
2. Organized (as a
Coordinator) a national workshop on Curriculum Development, held on 13-15 May
2017, organized by the Department of Public Administration with the cooperation
of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh under the financial
assistance of the World Bank.
3. Organized
(as a Coordinator) an International Conference on Governance and Development:
Asian Perspective, held on 28-29 January 2017, organized by the Department of
Public Administration with the cooperation of the University Grants Commission
of Bangladesh under the financial assistance of the World Bank.
4. Led the program
design and implementation of a Certificate Course on ‘Research Methodology and
Data Analytics for Social Science Research’ on 29-31 August 2016, organized by
the Department of Public Administration with the cooperation of the University
Grants Commission of Bangladesh under the financial assistance of the World
Bank. The participant includes faculties involved in social science.
5. Organized
a National Seminar on ‘Leading Issues in Contemporary Governance in Bangladesh’
on 22-23 February 2016, organized by the Department of Public Administration
with cooperation of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh under the
financial assistance of the World Bank. The participant includes faculties
involved in social science of the University of Rajshahi.
6. Initiated
the program design and implementation of a Certificate Course on ‘Quantitative
Social Science Research’ on 05-07 October 2015, organized by the Department of
Public Administration with the cooperation of the University Grants Commission
of Bangladesh under the financial assistance of the World Bank. The participant
includes faculties involved in social science.
7. Collaborated
on the program design and implementation of a Certificate Course on
‘Qualitative Social Science Research’ on 9-11 August 2015, organized by the
Department of Public Administration with the cooperation of the University
Grants Commission of Bangladesh under the financial assistance of the World
Bank. The participant includes faculties involved in social science.
8. Supervised and
managed a Three Days long ‘Workshop on Pedagogy’ from 12-14 May 2015, organized
by the Department of Public Administration, University of Rajshahi
(Bangladesh), Managed by the University Grants Commission and funded by the
World Bank through HEQEP project.
Research Grants
Implemented a research
project as a Sub-Project Manager (SPM) titled ‘Enhancing the Quality of
Postgraduate Teaching and Research (EQPTR)’ organized by the Ministry of
Education of Bangladesh, managed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of
Bangladesh, and funded by the IDA-World Bank. Duration: 1 July 2014- 30 June
Membership in Professional Bodies
1. Associate
Member, New Zealand South Asia Centre (NZSAC), University of Canterbury, New
2. Member,
Departmental Academic Committee; Academic Syllabus Review Committee; and
various Examination Committees; Department of Public Administration,
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
3. Examiner and
Moderator for postgraduate and undergraduate examinations for a number of major
universities in Bangladesh, including Universities of Chittagong, Dhaka,
Jahangirnagar, Cumilla, Kobi Nazrul (Mymensingh) and Shahjalal.
4. Member,
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) (January-December 2016).
5. Member,
International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2016-2017).
6. Departmental
Representative for the Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi,
Bangladesh (2016 to 2017), and now representative from Professor Category.
7. Member,
Centre for Governance and Development Studies (CGDS), University of Rajshahi,
Bangladesh (2016 to till date).
8. Member,
International Anti-Corruption Academy’s (IACA’s) Alumni network of
Anti-Corruption and Compliance Professionals, Laxenburg, Austria.
9. Member, Network
of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance
(NAPSIPAG). (From 2017 to till date)
10. Member, Midwest
Political Science Association (MPSA) (2017 to till date) [Through
Developing Nations Scholarship]. Member ID: 127755
11. Member,
International Peace Research Association (IPRA) (2018 to till date)
12. Member,
Regional Science Association International (RSAI) (2019 to till date)
13. Member,
Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA). (2019 to till date)
14. Member,
Curriculum Development Review (CDR), Department of Public Administration,
University of Rajshahi (2017 to 2021)
15. Founding
Member, South Asian Network for Public Administration [SANPA] (2020 to till
16. Member,
Institutional Review Board (IRB), Faculty of Social Science, University of
Rajshahi (2020 to till date)
17. Member,
Center for Development Research and Interventions (CDRI), The Royal Academy of
Engineering, Sri Lanka (2021 to till date)
18. Member, Public
Administration and Governance Research Network (PAGoRNet), Dhaka, Bangladesh
(2021 to till date)
19. Member, Law
and Development Research Network (LDRN), University of Antwerp, Belgium (2022
to till date)
20. General
Secretary, Rajshahi University Public Administration Alumni Association
(RUPAAA) (June 2022 to till date)
Management and Editorial Services
1. Associate
Editor, Social Science Journal, Published by Faculty of Social Science,
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (from 2019 to 2022)
2. Managing Editor,
Asian Journal of Development and Governance (AJDG), Published by Department of
Public Administration, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (from 2015 to 2017)
3. Regular Reviewer
in many Journals.
Advisory Board Member
Handbook of Research on
Politics in the Computer Age, Published in the United States of America by IGI
Global DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0377-5
Supervision (as principal supervisor): 03
1. Salma Mobarek
“Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Community Development: A Study on the
Union Parishads in Bangladesh” Session 2018-19, Institute of Bangladesh Studies
(IBS), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (PhD Awarded in 2022).
2. Abu Shaheen
“Socio-Economic Conditions of the Farmers in Lalmonirhat District: A Case
Study on the Impact of Teesta Barrage Irrigation Project” Session
2014-2015, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (Mphil Awarded in 2018)
3. Laila Ferdoushi
“Human Rights Violations in Bangladesh: Causes and Consequences” Session
2014-2015, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (Mphil-ongoing)
Member of MPhil/PhD Dissertation Examination/Panel: 08
Norway, Italy, UK, Spain, France, Belgium, Vatican, Turkey, Romania, Switzerland, Hungary, Germany, India, Nepal, Poland, Austria, China, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand