
Dept. of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi

Geology & Mining

Education Summary  
MSc and PhD (Raj & Tokushima), Post-Doc(CNU,South Korea), Visiting Professor and researcher (USM,Malaysia)

Research Interest  
Mining and Geomechanics, Geotechnical Engg., Earthquakes and Landslide Hazards
Level Institution Year
(Doctor of Philosophy)
Rajshahi University- partly at Tokushima University) 2005
(Master of Science-Thesis)
Rajshahi University 1987
Rajshahi University 1986
Higher Secondary
Rajshahi Education Board 1983
Rajshahi Education Board 1981

Experience in Rajshahi University

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2011-05-08 to Geology & Mining PROFESSOR
2005-09-05 to 2011-05-07 Geology & Mining ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
1996-11-11 to 2005-09-04 Geology & Mining ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
1993-11-11 to 1996-11-10 Geology & Mining LECTURER

Experience in other Organization/Institute

Duration Organization/Institute Position
2011-01-01 to 2011-03-30 University of Tokushima, Japan Visiting Fellow
2009-09-29 to 2010-09-28 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia Visiting Scientist
2006-03-01 to 2007-02-28 Dept. of Geology, Chungnam National University, South Korea Postdoctoral Fellow (KOSEF)

Book Chapter

1. Khan, Y. A. and Lateh, H. "Plant Root Reinforcement Against Local Failure Mechanism of Natural Slope." Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2, 1275-1280, Springer

Published: January 2015
2. Yamagami, T., Jing, J-C, Yamabe, S. and Khan, Y. A. "A promising approach for progressive failure analysis of reinforced slopes." Slope Engineering (IS-Shikoku '99, Japan), Yagi, N. et. al. eds., Rotterdam, Balkema, vol.2, pp1043-1048.

Published: January 1999
3. Yamagami, T., Khan, Y. A. and Jing, J-C. "Progressive failure analysis based on a method of non-vertical slices." Proc. of Inter. Symp. on Slope Stability Engineering: Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Aspects (IS-Shikoku '99, Japan), Yagi, N. et al. eds., Rotterdam, Balkema,vol.1, pp299-304.

Published: January 1999


1. Islam, M. S., Hussain,M. A.,Khan, Y. A., Chowdhury,M. A. I. and Haque, M. B. "Slope Stability Problem in the Chittagong City, Bangladesh." J. Geotechnical Engineering (, Vol. 1, no.3, 13-25. 2015

Published: January 2015
2. Baten, M. A. and Kamil. A. A., Lateh, H. and Khan, Y. A. "Inventory-production control systems with Gumbel distributed deterioration ." Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat. vol. 34, no. 4, pp30-51

Published: January 2013
3. Lateh, H. Tay, L. T., Khan, Y. A., Kamil, A. A. and Azizat, N. "Prediction of landslide using rainfall-intensity duration threshold along East-West highway, Malaysia" Caspian J. Appl. Sci. Research (AICCE'12 & GIZ'12), 2, pp124-133.

Published: January 2013
4. Khan, Y. A., Lateh, H., Baten, M. A. and Kamil. A. A. "Critical antecedent rainfall conditions for shallow landslides in Chittagong City of Bangladesh." Env. Earth Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1483-0

Published: January 2011
5. Khan, Y. A. and Lateh, H. "Failure Mechanism of a Shallow Landslide at Tun-Sardon Road Cut Section of Penang Island, Malaysia." Geotech. Geol. Engg. vol. 29, no.6, pp.1063-1072. DOI 10.1007/s10706-011-9437-6.

Published: January 2011
6. Lateh, H., Bakar, M. A., Khan, Y. A. and Abustan, I. "Influence of tensile force of agave and tea plants roots on experimental prototype slopes." International Journal of Physical Sciences, vol. 6(18), pp. 4435-4440.

Published: January 2011
7. Lateh,H., Jefriza.,Muhiyuddin, W. M., Taib, B. and Khan, Y. A. "Monitoring of hill-slope movement due to Rainfall at Gunung Pass of Cameron Highland District of Peninsular Malaysia." Int. J. of Earth Sciences and Engineering. vol.03,no.1

Published: January 2010
8. Mondol, M. A. M., Khan, Y. A. and Quamruzzaman, C. "Stability evaluation of the left bank protection embankment of the Ganges river at Shibgonj Upazila, Chapai Nawabgonj, Bangladesh." Indian Jour. Of Power and River Valley Development. vol. 59, no.5-6, pp.76-81.

Published: January 2009
9. Khan, Y. A. and Chang, C. "Landslide hazard mapping of Chittagong City Area, Bangladesh." Jour. of Engineering Geology, Indian Society of Engg. Geol. vol. xxxv, no.1-4, pp.303-311.

Published: January 2008
10. Khan, Y. A. "Safety evaluations of Rajshahi City Protection Embankment at several locations, Rajshahi, Bangladesh." Jour. of Engineering Geology, Indian Society of Engg. Geol. vol. xxxv, no.1-4, pp.371-377.

Published: January 2008
11. Khan, Y. A., "Deformation Modulus and Strength Parameters of Rock Mass of Madhyapara Granite Mine of Bangladesh using Geological Strength Index." Bangladesh Geoscience J., vol.12, pp. 47-58

Published: January 2006
12. Islam, M. S., Khan, Y. A. Chowdhury, Q. and Ahmed, M. "Wedge instability calculation along the roadway tunnel inside Madhyapara hard rock mine in Bangladesh." Intl. J. Engg. Tech. vol.3, no. 1, pp 44-52

Published: January 2006
13. Khan, Y. A. and Khatun, A. "Properties of Rock Mass around Roadway Tunnel in Madhyapara Granite Mine of Dinajpur, Bangladesh." Rajshahi Univ. Studies, part-B: J. of Science. vol. 33, pp. 173-183

Published: January 2005
14. Khan, Y. A., Yamagami, T. and Jing, J-C. "Progressive failure analysis of slopes using non-vertical slices," Landslides- J. Japanese Landslides Society, vol.39. no.2, pp203-211.

Published: January 2002
15. Khan, Y. A., Yamagami, T. and Jing, J-C. "Stability Evaluation of Rajshahi City Protection Embankment at Khojapur Area, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.," Tech. J. River Res. Inst. vol.9, no.1, pp57-64.

Published: January 2002
16. Rahman, M. H. and Khan, Y. A. "Landslides and Stability of Coastal Cliffs of Cox's Bazaar Area, Bangladesh." Natural Hazards, Kluwer Academic Publishers. vol.12, pp101-118.

Published: January 1995


1. Lateh, H., Avani, N. & Khan, Y.A. "Developing an improved simple perpendicular model for tropical tree roots reinforcement in Malaysia." Symposium on Innovation and Creativity (iMIT-SIC) 2, 166-172.

Published: January 2017
2. Khan, Y. A. and Chang, C. "Landslide potentialities in low hills in Chittagong, Bangladesh." Proceedings of the Korean Society of Engineering Geology Conference, April 27-28, 2006, Daejeon, South Korea, pp79-88.

Published: April 2006
3. Monir, M. M. U. and Khan, Y. A. "Seasonal Potential Seepage Analysis of Rajshahi City Protection Embankment, Rajshahi, Bangladesh." Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation October 18 – 21, 2004, Yichang, China, vol.II, pp1659-1665.

Published: October 2004
4. Islam, D. A. and Khan, Y. A. "Seasonal Deterioration of Rajshahi-Natore Highway and its Remedial Measures." Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development. Saarela, J. et al. eds., Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, June 8-10, 2004, pp.482-486.

Published: June 2004
5. Khan, Y.A. "Application of Secant Method in slope stability analysis using slices within limit equilibrium procedure." Proc. of Inter. Conf. on Slope Engineering, Lee, C. F. et al. eds., Hong Kong. vol.1, pp 580-585.

Published: January 2003

GMT-206: Geomechanics

1. Basic knowledge about mechanical properties of rocks, Hooke’s law, Modulus of elasticity, forces and components of stresses in different dimensions, 2. Constructing Mohr diagram, Application of stresses and the


GMT-207: Excavation and Mining Methods

1. Excavation principles, drilling-blasting, solutions to the required equations for different solid rock materials 2. Induced stresses, deformations in and around surface and u


GMT-407: Mine Design and Application

1. Design detailed mine planning including economic and conceptual models and preparing mine project report 2. Rock slope analysis in terms of factor of safety. Rock slope failure mechanisms for static


GMT-408: Geotechnical Engineering

Explore sites collecting disturbed and undisturbed soil Define Index Properties of Soil-Water Content, Specific Gravity, Grain Size Distribution, Consistency of Soil Estimate Liquid Limit, Plastic Lim


GMT-513: Geo-hazards and Disater Management

1. Define and explore different geological hazards like floods, earthquakes, landslides, drought, cyclones etc. and their distributions 2. Definitions of hazards and disasters with their susce


GMT-517: Blue Economic Resources

Introduce the Blue Economy concept. Demonstrate the importance to sustainably manage the marine resources. Identify ways in which entrepreneurs can create innovative business opportunities. Describe the economic


GMT 504: Soil and Foundation Engineering

The objectives are to: Understand engineering soil site exploration and sampling techniques. Soil behavior in soil-water interaction and fracture-failure states Know basic laboratory test procedures for soil strength Funda

GMT 505: Minerals and Mine Development

The objectives are to study: Mineral explorations and their methods, evaluation of mineral deposits. Minable mineral/ore deposits estimation, assessments and processing Natural resources policy, legislations and utilization

GMT 506: Mine Hazards, Safety and Management

The objectives are to study: The sources of mine hazards, their nature and mine failure mechanisms. Explosives, blasts and drilling related hazards in mine and rescue operations Mine equipment and maintenance Miners health

GMT 519: Structural and Computational Geotectonics

The objectives of Structural and Computational Geotectonic are to: 1. Make students understand the geological structures and stratification and their relation with outcrops 2. Provide different statistical, stereographic and other graphical techniques t

MT 521: Seismology and Earthquake Engineering

The objectives of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering are to: 1. Learn seismological interactions with the internal structures of earth. 2. Identify the characteristics of each structures of earth interior with the seismic wave propagations. 3. Kno

GMT-106 : Computational Geology

Basic Algorithm and Programming Concept Characterize Data Type, Structure, Assignment and Control Statements, Subroutine and Subprograms, Input and Output Statements using FORTRAN


GMT-308: Mine Systems and Transportation

Define mine terminologies, mining methods and mine geometries Classify transportation systems, ventilation types and mine dewatering techniques Calculate productivity based on stope/pit parameters, numerical formula


Academic awards/Scholarship/Other activities:

1)    Mentor, leaded Bangladesh Earth Science Olympiad Team in International Earth Science Olympiad in India (2013), Japan(2016), France(2017), Thailand (2018), SOuth Korea(2019)

2)    Bangladesh University Grants Commission merit scholarship in the M.Sc. level

3)    Agrani Bank Gold Medal for securing the first place in the faculty of Life and Earth Sciences of University of Rajshahi in B.Sc. examination of 1996

Presented papers in conferences: 

A number of full papers presented in conferences in Japan(2 papers), India(2 papers+2 abstracts), Hong Kong (1 paper), South Korea(1 paper+2 abstracts), Malaysia(1 paper), Iran(2 papers), Indonesia (2 papers).


§   Islam, M. S., Hussain,M. A.,Khan, Y. A., Chowdhury,M. A. I. and Haque, M. B. 2015. Slope Stability Problem in the Chittagong City, Bangladesh. J. Geotechnical Engineering (, Vol. 1, no.3, 13-25.(Download)

§   Khan, Y. A. and Lateh, H. 2015. Plant Root Reinforcement Against Local Failure Mechanism of Natural Slope. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2, 1275-1280.(Springer Link)

§   Lateh, H. Tay, L. T., Khan, Y. A., Kamil, A. A. and Azizat, N. 2013. Prediction of landslide using rainfall-intensity duration threshold along East-West highway, Malaysia . Caspian J. Appl. Sci. Research (AICCE'12 & GIZ'12), 2, pp124-133.

§   Baten, M. A. and Kamil. A. A., Lateh, H. and Khan, Y. A. 2013. Inventory-production control systems with Gumbel distributed deterioration . Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat. vol. 34, no. 4, pp30-51

§   Khan, Y. A., Lateh, H., Baten, M. A. and Kamil. A. A. 2011. Critical antecedent rainfall conditions for shallow landslides in Chittagong City of Bangladesh. Env. Earth Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1483-0

§   Khan, Y. A. and Lateh, H. 2011. Failure Mechanism of a Shallow Landslide at Tun-Sardon Road Cut Section of Penang Island, Malaysia. Geotech. Geol. Engg. vol. 29, no.6, pp.1063-1072. DOI 10.1007/s10706-011-9437-6.

§   Lateh, H., Bakar, M. A., Khan, Y. A. and Abustan, I. 2011. Influence of tensile force of agave and tea plants roots on experimental prototype slopes. International Journal of Physical Sciences, vol. 6(18), pp. 4435-4440.

§   Lateh,H., Jefriza.,Muhiyuddin, W. M., Taib, B. and Khan, Y. A.(2010). Monitoring of hill-slope movement due to Rainfall at Gunung Pass of Cameron Highland District of Peninsular Malaysia. Int. J. of Earth Sciences and Engineering. vol.03,no.1

§   Mondol, M. A. M., Khan, Y. A. and Quamruzzaman, C. (2009).Stability evaluation of the left bank protection embankment of the Ganges river at Shibgonj Upazila, Chapai Nawabgonj, Bangladesh. Indian Jour. Of Power and River Valley Development. vol. 59, no.5-6, pp.76-81.

§   Khan, Y. A. and Chang, C. (2008). Landslide hazard mapping of Chittagong City Area, Bangladesh. Jour. of Engineering Geology, Indian Society of Engg. Geol. vol. xxxv, no.1-4, pp.303-311.

§   Khan, Y. A. (2008). Safety evaluations of Rajshahi City Protection Embankment at several locations, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Jour. of Engineering Geology, Indian Society of Engg. Geol. vol. xxxv, no.1-4, pp.371-377.

§   Khan, Y. A., 2006. Deformation Modulus and Strength Parameters of Rock Mass of Madhyapara Granite Mine of Bangladesh using Geological Strength Index. Bangladesh Geoscience J., vol.12, pp. 47-58.

§   Islam, M. S., Khan, Y. A. Chowdhury, Q. and Ahmed, M. 2006. Wedge instability calculation along the roadway tunnel inside Madhyapara hard rock mine in Bangladesh. Intl. J. Engg. Tech. vol.3, no. 1, pp 44-52.

§   Khan, Y. A. and Chang, C. 2006. Landslide potentialities in low hills in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Korean Society of Engineering Geology Conference, April 27-28, 2006, Daejeon, South Korea, pp79-88.

§   Khan, Y. A. and Khatun, A. 2005. Properties of Rock Mass around Roadway Tunnel in Madhyapara Granite Mine of Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Rajshahi Univ. Studies, part-B: J. of Science. vol. 33, pp. 173-183. 

§   Monir, M. M. U. and Khan, Y. A. 2004. Seasonal Potential Seepage Analysis of Rajshahi City Protection Embankment, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation October 18 – 21, 2004, Yichang, China, vol.II, pp1659-1665.

§   Islam, D. A. and Khan, Y. A. 2004. Seasonal Deterioration of Rajshahi-Natore Highway and its Remedial Measures. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development. Saarela, J. et al. eds., Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, June 8-10, 2004, pp.482-486.

§   Khan, Y.A. 2003. Application of Secant Method in slope stability analysis using slices within limit equilibrium procedure. Proc. of Inter. Conf. on Slope Engineering, Lee, C. F. et al. eds., Hong Kong. vol.1, pp 580-585.

§   Khan, Y. A., Yamagami, T. and Jing, J-C. 2002, Progressive failure analysis of slopes using non-vertical slices, Landslides- J. Japanese Landslides Society, vol.39. no.2, pp203-211.

§   Khan, Y. A., Yamagami, T. and Jing, J-C.2002, Stability Evaluation of Rajshahi City Protection Embankment at Khojapur Area, Rajshahi, Bangladesh., Tech. J. River Res. Inst.  vol.9, no.1, pp57-64.

§   Yamagami, T., Jing, J-C, Yamabe, S. and Khan, Y. A. 1999. A promising approach for progressive failure analysis of reinforced slopes. Proc. of Inter. Symp. on Slope Stability Engineering: Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Aspects (IS-Shikoku '99, Japan), Yagi, N. et. al. eds., Rotterdam, Balkema, vol.2, pp1043-1048.

§   Yamagami, T., Khan, Y. A. and Jing, J-C. 1999. Progressive failure analysis based on a method of non-vertical slices. Proc. of Inter. Symp. on Slope Stability Engineering: Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Aspects (IS-Shikoku '99, Japan), Yagi, N. et al. eds., Rotterdam, Balkema,vol.1, pp299-304.

                        Rahman, M. H. and Khan, Y. A. 1995. Landslides and Stability of Coastal Cliffs of Cox's Bazaar Area, Bangladesh.  Natural Hazards,                         Kluwer Academic Publishers. vol.12, pp101-118.